以"E"开头查询到 30956 条西文期刊记录。
刊名 ISSN 出版社 出版年
1. Aluminum Industry Energy Conservation Workshop IX papers : Capital Hilton, Washington, D.C., April 8-9, 1986. Aluminum Association, [1986?]
2. Earth-moving machinery / International Organization for Standardization, c1985.
3. Eleanor Roosevelt : first lady of the world / Dell Publishing Co, 1975.
4. Experimental organic chemistry / 0471820431 : Wiley , 1988
5. Effects of tempering treatment on tensile, hardness, and charpy impact properties of modified 9 Cr-1 Mo steel / s.n.], 1982.
6. Experiments and techniques in organic chemistry / 0132988607 Prentice Hall, c1992.
7. English through reading : teacher's manual / 0333192028 (teacher's) : World Pub. Co. ; 1975,1984.
8. Epoxy resins and composites I / 3540155465 Springer, 1985.
9. Epoxy resins and composites II / 3540158251 (Berlin) Springer-Verlag, 1986.
10. Eight simulations : for upper-intermediate and more advanced students of English.: Participant's book. 052128838X Cambridge Univ. Pr., 1983.
11. Electric phenomena in polymer science / 0387094563 Springer, 1979.
12. Career : developments / 0194513246 Oxford University Press, 1982.
13. Vogel's elementary practical organic chemistry : preparations / 0582470099 Longman, c1980.
14. Introduction to macromolecular chemistry / 0471996459 Wiley, c1979.
15. Anritsu Electronic measuring instruments 72/73. Anritsu, 1973.
16. Epoxy resins and composites. III / 3540159363 (Berlin) Springer, 1986.
17. English complex sentences : an introduction to systemic grammar/ 0720461839 North-Holland Pub. Co. 1971.
18. Engineering design handbook : analysis and design of automotive brake systems. Headquarters, US Army Materiel Command, 1976.
19. Polymers and their properties / 047027302X (Halsted Press : v. 1) E. Horwood ; 1982-
20. Polymer chemistry : an introduction / 0134896912 (pbk.) Ellis Horwood, 1993.
21. Fluid mechanics internal flow sub-series. Engineerins Scienece Data Unit, [1971-1979].
22. Naming organic compounds : a systematic instruction manual / 0745803598 : Ellis Horwood Ltd., 1989
23. Experimental organic chemistry : principles and practice / 0632020164 Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1990.
24. Energy economics : quantitative methods for energy and environmental decisions / 007033286X McGraw-Hill, c1983.
25. English for business studies: a practical course for use in secondary schools and colleges, 0712105263 Macdonald & Evans, 1981.
26. Eisen- und hammerwerk gmbh 7385 teningen. s.n., 19??]
27. Exploratory development of die materials for isothermal forging of titanium alloys / Air Force Materials Laboratory, 1979]
28. Epoxy resins and composites,. v. 4 / 0387164235 (U.S.) Springer-Verlag, c1986.
29. Energy conservation in forest road management and operations / University of California, 1980.
30. Entwerfen von arbeitsfahrzeugen und platteormen auf see / Technische Universitat Hannover, 1978]
31. Exercises in number theory / 0387960635 Springer-Verlag, c1984.
32. English in use / 0582066131 : Longman, 1990.
33. Electrical properties of polymers / 0521219027 Cambridge University Press, 1979.
34. Electronic properties of polymers / 0471076961 Wiley, c1982.
35. Electrical properties of polymers / 0126336806 Academic Press, 1982.
36. Partial differential relations / 7506202999 World Publishing Corp. 1989.
37. Einfuhrung in die Differentialrechnung von Funktionen einer unabhangigen Veranderlichen / Akademische Verlag-sgesellschaft Geest, 1974.
38. Experimental determination of the effect of last pass heat sink welding on residual stress in a large stainless steel pipe. Electric Power Research Institute, c1983.
39. Effect of stress-related pipe cracking remedies on low-temperature sensitization of welds in stainless steel. Electric Power Research Institute, c1983.
