以"B"开头查询到 16865 条西文期刊记录。
刊名 ISSN 出版社 出版年
1. The chemistry of acetylene and related compounds. Interscience Publishers; 1948, 1950.
2. Basic organic chemistry : a mechanistic approach / 0471909777 (pbk.) J. Wiley, c1987.
3. Building skills for the TOEFL : Tapescript and key / 017555451X T. Nelson, c1983.
4. Beilstein handbook of organic chemistry : 5th supplementary series, Vol. 23, Parts 1-13 /: Covering the literature from 1960 through 1979. Compiled by the Beilstein-Institut f鑥r Literatur der Organischen Chemie. 0387546235 Springer, 1991.
5. Bloomsbury dictionary of contemporary slang / 0679737065 (New York : 1990) World Pub. Co. ; 1993, c1990.
6. Beilstein handbook of organic chemistry. Fourth edition. Fifth supplementary series,. Collective indexes. 3540519750 (Complete set) Springer-Verlag, 1989.
7. Beilstein handbook of organic chemistry / 3540507329 (v. 20. pt. 8) Springer-Verlag, 19 -
8. Brewer's dictionary of phrase and fable. 0304307068 Cassell, c1981.
9. Beilstein handbook of organic chemistry, fourth edition. Fifth supplementary series, covering the literature from 1960 through 1979. 3540134182 (Tl. 1) : Springer, 1984-
10. Biopolymers / non-exclusion hplc / 3540164227 (Berlin) Springer, 1986.
11. Basic English usage / 0194311872 (pbk.) Oxford University Press, 1984.
12. Banking and financial dictionary : English, French, Arabic / Distributor, Investment Trustee Dept., National Bank of Egypt, c1980.
13. Biosensors / 0412481901 Chapman & Hall, 1993.
14. The Information professional : survey of an emerging field / 0824718720 Dekker, c1981.
15. Bank-EDV von A bis Z;: deutsch-englisch mit englisch-deutschem Index. 3781910865 Fritz Knapp, 1977.
16. Boron chemistry at the millennium / Elsevier, 1983.
17. Polymer solution properties / 0879333235 Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross ; c1978.
18. Biologists / 0584700016 : Blond Educational, 1983.
19. Chemistry and heat-treatment effects on mechanical and microstructural properties of heat-treated, beta-extruded Ti-6Al-6V-2Sn / Dept. of Energy ; 1979.
20. Characterization and comparison of thermistor thick films / The Bendix Corporation Kansas City Division, 1981.
21. Electrical measurement of plating thickness / Bendix, 1978]
22. Titanium fabrication / Bendix, 1983]
23. Alternative power-line proxinity-warning techniques / ffice of Assistand Director-Minerals Health and Aafety Bureau of Mines, 1982.
24. Fuel cell applied research, electrocatalysis and materials: semi-annual report, January 1-June 30, 1978 / Electrochemical Technology Group, Energy Storage and Conversion Division, Dept. of Energy and Environment, Brookhaven National Laboratory ; 1979.
25. Weld penetration variations / Bendix, 1984]
26. Vapor phase soldering techniques / Bendix, 1983]
27. Bonded joints and preparation for bonding. 9283513134 North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development, 1979.
28. Bulletin de la Soci?et?e chimique de France. Soci?et?e fran?caise de chimie, 1985-1997.
29. Basic quantum chemistry / J. Wiley, 1965.
30. Using the chemical literature : a practical guide / 0824762606 M. Dekker, [1974]
31. Bibliography of reviews in chemistry / The Society, 1962.
32. Bibliography of chemical reviews. American Chemical Society, c1959-
33. Bond and structure models / 0387158200 Springer-Verlag, 1985.
34. Computer aided failure analysis / Bendix, 1978]
35. Band-pass-filtered total radiometer diagnostics of a spray-atomized, swirl-stabilized combustor flame / High Temperature Gasoynamics Laboratory, 1985.
36. Microprocessor circuit monitor / Dept. of Energy ; 1979.
37. Automation of a thermal expansion instrument / Dept. of Energy ; 1979.
38. Borides, silicides, and phosphides : a critical review of their preparation, properties and crystal chemistry / Methuen ; 1965.
39. Bioinformatics and genome analysis / 3540428933 (alk. paper) Springer, 2002.
40. Basic chemical thermodynamics / 0198555652 Clarendon Press, 1990.
41. Building large knowledge-based systems : representation and inference in the Cyc project / 0201517523 : Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., c1990.
42. Boundary element techniques: applications in stress analysis and heat transfer 0-905451-58-9 Computational Mechanics 1987.
43. Bureau of engineering research / s. n], 1984.
44. Bureau of engineering research / s. n], 1984.
45. British coal mining exposives / George Newnes Limited, 1958.
46. Basic research needs in fluid mechanics / Brookhaven national laboratory, 1979.
47. Verminderung der emission von schadgasen und feinstauben durch trockensorption und filternde entstauber hinter verbrennungsanlagen / Deutsche babcock anlagen AG Produktbereich gasreinigungsanlagen, 1985.
48. A Finite element method and corresponding pilot computer code for hyperbolic systems of equations in two spatial dimensions and time applied to unsteady gas flows / USA Armament Research and Development, 1977.
49. Biofouling and biocorrosion in industrial water systems : proceedings of the International Workshop on Industrial Biofouling and Biocorrosion, Stuttgart, September, 13-14, 1990 / 3540538879 (Berlin) Springer-Verlag, c1991.
50. Biotechnology and waste treatment : proceedings of workshop / 0080287840 Pergamon Press, c1982.
51. Benchmarking database systems : a systematic approach / University of Wisconsin-Madison, c1983.]
52. Singlet molecular oxygen / 0879330643 Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross ; c1976.
53. Bibliography of chemical kinetics and collision processes: an annotated bibliography of gas-phase reaction rates and low-energy cross sections of atoms, ions, and small molecules / IFI/Plenum, 1969.
54. Molecular dynamics and theory of broad band spectroscopy / 0471059773 Wiley, c1982.
55. Brownian motion and diffusion / 0387908056 Springer-Verlag, c1983.
56. Ion-molecule reactions,. pt. 1 :. Kinetics and dynamics. / 0879333316 (pt. 1) : Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross ; c1979.
