以"R"开头查询到 47569 条西文期刊记录。
刊名 ISSN 出版社 出版年
1. Reading faster : a drill book / 0521050464 Cambridge University Press, 1963.
2. Rolling bearings / International Organization for Standardization, n.d.
3. Round steel link chains,chain wheels lifting hooks and accessories / International Organization for Standardization, n.d.
4. Reliability '91 / 1851666435 Elsevier, c1991.
5. Read, think and do : more training in intensive reading skills / 0582600049 : Longman, 1970, reprinted 1980.
6. Reading all types of writing : the importance of genre and register for reading development / 0335092780 (pbk.) Open University Press, 1991.
7. Reactions of organic compounds / Longmans, Green [1948]
8. Reactivities/ 3540079432 (Berlin) Springer, 1977.
9. Relaxation and viscoelastic properties of heterogeneous polymeric compositions / 3540079424 (Berlin) Springer, 1977.
10. Robots and manufacturing automation / 0471553913 (cl. : acid-free paper) Wiley, c1992.
11. Robot vision / 0903608324 Springer-Verlag, 1983.
12. Leisure / Regents Publishing Company, 1981.
13. Careers / Regents, 1981.
14. The arts / Regents, 1981.
15. Robotics and robot sensing systems : August 25, 1983, San Diego, California / 0892524774 (pbk.) : SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, c1983.
16. Robotics and automation : Second IASTED International Symposium Robotics and Automation, June 22-24, 1983, Lugano, Switzerland / 0889860491 (pbk.) Acta Press, [1983]
17. A Dictionary of education / 0710008716 Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1982.
18. Register of ships, 1978-79. Lloyd's Register of Shipping, c1978.
19. Reaction mechanisms of inorganic and organometallic systems / 0195069455 (alk. paper) Oxford University Press, 1991.
20. Robotics and Expert Systems--1986 : proceedings of ROBEXS '86, the Second Annual Workshop on Robotics and Expert Systems, NASA/Johnson Space Center, June 4-6, 1986 / 0876649665 : The Society, c1986.
21. Reduction with complex metal hydrides / Interscience Publishers, 1956.
22. Robotics research, 1989 : presented at the Winter Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, San Francisco, California, December 10-15, 1989 / 0791804135 : American Society of Mechanical Engineers, c1989.
23. Recent advances in polymer blends, grafts, and blocks, 0306364042 Plenum Press [1974]
24. Residual stresses in swage-autofrettaged thick-walled cylinders / Commonwealth of Australia, c1982.
25. Reference book of inorganic chemistry / The Macmillan, 1951.
26. Rheology in polymer processing / 0123224500 Academic Press, 1976.
27. Reference book of inorganic chemistry / s.n.], 19??
28. Rules for building and classing steel vessels 1987. American Bureau of Shipping, c1987.
29. Rules for building and classing steel vessels 1983. American Bureau of Shipping, c1983.
30. Rules and regulations for the classification of ships / Lloyd's Register of Shipping, c1980-
31. Recent advances in the quantum theory of polymers : proceedings of the workshop held in Namur (Belgium), February 11-14, 1979 / 0387097317 Springer-Verlag, 1980.
32. Red star over China / Pelican Books, 1972.
33. Analytical study of an axisymmetric choked nozzle / Mechanical, Industrial, and Aerospace Engineering College of Engineering, 1974.
34. Riddles of the stars : white dwarfs, red giants, and black holes / 0152669078 Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, c1979.
35. Ring-opening polymerization : an international symposium / 084120392X ACS, 1977.
36. Reaction mechanisms in inorganic chemistry / 083911012X Butterworths ; 1972.
37. Rings and categories of modules / 0387900691 Springer-Verlag, [1974]
38. Radicals of rings / 0471275832 J. Wiley, c1981.
39. Ring-opening polymerization / 0853342083 (v. 1) Elsevier, 1984.
40. Gmelin handbook of inorganic and organometallic chemistry, system number 70 : Re Organorhenium compounds, part 1 to ... / 3540935800 (Berlin : pt. 1 : 1988) Springer-Verlag, 1988-
41. Macrocyclic polyether syntheses / 0387113177 (U.S.) Springer-Verlag, 1982.
42. Rings, clusters, and polymers of the main group elements / 0841208018 American Chemical Society, 1983.
43. Representation theory of semisimple groups : an overiew based on examples / 0691084017(alk.paper) : Princeton University Press, 1986.
44. Recent advances in analytical chemistry / Interscience Publishers, 1949.
45. Relationships and mechanisms in the periodic table / 750621041X World Pub. Corp., 1991.
46. Report of cyclotron facility operations October 1, 1978 through September 30, 1979 / Naval Research Laboratory, 1979.
47. Application of an Eddy Curent Technique to steam generator U-Bend characterization / Electric Power Research Institute, 1982.
48. Solar pond feasibility study for Egypt : a preliminary report / Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Civil Engineering, 1983.
49. Reagent chemicals : American Chemical Society specifications, official from January 1, 1987. 084120991X : ACS, 1986.
50. Reagent chemicals : American Chemical Society specifications, official from January 1, 1982. 0841205604 American Chemical Society, 1981.
51. Recent developments in separation science / 0878190015 (complete set) CRC Press, 1972-1986.
52. A preliminary study of built-in test for the military computer family (MCF) / US army communication research & development command, 1979.
53. Conversion of the rac 10-year model for use on the cdc-3300 computer. Behavioral science research laboratory, 1969.
54. Third Generation graphics for distibuted systems / Department for computer science, 1983.
55. The behaviour of the military battery type BB248/U used to start the engine of the A. P. C. / s. n], 1979.
56. Investigations of the safety of li/soc12 batteries / Us Army Electronics Research And Development Command Fort Monmouth, 1979.
57. Safety studies of lithium-sulfur dioxide cells / Us Army Electronics Research And Development Command Fort Monmouth, 1979.
58. Reactivity of solids : [proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on the Reactivity of Solids, held at Chalmers University of Technology, Gèoteborg, Sweden, June 14-19, 1976] / 030631021X Plenum Press, c1977.
59. Recent advances in wind engineering : proceedings of the Second ..., Beijing, China, June 26-29, 1989 / 0080378722 (Pergamon Press) International Academic Publishers, c1989.
60. Rotor forgings for turbines and generators : proceedings of an international workshop sponsored by Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, California, USA, September 14-17, 1980 / 0080293735 Pergamon Press, c1982.
