以"T"开头查询到 44800 条西文期刊记录。
刊名 ISSN 出版社 出版年
1. The chemistry of acetylene and related compounds. Interscience Publishers; 1948, 1950.
2. Metal-ligand interactions in organic chemistry and biochemistry : proceedings of the ninth Jerusalem Symposium onQuantumChemistry and Biochemistry held in Jerusalem March 29th-April 2nd, 1976 / 9027707510 (pt. 1) : D. Reidel Pub. Co., c1977.
3. Theory and practice of MO calculations on organic molecules / 0444414681 (American Elsevier) Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co., 1976.
4. Chromenes, chromanones, and chromones / 0471382124 Wiley, c1977.
5. Thermal electrocyclic reactions / 0124762506 Academic Press, 1980.
6. The determination of sulphur-containing groups 0120650029 (v.2) Academic Press, 1972-1977.
7. The delayed fracture of aluminum alloys / s.n., 1978]
8. Tables of spectral data for structure determination of organic compounds / 3540124063 (Berlin) Springer-Verlag, 1983.
9. Taxii / Collins, 1980.
10. The chemistry of free radicals / 0713124172 Edward Arnold, 1974.
11. Times-Chambers Junior dictionary : a teaching dictionary for pupils of ten years and upwards / 9971406713 Federal Publications, c1987.
12. The Random House thesaurus / 0394529499 Random House, c1984.
13. The Concise Oxford dictionary of current English : based on the Oxford English dictionary and its supplements. 0198611315 Clarendon Press ; 1982.
14. The aromatic diazo-compounds and their technical applications / no price. Arnold, 1949, 1947.
15. The pyrazines / 0471381195 J. Wiley, c1982.
16. The inorganic heterocyclic chemistry of sulfur, nitrogen, and phosphorus / 0123356806 Academic Press, 1980.
17. The Oxford dictionary for writers and editors / 0192129708 Clarendon Press ; 1981.
18. The New Penguin English dictionary 0140511857 Penguin Books in association with Longman Group Limited, 1987.
19. The conformational analysis of heterocyclic compounds / 0125881606 Academic Press, 1980.
20. Theory of servomechanisms / McGraw-Hill, 1947.
21. Total synthesis of natural products, the "Chiron" approach / 008029247X : Pergamon Press, 1983.
22. The chemistry of organic compounds : a year's course in organic chemistry / Macmillan Co., 1947.
23. Fortschritte der chemischen Forschung=: Topics in Current Chemistry. Bd. 105,. Organic chemistry / 3540116362 Springer-Verlag, 1982.
24. Teaching English to speakers of other languages : substance and technique / 0816608687 (pbk.) University of Minnesota Press, c1978.
25. The technological principles of flow line and automated production / Pergamon Press, 1963.
26. Travel / Regents Publishing Company,Inc, 1981.
27. The arts / Regents, 1981.
28. XVIe si醗cle;: les grands auteurs fran餭ais du programme Bordas, [1968]
29. The Right word II : a concise thesaurus : based on the new American Heritage dictionary. 0395348080 Houghton Mifflin, c1990.
30. The Oxford dictionary of modern quotations / 019866141X Oxford University Press, 1991.
31. Taschenbuch : korrosionsschutz / VEB Deutscher Verlag fur Grundstoffindustrie , [1980]
32. Textbook of polymer science / 0471031968 Wiley, c1984.
33. Textbook of polymer science / 0471072966 Wiley-Interscience, 1971.
34. Techniques of polymer syntheses and characterization / 0471098051 Wiley-Interscience, 1972.
35. The essence of organic chemistry / 0201010311 Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., c1978.
36. Robotics and robot sensing systems : August 25, 1983, San Diego, California / 0892524774 (pbk.) : SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, c1983.
37. TOEFL grammar workbook / 0668050802 (pbk.) Arco Pub., c1982.
38. The organometallic chemistry of the transition metals / 0471853062 : Wiley, c1988.
39. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Cost Engineers. The Association, c1980-
40. Proceedings of the 2nd..., Hyatt Hotel, Dulles International Airport, Herndon, VA, USA, November 6-9, 1990 / 0818620846 (paper) IEEE Computer Society Press, c1990.
41. Third status report on fuel cells / U.S. Army Signal Research and Development Laboratory, 1962.
42. Vogel's Textbook of practical organic chemistry / 0470214147 (U.S.) Longman Scientific & Technical, 1989.
43. Topics in organic chemistry / Reinhold Publishibng, 1963.
44. The productivity prescription : the manager's guide to improving productivity and profits / 0070032351 McGraw-Hill, c1982.
45. Organic chemistry. 038709301X Springer-Verlag, 1979.
46. Two-phase polymer systems / 019520915X Hanser Pub. ; c1991.
47. Thomson's Dictionary of banking. 0273360280 Pitman, 1974.
48. Transition metal complexes of cyclic polyolefins / 0122079507 Academic Press, 1979.
49. Techniques and experiments for organic chemistry / 0205087523 Allyn and Bacon, c1987.
50. TGL-Taschenbuch warmebehandlung. VEB Deutscher Verlag fur Grundstoffindustrie, 1978.
51. The technology of scandium ,yttrium and the rare earth metals / Pergamon Press, 1963.
52. The Study of second language acquisition =: 第二语言习得研究 / 7810465791 上海外语教育出版社, 1999.
53. Teaching language as communication =: 语言教学交际法 / 7810465848 上海外语教育出版社, 1999.
54. Technical Rules for Steam Boilers (TRD) Vulkan-Verlag, 19??
55. The American ways : an introduction to American culture / 0133420159 Prentice Hall Regents, c1997.
56. Transition metal complexes : structures and spectra / Springer-Verlag, 1983.
57. Dictionary of library and information sciences : English-Chinese, Chinese-English / 3598105320 K.G. Saur, 1984.
58. The ALA glossary of library and information science / 0838903711 American Library Association, 1983.
59. Thermosense XIII : 3-5 April 1991, Orlando, Florida / 0819405760 SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, c1991.
60. Developments in ionic polymers--2 / 0853344191 Applied Science Publishers, c1986.
61. Molecular motion in high polymers / 019851333X Clarendon Press, 1981.
62. The Information professional : survey of an emerging field / 0824718720 Dekker, c1981.
63. Structure and properties of polymers, 0470084952 Georg Thieme Publishers; 1973.
64. The physics and chemistry of carbides, nitrides, and borides / 0792308700 Kluwer Academic Publishers, c1990.
65. The effect of post weld heat treatment on welds in steel structures / Valtion Teknillinen Tutkimuskeskus, c1983.
66. The comedians / Penguin Books, 1981 printing, c1966.
67. The Oxford book of short stories / 0192141163 : Oxford University Press, 1981.
68. Tetraphenylborates / 0080239285 Pergamon, 1981.
69. The Golden treasury of the best songs and lyrical poems in the English language / Oxford University Press, 1929.
70. The confessions / 7560013643 外语教学与研究出版社, 1997.
71. Advances in welding science and technology : TWR '86 : proceedings of an International Conference on Trends in Welding Research, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, USA, 18-22 May 1986 / 0871702452 ASM International, c1986.