57. Boundary and eigenvalue problems in mathematical physics / Wiley, 1961.
58. Basic quantum mechanics 007094119X McGraw-Hill [1970]
59. Basic concepts in relativity and early quantum theory / 0471888583 (pbk.) Wiley, c1985.
60. Wave mechanics and its applications, 0080169791 Pergamon [1973]
61. Brownian motion and stochastic calculus / 0387965351 World Piblishing Co. ; c1988.
62. Basic heat and mass transfer / 0-256-16388-X Irwin, c1995
63. Brassboard fault tolerant spaceborne computer(bftsc) / Strategic systems directorate, 1978.
64. Spaces generated by blocks / 7303007253 : Publishing House of Beijing Normal University, 1989.
65. Hydraulic characteristics of the initial design for the consolidated nuclear steam generator / Maritiome Administration, 1977.
66. Lawrence livermore laboratory : blend: cubic spline blending routine / Dept. of Energy, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory ; 1979.
67. Internal can linings / R.H. Chandler Limited, 1978.
68. Boundary element techniques : applications in stress analysis and heat transfer / 0905451589 Computational Mechanics Publications, c1987.
69. Electricity and magnetism / 0070049084 McGraw-Hill, c1985.
70. Boundary-layer studies on spinning bodies of revolution / USA Ballistic Research Laboratories, 1974.
71. Distributed computation and TENEX-related activites / Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc., 1978]
72. An elementary treatise on differential equations and their applications / Open Court, 1946.
73. Introduction to graphics at the CSCF / Dept. of Energy, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Applied Mathematics Dept., Central Scientific Computing Facility ; 1979.
74. Mathematics and statistics / 0070504814 McGraw-Hill, 1971.
75. New epoxy powder coatings 1973-1979 / [s. n.], c1979.
76. Brittle Materials design, high temperature gas turbine / Army materials and mechanics research center, 1978.
77. Broadband high frequency amplifiers : practice and theory. The Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1979]
78. Bifurcation analysis : principles, applications, and synthesis / 9027714460 D. Reidel Pub. Co. ; c1985.
79. Bifurcation theory, mechanics, and physics / 9027716315 D. Reidel Pub. Co. ; c1983.
80. Brittle Materials design, high temperature gas turbine / Army Mterials and Mechanics Research Center, 1974.
81. Bring the lab back to life / 0080310877 (pbk.) : Pergamon Press, c1984.
82. Boundary element methods in applied mechanics : proceedings of the First..., University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 3-6 October 1988 / 0080369588 : Pergamon Press, 1988.
83. Basic mathematical analysis for junior & senior colleges. McGraw-Hill, 1950.
84. Beginner's course in topology : geometric chapters / 7506202522 : World Publishing Corporation, 1988.
85. BMON2-Buffer Memory Monitor system for interactive image processing / Natioanl cancer institute, 1977]
86. Schaum's outline of theory and problems of Boolean algebra and switching circuits. 0070414602 McGraw-Hill [1970]
87. Boundary elements VII : proceedings of the 7th international conference, Villa Olmo, Lake Como, Italy, September 1985 / 0905451368 (Computational Mechanics Centre) Springer-Verlag, c1985.
88. Critical growth stress for spallation / U.S. Army Ballistic Research Laboratory, 1977.
89. Boundary element methods in nonlinear fluid dynamics / 1851664297 Elsevier Applied Science, c1990.
90. Bounding global minima with interval arithmetic / The George Washington University, 1977]
91. Technical paper : Bi- casting / Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 1978.
92. Brave new world / 0060809833 Harper & Row, 1989.
93. Turbulent boundary layers in blast wave and shock tube flows / USA Ballistic Research Laboratory, 1976.
94. Bed number ten / 0849342708 CRC Press, 1989.
95. Brighton rock / 0140004424 Penguin Books, 1975.
96. Brazed Borsic/aluminum structural panels / National Aeronautics and Space Administration ; 1977.
97. Treasure island / 0553210998 : Bantam Books, 1981.
98. Gulliver's travels and other writings / 0553211072 Bantam Books, 1981.
99. Brideshead revisited : the sacred and profane memories of Captain Charles Ryder / Penguin Books, 1984 printing, c1962.
100. Production engineering measures to manufacture super fine finish beryllia / Brush Wellman Inc, 1976.
101. Bare aluminium conductors. [International electrotechnical commission.], 1958.
102. Electronique et radioelectricite. Spes Lausanne, 1954-
103. Backgrounds of American literary thought / 0130563250 Prentice-Hall, c1974.
104. British fiction : a student's A to Z / 7506202840 (World Publishing Co.) World Publishing Co., 1988.
105. The jungle / 0553212451 Bantam, c1981.
106. Bury my heart at Wounded Knee : an Indian history of the American West / 0805010459 Holt, Rinehart & Winston, c1970.
107. Bernard Shaw : Pygmalion / 0582781388 Longman, c1980.
108. Basic reading skills handbook / 0395446783 (student's ed.) Houghton Mifflin Co., c1988.
109. The complete short stories of Mark Twain : now collected for the first time / 0553119109 (pbk.) : Bantam Books, 1981, c1957.
110. British civilization : an introduction / 0415064759 World Pub. Corp., 1993.
111. Better college reading / 0060473940 (pbk.) : Harper & Row, c1984.
112. Boundary-integral equation in engineering stress and fracture mechanics / Failure analysis associates, 1975.
113. Beam shaping and propagation study for the kilojoule laser system / s.n.], 1973.
114. Beautiful feathers. 0435900846 Heinemann Educational, 1971.
115. Bright morning : images of a Lancashire boyhood / 0413644405 Methuen, 1990.
116. Business listening tasks.: Guide for teachers and self-study / 0521273277 Cambridge University Press, [198-]
117. Brave new world : a novel / Harper & Brothers, c1932.
118. Babbitt / Penguin Books, 1985
119. Palace walk / 0385264658 Doubleday, c1989.
120. The prince and the pauper / 0553210904 Bantam Books, 1982.
121. Business and society : corporate strategy, public policy, ethics. 0070504946 (acid-free paper) China Machine Press, c1996.
122. Business finance for decision makers / 0273034634 Pitman, 1991.
123. Billy Budd, Sailor and other stories / 0553210947 Bantam Books , 1981.
124. Best-loved folktales of the world / 0385185200 Doubleday, c1982.
125. Business systems analysis / 0835905063 Prentice-Hall, c1986.
126. Business mathematics / 0712102825 Macdonald and Evans, 1979.
127. Boundary-integral equation method for elastic fracture mechanics analysis / Air force office of scientifi research, 1976.