40. Emulsion polymerization / 0125564201 Academic Press, 1982.
41. Everyday science / 070161451X Jacaranda, 1981.
42. Ions in solution : basic principles of chemical interactions / 0745801722 E. Horwood, 1988.
43. Introduction to commutative algebra and algebraic geometry / 3764330651 Birkhèauser, c1985.
44. Einstein and the philosophical problems of 20th-century physics / Progress Publishers, c1983.
45. Elementary linear algebra / 0023660805 Macmillan ; c1986.
46. Epoxy resin chemistry II : based on a symposium sponsored by the ACS Division of Organic Coatings and Plastics Chemistry at the 183rd meeting of the American Chemical Society, Las Vegas, Nevada, March 28-April 2, 1982 / 0841207771 American Chemical Society, 1983.
47. Effects of electrochemical potential on stress corrosion cracking of aluminum alloy 7079-T6 in salt water / U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, 1962.
48. Parsing theory / 7506215292 (pbk. : v. 1) : World Publishing Corp., 1993.
49. Material selection for controlling stress-corrosion cracking / European Space Agency, c1981.
50. Foundations of chemical analysis / 0470266929 (Halstead) Ellis Horwood ; 1979.
51. Special report chemical strengthening of al2o3 / Bobcock & Wileas, 1969.
52. Inorganic reaction chemistry : systematic chemical separation / 0470268956 (Halsted : v. 1) E. Horwood ; 1980-1981.
53. Earth terminal subsystem study : small terminal cost analysis / Harris corporation, 1979.]
54. Experimental organic chemistry / 0132947854 Prentice-Hall, 1971.
55. Experimental general chemistry 0070544204 McGraw-Hill 1988.
56. Instrumental analysis of pollutants / 185166548X Elsevier Applied Science , c1991.
57. Establish cutter performance requirements for improved productivity / Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 1983.
58. Electrons in chemical reactions : first principles / 0471084743 Wiley, c1982.
59. Experimental methods in catalytic research / 0120586606 (v. 2) Academic Press, 1968-
60. Experimental physical chemistry / McGraw-Hill, 1970.
61. Electrical measurement of plating thickness / Bendix, 1978]
62. Experimental physical chemistry / McGraw-Hill, 1962.
63. Electronic measuring instruments and systems 80/81 [s.n.], 1981.
64. Mathematical and computational concepts in chemistry / 0470202890 (Halsted Press) E. Horwood ; 1986.
65. Electrocatalysis on non-metallic surfaces : proceedings of a workshop held at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Maryland, December 9-12, 1975 / U.S. Dept. of Commerce, The Bureau : [for sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off.], 1976.
66. Wind-diesel and wind autonomous energy systems / 185166338X : Elsevier Applied Science ; c1989.
67. Conference record of 1982 IEEE International Symposium on Electrical Insulation : Marriott Hotel, Philadelphia, Pa., June 7-9, 1982 / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ; 1982.
68. 1985 annual report : Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena / IEEE, c1985.
69. 1984 annual report : Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, October 21-25, 1984, Wilmington hilton, Claymont, DE. / IEEE, 1984.
70. 1983 annual report : Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, October 16-20, 1983, Buck HIll Inn, Buck Hill Falls, PA/ IEEE, 1983.
71. Experimental physical chemistry / 0198551622 Clarendon Press ; 1985.
72. Exercises in second year chemistry : a manual of theoretical analytical procedures / J. Wiley ; 1934.
73. Electrical machines and converters : modelling and simulation : proceedings of the IMACS International Symposium, Liege, Belgium, 17-18 May, 1984 / 0444875964 North-Holland : 1984.
74. Elementary principles of chemical processes / 0471873241 Wiley, c1986.
75. eleventh Ship Technology and Research (STAR) Symposium : proceedings / Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, c1986.
76. Euroanalysis IV : reviews on analytical chemistry / 9630531275 (Akad?emiai Kiad?o) Akad?emiai Kiad?o ; c1982.
77. Effects of gas turbine combustion on soot deposition. s. n], 1978.
78. Experiments in demonstrating the correctness of software / Naval Postgraduate School, 1978.
79. Extended abstracts. Vol. 92-2 / 1566770165 Electrochemical Society, c1992.
80. Encyclopaedia chimica internationalis. s.n.], 19??
81. Evaluation of a residential solar air heating and nocturnal cooling system / Dept. of Energy, [Division of] Solar Energy ; 1977.