61. Recent advances in physical and inorganic chemistry / Longmans, Green and co., 1951, 1944.
62. Euroanalysis IV : reviews on analytical chemistry / 9630531275 (Akad?emiai Kiad?o) Akad?emiai Kiad?o ; c1982.
63. Feasibility study of an isolated reverse-turbine system for gas turbine engines / David W. Taylor naval ship rad center, 1979.
64. An Experimental study of the response of a turbomachine retor to a low frequency inlet distortion / North Caroline Atate University, 1978.
65. Rational design methodology / Rome Air Development Center, 1978.
66. Register of ships, 1981-82. Lloyd's Register of Shipping, c1981.
67. Record of proceedings. The Symposium, [1968-
68. Real-time hybrid computer simulation of a small turboshaft engine and control system Lewis Research Center, NASA, [1984]
69. First grade TeX : a beginner's TeX manual / Stanford Dept. of Computer Sciences, [1983]
70. Strength evaluation of existing reinforced concrete bridges / 0309044154 (pbk.) Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, [1987]
71. Methods of strengthening existing highway bridges / 0309044162 (pbk.) Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, [1987]
72. Renewing the automotive-highway system / University of California, [1980]
73. Microwave transmission circuits McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1948.
74. A comparative evaluation of emads and conventional engine instruments. s. n], 19xx
75. Rules and regulations for the construction and classification of sea-going steel ships / Register of Shipping of the People's Republic of China, 1983.
76. Reasoning about digital circuits / Stanford university, 1983.
77. Marine gas turbine hot corrosion dependence on ingested salt levels / Unted Technologies Corporation, 1979.
78. Representative procedures in quantitative chemical analysis / Wile, 1916.
79. New methods and techniques in neutron diffraction : proceedings of the conference, Aug. 5-6, 1975. s.n.], 1975.
80. Investigation of methodl as s bolier fuel for electric power generation / Electric Power Research Institute, 1982.
81. Traffic management of dense networks / Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, 1980.
82. Real-time data handling and process control--II : real-time data processing and related standards & common practices : introduction, present applications and relevance of standards, future requirements and trends, new technologies and system struct 0444868461 North-Holland ; c1984.
83. Effect of drop breakup on fuel sprays / High Temperature Gasoynamics Laboratory, 1985.
84. Review and evaluation of automotive fuel conservation technologies / The Administration ; 1981]
85. Real time : international computer state of art report / 0855390204 Infotech, [1971]
86. Research on frontiers in computing / 7302004595 : Tsinghua University Press, 1989.
87. Regression simulation of turbine engine performancs / s. n], 1979.
88. Heavy liquid cyclone concentration of minerals (in two parts). [Part] 1,. A study of liquid cyclone variables influencing the concentration of minerals / U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Mines, [1967]
89. Real-time expert systems computer architecture / 0849342155 CRC Press, c1991.
90. Computer family architecture selection committee - final report,. v. 5. Procedure for and results of the evaluations of software bases of the candidate architectures for the military computer family / U.S. Army Electronics Command, 1977.
91. Computer family architecture selection committee - final report,. v. 4. apchitectural research facility; ISP descrioption, simulations, data collection / U.S. Army Electronics Command, 1977.
92. Fracture toughness and fatigue properties of steel plate butt joints welded by submerged arc and electroslag welding procedures / Michigan State Highway Commission ; 1976.
93. Computation : computability, similarity, and duality / 0470203870 : Pitman ; 1986.
94. A field blending guide for improving the low temperature properties of ground diesel fuels. Uniter states army Beivoir research development center, 1984.
95. Report on coal technology, 1973. s.n.], 1973.
96. Report on coal technology, 1972. s.n.], 1972.
97. Proceedings Residential Wood & Coal Combustion Specialty Conference : March 1 and 2, 1982, Commonwealth Convention Center, Louisville, Kentucky / APCA, [1982?]
98. Radiation effects on solid surfaces : a symposium / 0841203318 American Chemical Society, 1976.
99. Plansee proceedings 1958 : high-melting metals, papers presented at the third plansee seminar 'De re Metallica ' Held June 22-26, 1958, Reutte/tyrol / Springer-Verlag, 1958.
100. Elements of ion exchange / Reinhold Pub. Corp. , 1960.
101. Retrospective epidemiological study of disease associated with wastewater utilization / U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Health Effects Research Laboratory ; 1984.
102. Recent developments in sewage sludge processing / 1851666834 Elsevier Applied Science ; c1991.
103. Activated carbon treatment of industrial wastewaters : selected technical papers / U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Energy, Minerals, and Industry ; 1979.
104. Proceedings : AWWA Seminar on Recent Advances in Sludge Treatment and Disposal : annual conference, Washington, D.C., June 23, 1985 / 0898673372 (pbk.) American Water Works Association, c1985.
105. Radiation effects in solids / Interscience Publishers, 1957.
106. Reclamation of synthetic turbine engine oil mixtures . s. n], 1979.
107. A Technical description of the automated technical control (ATEC) system AN/GYM-12(v) / U.S. Dept. of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1977.
108. Recovery algorithms for database systems / Aiken Computation Laboratory, 1983.
109. Real time digital control applications : proceedings of the IFAC/IFIP Symposium, Guadalajara, Mexico, 17-19 January 1983 / 0080299806 : Published for the International Federation of Automatic Control by Pergamon Press, 1984.
110. SWAHP :a soil water and heat parameterization / M.I.T., Dept. of Civil Engineering, 1983.
111. Recherche operationnelle. / 2859780181 E.N.P.C., 1981.
112. Computer family architecture selection committee - final report,. v. 6. Life cycle cost models / U.S. Army Electronics Command, 1977.
113. Reactions at the liquid-solid interface / 0444873635 (vol. 28) Elsevier, 1989.
114. Rule-based statistical calculations on a database abstract / Stanford University, c1983.
115. Computer family architecture selection committee - final report,. v. IX . A Consideration of issues in teh selection of a computer family architecture / U.S. Army Electronics Command, 1977.
116. Reaction kinetics. Pergamon Press, 1963-
117. Network operating systems / Rome Air Development Center, c1978.
118. FAA remote terminal system / Dept. of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, Systems Research and Development Service ; 1977.
119. Impressed-current cathodic protection for surface-effect ships : research and development / s.n., 1974]
120. Radiation effects in optical materials : proceedings : held in conjunction with the Southwest Conference on Optics : March 6-7, 1985, Albuquerque, New Mexico / 0892525762 : SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, c1985.