128. Chambers Bible quotations / 7506209381 World Pub. Corp., 1991.
129. Applied time series and Box-Jenkins models / 0127126503 Academic Press, c1983.
130. Breakthrough : a course in English communication practice.: Teacher's book / 0194253627 (v.1) Oxford University Press, 1984-1985.
131. Basics in listening : short tasks for listening development / 9620010299 (textbook : pbk.) Longman, c1995.
132. Back to basics : review of business priorities / 9971404656 Federal Publications, 1987.
133. How to start and run your own business / 1853330930 : Graham & Trotman, 1988.
134. Building economy : design, production and organisation : a synoptic view / 008028678X (flexicover) Pergamon Press, 1983.
135. Building economics and cost control : worked solutions / 0408013532 Butterworths, 1983.
136. Between science and technology : proceedings of the International Conference Between Science and Technology, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands, 29-30 June 1989 / 0444886591 (U.S.) North-Holland, 1990.
137. Beyond the age of waste : a report to the Club of Rome / 0080218350. Pergamon Press, c1978.
138. Business process re-engineering / 7300024866 : Zhongguo Renmin Daxue Chubanshe, 1997.
139. Business / 750620424X World Pub. Corp., 1989.
140. Mysteries / 0582531896 Longman, 1974.
141. Business contacts : materials for developing listening and speaking skills for the student of business English / 0080304680 (pbk.) Pergamon Press, 1984.
142. Biomonitoring air pollutants with plants : William J. Manning and William A. Feder. 0853349169 : Applied Science, c1980.
143. Careers / 0883434254 Regents, c1981.
144. Basic listening : authentic recordings to develop listening micro-skills through graded tasks.: Student's book. 0713180692 E. Arnold, 1982.
145. Background to Britain / 0333361199 Macmillan, 1983.
146. The creation of large castings by the investment process / Bendix corporation, 1973.
147. Best dollar values in American colleges / 0130834947 Prentice Hall Press, c1990.
148. Basic reference sources : a self-study manual / 0810817217 (pbk.) Scarecrow Press, 1985.
149. Machine coolant selection and maintenance manual / Bendix, 1970.
150. The arts / 0883454262 Regents, c1981.
151. Biofeedback and sports science / 0306419955 : Plenum Press, c1985.
152. Business communication : practical written English for the modern business world / 7506203820 : World Pub. Co., 1989.
153. Business writing / 0574206655 (pbk.) : Science Research Associates, c1983.
154. Basic solid lubricant studies / Pennwalt corporation, 1972.
155. Background to the USA / Macmillan,
156. Battery zinc electrode kinetics investigation / Air force aero propulsion laboratory, 1971.
157. Background to English-speaking countries / 7506210886 World Publishing Corp., 1990.
158. Business letters for all / 0195802322 Oxford University Press, c1977.
159. How to prepare for the Miller analogies test / 0156000407 (pbk.) Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1981.
160. The optical principles of the diffraction of x-rays / G. Bell and sons, 1954.
161. Barron's how to prepare for the graduate record examination : GRE general test / 0812029275 (pbk.) Barron's Educational Series, Inc., c1985.
162. Basic solid lubricant studies / Pennwalt corporation, 1971.
163. Basic technical English 0194573826 (pbk.) Oxford University Press 1982.
164. Business concepts for English practice / 088377240X (pbk.) Newbury House, 1982.
165. Business concepts for English practice.: Teacher's manual / 0883772515 Newbury House Publishers, c1982.
166. Background to New York / Macmillan, [198-]
167. Second book in English / 0137972830 : Prentice Hall, 1983.
168. Beyond language : intercultural communication for English as a second language / 0130760005 : Prentice-Hall, c1982.
169. Business listening tasks / 0521273269 : The Univ. Pr., 199?.
170. Building English sentences with verbals / Institute of Modern Languages, 1969.
171. Building English sentences with verbals / Institute of Modern Languages, 1969.
172. Biomarine resistance of surface-compression strengthened glasses / Chemistry research department, 1971.
173. Born to lead : the story of George Washington / Pyramid Books, 1971.
174. Ball and roller bearings : theory, design, and application / R. Oldenbourg ; 1964.
175. Building construction for the fire service / 0877652279 National Fire Protection Association, c1982.
176. Building insulation;: principles and application of heat and sound insulation for buildings / American Technical Society , 1951.
177. Builders' and decorators' reference book : a comprehensive handbook providing a standard day-to-day reference on the construction,repair, redecoration and renovation of building / George Newnes, 19??
178. Bicentennial of materials progress : 21st national SAMPE symposium and exhibition ... Los Angeles, California, April 6-8, 1976 / SAMPE, c1976.
179. Binnenschiffseichung / Fachbuchverlag GmbH, 1953.
180. Building design & construction : marketing analysis lumber & wood products. Building design & Construction, 1978.
181. Building systems design with programmable calculators / 0070154155 Architectural Record Books, c1980.
182. Design methods for reducing the risk of progressive collapse in buildings / U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards : for sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1977.
183. Boundary-layer similar solutions for rotating flows with and without magnetic interaction / s.n.], 1963.
184. Building design and construction handbook / 0070415218 McGraw-Hill, c1982.
185. Basic media writing / 0697270017 Brown & Benchmark, c1996.
186. Briefe schreiben-leicht gemacht / 3190011389 Max Hueper, 1971.
187. ISO recommendation R 831 : rules for construction of stationary boilers. s.n.], 1968.
188. Berechnungen oelhydraulischer anlagen. Krausskopf-verlag, 1965.
189. Being successful as an engineer / 0910554242 Engineering Press, c1978.
190. Berechnung der dauerfestigkeit / Akademiai kiado, 1963
191. Building active listening skills / 0130859605 (pbk.) Prentice-Hall, c1986.
192. Brennstofftechnische gesellschaft in der deutschen demokratischen republik. VEB Deutscher Verlag fur Grundstoffindustrie, 1964.
193. Basic skills in English / 0866094822 McDougal, Little & Co., c1985.
194. The BBI combinatory dictionary of English : a guide to word combinations / 9027220360 John Benjamins, 1986.
195. Basic mathematiacs 0130628026 Prentice-Hall , 1982.
196. Proceedings of the seventh British National Conference on Databases (BNCOD 7) : Heriot-Watt University, 12-14 July 1989 / 0521382815 Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of the British Computer Society, 1989.