82. Experimental methods for engineers / 0070296227 McGraw-Hill, c1989.
83. EKL-an interactive proof checker user's reference manual / Stanford university, 1984.
84. Encyclopedia of applied physics / 1560810580 (VCH Publishers : set) VCH Publishers, c1991-
85. Semi-empirical methods of quantum chemistry / 0853121672 Ellis Horwood ; 1985.
86. Communication, storage, and retrieval of chemical information / 0470201452 (U.S.) E. Horwood ; 1985.
87. Electronic structure, properties, and the periodic law / Reinhold Pub. Corp., 1963.
88. Excited states in quantum chemistry : theoretical and experimental aspects of the electronic structure and properties of the excited states in atoms, molecules and solids : proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute held at Kos, Greece, June 4-18, 1978 / 9027709610 D. Reidel Pub. Co., c1979.
89. Experimental heat transfer, fluid mechanics, and thermodynamics, 1988 : proceedings of the First World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, and Thermodynamics held September 4-9, 1988, in Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia / 0444013377 Elsevier, c1988.
90. Engineering Sciences data : heat transfer. 0085792357 Engineering Sciences Data Unit Ltd., 1978.
91. General handbook of on-line process analysers / 0853123292 E. Horwood Ltd. ; 1981-
92. Engineering sciences data : fluid mechanics, internal flow sub-series. Engineering Science Data Unit, 1978-
93. ESR spectroscopy in polymer research 0387081518 Springer-Verlag c1977.
94. Engineering sciences data : fluid mechanics, internal flow. Engineering Science Data Unit, 1978.
95. Engineering sciences data : mechanisms suberies Engineering Science Data Unit, 1978-
96. Engineering sciences data : Tribology. ESDU, 1968.
97. Experimental investigation of electrostatic dispersion and combustion of diesel fuel jets / High Temperature Gasoynamics Laboratory, 1985.
98. Experimental study of the flowfield of a two-dimentional premixed turbulent flamd / College of Engineering, 1980
99. Electronic applications / 3540181334 (Berlin) Springer-Verlag, c 1988.
100. Effect of time scales of pollutant formation in an adiabatics, Homogeneous, Constant volume enclosure / Western States Section, 1980.
101. Operational amplifiers in chemical instrumentation / 0470455667 (Halsted) E. Horwood ; [1975]
102. Analysis with ion-selective electrodes / 0470262966 (Halsted Press) E. Horwood ; 1978.
103. Experimental atomic physics / McGraw-Hill Book Company, inc., 1933.
104. Effect of drop breakup on fuel sprays / High Temperature Gasoynamics Laboratory, 1985.
105. Combustion sources of unregulated gas phase nitrogenous species / National Technical Infornation Service, 1979.
106. Experimental heat transfer, fluid mechanics, and thermodynamics, 1991 : proceedings of the Second World Conference on ... , held June 23-28, 1991 in Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia / 0444016236 Elsevier, c1991.
107. Extended abstracts and program : 14th Biennial Conference on Carbon, June 25-29, 1979, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania / S.n., 19??
108. Extended abstracts and program : 15th Biennial Conference on Carbon, June 22-23, 1981, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania / S.n., n.d.
109. Twentieth Biennial Conference on Carbon : June 23-28, 1991 : extended abstracts and program / American Carbon Society, 1991]
110. Preparation, properties, and industrial applications of organofluorine compounds / 0853122768 Ellis Horwood Ltd. ; 1982.
111. Excavation handbook / 0070108404 : McGraw-Hill, c1981.
112. Advances in object-oriented graphics I / 3540534806 Springer-Verlag, c1991.
113. Electron and magnetization densities in molecules and crystals / 0306403005 Plenum Press, c1980
114. Equations of state : theories and applications / 0841209588 : American Chemical Society, 1986.
115. Bioinformatics and genome analysis / 3540428933 (alk. paper) Springer, 2002.
116. Effect of several geometric parameters on the static internal performance of three nonaxisymmetric nozzle concepts / National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Scientific and Technical Information Branch ; 1979.