121. Rheology of fresh cement and concrete : proceedings of the International Conference organized by the British Society of Rheology, University of Liverpool, UK, March 26-29, 1990 / 0419153608 : E. & F.N. Spon, 1990.
122. The role of temperature in ehd / 1978.
123. Exhaust emission traverse investigation of a JT3D-1 turbofan engine / U. S. Department of transportation, 1979.
124. Reliability physics 1988 : 26th annual proceedings, Monterey, Calif., April 12-14, 1988 / Electron Device and Reliability Societies of the IEEE, c1988.
125. Relativity : the special and the general theory / North-Holland, 1960.
126. Reliability physics 1981 : 19th annual proceedings, April 7-9, 1981 / Electron Devices and Reliability Societies of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1981.
127. Random perturbations of dynamical systems / 0387908587 Springer-Verlag, c1984.
128. Rejuvenation of turbine blade material by thermal treatment / Air fprce meterial laboratory, 1979.
129. Aircraft turbine engine monitoring experience : implications for the F100 engine diagnostic system program : a Project Air Force report / 0833001183 Rand Corp., 1979.
130. Constraint's theory and relativistic dynamics : proceedings of the workshop held in Florence, Arcetri, Italy, May 28-30, 1986 / 9971501821 World Scientific, c1987.
131. Practical quantum mechanics / 0387070508 Springer Verlag, 1974.
132. Reliability physics, 1984 : 22nd annual proceedings / Electron Devices and Reliability Societies of the IEEE, c1984.
133. Reliability physics 1989 : 27th annual proceedings, Phoenix, Arizona, April 11, 12, 13, 1989 / IEEE, c1989.
134. Reliability physics 1990 : 28th annual proceedings : New Orleans, Louisiana, March 27, 28, 29, 1990 / Electron Device Society and Reliability Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1990.
135. Reactive processing- practice and possibilities : papers from a two-day seminar / Rapra Technology Limited, c1989.
136. Reliability physics 1982 : 20th annual proceedings / IEEE, c1982.
137. Relativistic quantum mechanics : wave equations / 3540509860 Springer-Verlag, c1990.
138. Feasibility analysis of a north day off-airport terminal demonstration project / Institute of Transportation studies, 1980.
139. NOFACA:a computer program for aircraft assignment and frequency planning in air networks / Institute of transportation studies, 1980.
140. Real and functional analysis / 0306415577 (v. 1) Plenum Press, c1984-c1986.
141. A derived flood frequency distribution based on the geomorphoclimatic IUH and the density function of rainfall excess / M.I.T., Dept. of Civil Engineering, 1983.
142. Incorporation of channel losses in the geomorphologic IUH / M.I.T., Dept. of Civil Engineering, 1983.
143. Extensions and applications of a second-order landsurface parameterization / M.I.T., Dept. of Civil Engineering, 1983.
144. Random linear operators / 9027716692 D. Reidel Pub. Co. ; c1984.
145. Fairchild imaging systems : a division of faicrhild camer and instrument corporstion / s. n], 1977.
146. Reactive compenstation in power systems. IEE, 1979.
147. Research studies on radiative collision lasers / s. n], 1979.
148. Research studies on radiative collision lasers / Rome Air Development center, 1979.
149. Recent topics in nonlinear PDE / 0444875441 North-Holland, 1984.
150. Cololoquium on road vehicle fleet control systems. The Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1979]
151. Real variable methods in Fourier analysis / 0444861246 North-Holland Pub. Co. ; 1981.
152. Functional analysis and approximation theory in numerical analysis / Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, [c1971].
153. Dictionary of physics : in four languages, Russian, English, German, and French / 0444704906 : Elsevier, 1989.
154. Rational approximation and its applications in mathematics and physics : proceedings, ?ańcut, 1985 / 3540172122 (Berliln) Springer-Verlag, c1987.
155. Results of airblast and temperature measurements, Project Essex 1, phase 3. Sandia Laboratories, 1977.
156. Inviscid fluid motions induced by an electric current source :. 1 :. preliminary analysis / [s. n], 1977
157. Algorithmic skeletons : structured management of parallel computation / 0262530864 Pitman, 1989.
158. Development of system/equipment reliability corporate memory / Rome Air Development Center, 1978.
159. Methods for solving incorrectly posed problems / 0387960597 Springer-Verlag, c1984.
160. Numerical solution of two point boundary value problems / Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1976.
161. Recovery of the three-dimensional shape of an object from a single view / Carnegie-Mellon University, 1976.
162. Report on the use of ada for design and implementation of part of gandalf / Carnegie-Mellon University, 1976.
163. Research on aeroelastic phenomena in airfoil cascades : an experimental investingation of the unsteady aerodynamics of a classical airfoil cascade in translation / Deteroit Diesel Allison Division, 1978.
164. Free boundary problems : theory and applications,. v. 2 / 0273085891 (v. 1 : pbk.) Pitman Advanced Pub. Program, 1983.
165. Technical paper : Robots--the binding lind between CAD/CAM / Computer and Automated Systems Association of SME, 1978.
166. Metal matrix composites (Graphite-aluminum wire) / Naval Ordnance Station, 1977.
167. A theoretical method for calculating the aerodynamic characteristics of arbitrary jet flapped wings / Douglas Aircraft Company , 197?-]
168. Real analysis / D.Van nostrand company, 1969.
169. Development of explosion suppression system requirements for shipboard pump rooms / Department of Transportation, 1976.
170. Real variables / 020115675X Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., Advanced Book Program, c1988.
171. Real and complex analysis / 7506206838 World Publishing Cor., c1990.
172. Evaluation of various rotary mechanisms for potential an high-pressure shipboard compresscrs / david w. taylor naval ship research and development center, 1977.
173. C-130 scratch strain gage recording program / s. n], [1974]
174. Rotating arm experiments for swath 6A maneuvering predictions / david w. taylor naval ship research and development center, 1976.
175. Research on crystal chemistry studies / Rome Air Development Center, 1976.
176. Real analysis / 0201141795 Addison-Wesley, Advanced Book Program/World Science Division, c1983.
177. Computational fluid dynamics and reacting gas flows / 7506212358 Springer-Verlag ; 1992.
178. Control and observation of neutral systems / 0273086189 (pbk.) Pitman Advanced Pub. Program, 1984.
179. Data Link subsystem Laboratory tests / U.S. Department of Transportation, 1976.
180. A theory of scattering by sinusoidal metal surfaces / Communication/ADP laboratory, 1977.
181. Microwave data transmission test program digital applioue unit / Rome Air Development Center, 1976.
182. Resin bonded mold and die production technology / Arsenal Operations Directorate, 1976.
183. Finite memory estimation and control of finite probabilistic systems / Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1977.