197. Basic mathematics with algebra and geometry / 0060405929 Harper & Row, c1985.
198. Beispiele und Aufgaben zur Laplace-Transformation / Friedr, Vieweg & Sohn, 1979.
199. Biblical graphics / 0892650427 Randall House, 1977.
200. Beginning algebra / 0395522439 Houghton Mifflm , 1990
201. Bilblical ethics : ethics for happier living / 0892650680 Randall House, 1973.
202. Beginning algebra / 0534030300 : Brooks/Cole Pub. Co., c1984.
203. Boundary crossing of Brownian motion : its relation to the law of the iterated logarithm and to sequential analysis / 3540964339 Springer-Verlag, c1986.
204. Environmental science : a framework for decision making / 0805322574 Benjamin/Cummings Pub. Co., c1988.
205. Physics of atomic collisions / Butterworths, 1964.
206. Basic college algebra / Allyn and Bacon 1962.
207. Before calculus : functions, graphs, and analytic geometry / 0060439114 Harper & Row, c1989.
208. Boiler safety valves : The assciation engineering and shi-pbuilding draughtsmen / George's Square, 1950.
209. Britannica book of the year. 0852294867 (1988) Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc.
210. Biosynthese niebermolekularer naturstoffe / VEB Gustav fischer verlag jena, 1982.
211. General theory of functions and integration / 0486649881 Dover Pub. Co., 1985.
212. Britannica atlas. 0852293909 Encyclopaedia Britannica, c1980.
213. British electical power convention. Northampton, 1963.
214. Beilsteins handbuch der organischen chemie. Gesamtregister f鑥r das Hauptwerk und die Erg鑑nzungswerke I, II, III und IV. 3540084886 (Berlin : set) Springer-Verlag, 1977.
215. Baroque and rococo / 0500200181 Thames and Hudson [c1964]
216. Bibliography of the ionosphere : an annotated survey through 1960 / Stanford University Press, 1962.
217. Building expert systems in Prolog / 7506212919 World Publishing Co., c1992.
218. The civil war in France / Foreign Languages Press, 1970.
219. Turbo Pascal : advanced programmer's guide / 0078814200 Osborne McGraw-Hill, c1988.
220. BASIC-PLUS and VAX BASIC structured programming / 0130659053 (pbk.) Prentice Hall, c1988.
221. Building expert systems / 0201106868 : Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., 1983.
222. Breakthrough partnering : creating a collective enterprise advantage / 0939246392 O. Wight, c1993.
223. Business research for decision making / 0534041078 Kent Pub. Co., c1985.
224. Erzahlungen, Horspiele, Aufsatze / Kiepenheuer & Witsch, c1961.
225. Das technische zeichnen / Fachbuchverlag Leipzig, 1959.
226. Mechanical refrigeration. British Standards Institute, 1952.
227. Batteries : research and development in non-mechanical electrical power sources : proceedings of the 3rd international symposium held at Bournemouth, October 1962 / Pergamon ; 1963.
228. Background to ship design and shipbuilding production / Temple press books, 1965.
229. Balancing of rotating machinery, Mar. 20-23, 1984, Philadelphia, Pa. / s.n.], [1984?]
230. Borland C++ 3.0 programming / 0201608669 Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., c1992.
231. Borland C++ 3 object-oriented programming / 0672300044 Sams, c1992 (1991 printing)
232. Beam processing and laser chemistry : proceedings of Symposium D on Beam Processing and Laser Chemistry of the 1989 E-MRS spring conference, Strasbourg, France, 30 May-2 June 1989 / 0444885552 (alk. paper) North-Holland, 1989.
233. British librarianship and information work 1976-1980. Library Association, 1982-
234. Basic corrosion and oxidation / 0853129975 E. Horwood ; 1986.
235. Barron's how to prepare for the Test of English as a foreign language, TOEFL / 0812023617 (pbk.) Barron's Educational Series, c1983.
236. Bins and bunkers for handling bulk materials : practical design and techniques / 0878490019 Trans Tech Publications, 1971.
237. Building knowledge systems : developing and managing rule-based applications / 007023437X Intertext Publications, c1989.
238. Basic circuit theory / McGraw-Hill, [1969]
239. Basic circuit theory / 0130577111 Prentice-Hall, c1984.
240. Bearing technology : analysis, development, and testing. 0898838495 (pbk.) Society of Automotive Engineers, c1985.
241. Booklet plans : for LCT (6) 622-1360. Manitowoc shipbuilding company, 1944.
242. WordStar on the IBM PC / 007014978X (pbk.) : McGraw-Hill, [1984], c1985.
243. Betriebserfahrungen mit einer automatischen grossanlage / VEB Verlag Technik, c1964.
244. Betriebsmesstechnik : Verfahren-Einsatz-Wartung / VEB Verlag Technik, c1964.
245. Beginning micro-PROLOG / 0066690005 (pbk.) Harper & Row Pub., 1984.
246. Baustahle der Welt / VEB Deutscher Verlag fur Grundstoffindustrie, 1964.
247. British semiconductor guide-1960 : reference data on transistors and associated associated semiconductor devices. s.n.], 19??
248. Beilstein handbook of organic chemistry. Fifth supplementary series, v.17 / 0387153810 (pt.4) Springer, 1984.
249. Basic and applied rock mechanics. Society of Mining Engineers of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, 1972.
250. Basic industrial electronic controls / Holt, Rinehart and Winsto, [1962]
251. Mining subsidence engineering / 0387119302 (U.S.) Springer-Verlag, 1983.
252. Biological fluidised bed treatment of water and wastewater / 0470271124 (Halsted Press) : Published for the Water Research Centre, Stevenage Laboratory by Horwood ; 1981.
253. Mechanisms of environment sensitive cracking of materials : proceedings of an international conference organized by the Metals Society and held at the University of Surrey, Guildford, on 4-7 April 1977 / 0904357139 Metals Society, 1977.