117. Elementary introduction to molecular spectra / North-Holland Pub. Co.; 1954.
118. E&MJ second operating handbook of mineral processing / 0076066843 : E/MJ Mining Information Services ; McGraw Hill, c1980.
119. Computer architecture and design 0201182416 Addison-Wesley c1989.
120. Advances in computer graphics VI : images: synthesis, analysis, and interaction / 0387534555 Springer-Verlag, c1990.
121. Encyclopedia of electrochemistry of the elements / 082476093X (v. 1) M. Dekker [1973-
122. Exploding technology, responsible growth : digest of papers / The Society, c1979.
123. Coal handbook / 0824712706 : M. Dekker, c1981.
124. Advances in computer graphics hardware III / 0387534881 Springer-Verlag, c1988.
125. Electrochemistry / 0408706058 Butterworths, 1976.
126. Stack computers: the new wave 0745804187 E. Horwood ;Halsted Press 1989.
127. Elementary nuclear theory / Wiley, 1947.
128. Proceedings of the 4th SESA International Congress on Experimental Mechanics / SESA, c1981.
129. Elastic waves and ultrasonic nondestructive evaluation : proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium on Elastic Wave Propagation and Ultrasonic Evaluation, University of Colorado, Boulder, U.S.A., July 30-August 3, 1989 / 0444874852 North-Holland, c1990.
130. Energy for the marketplace : 18th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Sheraton-Twin Towers, Orlando, Florida, August 21-26, 1983 / 0816902534 American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 1983.
131. Energy and the environment into the 1990s : proceedings of the 1st World Renewable Energy Congress, Reading, UK, 23-28 September 1990 / 0080375391 (HC) Pergamon Press, 1990.
132. Electrochemical data : a handbook for electrochemists in industry and universities / 0444998632 Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co., 1975.
133. Surface coal mining technology : engineering and environmental aspects / 0815508662 : Noyes Lata Corporation, 1981.
134. A Specialty Conference on Economic Incentives for Clean Air : January 21-23, 1981, San Francisco Hilton Hotel & Tower, San Francisco, California / APCA, c1981.
135. Strengthening methods in crystals / 044420105X Elsevier Pub. Co., 1971.
136. Expansive cement concretes for naval construction / Civil engineering laboratory,
137. Silicon molecular beam epitaxy : proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Silicon Molecular Beam Epitaxy, Symposium A of the 1989 E-MRS Conference, Strasbourg, France, 30 May-2 June 1989,. part B / 0444886206 : North-Holland ; 1990.
138. ECASIA 85 : proceedings of the ... Wiley, c1986.
139. Electrochemical engineering, August 3-7, 1981. Univ. of Mich., 1981.
140. Eddyless channel flows and their stability / National Science foundation, 1979.
141. Effects of selected waterborne particulates on cellular and molecular parameters / U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Health Effects Research Laboratory, 1984.
142. Handbook of aqueous electrolyte solutions : physical properties, estimation, and correlation methods / 0853128944 : Ellis Horwood ; 1985.
143. Organic micropollutants in the aquatic environment : proceedings of the sixth European symposium held in Lisbon, Portugal, May 22-24, 1990 / 0792311043 Kluwer Academic Publishers, c1991.
144. Entrainment and deposition of drops in a dispersed two-phase flow an experimental investigation / Computational Fluid dynamics unit, 1983.
145. Electrode kinetics / 0198554338 Clarendon Press, 1975.
146. Elements of ion exchange / Reinhold Pub. Corp. , 1960.
147. Structure of matter / Springer, 1964.
148. Coal preparation plant automation / 0815509421 : Noyes Data Corp., 1983.
149. Recent developments in sewage sludge processing / 1851666834 Elsevier Applied Science ; c1991.
150. Electronic structure of atoms, molecules and solids / 9810201192 : World Scientific, c1990.
151. Processing and use of sewage sludge : proceedings of the third international symposium held at Brighton, September 27-30, 1983 / 9027717273 D. Reidel Pub. Co., c1984.