184. A guide to NED : a new on-line computer editor / Rand Corporation, 1977.
185. Reliability data for fluidic systems / 1976.
186. Semiannual report : Research in laser processes / Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics, 1977.
187. Riemannian geometry / 3110086735 W. de Gruyter, 1982.
188. User's guide to the terminal imp. s. n], 1977.
189. Automatic data entry analysis / Rome Air Development Center, 1977.
190. An introduction to rheology / 0444871403 (U.S.) Elsevier, 1989.
191. Rheological modelling : thermodynamical and statistical approaches : proceedings of the meeting held at Bellaterra School of Thermodynamics, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Sant Feliu de Guixols, Catalonia, Spain, 24-28 September 1990 / 0387539964 : Springer-Verlag, c1991.
192. Rheology: theory and applications / Academic Press, 1956-
193. Residual stresses-III : science and technology / 1851668586 (v. 1) : Elsevier Applied Science, c1992.
194. Effect of corrosion resistant coatings of the fatigue strength of cast magnesium alloys / Air Vehicle Technology Department, 1977.
195. Fire performance of intermodal shipping containers / Department of Transportation United States Coast Guard, 1977.
196. A feasibility study of heat transfer improvement in marine steam condensers / Naval postgraduate school, 1977.
197. Experimentally determined effects of eductor geomtry on the performance of exhaust gas eductors for gas turbine powered ships / Naval postgraduate school, 1977.
198. Advanced logic technology / Rome Air Development Center, 1977.
199. Automated deck foam fire extinguishing systems for tankers / U.S. Department of Transportation, 1977.
200. Recent developments in micromechanics : proceedings of the Mini-Symposium on Micromechanics at the CSME Mechanical Engineering Forum 1990, June 3-9, University of Toronto, Canada / 3540533621 (Berlin : acid-free paper) Springer-Verlag, c1991.
201. Rheology of disperse systems : proceedings of a conference organized by the British Society of Rheology and held at the University College of Swansea in September 1957 / Symposium Publications Division, Pergamon Press, 1959.
202. Dynamics of initially stressed hyperelastic solids / s.n., 27 cm.
203. Physics : in two volumes / Ronald Press, 1974.
204. Report of the international symposium on electrical discharges in gases. Martinus Nijhoff, 1955.
205. Prediction of ship responses in long-crested irregular waves (computer program srim) / David W. Taylor Naval Ship Research and Development Center, 1976.
206. Review of ship structural details / U.S. Coast Guard, Ship Structure Committee ; 1977.
207. Room at the top / Penguin Books, c1957, 1983 printing.
208. Reliability in computational mechanics : proceedings of the Workshop on Reliability in Computational Mechanics, Lakeway, Austin, Texas, U.S.A., 26-28 October 1989 / 0444885609 (acid-free paper) North-Holland, c1990.
209. Representation theory of algebras : proceedings of the Philadelphia Conference / 0824767144 M. Dekker, c1978.
210. Representation theory of Lie groups : proceedings of the SRC/LMS Research Symposium on Representations of Lie Groups, Oxford, 28 June-15 July 1977 / 0521226368 (pbk.) Cambridge University Press, 1979.
211. Riemann-Roch algebra / 0387960864 Springer-Verlag, c1985.
212. Response of graphite composites to laser radiation : final scientific report, 1 February 1976 to 30 April 1977 / Materials Research Laboratory, 1977]
213. Relaxation methods / McGraw-Hill, 1954.
214. Report of a workshop on atmospheric optical communication,held at the Oregon Graduate Center Beaverton,Oregon,January 21-23,1976 / National science foundation, 1976]
215. Repeated measurements designs / s.n., 1977]
216. Advanced digital exploitation techniques (ADET) / Rome Air Development Center, 1977.
217. Inverse mean free path, stoppimg power, csda range, and straggling in ge and GaAs for electrons of energy ≤10 KeV / Rome Air Development Center, 1976.
218. Raj / 0749302631 Mandarin, 1990.
219. Rebecca / 038000917X Avon Book, [1971].
220. Computer technology in materials analysis / U.S. Army Mobility Equipment Research and Development Command, 1977.
221. Optically pumped laser / United Technologies Research Center, 1976.
222. Thermal protective coatings / Aeronutronic Ford, Aeronutronic Division, 1976.
223. On optimal control problems with state-variable inequality constraints / University of Illinois at Urbana-Chamapign, 1976.
224. Role of fracture mechanics in modern technology : proceedings of the..., Fukuoka, Japan, 2-6 June, 1986 / 0444702407 (U.S.) : North-Holland, 1987.
225. Semi-submerged catamaran study (seakeeping tesr report) / Davidson laboratory, 1976.
226. Resistance of materials / J. Wiley & Sons ; 1947.
227. Red Flag Canal / Foreign Languages Press, 1974.
228. Reduced order approximations to higher order linear systems / Naval postgraduate school, 1976.
229. Resurrection / 0140441840 : Penguin Books, 1966.
230. Gender, genre and narrative pleasure / 0044450087 Unwin Hyman, 1989.
231. ISOFINEL: isoparametric finite element code for elastic analysis of two-dimensional bodies / Deaprtment of Mechanical Engineering, 1975.
232. A theoretical study of corner reflector aplications / USA Ballistic Research Laboratories, 1975.
233. Rich friends : a novel / 0440173809 : Delacorte Press, c1976.
234. Selected poetry and prose / 0415016053 Routledge, 1989.
235. Romeo and Juliet.: unabridged edition / 9971614243 : Shing Lee Publishers Pte Ltd., c1989.
236. Robinson Crusoe / 0553210629 Bantam Books, 1981.
237. Integrated surface acoustic wave convolver/amplifier : Sperry research center / Rome Air Development Center, 1975.
238. High efficiency dual mode octave bandwidth traveling wave tube / Rome Air Development Center, 1975.
239. Random Harvest / 0818841250 (pbk.) Carroll & Graf Pub. Inc., 1985.
240. Rift / 0006176127 : Fontana/Colins, 1989.
241. Risk Analysis of the 155mm cannon-launched guided projectile / US Army Armament Command, 1976.
242. Evaluation of basic laser welding capabilities / United Technologies Research Center, 1975.
243. Lift fan propulsion concepts study / Air vehicle technology department, 1976.
244. Roots / 0440174643 : Dell, c1976.
245. Redefining translation : the variational approach / 7506214881 World Pub. Corp., 1993.
246. Rules and methods of stress and stability calculations in the presence of creep / NTIS, 1975.
247. Revolt in 2100 / 0671655892 Baen Pub., 1986.
248. Radiological physicists / 0883184699 : Published by the American Institute of Physics for the American Association of Physicists in Medicine, c1985.