254. Berechnung elektrishcer maschinen / Springer-Verlag, 1960.
255. An investigation of the fatigue of metals : a report of the investigation / University of Illinois, [1921-25]
256. Biological methods of prospecting for minerals / 0471874000 Wiley, c1983.
257. Comparative economic development / 0408106832 Butterworths, 1983.
258. Basic electronics : a text-lab manual / 0070728038 (pbk.) Gregg Division, McGraw-Hill, c1983.
259. Basic electronics / 5030000216 Mir Publishers, 1988.
260. Britain today / 0582749123 : Longman, c1982.
261. Biological sciences. Pergamon Press, 1956-
262. Nature et valeur dans la philosophie de Montesquieu : analyse m鈋thodique de la notion de rapport dans l'Esprit des lois / 2865630277 : Klincksieck, 1982.
263. Basic documents in international law; 019876023X Clarendon Press, 1972.
264. Beam deflection and scanning technologies : 25 February-1 March, 1991 / 0819405531 SPIE, c1991.
265. Foundations of programming / 0120644606 (alk. paper) : Academic Press, 1985.
266. SDL with applications from protocol specification / 0137858906 (pbk.) Prentice Hall International (UK) ; 1991.
267. Basalts and phase diagrams : an introduction to the quantitative use of phase diagrams in igneous petrology / 0387904778 Springer-Verlag, c1980.
268. Models of sand and sandstone deposits: a methodology for determining sand genesis and trend University of Oklahoma, 1973.
269. Bentonites : geology, mineralogy, properties and uses / 0444416137 Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co. ; 1978.
270. Schaum's outline of theory and problems of basic electrical engineering / 0070102341 McGraw-Hill, c1984.
271. Basic electronics : a text-lab manual / 0070728631 McGraw-Hill Pub. Co., 1990.
272. Distributed parameter systems theory / 0879330716 (v. 1) Hutchinson Ross, c1983.
273. Band structure of semiconductors / 0080216579 Pergamon Press, 1982.
274. Binary sequences 0340155825 English Universities Press, 1971.
275. Boundary integral equation methods in eigenvalue : problems of elastodynamics and thin plates / 0444424474 Elsevier, 1985.
276. Spectral theory / 8301014954 PWN--Polish Scientific Publishers, 1982.
277. Basic concepts of algebraic topology / 0387902880 Springer-Verlag, c1978.
278. The Brown Boveri review. Brown, Boveri & Co. 1967.
279. Bonding and repair of composites : papers a one-day seminar organized jointly by Butterworth Scientific Ltd and Rapra Technology Ltd 14th July 1989 / 0408048638 Butterworths, 1989.
280. Brittle matrix composites 2 / 1851663606 Elsevier Applied Science, c1989.
281. Brittle matrix composites 3 / 1851666877 Elsevier Applied Science, c1991.
282. Bureau of Mines test procedures for rocks, U.S. Bureau of Mines, [1974]
283. Brittle behavior of engineering structures Wiley, c1957.
284. Hardness estimation of minerals, rocks and ceramic materials / 044498898X Elsevier ; 1989.
285. Buckling of slender columns under distributed load. University of Michigan, [1981?]
286. Bleak House / 0553212230 : Bantam Books, 1985.
287. Battle of the Hsisha Archipelago (reportage in verse) / Foreign Languages Press, 1975.
288. Martin Eden / 0553212125 Bantam, 1986.
289. American short stories / 0582530261 Longman, c1964.
290. Reaction kinetics for chemical engineers / 0409902284 Butterworths, c1989.
291. Biology : the unity and diversity of life / 0534091806 Wadsworth Pub. Co., c1989.
292. National Electrical Code blueprint reading : based on the 1990 National Electrical Code. 082691554X (pbk.) American Technical Publishers, c1989.
293. Basic audiometry : including impedance measurement / 0-82201-813-6 Cliffs Notes, c1977.
294. Duden Bildworterbuch der deutschen Sprache, / Bibliographisches Institut, [1958]
295. Business communication : a strategic approach / 025603169X Irwin, 1989.
296. Bhagavad-g錳t錫 as it is / 0892131349 The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust, 1984.
297. Boundary element technology VI / 1853121398 Computational Mechanics Publications , c1991.
298. Boundary element methods in engineering : proceedings of the International Symposium on Boundary Element Methods--Advances in Solid and Fluid Mechanics, East Hartford, Connecticut, USA, October 2-4, 1989 / 3540528210 (Berlin) Springer-Verlag, c1990.
299. Buckling of shells : proceedings of a state-of-the-art colloquium, Universithat Stuttgart, Germany, May 6-7, 1982 / 0387117857 Springer-Verlag, 1982.
300. Bladed disk dynamic nesponse. Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, [1987]
301. Memorandum on ship's union purchase rig. s.n., 1962-
302. Bipolar/Mos memories. s.n.], 1986?
303. Bipolar power transistors and thyristor data. Motorola Inc., 1986?
304. Speech compression and synthesis : Annual technical progress report. s.n.], 1979.
305. Environmental geology / 0470071702 Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross ; c1975.
306. Thermodynamic properties of halides / United States Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Mines : 1984.
307. Biogeochemical cycling of mineral-forming elements / 0444417451 Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co., 1979.
308. Bioscope / 0675201373 (pbk.) C.E. Merrill, c1984.
309. Biotechnology : principles and applications / 0632010347 Blackwell, c1985.
310. Biotechnology principles / 0442305907 Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1985.
311. Enzymes and immobilized cells in biotechnology / 0805363602 Benjamin/Cummings Pub. Co., Advanced Book Program, 1985.
312. Biofuture, confronting the genetic era / 0306413159 Plenum Press, c1984.
313. Biology and radiobiology of anucleate systems / Academic Press, 1972.
314. Biophysical chemistry : principles, techniques, and applications / 0471027189 Wiley, c1978.
315. Biophysical chemistry : principles, techniques, and applications : solutions manual / 0471036749 Wiley, c1976.
316. Biomechanics : current interdisciplinary research : selected proceedings of the Fourth Meeting of the European Society of Biomechanics, in collaboration with the European Society of Biomaterials, September 24-26, 1984, Davos, Switzerland / 0898387558 Martinus Nijhoff ; 1985.