152. Elementary statistical physics / Wiley, [1958]
153. Elevated temperature properties of short fiber reinforced aluminum / Naval Research Laboratory, 1977.
154. Equilibrium in solutions ; surface and colloid chemistry / 0674260252 Harvard University Press, 1976.
155. Ion flotation / Elsevier Pub. Co. , 1962.
156. Electrical phenomena at interfaces : fundamentals, measurements, and applications / 0824771869 M. Dekker, c1984.
157. Environment and pollution measurement sensors and systems : proceedings, ECO3, 14-15 March 1990, the Hague, the Netherlands / 0819403164 International Society for Optical Engineering, c1990.
158. ECASIA 89 : proceedings of the European Conference on Applications of Surface and Interface Analysis, 23-27 October 1989, Antibes, Juan les Pins, France. Wiley, 1990.
159. Middle east shipping and transport 1978-1985 : oil and gas tankers, dry cargo, shipping, ports, shipbuilding and repair, road, rail and air transport / The Economist Intelligence Unit Ltd., 1978.
160. EUROGRAPHICS `90 : proceedings of the ... / 0444886834 North-Holland, c1990.
161. Elements of organic photochemistry / 0306308215 Plenum Press, c1976.
162. Engineering developments in the gaseous diffusion process / McGraw-Hill, 1949.
163. Conference record : Eighteenth Asilomar Conference on Circuits, Systems & Computers : papers presented November 5-7, 1984, Pacific Grove, California / 0818606738 (pbk.) IEEE Computer Society Press ; c1985.
164. Energy resources through photochemistry and catalysis / 0122957202 : Academic Press, 1983.
165. Artificial intelligence terminology : a reference guide / Ellis Horwood ; 1989.
166. Proceedings of the Eighth Conference on Electronic Computation / 0872623513 American Society of Civil Engineers, c1983.
167. Experimental techniques in low-temperature physics / 0198513593 Clarendon Press ; 1979.
168. Effect of boundary layer on thrust deduction / The university of lowa, 1981.
169. European Congress on Thermal Plasma Processes and Materials Behaviour at High Temperature, Odeillo, Font-Romeu, September 12-14, 1990 / 2868831516 : Editions de Physique, 1990.
170. Elementary reaction kinetics. Butterworths [c1962]
171. Experiments for the reduction of wind tunnel wall interference by adaptive-wall technology / s. n], 1979.
172. Handbook of chemical equilibria in analytical chemistry / 0470274794 (Halsted) Horwood ; 1985.
173. Ein universelles dreidimensionales wanddruck-korrekturverfahred fur geschlossene rechteckige unterschallwindkanalmebstrecken(Verdrangung,Abwind,Krummung) / s. n], 1982.
174. Experimental measurement of strain and deflection in a uniformly loaded simply supported composite panel / s. n], 1978.
175. Basic quantum mechanics 007094119X McGraw-Hill [1970]
176. Electric thruster research / National aeronautics and space administration, 1981.
177. Experimental evaluation of a low emissions high performance duct burner for variable cycle engines(vce) / s. n], 19xx
178. Spherical harmonics and tensors for classical field theory / 0471907669 (Wiley) Research Studies Press ; c1985.
179. Elasticity, plasticity and structure of matter, / The University press , 1954.
180. Proceedings of the 27th Symposium on Engineering Aspects of Magnetohydrodynamics : June 27-29, 1989, Reno, Nevada : SEAM 27 / American Society of Mechanical Engineers, c1989.
181. Electron correlation in molecules / 0198556179 Clarendon Press, c1984.
182. Exhaust emission traverse investigation of a JT3D-1 turbofan engine / U. S. Department of transportation, 1979.
183. Erosion study in turbomachinery affected by coal and ash particles. Dept. of Energy ; 1976-
184. Elements of applied stochastic processes / 047187826X Wiley, c1984.
185. EXAFS and near edge structure IV : July 7-11, 1986, Abbaye Royale de Fontevraud (France) / Editions de Physique, 1986.
186. Effectiveness of building insulation applications / Civil Engineering Laboratory, 1977.
187. EASCON '81 record / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1981.
188. Effects of manufacturing processes on structural allowables / Air force wright aeronautical laboratories, 1982.
189. 1984 IEEE National Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility : EMC in the next quarter century, April 24-26, 1984, Hyatt Regency Hotel, San Antonio, Texas. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1984.