249. Optically pumped laser / United Technologies Research Center, 1975.
250. Readings in management / 0137551665 (pbk.) Prentice-Hall, c1988.
251. Noise control modification of 30-KW, 400-HZ, dod diesel/generator set / Industrial acoustics company, 1975.
252. Radiometry and the detection of optical radiation / 047186188X : Wiley, c1983.
253. Optical testing and metrology III : recent advances in industrial optical inspection : 8-13 July 1990, San Diego, California / 0819403938 (pt. 1) SPIE, c1990-
254. Rabbit at rest / 039458936X (lg. print) : Knopf, 1990.
255. Resonant nonlinear interactions of light with matter / 0387121099 (U.S. : alk. paper) Springer-Verlag, 1989.
256. Rabbit is rich / 0449245489 Fawcett Crest, 1982.
257. Rabbit, run / 0449205061 Ballantine Books, 1982.
258. Rabbit redux / 0449209342 Fawcett Crest, 1982.
259. Report of NRL progress. Naval Research Laboratory., -1979.
260. Final report for research on quantum-superconductivity : 1 January 1969 - 31 March 1975. California Institute of Technology, 1975.
261. Reading for understanding / 0534170641 (acid-free paper) Wadsworth Pub. Co., c1992.
262. Reading, writing, and thinking : critical connections / 0394370570 : Random House, 1989.
263. Readings in strategic management / 7506209357 World Pub. Corp., 1991.
264. Research and development for a shiphoard oil and water separation system / The Permutit Company, 1963]
265. Readings in decision analysis : a collection of edited readings, with accompanying notes, taken from publications of the Operational Research Society of Great Britain / 0412311208 Chapman and Hall, 1989.
266. Read English! : functional reading skills for ESL students / 0884996751 Institute of Modern Languages, 1980-
267. Reasons for listening / 0521229227 (book) Cambridge University Press, 1984.
268. Minds, brains, and science / 0674576314 Harvard University Press, 1984.
269. Refining composition skills : rhetoric and grammar for ESL students / 0024118257 Maxwell Macmillan International Pub. Group, c1990.
270. On your own--reading / 0136340644 Cambridge Adult Education, c1990.
271. Rapid comprehension through effective reading / 0913286028 (v.1) Learn Incorporated, 1981.
272. A guide to the world's abstracting and indexing services in science and technology / 1963.
273. Robert Louis Stevenson : Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde / 0582781574 Bantam Books Inc, c1967.
274. Teaching English as a foreign language / 0710085111 (pbk.) Routledge & K. Paul, 1980.
275. Research on structure and materials. .s. n], 19xx.
276. Readings for the 21st century : tomorrow's issues for today's students / 0205130666 Allyn and Bacon, c1991.
277. Regression with differential equation models / Texas A and M university, 1976.
278. Reliability prediction for composite joints-bonded and bolted / air force materials laboratory, 1976.
279. Research applied to solar-thermal power systems / University of Minnesota and Honeywell, 1975.
280. Design and application of squeeze film dampers for turbomachinery stabilization / University of Virginia, 1975.
281. Retirement : plan now for your best years / 9971404532 Federal Publications, 1986.
282. Representation and exchange of knowledge as a basis of information processes : proceedings of the Fifth International Research Forum in Information Science (IRFIS 5), Heidelberg, F.R.G., September 5-7, 1983 ... / 0444875638 (U.S.) : North-Holland ; 1984.
283. Electron beam-semiconductor power accumulator / US Army electronics command fort monmouth, 1976.
284. Reading between the lines : integrated language and literature activities : 0521277892 (student's book) : Cambridge University Press, 1984.
285. Reliability evaluation of programmable read-only memories (Proms) / Rome aer development center, 1976.
286. Three-dimensional time dependent computation of turbulent flow / Thermosiences division, 1975.
287. Friction welding of aluminum and stainless steel / Dow Chemical U.S.A., Rocky Flats Division, 1972.
288. Research in resistance and propulsion / Maritime administration, 1964.
289. Guide to power boat design / s. n], 1971.
290. Reading faster and understanding more / 0316572349 (bk. 1) Little, Brown, c1985.
291. Redstone arsenal research division. Defense documentation center, 1963.
292. Research on unsteady stall of axial flow compressors. Harry diamond laboratories, 1963.
293. An exact linear lifting-surface theory for a marine propeller in a nonuniform flow field / Divison laboratory, 1972.
294. A theoretical study of the effect of viscosity on wave resistance / Davidson laboratory, 1972.
295. Polyurethane-coated nylon pendants for marine use / U.S. Army mobility equipment research and development center, 1972.
296. Short-time elevated temperature mechanical behavior of 2014-T6 aluminum alloy weldments / U.S. Army missile command, 1971.
297. Rotor bearing dynamics design technology / Mechanical technology incorporated, 1969.
298. Interaction between equipment structures and underwater shock waves / Research Foundation, University of Toledo, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 19xx.
299. Rapport d'activite de la sous-commission vc pour 1962-1963 s.n.], 1963.
300. Twelfth International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy : proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy, 13-17 August 1990, Columbia, South Carolina / 0471927856 Wiley, c1990.
301. Raman spectroscopy : linear and nonlinear : proceedings of the ..., Bordeaux, France 6-11 Sept. 1982 = Compte rendu de la Huitiáeme Conf?erence Internationale de Spectroscopie Raman Bordeaux, France 6-11 sept. 1982 / 0471262412 John Wiley, 1982.
302. Eleventh International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy / 0471920940 J. Wiley, c1988.
303. Russian on your own : 50 lessons in Russian / Russky Yazyk Publishers, 1986.
304. Russian on your own : 50 lessons in Russian / Russky Yazyk Publishers, 1986.
305. 3000-hour enedurance test of the diesel prime mover for adapts / U.S.Coast guard field testing and development center, 1972.
306. Radiative transfer / Clarendon Press, 1950.
307. Reader's Digest 70 favorite stories for young readers. 0895770318 Reader's Digest Association (Canada), c1974.
308. Application of the finite element method to multihull ship structural analysis / Naval ship research and development center, 1972.