317. Statistical analysis in geology / 0879333359 Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross ; c1978.
318. Biochemical engineering and biotechnology handbook / 0943818028 Nature Press, 1983.
319. Proceedings of the second BSE-NACE corrosion conference : January 19-21, 1981, Bahrain. s.n., 1981]
320. Bioinorganic chemistry : an introduction / 0205055087 Allyn and Bacon, c1977.
321. Basic ecology / 0030584140 Saunders College Pub., c1983.
322. Balancing the generalized eigenvalue problem / Oak Ride National Laboratory, 1979.
323. Biology of microorganisms / 0130781134 Prentice-Hall, c1984.
324. Basic microbiology / 0397543131 Lippincott, c1980.
325. Burrows Textbook of microbiology / 0721638686 W.B. Saunders Co., 1985.
326. Basic microbiology with applications / 0130652849 Prentice-Hall, c1978.
327. Geosynclines, concept and place within plate tectonics / 087933410X Hutchinson Ross, c1982.
328. Mineral deposits, continental drift, and plate tectonics / 0879332905 Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross ; c1977.
329. Brain train : studying for success / 0419131000 E. & F. Spon, 1984.
330. Stratigraphy : foundations and concepts / 0442217471 Van Nostrand Reinhold, c1984.
331. Biomaterials : an introduction / 0306401037 : Plenum Press, c1979.
332. Concepts and methods of biostratigraphy / 0879332468 Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross ; c1977.
333. Biochemical values in clinical medicine : the results following pathological or physiological change / 0723605025 Wright, c1978.
334. Bearings : searching for a longer life. 0852985576 (pbk.) Published by Mechanical Engineering Publications Ltd. for Publication Services, Worthing, 1985.
335. Basic physical geology / 0471728098 Wiley, c1982.
336. Boundary element analysis of viscous flow / 0387519300 Springer-Verlag, c1990.
337. Structural crystallography in chemistry and biology / 0879333685 Hutchinson Ross Pub. Co., c1981.
338. BCS '81 information technology for the eighties : proceedings of the conference / 0471259462 (pbk.) Published by W. Heyden on behalf of the British Computer Society, 1981
339. Basic geological mapping / 0470272503 (Halsted) Open University Press ; 1981.
340. Basic mathematics : for science and engineering / John Wiley & Sons, Inc., ; c1955.
341. Boundary elements : proceedings of the International Conference, Beijing, China, 14-17 October 1986 / 0080343570 Pergamon Press, 1986.
342. Byzantine agreement under restricted types of failures / Harvard university, 19uu.
343. Byzantine agreement is shortlived :the reliability of k-resilient distributed protocols / Harvard university, 1983.
344. Crystal form and structure / 087933181X Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross ; c1977.
345. Behaviour of fibre-reinforced composites under dynamic tension / s.n., 1984]
346. Boundary elements X / 1853120170 (set) Computational Mechanics Publications, c1988.
347. Boundary elements XII : proceedings of the Twelth [sic] International Conference on Boundary Elements in Engineering, held at Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, during 24-27 September 1990 / 0945824610 (CMP Boston, USA : set) Computational Mechanics Publications ; c1990.
348. Boundary elements in mechanical and electrical engineering: proceedings of the ... 1853120626 Springer c1990.
349. Basic engineering geology and soil mechanics / Mir Publisher, 1987.
350. Proceedings of the W.H. Munse Symposium, behavior of metal structures : research to practice : proceedings of a symposium sponsored by the Structural Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers in conjunction with the ASCE National Convention / 0872623645 (pbk.) ASCE, c1983.
351. Boundary elements for debond stress analysis:fracture mechanics stress analysis / Imperial College of Science and Technelogy 1983.
352. SE 90 : Proceedings of Software Engineering 90, Brighton, July 1990 / 0521402743 The British Computer Society, 1990.
353. Research and development in Expert Systems VII : proceedings of Expert Systems 90, the Tenth Annual Technical Conference of the British Computer Society Specialist Group on Expert Systems, London, September 1990 / 0521404037 Cambridge University Press, 1990.
354. Free radical chain reactions in organic synthesis / 0125087608 Academic Press, c1992.
355. Photochemical synthesis / 0125194900 Academic Press, c 1989.
356. Back stress in dislocation creep. part 1,. basic concepts and measuring techniques / National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Goddard Space Flight Center, [1984]
357. Biaxial tension tests of HERF 304L stainless steel / s.n.], 1984.
358. The Beilstein guide : a manual for the use of Beilsteins Handbuch der organischen Chemie / 0387074570 Springer-Verlag, 1976.
359. Base-catalyzed reactions of hydrocarbons and related compounds / 012557150X Academic Press, 1977.
360. Build your case : developing listening thinking, and speaking skills in English / 0201165279 Addison-Wesley, c1988.
361. Bow bulbs for slow,full-form ships / The society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, c1973.
362. Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. American Mathematical Society.
363. Byron-jackson co. "electromersible" circulating pump for 1200 psig forced circulation bollers. Armed services technical information agency, 1961.
364. Office guide to business English / 0668057130 : Arco Pub., c1984.
365. Blade spindle moment on controllable-pitch propellers / Naval ship research and development center, 1974.
366. Behavior of riveted and welded crack arrestors / National academy of sciences-national research council, 1960.
367. Barron's how to prepare for the TOEFL test of English as a foreign language / 081202964X : Barron's Educational Series, Inc., c1986.
368. Breakthrough : a cource in English communication practice / 0194253600 (v.1) Oxford University Press, 1984-1985.
369. Brighter english : a book of short srories plays, poems and essays with exercises / 0582527325 Longman Group Limited, 1959
370. Effect of stress raisers on fatigue strength of rigid plastics and plastics composites / Bulletin of Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, 1974.
371. Barron's how to prepare for GRE update. Barron's Educational Series, Inc., c1977.
372. Proceedings of the 6th British Robot Association Annual Conference / 0903608413 British Robot Association, c1983.
373. Behavior in organizations / 0256032327 IRWIN, 1987.
374. 2nd Biennial International Machine Tool Technical Conference : International Machine Tool Show, Chicago, IL, U.S.A., September 5-13, 1984. National Machine Tool Builders' Association, [1984?]
375. Behaving : managing yourself and others / 0074520229 McGraw-Hill, 1987.
376. Der franzèosische Frèuhsozialismus / 3531116746 Westdeutscher Verlag, c1984.
377. Baron von Vega's logarithmic tables of numbers and trigonometrical functions ; translated from the fortieth or Dr. Bremiker's thoroughly revised and enlarged edition by W.L.F. Fischer. Van Nostrand, [1957?]