72. The rare earths in modern science and technology : [proceedings] / 0306311496 (v. 1) Plenum Press, c1978-
73. Bank-EDV von A bis Z;: deutsch-englisch mit englisch-deutschem Index. 3781910865 Fritz Knapp, 1977.
74. Fortschritte der chemischen Forschung=: Topics in Current Chemistry. Bd. 102,. Inorganic ring systems / 3540113452 Springer-Verlag, 1982.
75. The Red badge of courage / 0553210114 Bantam Books, 1983.
76. The merchant of Venice / 710000668 Commercial Press, 1989.
77. Technique of inorganic chemistry. Interscience Publishers, c1963-
78. The effect of section thickness on the fatigue performance of simple welded joints / United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, 1983.
79. The Bostonians / 0553211536 Bantam Books, 1984.
80. Inorganic chemistry / Springer-Verlag, 1984.
81. Stress relieving heat treatments of welded steel constructions : proceedings of the international conference held in Sophia, Bulgaria, 6-7 July 1987 under the auspices of the International Institute of Welding = Les traitements thermiques de relaxation des constructions soud鈋es en acier : communications pr鈋sent鈋es 醓 la confer鈋nce internationale tenue 醓 Sophia, Bulgarie, les 6-7 juillet 1987 sous les auspices de l'Institut international de la soudure. 0080359000 : Published on behalf of the International Institute of Welding by Pergamon Press, 1987.
82. 1985 Finishing and Converting Conference : Albany Hilton Hotel, Albany, NY, October 6-10. TAPPI Press, c1985.
83. The world since 1500;: a global history 0139681728 Prentice-Hall [1971]
84. The world to 1500 : a global history / 0139681981 (pbk., [v. 1]) Prentice-Hall, 1970.
85. The Penguin dictionary of English and European history, 1485-1789 / 0713912391 Penguin, 1980.
86. Precision controlled application of continuous patterned hot melt adhesive / Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 1985.
87. Teaching science with everyday things / 0070553556 McGraw-Hill, c1982.
88. Thermodynamics of polymerization / 0824764706 M. Dekker, c1976.
89. The gifted and talented / 0531041115 F. Watts, 1980.
90. Developments in ionic polymers / 0853341591 (v. 1) Applied Science Publishers, c1983.
91. The life and times of Zhang Yuanji, 1867-1959 : from Qing reformer to twentieth-century publisher / Commercial Press, 1985.
92. Biologists / 0584700016 : Blond Educational, 1983.
93. Thermally-sprayed active metal coatings for corrosion protection in marine environments / s.n., 1984]
94. The Oxford dictionary of natural history / 0192177206 Oxford University Press, 1985.
95. Termes techniques nouveaux : termes officiellemnt recommandes par le Gouvernement francais / 2903988005 FEUTRY, 1982.
96. Polytechnisches Worterbuch : English-Deutsch / Verlag Technik, c1984.
97. The Systematic identification of organic compounds : a laboratory manual / 0471788740 Wiley, c1980.
98. The chemistry of phosphorus : environmental, organic, inorganic, biochemical and spectroscopic aspects / 0063180421 Harper and Row, 1976.
99. Analytical problems / 0387164030 Springer, 1986.
100. Analytical chemistry progress / 3540135960 Springer, 1984.
101. The effects of aqueous impurities on intergranular stress corrosion cracking of sensitized type-304 stainless steel / Electric Power Research Institute, c1983.
102. Fortschritte der chemischen Forschung=: Topics in Current Chemistry. Bd. 95,. Analytical problems / 038710402X (New York) Springer-Verlag, 1981.
103. Proceedings of the 24th annual technical conference. SVC, c1981.
104. Thermal methods / 0471913340 (pbk.) : Published on behalf of ACOL, London, by Wiley, c1987.
105. Proceedings of the twenty-third International Machine Tool Design and Research Conference / 0333343530 Macmillan, 1983.
106. Transform techniques in chemistry / 0306310708 Plenum Press, c1978.
107. Proceedings of the twenty-fourth International Machine Tool Design and Research Conference / 0333359356 Macmillan, 1984.
108. Close tolerances using composite planks for models and fixtures / Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 1985.
109. Development and implementation of new cutting tool technology / Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 1982.
110. The English teacher's handbook / 0245539271 Harrap, 1982.
111. The periodic table / Butterworths, 1964.
112. Table of isotopes / 0471041793 Wiley, c1978.
113. Relationships and mechanisms in the periodic table / 750621041X World Pub. Corp., 1991.
114. Organic solvents : physical properties and methods of purification / 0471084670 Wiley, c1986.
115. Techniques of chemistry. v. 1,. Physical methods of chemistry : incorporation fourth completely revised and augmented edition of technique of organic chemistry. 0471927279 Wiley, c1971.
116. Techniques of chemistry. v. 1,. Physical methods of chemistry : incorporation fourth completely revised and augmented edition of technique of organic chemistry. 0471927287 Wiley, c1971.
117. Establish cutter performance requirements for improved productivity / Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 1983.
118. Techniques of chemistry. v. 1,. Physical methods of chemistry : Incorporating fourth completely revised and augmented edition of technique of organic chemistry. 0471927333 Wiley-Interscience, c1972.
119. Spectroscopy and spectrometry in the infrared, visible, and ultraviolet / 0471927317 Wiley-Interscience, c1972.
120. Determination of mass, transport, and electrical-magnetic properties / 0471927341 Wiley-Interscience, c1972.
121. TC-2A Technical evaluation / Naval weapons center, 1978.
122. Tool/rite tooling materials system (composite tooling) / Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 1985.
123. Tables of chemical kinetics : homogeneous reactions / U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1951.
124. Theory and practice in the organic laboratory / 0669044946 (pbk.) D.C. Heath, c1982.
125. The Behavior of rectangular composite material plates under lateral and hygrothermal loads / Air Force Office of Scientific Research, 1978]
126. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Thermoelectric Energy Conversion, Arlington, March 12-14, 1980 / IEEE, 1980
127. The Jahn-Teller effect and vibronic interactions in modern chemistry / 0306413191 Plenum Press, c1984.
128. Dimensional stability in composite tooling / Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 1985.
129. The second U.S. water jet symposium : May 24, 25, 26, 1983, Rolla, Missouri / Universit y of Missouri-Rolla, 1983]
130. Applications of lasers to chemical problems / 0471049492 J. Wiley, c1982.
131. Techniques of chemistry. v. XIV,. Thin-layer chromatography/Justus G. Kirchner, edited by Edmond S. Perry / 0471932647 : Wiley, c1978.