309. Research on exploratory development of nondestructive methods for crack detection / s. n], 19xx.
310. Reading English for academic study / 088377108X (pbk.) : Newbury House Publishers, 1980.
311. Sputter coating of titanium carbide on cutting tools / DOW chemical U.S.A, 1972.
312. Russian as we speak it =: Govorite po-russki / Russky Yazyk, 1987.
313. Russian for everybody.: theacher's manual. Russky Yazyk Publishers, 1990.
314. Relation between the erosion by solid particles and the physical properties of metals / Army amterials and mechanics research center, 1971.
315. Elektrische Messverfahren fur nichtelektrische grossen / VEB Verlag Technik, c1964.
316. Elektrische wagetechnik / VEB Verlag Technik, c1964.
317. Gasanalysen-messtechnik / VEB Verlag Technik, c1964.
318. Research on elastohydrodynamic lubrication of high speed rolling - sliding contacts / Air force propulsion laboratory, 1971.
319. Fernsteuerung / VEB Verlag Technik, c1964.
320. Programmgesteuerte universalrechner / VEB Verlag Technik, c1964.
321. Second international reinforced plastics conference. Manton (Westminster) Ltd., 1960]
322. Eight-inch flood and transfer pump unit, high-capacity, low-pressure type / U.S. army mobility equipment research and development center, 1971.
323. Readings in contemporary culture / 0070303525 McGraw-Hill, [1978] c1979.
324. Leisure / 0883454173 Regents, c1981.
325. Research directorate weapons laboratory at rock Island research, development and engineering directorate : U.S. Army weapons command / Design and evaluation of an energy dissipating spring device, 1971.
326. Holographic displacement measurenents on a highly skewed propeller blade / Naval ship research and development center, 1971.
327. Real to reel : reading and listening / 0883773163 Newbury House, 1986.
328. Reading and study skills, form B / 0070363463 McGraw-Hill, c1990.
329. Classification of fluidic power supplies / Mcdonnell douglas astronautics company, 1973.
330. Rework of linear integrated circuits / Air force weapons laboratory, 1974.
331. Reliability testing of laminar jet fluidic elements / Mcdonnell douglas astronautics company, 1974.
332. Reliability/design handbook thermal applications / Naval electronics systems command, 1973.
333. Adjustable digital time converter / United states army electronics command, 1974.
334. Radar wave direction sensors for coastal research. Raytheon Service Company, 1972.
335. Ruder im schraubenstrahl / s.n., 1975]
336. Fracture mechanics for an interfacial crack between adhesively bonded dissimilar materials / Department of theoretical and applied mechanics, 1972.
337. Report on the feasibility of utilizing elastomer bags or diaphragms in ships' double bottoms to separate the ballast water from the fuel wil / U.S.department of commerce, 1964.
338. Annual technical report : 1971-72 Materials research center, 1971.
339. Reading for results / 0395359309 Houghton Mifflin Co., c1987.
340. Reading for results, third edition.: Instructor's manual / 0395424674 Houghton Mifflin, c1987.
341. Reading resources / 003706591 : Collins ELT, 1984.
342. Reading in focus : learning to get the message / 0538700483 (module A) South-Western Pub., c1990-
343. An investigation of the compound engine cycle / s.n.], 1952.
344. Secondary zinc-oxygen batteries / United states army electronics command, 1972.
345. Rules for the construction of and classification of steel ships. Der Norske Veritas, 1956.
346. Rules for building and classing steel vessels under 61 meters(200 feet) in length, 1973. American Bureau of Shipping, c1973.
347. Reinforced concrete design handbook of the American concrete institute / American Concrete Institute, c1955.
348. Plastic sheet forming / Reinhold Pub. Corp., 1958
349. The science of plastics : a comprehensive source book based on the original literature for 1942-1946 / Interscience Publishers, 1948-
350. Boundary-layer similar solutions for rotating flows with and without magnetic interaction / s.n.], 1963.
351. Recent developments in shock tube research : proceedings of the Ninth International Shock Tube Symposium, Stanford University, 1973 / 0804708428 Printed and distributed by Stanford University Press, 1973.
352. Review of advanced processes for low rank coal : literture survey / Coal Mining Research, 1987.
353. Armaturen fur die kaltetechnik / VEB Verlag Technik, c1981.
354. Report on federal government programs that relate to children 1979 / s.n.], 1979.
355. Research Centers directory 1984-85 / 0810304694 Gale Research Co., 1985.
356. Research services directory : a guide to laboratories ,consultants ,firms ,datacollection and analysis centers, individuals and othe facilities in the private sector which conduct research in such fields as business, education gnerg and the environment agriculture government public affairs social sciences art and the humanities physical and earth sciences life sciences and engineering and technology. 0810302489 Gale Research Co., c1982.
357. Russian ion exercises / Russky yazyk , 1984.
358. Russian in exercises / Progress Publishers, 1970-1979.
359. Russian : I.pulkina / Russian language publishers , 1980.
360. Readings for writers / 0155758330 (pbk.) Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, c1986.
361. Acronyms, initialisms & abbreviations dictionary : a guide to more tan 450,000 acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, alphabetic symbols, and similar condensed appellations / 0810325810 (v.1) Gale Research Co., c1989
362. So schreibt man Briefe besser ! / 3581663015 Humboldt-Taschenbuchverlag, 1977.
363. Robin Hyman's Dictionary of quotations. / 0844254495 : National Textbook Co., 1985.
364. Rechtsdokumentation ;: zur elektronischen Verarbeitung juristischer Texte im nationalen und internationalen Bereich. 3787530029 A. Metzner, 1973.
365. Reading Wordsworth / 0710211619 : Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1987.
366. CAD data transfer for solid models / 7506211262 World Publishing Corp.,, 1991.
367. Reusable data structures for C / 0137790341 : Prentice Hall, c1989.
368. Operator theory, analytic functions, matrices, and electrical engineering / 0821807188 (pbk. : alk. paper) Published for the Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences by the American Mathematical Society, c1987.
369. Fundamental principles of mathematics / Rinehart, 1960.
370. Random matrices / 0124880517 (alk. paper) Academic Press, c1991.
371. Roget's Thesaurus of English words and phrases. 058255635X Longman, 1982.
372. Rings and factorization / 0521330726 Cambridge University Press, [c1987]
373. RoRo 77 : London Hilton, Park Lane, 21-22 June 1977. 0904930076 BML Business Meetings Ltd., 1977.
374. Ruderboote und kanus / Technik Berlin, 1956.
375. Principles of random variate generation / 0198522029 : Clarendon Press ; 1988.
376. Randomized response : theory and techniques / 0824777859 M. Dekker, c1988.
377. Parallel complexity theory / 0273087835 (pbk.) Pitman ; 1987.
378. Invariant theory and superalgebras / 0821807196 (pbk. : alk. paper) Published for the Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences by the American Mathematical Society, c1987.