378. Foundations of objective knowledge : the relations of Popper's theory of knowledge to that of Kant / 9027718091 D. Reidel Pub. Co. ; c1985.
379. Barron's how to prepare for the graduate record examination : GRE / 0812025067 (pbk.) : Barron's Educational Series, Inc., c1982.
380. Boiler room questions and answers / 0070287546 McGraw-Hill, c1976.
381. ASME boiler and pressure vessel code. Section III,. Rules for construction of pressure vessels. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, c1949.
382. How to prepare for the graduate management admission test / 0156006545 (pbk.) Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, c1985.
383. Barnet & Stubbs's practical guide to writing / 0673398781 Scott, Foresman/Little, Brown Higher Education, c1990.
384. Beyond the classroom / 0883771705 Newbury House, 1983.
385. Black's law dictionary : definitions of the terms and phrases of American and English jurisprudence, ancient and modern / 0829920412 West Pub. Co., 1979.
386. Verbal and analytical review for the graduate record examination / 0156000253 (pbk.) Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, c1982.
387. Entwicklung und einfuhrung eines gruppenarbeitsplatzmodells am beispiel des ladens von compact-cassetten / s.n.], 1983.
388. Handbook for radio operators. 1850440506 Llyod's of London press Ltd., 1985.
389. Business studies dictionary / 0273024132 (pbk.) Pitman, 1985.
390. Business directory of Hong Kong 1982 / 9627046019 Current Publications Limited, 1982.
391. Business directory of Hong Kong 1983. 9627046019 Current Publications Limited, c1983.
392. Building strategies. : Teacher's book. Longman, 1979.
393. Building strategies : an integrated language course for learners of E English. Longman, 19uu-1982.
394. Break clearance standards and control / ASTME Research Fund,/ 1959.
395. Binoculars, telescopes and telescopic sights : how they work, how to select them, and how to design and build your own / Greenberg, 1955.
396. Business administration 0712102698 Macdonald & Evans, 1969.
397. Basic writing in English for science & technology.: Answers / 9971947498 Graham Brash, c1983.
398. Basic writing in English for science & technology / 9971947234 Graham Brash, c1983.
399. Better paragraphs plus / 006044973X (pbk.) Harper & Row, c1988.
400. Better paragraphs and short themes / 0060449691 (pbk.) Harper & Row, c1983.
401. Bearing and lubricant problems / s.n.], 1964.
402. Better English pronunciation / Cambridge U.P., 1976.
403. Basic English grammar. 0866010610 Media Materials, c1982.
404. The be #27;b+#27;s past participle construction in spoken English : with special emphasis on the passive / 0444867449 North-Holland ; 1983.
405. Building complex English sentences / National Textbook Co., 1985.
406. Building sentences / 0130865214 (pbk.) Prentice-Hall, c1985.
407. Third Barnhart dictionary of new English / 0824207963 H.W. Wilson, 1990.
408. Basic chemical engineering : with practical applications/ 503000033X : Mir Pub., 1988.
409. Buildings for industry. F. W. Dodge Corp., c1957.
410. Retention of fillers by papermaking fibers / s.n.], 1959.
411. Bending and torsional design in structural members 0669000310 Lexington Books [1975]
412. Bridge deck behaviour 0470346361 Chapman and Hall 1976.
413. British standard methods of test for stabilized soils : B.S.1924:1957. 1957.
414. Basic soils engineering / Ronald Press Co., [c1957]
415. The shape of British housing / 0711457972 : G. Godwin, 1984.
416. Background information for selection of beryllia as moderator for the maritime gas-cooled reactor / U.S.Atomic Energy Commission and the Maritime Administration, 1960.
417. Basic principles and calculations in chemical engineering / 0130664987 Prentice-Hall, c1982.
418. Basic principles and calculations in chemical engineering / 013066572X Prentice Hall, c1989.
419. Basic principles and calculations in chemical engineering / 0130664723 Prentice-Hall, c1974.
420. BASIC heat transfer / 0408012757 (alk. paper) Butterworths, 1989.
421. BASIC programs for chemical engineering design / 0824771389 : M. Dekker, c1984.
422. Hebe- und fordereinrichtungen im baubetrieb / Veb Verlag Technik, 1957.
423. Chemical process structures and information flows / 040990175X Butterworths, c1990.
424. Brennstofftechnische gesellschaft in der deutschen demokratischen republik. VEB Deutscher Verlag fur Grundstoffindustrie, 1960.
425. Brennstofftechnische gesellschaft in der deutschen demokratischen republik. VEB Deutscher Verlag fur Grundstoffindustrie, 1960.
426. Building materials from solid wastes / 0815507712 Noyes Data Corp., 1979.
427. Fundamentals of fluidized-bed chemical processes / 040870909X Butterworths, 1983.
428. Betz handbook of industrial water conditioning. Betz, 1976.
429. Gas-liquid-solid fluidization engineering / 040995179X : Butterworths, c1989.
430. Building code requirements for reinforced concrete(ACI 318-71) / s,n], 1972.
431. Building materials practice / Arnold, [1964]
432. Blasters' handbook : describing practical methods of using explosives for various purposes / Explosives Division, Canadian Industries Ltd., c1968.
433. Blasters' handbook : a manual describing explosives and practical methods of use / DuPont, [c1969]
434. Biological treatment of sewage and industrial wastes, Reinhold [c1956-58]
435. Handbook of fiber-reinforced concrete : principles properties, developments and applications / 0815512368 : Noyes Publications, c1990.
436. Budynki mieszkalne z elementow wielkowymiarowych oliczanie i konstrukcja. Elsevier Pub. Co., 1961.
437. Beginner's guide to electronics / 0408001267 Newnes-Butterworth 1974.
438. Bond in concrete : proceedings of the International Conference on Bond in Concrete, held at Paisley College of Technology, Scotland, from 14 to 16 June 1982 / 0853341567 : Applied Science, c1982.