132. Technique of electroorganic synthesis / 047193271X (v. 1) Wiley [1974]-c1982.
133. Two papers on Computational geometry / s.n.], 1980.
134. Understanding the cutting tool at work / Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 1983.
135. Titanium fabrication / Bendix, 1983]
136. The Applications of computer techniques in chemical research : proceedings of a conference organized by the Institute of Petroleum, Hydrocarbon Research Group, and held at the Midland Hotel, Manchester, 15-17 November 1971 / 0852930879 Institute of Petroleum, 1972.
137. Third Generation graphics for distibuted systems / Department for computer science, 1983.
138. The interpretation of analytical chemical data by the use of cluster analysis / 0471078611 Wiley, c1983.
139. Technical papers of the first International High Frequency Power Conversion ... Conference. May 28-30, 1986. Intertec International, (1986).
140. Influences determining optimum interface temperature in cutting difficult-to-machine steels / Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 1983.
141. Optimum selection of machining and cutting tool variables / Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 1983.
142. The behaviour of the military battery type BB248/U used to start the engine of the A. P. C. / s. n], 1979.
143. Tablog: the deductive-tableau programming language / Stanford university, 1984.
144. The HMO model and its application / 0471368555 Wiley, c1976-
145. The Software development notebook / s.n.], 1979.
146. Taschenbuch der chemie / Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, 1960.
147. Adsorption at solid surfaces. 0444420266 : Elsevier, 1983.
148. The Chemical physics of solid surfaces / 0444419713 (set) Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co., 1981-1993.
149. The chemical formulary : Chemical Pub. Co., 1977-1986.
150. A system of physical chemistry / Longmans, Green, 1919-1922.
151. The first International Aluminum Welding Conference : April 7-8, 1981, Cleveland, Ohio/ Welding Research Council, 1982.
152. Schaum's outline of theory and problems of physical chemistry / 0070417156 McGraw-Hill, c1989.
153. Applications of surface analysis techniques to the studies of adhesion / Air Force Materials Laboratory, 1979]
154. The architecture of closely-coupled distributed computers and their language processors / Aiken Computation laboratory, 1983.
155. Floating point arithmentic and program correctness proofs / Cornell University, 1980.
156. Systems approach to adhesives bonding / Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 1981.
157. Trends in analytical chemistry / Elsevier, c1982.
158. The locus of environmental crack growth in bonded aluminium alloy joints / AERE Harwell, 1983]
159. The optimum shape : automated structural design / 0306424193 Plenum Press, 1986.
160. A copics implementation experience / s.n.], 19uu.
161. Fortschritte der chemischen Forschung=: Topics in Current Chemistry. Bd. 76,. Aspects of molybdenum and related chemistry / 0387089861 (New York) : Springer-Verlag, 1978.
162. Synthetic and mechanistic organic chemistry. 0387075259 Springer-Verlag, 1976.
163. Theoretical inorganic chemistry. 0387072268 (v. 1) Springer-Verlag, 1975-
164. LEP User's Manual (lincoln fortran preprocessor) version 02.01 for IBM/amdahl systems / s.n.], 1982.
165. Verification of fault tolerant software / Cornell university, 1980.
166. Tenth Ship Technology and Research (STAR) Symposium : proceedings / Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, c1985.
167. The chemical senses Van Chong Book Company, 19??
168. The charrette ada compiler / s.n.], 1980.
169. Periodic correlations / Benjamin, 1965.
170. Twelfth Ship Technology and Research (STAR) Symposium : proceedings, held in conjunction with the SNAME spring meeting hosted by the Philadelphia Section, Philadelphia, Pa. May 27-30, 1987. Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, c1987.
171. Thirteenth Ship Technology and Research (STAR) Symposium : proceedings, held in conjunction with the SNAME spring meeting hosted by the Great Lakes and Great Rivers Section, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. June 8-10, 1988. Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, c1988.
172. Journal of molecular structure.Theochem. Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co., 1981-
173. The Royal Institute of Naval Architects : supplementary papers. The Royal Institute of Naval Architects, c1983.
174. Transactions. The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, c1983.
175. The third dimension in chemistry / Clarendon Press, 1956.
176. The Program complexity of searching a table / Stanford university, 1984.
177. The application of DC-DC energy conversion in a solar energy system / Appadcom, Misd, 1979.
178. The Solar energy/utility interface : a monograph / 008028695X Pergamon Press, c1982.
179. The charlotte distributed operating system prt IV of the first report on the crystal project / s.n.], 1983.
180. Neutron diffraction / 0387087109 Springer-Verlag, 1978.
181. Design and performance of flexible pavements. 0309041155 Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, 1986.
182. The Determination of mercury in environmental materials / s.n., 1979]
183. The physics and chemistry of low dimensional solids : proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute held at Tomar, Portugal, August 26-September 7, 1979 / 9027711445 D. Reidel Pub. Co. ; c1980.
184. Gauge interactions : theory and experiment / 0306417383 Plenum Press, c1984.
185. Cosmic rays / Clarendon Press, 1950.
186. Transformation toughened ceramics for the Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Technology Program The Center, [1984]
187. The adiabatic diesel engine / 0898833140 (pbk.) Society of Automotive Engineers, 1983.
188. The language of an interactive proof checker / Stanford university, 1983.
189. Three dimensional effects on the hydrodynamic coefficients and wave exciting forces used in predicting motions of ships / The University of Michigan, 1979.
190. Large amplitude motion in molecules. 0387093109 Springer-Verlag, 1979.
191. Propulsion monitoring instrumentation for shipboard energy conservation. The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, c1984.
192. The WEB system of structured documentation / Stanford university, 1983.
193. Spin-orbit coupling in molecules / 0198556144 Clarendon Press ; 1981.
194. Topics in modern chemistry / Cleaver-Hume Press, 1963.
195. The chemist's English / 0895735997 (VCH : pbk.) VCH, c1986.
196. The literature matrix of chemistry / 0471795453 Wiley, c1982.
197. Thermal barrier coatings for utility gas turbines / Electric power research institute, 1982.
198. Table of molecular weights : a companion volume to The Merck index, ninth edition / 0911910735 Merck, 1978.
199. The Condensed chemical dictionary : A reference volume for all requiring quick access to essential data regarding chemicals and other substances used in manufacturing and research, and to terms in general use in chemistry and the process industries. Reinhold Pub. Corp., 1956.