379. Report on research and development. Her majesty's stationery office, 1974.
380. Solution of differential equations by means of one-parameter groups / 0273085069 Pitman Advanced Pub. Program, c1982.
381. Robust regression and outlier detection / 0471852333 Wiley, c1987.
382. Rapid viz : a new method for the rapid visualization of ideas / 0913232769 (pbk.) : W. Kaufmann, c1980.
383. Videos on art : a resource guide to films and videos available worldwide from the Roland Collection / 0952588102 Roland Collection, c1996.
384. Red scare : memories of the American Inquisition : an oral history / 0393037320 Norton, 1995.
385. RCA transistor manual. Radio Corporation of America, c1962.
386. Relativistic kinematics : a guide to the kinematic problems of high-energy physics / 080533601X W.A. Benjamin, 1973.
387. Relational database management : a systems programming approach / 0137718667 : Prentice Hall, 1989.
388. Reading drama / 0874847354 (pbk.) Mayfield Pub. Co., c1988.
389. Recollecting the future : a view of business, technology, and innovation in the next 30 years / 1-5562-3143-1 Dow Jones-Irwin, c1989.
390. Proceedings ninth Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, 9-11 October, 1990, Huntsville, Alabama. 0818620811 IEEE Computer Society Press, c1990.
391. Real power : the stages of personal power in organizations / 0866838619 Winston Press, c1984.
392. Running a machine shop, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1948.
393. Report of the International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors. Institute of Physics and the Physical Society, 1962.
394. Responding to challenge : Society of glass decorators fifteenth annual seminar. Society of Glass Decorators, 1978.
395. Theories of income distribution / 0898382327 Kluwer Academic Publishers, c1987.
396. Ready notrs for use with macroeconomics / 0256134995 Richard D. Irwin, 1993.
397. Relativistic quantum theory 0080160255 Pergamon Press [1971-74]
398. Recombination laser / s.n.], 1972.
399. Neuroscience : from neural networks to artificial intelligence : proceedings of a U.S.-Mexico seminar held in the city of Xalapa in the state of Veracruz on December 9-11, 1991 / 3540565019 (Berlin : alk. paper) Springer-Verlag, c1993.
400. Execution models of Prolog for parallel computers / 0273088068 Pitman, 1990.
401. Review of progress in quantitative nondestructive evaluation. Vol. 8 / 0306432099 : Plenum, c1989.
402. Rules and regulations for the construction and classification of steel ships / Lloyd's,
403. Rotating machinery dynamics : presented at the 1989 ASME Design Technical Conferences-12th Biennial Conference on Mechanical Vibration and Noise, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, September 17-21, 1989 ; sponsored by the Technical Committee on Vibration and Sound of the Design Engineering Division, ASME ; edited by T.S. Sankar ... [et al.]. 0791803627 : American Society of Mechanical Engineers, c1989.
404. Rapid solidification technology for reduced consumption of strategic materials / 0815510322 Noyes Publications, c1985.
405. Radiation effects in semiconducting laser materials / [s.n.], 1972.
406. CW YAG laser techniques / Quantronix, 1974.
407. Research needs in mechanical systems / American Society of Mechanical Engineers, c1984.
408. Russko-angli鎖ski鎖 politekhnicheski鎖 slovar?: okolo 90,000 terminov / Izd-vo "Russki鎖 雐靉zyk," 1980.
409. Room's Dictionary of distinguishables / 0710007752 Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1981.
410. Research foundations in object-oriented and semantic database systems / 0138063400 Prentice Hall, c1990.
411. Resistance welding, theory and use. Reinhold, 1956.
412. Resistance, propulsion and steering of ships : a manual for designing hull forms, propellers and rudders / H. Stam, 1948.
413. Reactivity of solids : proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on the Reactivity of Solids, Dijon, August 27-31, 1984 / 0444424962 (U.S. : set) Elsevier ; 1985.
414. Robotics and artificial intelligence / 0387128883 (U.S.) : Springer-Verlag : 1984.
415. Real-time computer control / 0863410189 : P. Peregrinus on behalf of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, c1984.
416. RCA COS/MOS integrated circuits. RCA, 1974.
417. RCA high-reliability devices. RCA Corporation, 1976.
418. Proceedings /: 1987 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, March 31-April 3, 1987, Radisson Hotel and Raleigh Civic Center, Raleigh, North Carolina ; sponsored by IEEE Council on Robotics and Automation in cooperation with North C 0818607874 (pbk.) Computer Society Press of the IEEE ; 1987.
419. A reanalysis of the original test data for the Taylor standard series. U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1954.
420. Regelkreise mit PID-Reglern / VEB Verlag Technik, c1963.
421. RCA linear integrated circuits / Solid State Division, c1970.
422. Regelkreise mit I- und P-Reglern / VEB Verlag Technik, c1963.
423. Random processes in nonlinear control systems / Academic Press, 1965.
424. Projektierung von regelungsanlagen / VEB Verlag Technik, c1964.
425. Betriebserfahrungen mit einer automatischen grossanlage / VEB Verlag Technik, c1964.
426. Linear integrated circuits and MOS devices. RCA Solid State Division, c1972.
427. Betriebsmesstechnik : Verfahren-Einsatz-Wartung / VEB Verlag Technik, c1964.
428. Elektrische kleinmaschinen der automatisierungstechnik : Aufbau-Eigenschaften-Einsatzgebiete / VEB Verlag Technik, c1975.
429. Fernmesseinrichtungen / VEB Verlag Technik, c1964.
430. Robot control 1988 (SYROCO '88) : selected papers from the 2nd IFAC Symposium, Karlsruhe, FRG, 5-7 October 1988 / 0080357423 : Published for the International Federation of Automatic Control by Pergamon Press, 1989.
431. Grundlagen der elektrischen antriebsregelung / VEB Verlag Technik, c1964.
432. Entwurf und Ausfuhrung von steueranlagen / VEB Verlag Technik, c1963.
433. Pulvermetallurgie und Sinterwerkstoffe / Springer, 1948.
434. RCA transistor manual. RCA semiconductor and Materials Division, 1969.
435. Programming linguistics / 0262071274 MIT Press, 1990.
436. RCA semiconductor products handbook. Radio Corporation of America, Semiconductor & Materials Division, Commercial Engineering, 19??