439. Better glass making. Industrial Publications, Inc., 1958.
440. Biological waste treatment / Interscience Publishers, 1971.
441. Building construction handbook / 0835905802 : Reston Pub. Co., c1983.
442. Biotechnology and wastewater treatment / 0521257239 : Cambridge University Press, 1985.
443. Biological process design for wastewater treatment / 013076406X : Prentice-Hall, c1980.
444. Biochemical ecology of water pollution / 0306305402 Plenum Press, 1972.
445. Biodegradation techniques for industrial organic wastes / 081550800X Noyes Data Corp., 1980.
446. Basic principles and practice of microprocessors / 0713134267 (pbk.) Edward Arnold, 1981.
447. Boron/graphite hybrid composite develpment study / s.n.], 1970.
448. Biological waste treatment Pergamon Press, 1961.
449. Building failure : practical studies from the Building Research Establishment. 0860958000 Construction Press, 1978.
450. Building additions design / 0070167613 : McGraw-Hill, c1985.
451. Fabrication technology / Institute of Ceramics, c1989.
452. Superconducting ceramics / The Institute of Ceramics, 1988.
453. Basics of communications and coding / 0198531958 Clarendon Press ; 1985.
454. Boiler efficiency and safety : a guide for managers, engineers and operators responsible for small steam boilers / 0333270169 Macmillan, 1981.
455. Technologische Forschung und Entwicklung - Elektronik - : Abwarmenutzung fur stationare dieselmotoren / VALVO Rohren- und Halbleiterwerke der Philips, 1985.
456. Third ceramic chemists' conference (on silicate analysis), held on October 1 and 2, 1968 at the British Ceramic Research Association, Stoke-on-Trent. British Ceramic Research Association, 1968.
457. Buckling of offshore structures : a state-of-the-art review / 0872010678 Gulf Pub. Co., 1984.
458. Background to buckling / 0070841004 : McGraw-Hill Book Co., c1980.
459. Basic concepts of structural analysis / 0130583472 Prentice-Hall, c1977.
460. Basin-characteristic indexes as flow estimators. Meeting preprint, c1974.
461. Solid-liquid separation / 040870943X Butterworths, 1981.
462. Building design for energy economy / 0860958507 Construction Press, 1980.
463. Basic corrosion technology for scientists and engineers / 0470214643 (Halsted Press) Ellis Horwood, 1989.
464. Corrosion fatigue : proceedings of the First USSR-UK Seminar on Corrosion Fatigue of Metals, held in Lvov, USSR, 19-22 May, 1980 / 0904357511 (pbk.) Metals Society, c1983.
465. Behaviour of thin-walled structures / 08533424666 : Elsevier Applied Sciennce Pub., c1984.
466. CEB/FIP manual of buckling and instability / 0904406865 Construction Press, 1978.
467. Acoustics of buildings. 0442278179 Van Nostrand Reinhold, c1984.
468. Chemical process equipment : selection and design / 0409901318 : Butterworths, c1988.
469. The designer's guide to wind loading of building structures / 0408008709 (v. 1) Building Research Establishment, Dept. of the Environment ; 1985-<1990 >
470. Building planning and design standards for architects, engineers, designers, consultants, building committees, draftsmen and students. Wiley [1955]
471. Building configuration and seismic design / 0471861383 : Wiley, c1982.
472. Building technique : for domestic and similar structures / Published for "The Architect & Building news" by Iliffe, 1955.
473. Building superstructure / 0860957152 : Construction Press, 1982.
474. Building construction : materials and types of construction / 0471053546 : Wiley, c1981.
475. Buried structures : static and dynamic strength / 0412215608 : Chapman and Hall, 1985.
476. Beams and beam columns / 0853342059 Applied Science Publishers ; c1983.
477. Torsion, bending, and lateral buckling of I-Beams / Elanders Boktryckeri Aktiebolag, 1956.
478. Handbook of brick masonry construction / McGraw-Hill, 1942.
479. CEB/FIP manual on bending and compression : design of sections under axial action effects at the ultimate limit state / 0860957012 : Construction Press, 1982.
480. Basic reinforced concrete design: elastic and creep. Ronald Press Co. [1957]
481. Deutsche ozean-passagierschiffe : 1896 bis 1918 / 3921564808 VEB Verlag fur Verkehrswesen, 1986.
482. Buildings for research. F. W. Dodge, c1958.
483. Building technique : for domestic and similar structures / Published for "The Architect & Building news" by Iliffe, 1955.
484. Building failures : case studies in construction and design. McGraw-Hill, [1962]
485. These : l'universite de bordeaux 1. [s.n.],
486. Salesbook spreadsheets : sales management, cash management, general management / 007049701X (pbk.) McGraw-Hill, c1985.
487. Building construction handbook / 007041520X McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1975.
488. Terminologie : des fibres chimiques / Terminology : [n.d.].
489. Betonove stavitelstvi. Statni nakladatelstvitechnicke literatury, 1956.
490. Betony lekkie. Wydawnictwo, 19??
491. Beton arme calcul des ossatures;: torsion, flambement, oscillations deformations plastiques. Eyrolles, 1978.
492. Beilsteins Handbuch der organischen Chemie, vierte Auflage : Gesamtregister f鑥r das Hauptwerk und die Erg鑑nzungswerke I, II, III, und IV, die Literatur bis 1959 umfassend, Sachregister f鑥r die B鑑nde 6,: Isocyclische Hydroxy-Verbindungen A-E / 3540114262 : Springer, 1982.
493. BAG Chemie-Lexikon / BAG Brunner Verlag, 1975.
494. Beilsteins Handbuch der organischen Chemie, vierte Auflage : viertes Erg鑑nzungswerk, die Literatur von 1950 bis 1959 umfassend. Bd. 6. T. 7 / 3540104267 : Springer, 1980.
495. Einfuhrung in die elektronentheorie organisch-chemischer reaktionen. VEB Verlag Technik, 1961.
496. Beitrage zur angewandten glasforschung / Wissenschaftliche verlagsgesellschaft, 1959.
497. Beitrage aus der ingenieurmessung / Veb Verlag, 1958.
498. Beilsteins Handbuch der Orgenischen Chemie.: Die Literatur von 1950 bis 1959 umfassend. Bd.12, T.3 /. 4. Erg鑑nzungswerk : 3540135499 Springer, c1984.
499. Beilsteins Handbuch der Orgenischen Chemie.: Die Literatur von 1930 bis 1959 umfassend. Bd.27, T.8 /. 3-4. Erg鑑nzungswerk : 3540131442 Springer, 1984.
500. Beilsteins Handbuch der Orgenischen Chemie.: Die Literatur von 1950 bis 1959 umfassend. Bd.12, T.2 /. 4. Erg鑑nzungswerk : 3540134239 Springer, c1984.