200. The design of a multiprocessor development system / Massachuselts institute of technology, 1982.
201. Transactions of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects. Royal Institution of Naval Architects.
202. Intramolecular dynamics : proceedings of the Fifteenth Jerusalem Symposium on Quantum Chemistry and Biochemistry, held in Jerusalem, Israèel, March 29-April 1, 1982 / 9027714924 : D. Reidel Pub. Co. ; c1982.
203. Mixed base modulation / s.n.], 1970.
204. The Cm* Multiprocessor project: A research revies / Carnegie-mellon university, 1980.
205. The Proceedings : third international conference on numerical ship hydrodynamics / 武汉水运图书馆, 19??-
206. Theoretical basis of inorganic chemistry / McGraw-Hill, 1965.
207. Kernphysik : eine Einfèuhrung / 3519230216 Teubner, 1979.
208. Fluid thermodynamics / Office national d'etudes et de recherches aerospatiales, 1983.
209. Transport phenomena in material processing : presented at AIAA/ASME Thermophysics and Heat Transfer Conference, June 18-20, 1990, Seattle, Washington / 0791804771 American Society of Mechanical Engineers, c1990.
210. The Aldrich library of NMR spectra / Aldrich Chemical Co., c1983.
211. The properties of nuclei / 0198518285 Clarendon Press, 1977.
212. IEEE transactions on nuclear science. Professional Technical Group on Nuclear Science, c1963-
213. The quest for quarks / 0521248507 : Cambridge University Press, 1983.
214. Automatic methods of analysis / 0444430059 (U.S.) Elsevier, 1988.
215. Theory of nuclear structure / Affiliated East-West Press, c1982.
216. The determination of cadmium in beryllium metal / Chemistry Division, 1959.
217. The micro to mainframe communications directory : October 1984. Architecture Technology Corporation, c1984.
218. Theory of molecular interactions / 0444426965 (U.S.) Elsevier, 1986.
219. The determination of copper in fused mixtures of sodium, zirconium and uranium fluorides / Chemistry Division, 1959.
220. The determination of free metal and carbon in beryllium metal / Chemistry Division, 1959.
221. The determination of phoshorus in mictures of sodium potassium and magniesium chlorides / Chemistry Division, 1959.
222. Lattice theories of the liquid state / Pergamon, 1963
223. The gravimetric determination of silicon in thorite / Industrial Group Headquarters, 1959.
224. The gravimetric determination of phosphorus in thorite (Ammonium phosphomolybdate) / Industrial Group Headquarters, 1959.
225. Theoretical principles, organtization means, and mining practice for the control of ground in subsurface mines in czechoslovakia / s. n], 19??
226. Conference on Marine Applications for Microprocessors : transactions (C) / 0907206069 Marine Management (Holdings), c1983.
227. The gravimetric determination of phosphorus in monazite sand (magnesium pyrophosphate) / Industrial Group Headquarters, 1959.
228. The behavior of pulverized coal particles during the early stages of combustion / High Temperature Gasoynamics Laboratory, 1985.
229. The structure and properties of water 0198553390 Clarendon P., 1969.
230. The Forces between molecules / 0198552068 (pbk.) Clarendon Press ; 1986.
231. The ports of Tampa and Port Manatee, Florida. [Dept. of Defense], Dept. of the Army, Corps of Engineers, Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors : for sale by the Board, 1979.
232. The Ports of Tacoma, Grays Harbor, and Olympia, Washington / The Corps : 1983.
233. The Port of Seattle, Washington / The Corps : 1983.
234. The port of Detroit and ports on the Saginaw River, Michigan / U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ; 1984.
235. Vogel's Textbook of Macro and semimicro qualitative inorganic analysis / 0582443679 Longman, 1979.
236. Techniques and applications of fast reactions in solution : proceedings of the Nato Advanced Study Institute on New Applications of Chemical Relaxation Spectrometry and Other Fast Reaction Methods in Solution, held at the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, September 10-20, 1978 / 9027710228 D. Reidel Pub. Co., c1979.
237. The Ports of Southern New England : Providence, RI, Fall River, MA, New London, New Haven, & Bridgeport, CT / The Corps : 1983.
238. The Ports of Philadelphia, PA, Camden, NJ, Wilmington, DE, and ports on Delaware River / The Corps : 1984.
239. The Port of Boston, Massachusetts / The Corps : 1983.
240. The Ports of Los Angeles, Long Beach, and Port Hueneme, California / The Corps : 1985.
241. The physics of charged-particle beams / 0198512783 Clarendon Press, 1977.
242. The Port of Huntington, WV and ports on Ohio River miles 40-317 and Kanawha River, WV / The Corps : 1983.
243. The Port of Baltimore, Maryland / The Corps ; 1983.
244. The Port of Cincinnati, Ohio and ports on Ohio River, miles 317-560 / U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ; 1983.
245. Thresholds for spontaneous tgnition of organic solid exposed to radiant heating / High Temperature Gasoynamics Laboratory, 1985.
246. The Port of Corpus Christi, Texas / The Corps : 1983.
247. The particle connection : 0091558905 : Simon and Schuster, c1984.
248. The Ports of San Francisco, Redwood City, and Humboldt Bay, California / The Corps : 1983.
249. The ports of Alaska / The Corps : 1984.
250. Information retrieval in the business environment / Cornell university, 1980.
251. Thermal analysis / 0855011947 Heyden, 1977.
252. Thermal analysis.: (Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Thermal Analysis held at Convention Hall, Davos, August 23-28, 1971.) 376430636X (v. 1) Birkhèauser, 1972.
253. Traffic operations and management : proceedings of seminar N held at the PTRC summer annual meeting, University of Sussex, England, from 14-17 July 1986. 086050168X PTRC Education and Research Services Ltd, 1986.
254. Thermodynamic properties of nonelectrolyte solutions / 0120430207 Academic Press, 1984.
255. Tunable diode laser measurements of methane collision widths in the 3 band at 3.5 / High Temperature Gasoynamics Laboratory, 1985.
256. Traffic management of dense networks / Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, 1980.
257. Titanium : with special reference to the analysis of Titaniferous Substances / The Chemical Catalog Company, c1927.
258. Proceedings of the Fourth British National Conference on Databases (BNCOD4) : University of Keele, 10-12 July 1985 / 0521320208 Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of the British Computer Society, 1985.
259. Fortschritte der chemischen Forschung=: Topics in Current Chemistry. Bd. 50,. Silicon chemistry. I / 0387067140 (New York) Springer-Verlag, 1974.