437. Rock dynamics and geophysical exploration : introduction to stress waves in rocks / 0444412840 Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co., 1975.
438. Rock pressure in mines / Mining Publications, 1962.
439. Research methods for managers : a skill-building approach / 0471870994 (pbk.) Wiley, c1984.
440. Rock anisotropy and the theory of stress measurements / 0387123881 (U.S.) Springer-Verlag, 1983.
441. Rock fracture : proceedings of the international symposium on rock mechanics. s.n., 1971.
442. Rock geochemistry in mineral exploration / 0444420215 : Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co., 1983.
443. Radiotron designer's handbook / Reproduced and distributed by Tube Division, Radio Corp. of America, 1941.
444. Rock mechanics and engineering. 0521077206 University Press, 1972.
445. Remedial action technology for waste disposal sites / 0815509472 : Noyes Data Corp., 1983.
446. Recent advances in mining and processing of low-grade submarginal mineral deposits : [papers] / 0080210511 Pergamon Press, c1976.
447. RLE progress report. no. 121, January 1979. s.n.], c1979.
448. RLE progress report. no. 120, Jan. 1978. s.n.], c1978.
449. RLE progress report. no. 122, Jan. 1980. s.n.], c1980.
450. Radio electronics / McGraw-Hill, 1956.
451. Rural power sources / 0904963330 UK-ISES, 1983.
452. Reactor handbook: Metarials / McGraw-Hill, 1955.
453. Retour a phnom penh. Editions A.-M.Metailie, 1982.
454. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Robot Vision and Sensory Controls / 0903608960 : IFS (publications), c1985.
455. Recent progress in transport theory : proceedings of the seventh conference on transport theory held at Texas Technical University in Lubbock, Texas, March 17-20 1981 / Pergamon Pr., 1981.
456. Third National reliability conference : proceedings, 29 April-1 May, 1981, Birmingham. s.n., 19??-]
457. Reactor handbook / Interscience Publishers, 1960-64.
458. Record of the Tenth Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference : John Clayton Conference Center, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware, August 18-22, 1975. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1975-c1976.
459. Dynamic interactions in neural networks : models and data / 0387968938 (alk. paper) Springer-Verlag, c1989.
460. Reliability evaluation of power systems / 0306414503 Plenum Press, c1984.
461. Relativity, thermodynamics and cosmology. The Clarendon press, [1934]
462. Recent advances in computer-aided control systems engineering / 0444892559 Elsevier, 1992.
463. Research problems in function theory, Athlone P., 1967.
464. Rock-forming minerals / John Wiley and Sons, 1962-<63 >
465. Proceedings of the Second Conference on Rare Earth Research, September 24-27, 1961 / Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, c1962.
466. Regulated power supplies / 0672218089 (pbk.) : H.W. Sams, c1981.
467. Fluorocarbons / Reinhold Pub. Corp., 1958.
468. Rudiments of electrical engineering / MacMillan, [1964]
469. Research & engineering applications in rock masses : proceedings of the 26th U.S. Symposium on Rock Mechanics, South Dakota School of Mines & Technology, Rapid City, 26-28 June 1985 / A.A. Balkema, 1985.
470. Compte rendu, VIIe Conference internationale de spectroscopie raman : processus lineaires et non lineaires, Ottawa, Canada, 1980 / 044486038X : North-Holland, 1980.
471. Random vibrations of elastic systems / 9024729815 : Martinus Nijhoff Publishers ; 1984.
472. Numerical data and functional relationships in science and technology. New series. crystal and solid state physics 3540433457 Springer, 1979.
473. Red detachment of women : a modern revolutionary ballet / Foreign Languages Press, 1972.
474. Fieser and Fieser's Reagents for organic synthesis / 0471056316 : Wiley, 1981.
475. Recent developments in composite materials structures : presented at the Winter Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Dallas, Texas, November 25-30, 1990 / 0791805905 American Society of Mechanical Engineers, c1990.
476. International Conference on Reliability of Power Supply Systems / 0852961693 Institution of Electrical Engineers, c1977.
477. Crystal rectifiers / McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1948.
478. Round the world in eighty days / 0582528062 Longman, c1937, 1979 printing.
479. Proceedings 26th Relay Conference : Stillwater, Okla., April 25-26, 1978 ; sponsored by Oklahoma State Univ. and the NARM. [s.n.], 1978.
480. Report of the Council for the year 1982-83 / 0901660558 Science and Engineering Research Council, [1983]
481. Reliability of engineering products / Oxford University Press, 19??
482. Resurrection / Distributed by Heron Books, 1966.
483. Rebecca / 0582528313 Longman, c1957, reprinted 1977.
484. Reaction kinetics for chemical engineers / 0409902284 Butterworths, c1989.
485. Polyurethanes / Reinhold Pub. Corp., [1957]
486. Rubber to metal bonding / C. Lockwood, 1959.
487. Vinyl resins / Reinhold Pub. Corp., 1958.
488. Proceedings of the rubber in engineering conference : held at the Institute of Electrical Engineers, London, on September 26, 1956. Natural Rubber Development Board, [1957]
489. Refractories / Pennsylvania State College, School of Mineral Industries, Mineral Industries Extension Services, 1966.
490. Read, reason, write / 0070563292 McGraw-Hill, c1991.
491. Real-time system design / 0070374910 McGraw-Hill Pub. Co., c1990.
492. International acronyms, initialisms & abbreviations dictionary : a guide to over 90,000 foreign and international acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, alphabetic symbols, contractions, and similar condensed appellations in all fields / 0810305097 Gale Research Co., c1985-
493. Rising sun / Time Warner Libraries, c1992.
494. Recommandations preliminaires pour l'application du soudage electrique par points dans la construction metallique. s.n.], 1962.
495. Ten point six micron laser targed designator / Js army electronics research&development command, 1978.
496. Rapid solidification processing and technology, ICMS-89 : proceedings / 0878495991 (Pbk) Trans Tech Pub., c1990.
497. Research techniques in nondestructive testing / 0126390509 Academic Press, 1970-1973.
498. Restructurable vlsi program : semiannualk technical summary report to the defense advanced research projects agency. s.n.], 1982?
499. Research on low temperature, directed energy processing of very large scale integrated structures / s.n.], 1979.
500. Real-time image processing II: 16-18 April 1990, Orlando,Florida 0819403466 SPIE c1990.