260. Twentieth Biennial Conference on Carbon : June 23-28, 1991 : extended abstracts and program / American Carbon Society, 1991]
261. Thermodynamics of small systems. W. A. Benjamin, 1963-64.
262. The New technologies : international computer state of the art report / 0855390409 Infotech, [c1971]
263. Thermodynamic theory of structure, stability and fluctuations 0471302805 Wiley-Interscience [1971]
264. The theory of rotating diatomic molecules / 0471611875 Wiley, [1975]
265. Proceedings : IEEE Control Systems Society, Third Symposium on Computer-Aided Control System Design (CACSD), Arlington, Virginia, September 24-26, 1986. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1986.
266. CAD/CAM in footwear tooling-"neecap" / s.n.], 1979.
267. Proceedings the 4th Heat Pump Technology Conference / s.n., 1982?]
268. A Total integrated systems approach to CAD/CAM / s.n.], 19uu.
269. Integrated manufacturing control-material management (IMC-MM) / s.n.], 1979.
270. Technology projection modeling of future computer systems / 0138984794 Prentice Hall, c1990.
271. The molecular theory of fluids / North-Holland Pub. Co., 1952.
272. The Influence of Gamma Radiation on the Flotation of Minerals / s.n.], 19??
273. The UCC-UD Computer-aided cost estimating system-an overview / s.n.], 1979.
274. The shape and structure of molecules 0198554214 Clarendon Press, 1973.
275. Concept of an integrated CAD/CAM system for metal parts / s.n.], 1979.
276. The Prentice-Hall standard glossary of computer terminology / 0136982344 : Prentice-Hall, Business and Professional Division, c1985.
277. Thermodynamics for chemical engineers / 0485120232 : Athlone Press, 1939.
278. The identification of molecular spectra / Wiley ; 1963.
279. The Adiabatic engine : global developments. 0898839211 (pbk.) Society of Automotive Engineers, c1986.
280. The computer virus crisis 0442285329 Van Nostrand Reinhold c1989.
281. Ship wave resistance : a survey / s.n., 1978]
282. Theoretical electrochemistry / Mir Publishers, 1977.
283. Twenty-first symposium on naval hydrodynamics : preprints, Wednesday and Thursday sessions. s.n., 1996]
284. Thermal suppression of exhaust pipes / s. n], 1982
285. Twenty-first symposium on naval hydrodynamics : preprints, Monday sessions. s.n., 1996]
286. Twenty-first symposium on naval hydrodynamics : preprints, Tuesday sessions. s.n., 1996]
287. Twenty-first symposium on naval hydrodynamics : preprints, Friday sessions. s.n., 1996]
288. The spectrum of atomic hydrogen / Oxford University Press, 1957.
289. Trends in electrochemistry : [plenary and invited contributions presented at the fourth Australian Electrochemistry Conference held at the Flinders University of South Australia, February 16-20, 1976] / 0306309904 Plenum Press, c1977.
290. Turbocharged high performance engines / 0898833396 (pbk.) Society of Automotive Engineers, c1984.
291. The crack tip opening displacement in elastic-plastic fracture mechanics : Proceedings of the Workshop on the CTOD Methodology, GKSS-Forschungszentrum Geesthacht, GmbH, Geesthacht, Germany, April 23-25, 1985 / 0387166025 (U.S.) Springer-Verlag, c1986.
292. The effects of hull pitching motions and waves on periodic propeller blade loads / s.n., 1982]
293. Topological fluid mechanics : proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium, Cambridge, UK, 13-18 August 1989 / 0521381452 Cambridge University Press, 1990.
294. The principles of electrodeposition. 西书店, [1944]
295. Verifying concurrent processes using temporal logic / Computer Systems Laboratory, 1983]
296. Bureau of engineering research / s. n], 1984.
297. Bureau of engineering research / s. n], 1984.
298. Theoretical analysis of the flow field over a family of ogive bodies. Sciehce Applications, Inc., 1977.
299. Tabellen zur rontgenstrukturanalyse / Springer-verlag, 1958.
300. Statistical measures, probability densities, and mathematical models for stochastic measurements. Office of the Director of Defense Research and Engineering, 1976]
301. Development and evaluation of methods of plane stress fracture analysis. Air Force Flight Dynamics Laboratory, 1973-1975.
302. Some considerations for implementing the smart information retrieval system under unix / Department of Computer Science, Cornell University, 1983.
303. Tables of standard electrode potentials / 0471995347 : Wiley, c1978.
304. Calculations of some unsteady transonic flows about the naca 64A006 and 64A010 airfoils. Office of the Director of Defense Research and Engineering, 1977]
305. The Effects of external stores on the flutter of a non-uniform cantilever wing thesis / s.n., 1977]
306. Thermally stimulated relaxation in solids / 0387095950 Springer-Verlag, 1979.
307. The structure and mechanical properties of matals / s.n.], 1951.
308. Thermoluminescence of solids / 0521245206 Cambridge University Press, 1985.
309. The electrical properties of metals and alloys / 0713125241 (pbk.) E. Arnold, 1977.
310. Oxides and oxide films. 0824711432 (v. 1) M. Dekker, 1972-
311. The complexity of recognizing polyhedral scenes / Stanford University, Department of Computer Science, 1984.
312. Expansive cement concretes for naval construction / Civil engineering laboratory,
313. The behaviour and design of steel structures / 0412294702 Chapman and Hall, 1988.
314. The electron in chemistry : being five lectures delivered at the Franklin institute, Philadelphia / The Franklin institute , 1923.
315. Verminderung der emission von schadgasen und feinstauben durch trockensorption und filternde entstauber hinter verbrennungsanlagen / Deutsche babcock anlagen AG Produktbereich gasreinigungsanlagen, 1985.
316. The chemical physics of solid surfaces v.6: coadsorption, promoters and poisons 0-444-81468-X Elsevier 1993.
317. The growth and structure of eutectics with silicon and germanium / 0080158692 Pergamon Press, 1970.
318. Turbulence modelling- a state-of-the-art review / s.n.], 19uu.
319. The effects of cadmium on renal aging a chronic cadmium feeding study in rats / Health effects research laboratory, 1984.
320. Theoretical and applied electrochemistry / 1858980925 1925.
321. Conference on organic fluids for waste heat recovery in ships and industry : Held at the city university, London, Wednesday 7 and Thursday 8 January 1981 / 9009769691 s. n], 1981.
322. The production and uses of natural graphite / Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1964.
323. Glassy metals / 3540104402 (Berlin :v. 1) Springer-Verlag, 1981-
324. Transistor-transistor logic and its interconnections : a practical guide to microelectronic circuits / 0442073704 Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1972.
325. Light scattering in solids / 3540119426 Springer-Verlag, 1982-<1991 >
326. The surface chemistry of solids. Chapman & Hall; 1951.
327. The encyclopaedia of wire / Megnum Publications, 19??
328. Statistical physics 0387114602 (U.S. : v. 1) Springer-Verlag 1983-c1985.
329. Solar pilot plant : phase 1, conceptual design report, thermal storage subsystem research experiment. Dept. of Energy ; 1976.
330. Theoretical solid state physics / 0080166369 (v. 2) Pergamon Press, 1972.
331. Thermodynamics : an advanced textbook for chemical engineers / 0306430487 Plenum Press, c1989.
332. Reclamation of synthetic turbine engine oil mixtures . s. n], 1979.
333. Thermodynamics in geology : proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute held in Oxford, England, September 17-27, 1976 / 9027708347 (pbk.) D. Reidel Pub. Co., c1977.
334. Thermomechanical couplings in solids : Jean Mandel memorial symposium, Paris France, 1-5 September, 1986 / 0444702369 (U.S.) : North-Holland ; 1987.
335. The crystal nugget part I of the first report on the crystal project / University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1983.]
336. Topics in surface chemistry / 0306311488 Plenum Press, c1978.
337. The differential equations of thermodynamics / Mir Publishers, 1983.
338. Solid state physics / 0471928046 (cloth) Wiley, 1991.
339. Structural phase transitions / Springer-Verlag, c1981-c1991.
340. Dynamics on surfaces : proceedings of the seventeenth Jerusalem Symposium on Quantum Chemistry and Biochemistry, Jerusalem, Israel, 30 April -3 May, 1984 / 902771830X D. Reidel Pub. Co. ; 1984.
341. Data base - from independent to distributed / Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 1979.
342. The structure, dynamics, and equilibrium properties of colloidal systems / 0792309936 (alk. paper) Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990.
343. Times computer dictionary : a guide to computer jargon / 9971406659 : Federal Publications , 1985.
344. Green's functions and condensed matter / 0125879504 Academic Press, 1980.
345. The theory and practice of ion exchange: an international conf. held at Churchill College, Univ. of Camb., 25-30, July, 1976 Society of Chemical Industry 1976
346. Physics of superionic conductors / 0387093338 Springer-Verlag, 1979.
347. The Second International Conference on industry & engineering applications on industrial & engineering applications of artificial intelligence & expert systems IEA/AIE-89 / s.n], 1989
348. Transverse compression strength of heavily reinforced iconcrete / s. n], 1981.
349. A cascade in unsteady flow. s.n.,] 1975.
350. The physics of amorphous solids / 0471019682 Wiley, c1983.
351. The Seaming of geosynthetics / 1851664831 Elsevier Applied Science, 1990.
352. The 1969 Materials engineering exposition and congress / s.n.], 28 cm.
353. Thermal conductivity 17 / 0306411776 Plenum Press, c1983.
354. Tenth annual international phoenix conference on computers and communications . IEEE Computer Society Press, 1991.
355. The performance of concurrency control algorithms for database management systems / University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1984.]
356. Turbulence environment characterization / Rome air decelopment center, 1979.
357. Turbulent shear flows 3 : selected papers from the Third International Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows, the University of California, Davis, September 9-11, 1981 / 0387118179 (U.S.) Springer-Verlag, 1982.
358. Transport phenomena in turbulent flows : theory, experiment, and numerical simulation / 0891167420 Hemisphere Pub. Corp. , c1988.
359. Transient thermal-hydraulics in vessel and piping systems : presented at the 1989 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference--JSME co-sponsorship, Honolulu, Hawaii, July 23-27, 1989 / 0791803120 American Society of Mechanical Engineers, c1989.
360. Tube bundle thermalhydraulics / American Society of Mechanical Engineers, c1982.
361. Thermodynamics : an advanced treatment for chemists and physicists / North-Holland Pub. Co.; 1949.
362. Turbulent flow downstream of a backward-facing step / Computational fluid dynamics unit, 1983.
363. Transaction management for design databases / University of Wisconsin-Madison, c1983.]
364. Three dimensional/boundary layer interaction: laminar and turbulent behaviour / European office of aerospace research and development, 1982.
365. The control of the reactivity of solids : a critical survey of the factors that influence the reactivity of solids, with special emphasis on the control of the chemical processes in relation to practical applications / 0444418008 Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co. ; 1979.
366. Selected studies in chemical kinetics / Pennsylvania State Univ., 1961.
367. Theory of superconductivity / 997150569X World Scientific, 1989.
368. ICYCS' 93 : towards the future / 7302008884 : Tsinghua University Press, 1993.
369. Theory of superconductivity / 0805385029 : Benjamin/Cummings Pub. Co., 1983, c1973.
370. The 3rd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems : proceedings, Miami/Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, October 18-22, 1982 / IEEE Computer Society Press, c1982.
371. The physics of high pressure / G. Bell and Sons, Ltd., 1931.
372. The 17th Annual Simulation Symposium : record of proceedings / 0818605278 :Y6.00 IEEE Computer Society, c1984.
373. Transition to turbulence in plane channel flow / s.n.], 1983.
374. Reaction kinetics. Pergamon Press, 1963-
375. European Congress on Thermal Plasma Processes and Materials Behaviour at High Temperature, Odeillo, Font-Romeu, September 12-14, 1990 / 2868831516 : Editions de Physique, 1990.
376. Fourth International Conference on Trends in On-Line Computer Control Systems, 5-8 April 1982 / 0852962568 Institution of Electrical Engineers, c1982.
377. Towards new transonic windtunnels / 9283513436 AGARD, 1979.
378. Transonic and nonlinear flow research / Rockwell intemational science center,
379. The automated production, storage retrieval and display of digitized engineering data / Western Periodicals Company, c1977-
380. Tunnel 16T performance- two - and three- stage compressor performance / Arnold air force station, 1979.
381. Computation structures / 0262231395 MIT Press ; c1990.
382. Proceedings /: the Fourth Annual International Conference of Plasma Chemistry and Technology, San Diego, California, USA, November 19-21, 1987 / 0877626324 Technomic Pub., 1989.
383. The design and application of microprocessor systems : tutorial : CCOMPCON fall 77, September 6-9, fifteenth IEEE Computer Society International Conference, Mayflower Hotel, Washington, D.C. / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers], c1977.
384. Tutorial local network technology / 0818608250 (pbk.) IEEE Computer Society Press ; c1988.
385. The adsorption of gases on solids / University Press , 1949.
386. Turbulence effect on crossflow around a circular cylinder at subcritical Reynolds numbers National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Scientific and Technical Information Branch ; 1982.
387. The 2nd International Conference on distributed computing systems Paris, France, April 8-10, 1981 / Computer Society, c1981.
388. The transition state : a symposium held at Sheffield on 3rd and 4th April 1962 / Chemical Society, 1962.
389. Sixth Symposium on Turbulence and Diffusion, March 22-25, 1983, Boston, Mass. / American Meteorological Society, c1983.
390. The hashnet interconnection scheme / Carnegie-Mellon University, 1980.
391. The distributed V kernel and its performance for diskless workstations / Stanford University, 1983.
392. Inorganic reaction mechanisms,: an introduction / W. A. Benjamin, 1964.
393. Turbulence modelling a state-of-the-Art Review / Computational fluid dynamics unit, 1983.
394. Principles of advanced mathematical physics / 0387088733 (v.1) Springer Verlag, c1978-c1981.
395. Theory of unimolecular reactions. 0122623509 : Academic Press, 1973.
396. Thermal barrier desigh guidelies / s. n], 1978.
397. The CP90 Europhysics Conference on computational physics : Amsterdam, the Netherlands 10-13 September 1990 / 9810204884 (pbk) World Scientific, c1991.
398. Ultrashort light pulses : picosecond techniques and applications / 0387081038 : Springer-Verlag, 1977.
399. The physics of structurally disordered matter : an introduction / 0852745915 A. Hilger in association with the University of Sussex Press, c1987.
400. The many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics. 069108131X (pbk.) Princeton University Press, 1973.
401. The influence of gyrocopic forces on the dynamic behavior and flutter of rotating blades / National aeronautics and space administration, 1983.
402. The structure of matter : from the blue sky to liquid crystals / 0713134895 E. Arnold, 1984.
403. Quantum mechanics : an introduction / 0387187553 (U.S. : alk. paper) Springer-Verlag, c1989-
404. The classical theory of fields / 0080181767 Pergamon Press, 1975.
405. Third symposium on turbulent shear flows. University of california, 1981-1981.
406. The theory of cohesion : an outline of the cohesive properties of electrons in atoms, molecules, and crystals / Pergamon Press, 1954.
407. The properties of matter / Longmans,green and Co, 1923.
408. Introduction to probability theory 039504636X Houghton Mifflin [1971]
409. The general properties of matter / The Macmillan Company, 1933.
410. Molecular beams. Clarendon Press 1956.
411. Three phases of matter / 0198519532 Oxford University Press, 1983.
412. The theory of relativity / s.n.], 1955.
413. The theory of relativity / Hindustan Publishing Corporation, 1963.
414. Thermal conductivity 21 / 0306436728 Plenum Press, c1990.
415. Probability theory: foundations, random sequences / Van Nostrand, 1955.
416. The role of temperature in ehd / 1978.
417. Quantum Monte Carlo methods in equilibrium and nonequilibrium systems : proceedings of the Ninth Taniguchi International Symposium, Susono, Japan, November 14-18, 1986 / 0387180613 (U.S.) Springer-Verlag, c1987.
418. The historical development of quantum theory,. v. 1. The quantum theory of Planck, einstein, Bohr and Sommerfeld :its foundation adn the rise of its difficulties,1900-19025, Pt.1 / 0387906428 (v. 1, pt. 1) : Springer-Verlag, c1982.
419. The historical development of quantum theory,. v. 1 :. The quantum theory of Planck, einstein, Bohr and Sommerfeld :its foundation adn the rise of its difficulties,1900-19025, Pt.2 / 0387906428 (v. 1, pt. 2) : Springer-Verlag, c1982.
420. The historical development of quantum theory,. v. 2 :. The discovery of quantum mechanics, 1925. / 0387906428 (v. 2) : Springer-Verlag, c1982.
421. The historical development of quantum theory,. v. 3 :. The formulation of matrix mechanics and its modifications 1925-26. / 0387906428 (v. 2) : Springer-Verlag, c1982.
422. The historical development of quantum theory,. v. 4 :. Pt.1 :The fundamental equations of quantum mechanics 1925-1926, Pt.2 :The reception of the new quantum mechanics 1925-2926. / 0387906428 (v. 2) : Springer-Verlag, c1982.
423. Turbine engine testing : papers presented at the 56th Symposium of the AGARD Propulsion and Energetics Panel, held at the Jolly Ambasciatori Hotel, Turin, Italy, on 29 September-3 October 1980. 9283502825 AGARD, 1981.
424. The historical development of quantum theory,. v. 5 :. erwin Schrodinger and the rise of wave mechanics : part 2 / 0387963774 (v. 5) : Springer-Verlag, c1987.
425. The historical development of quantum theory / 0387906428 (v. 1, pt. 1 : New York) Springer-Verlag, c1982-c2001.
426. Tests of an improved rotating stall control system on a J-85 turbojet engine / Air force aero propulsion laboratory, 1979.
427. The mathematical foundations of quantum mechanics /: a lecture-note volume / W.A. Benjamin, 1963.
428. The theory of space, time and gravitation / Pergamon, 1959.
429. Heat and thermodynamics / Blackie and son limited, 1928-1960.
430. Thermophysical properties research laboratory / School of mechanical engineering, 1982.
431. The theory of space, time and gravitation/ Macmillan, 1964.
432. The Uncertainty principle and foundations of quantum mechanics : a fifty years' survey / 0471994146 Wiley, c1977.
433. Thermocouple temperature measurement 0471480800 Wiley [1973]
434. Applications of the Monte Carlo method in statistical physics / 038712764X bSpringer-Verlag, 1984.
435. Introduction to stochastic processes 0395120764 Houghton Mifflin [1972]
436. Guidance subsystems with position measurement for gliding airdrop systems / Aero-mechanical engineering laboratory, 1978.
437. The technological importance of accurate thermophysical property information : proceedings of a session of the winter annual meeting of the amirican society of mechanical engineers held in new york,NY,december 6,1979 / The committee on thermophysical progerties, 1980]
438. The quantum mechanics of many-body systems 0126915601 Academic Press, 1972.
439. Thin film technologies II : 15-17 April 1986, Innsbruck, Austria / 0892526874 (pbk.) The Society, c1986.
440. The fundamental principles of quantum mechanics : with elementary applications / McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1937.
441. The analysis of hydrogen in solids : proceedings of a workshop sumarizing [i.e. summarizing] developing techniques and formulating requirements for the future, held at Sandia Laboratories, Albuquerque, N.M., January 23-25, 1979 / Dept. of Energy, Office of Energy research, Division of Materials Sciences ; 1979.
442. Turbulence and molecular processes in combustion : a collection of contributions based on lectures presented at the sixth Toyota Conference, Shizuoka, Japan, 11-14 October 1992 / 0444897577 Elsevier, 1993.
443. The kinetic theory of electromagnetic processes / 0387114580 (U.S.) Springer-Verlag, 1983.
444. Quantum electrodynamics / 3540520783 (Berlin) Springer-Verlag, c1992.
445. Effect of damping at the support of a rotating beam on vibrations / US Army Armament Research and Development Command, 1977]
446. Relativistic quantum mechanics : wave equations / 3540509860 Springer-Verlag, c1990.
447. The quantum theory of many-particle systems / Gordon and Breach, 1963, c1962.
448. Trends in aviation fuels and lubricants. 0898832632 (pbk.) Society of Automotive Engineers, 1981.
449. Probabilistic analysis of algorithms : on computing methodologies for computer algorithms performance evaluation / 7506209632 World Pub. Co. , 1991.
450. Fracture mechanics for stuctural adhesive bonds : final report / Air Force Materials Laboratory, 1977.
451. Turbine tip-clearance measurement / [Dept. of Defense, Dept. of the Army, Army Materiel Development and Readiness Command, Army Aviation Research and Development Command], Army Research and Technology Laboratories, Applied Technology Laboratory, 1977.
452. Introduction to tensors, spinors, and relativistic wave-equations (relation structure) / Blackie, 1953.
453. The shaky game : Einstein, realism, and the quantum theory / 0226249468 : University of Chicago Press, c1986.
454. Theoretical physics in the twentieth century : a memorial volume to Wolfgang Pauli / Interscience Publishers, 1960.
455. Proceedings of the Third International Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering Symposium : presented at Energy-Sources Technology Conference & Exhibition, New Orleans, Louisiana, February 12-17, 1984 / American Society of Mechanical Engineers , c1984.
456. Third international symposium on flow visualization : preprints, September 6-9, 1983, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA / 0891163778 Hemisphere Pub. Corp. , c1985]
457. Theoretical physics / 龙门联合书局, 1951.
458. Statistics : a guide to the use of statistical methods in the physical sciences / 0471922943 Wiley, c1989.
459. Theory of multipliers in spaces of differentiable functions / 0273086383 Pitman, 1985.
460. The enigma of probability and physics / 9027716749 D. Reidel Pub. Co. ; c1984.
461. Theory of games and statistical decisions. Wiley [1954]
462. Theory of tokamak plasmas / 044487481X (U.S. : pbk.) North-Holland, 1989.
463. Development of supercorroding alloys for use as timed releases for ocean engineering applications / Naval construction battalion center, 1979.
464. An exact velocity otenial solution of steady, compressible flow over arbitrary two-dimensional and axisymmetric bodies in simply connected fields. Air Force Flight Dynamics Laboratory, 1977.
465. Lectures on theoretical physics /: by Arnold Sommerfeld. 012654682 (V.5) Academic Press, 1950-
466. Introduction to statistical theory 0395046378 Houghton-Mifflin [1971]
467. The almighty chance / 9971509164 World Scientific, 1990.
468. Topics in harmonic analysis on homogeneous spaces / 3764330511 Birkhèauser, 1981.
469. The analysis of linear partial differential operators I :bdistribution theory and fourier analysis / 0387523456 Springer-Verlag ; c1990.
470. Topological algebras : selected topics / 0444879668 (Elsevier Science Pub. Co. : pbk.) North-Holland ; 1986.
471. A specialty conference on the proposed SOx and particulate standard / Air Pollution Control Assoc., 1981.
472. Thermoregulatory consequences of long-term microwave exposure at controlled ambient temperatures / s.n.], 1984.
473. Timber transport model version 2.0 / Institute of transportation studies, 1980.
474. Introduction to applied nonlinear dynamical systems and chaos / 0387970037 (New York) : Springer-Verlag, c1990.
475. Technical aspects of sound / Elsevier, 1953-1962.
476. Theoretical acoustics McGraw-Hill, [c1968]
477. Technology assessment of advanced composite materials. phase I,. Final report / National Science Foundation, 1978]
478. A computational algorithm for the eigenvectors of a singular matrix / Ballistic research laboratory, 1978.
479. Characterization of the structure and properties of various metallic and nonmetallic materials / Air Force Materials Laboratory, 1977.
480. Mixing of horizontal buoyant surface jet over sloping bittom / Hydraulic Engineering Laboratory, 1978.
481. A study of turbulence in the horizontal buoyant surfact jet / Hydraulic Engineering Laboratory, 1979.
482. Verification of a three-dimensional turbulent boundary-layer calculation / Air Force Flight Dynamics Laboratory, 1978.
483. Thermoelastic phenomena in lubricated sliding contact. Office of Naval Research, 1977.
484. The stability of a finitely deformed cylinderical orthotropic elastic membrane and teh effect of internal fluid flow / Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 1979.
485. Youngdahl stress functions and quasi-static nonaxisymmetric thermal stresses in a finite cylinder / Ballistic research laboratory, 1978.
486. The statistical nature of fatigue crack propagation / Air forc flight dynamics laboratory, 1978.
487. Effect of the constant-stress term on mode 1 caustics / Departmeht of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 1979.
488. The theory of ordinary differential equations / Oliver and Boyd; 1956.
489. The dynamic theory, a new view of space, time, and matter / United States Naval Academy, [1978]
490. Techniques for dynamic fracture toughness measurements / University of Maryland, 1978.
491. Telephone switching technology survey / Dittberner Associates, Inc., 1977.
492. Transonic 3-D flow analysis of compressor cascade with splitter vanes / Air Force Propulsion Laboratory, 1978.
493. Systems of quasilinear equations and their applications to gas dynamics / 0821845098 : American Mathematical Society, c1983.
494. Numerical optimization techniques / 0911575073 Optimization Software, Inc., Publications Division, 1985.
495. Global shape analysis / s. n], 1979.
496. Theoretical acoustics and numerical techniques / 3211817867 Springer, 1983.
497. Transactions of the symposium on partial differential equations held at the University of California, at Berkeley, June 20-July 1, 1955 / Interscience Publishers, 1955.
498. Schaum's outline of theory and problems of applied physics / 0070043795 (pbk.) McGraw-Hill, c1988.
499. The bluest eye / 0671531468 Washington Square Press, c1970.
500. Tenth International Congress on Acoustics : 10 ICA Sydney Australia 9-16 July 1980. Australian Acoustical Society, 1980.