190. Effect of damping at the support of a rotating beam on vibrations / US Army Armament Research and Development Command, 1977]
191. Electronic and atomic collisions : abstracts of contributed papers : fifteenth International Conference on the Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Brighton, UK, 1987 / 0444870881 North-Holland ; 1988.
192. Computational functional analysis / 0853128073 (lib. bdg.) E. Horwood ; 1985.
193. Hydrogeology of the Peace River Area, Alberta / Alberta Research Council, 1981.
194. Environmental engineering : proceedings of the 1984 specialty conference, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, June 25-27, 1984 / 0872624056 (pbk.) : The Society, c1984.
195. Environmental engineering : proceedings of the 1986 specialty conference : Omni Netherland Hotel, Cincinnati, Ohio, July 8-10, 1986 / 0872625443 (pbk.) American Society of Civil Engineering, c1986.
196. Extensions and applications of a second-order landsurface parameterization / M.I.T., Dept. of Civil Engineering, 1983.
197. Evaluation of techniques for improving combustion aboard ship. Maritime Administration, 1978.
198. Essays in theoretical physics : in honour of Dirk ter Haar / 0080265235 Pergamon Press, 1984.
199. Experiments with mixtures : designs, models, and the analysis of mixture data / 047152221X Wiley, c1990.
200. Epidemiological study of the incidence of cancer as related to industrial emissions in contra costa county, California / Helth effects research laboratory, 1984.
201. Elements of Green's functions and propagation : potentials, diffusion, and waves / 0198519885 : Clarendon Press, 1989.
202. Enteric virus removal in wastewater treatment lagoon systems. s.n.], 1983.
203. Electronic spectra and quantum chemistry / Prentice-Hall, c1964.
204. Experimental design : a chemometric approach / 0444430326 : Elsevier , 1987
205. Evaluation of the adsorption properties of silicalite for potential application to isolating polar low-molecular-weight organics from drinking water / s.n.], 1983.
206. Experimental designs / 0471545678 (pbk) Wiley, 1992, c1957.
207. Energy conservation guidelines for forest road consturction and operation : Final report / Institute of transportation studies, 1980.
208. Aerodynamics of cascades =: Aerodynamik der Schaufelgitter / Aerospace Rsearch and Development, 1977.
209. Software support tools / Intermetrics, Inc., [1976]
210. Effect of the constant-stress term on mode 1 caustics / Departmeht of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 1979.
211. An introduction to error-correcting codes Prentice-Hall [1970]
212. Experiments in modern physics / Academic Press, [1966]
213. Elements of ordinary differential equations / McGraw-Hill, 1950.
214. Improved marine boiler reliability. v.2. Economizer corrosion rates. Maritime Administration, 1978.
215. Elliptic partial differential equations of second order / 038713025X Springer-Verlag, 1983.
216. Sound and sources of sound / 0470273712 (Halsted Press) E. Horwood ; 1983.
217. Electric generator development for the 1980's / Naval Air Engineering Center, 1978]
218. Electronics division : colloquium on USER terminals for communication systems. The Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1979]
219. Environmental assessment of coal transportation / Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development, Industrial Environmental Research Laboratory ; 1978.
220. Environmental test and evaluation of a molecular sieve on-board oxygen generation system / Naval air systems command, 1978.
221. Subharmonic functions / Chelsea Pub. Co., 1949.
222. Quantitative modeling of flaw responses in eddy current testing for electric power research institute / s. n], 1979.
223. Etude theorique et numerique du probleme linearise du mouvement sur la houle tridimensionnel / s.n.], 1979.
224. Experimental physics for college / Macmillan, 1960.
225. Experimentation : an introduction to measurement theory and experiment design / 0132953382 (pbk.) : Prentice Hall, c1988.
226. Elements of acoustical engineering / D. Van Nostrand Co., 1947.
227. Contribution a l'etude des systemes interactifs / s.n.], 1979.
228. Analyse elastique des poutres anisotropes sensibles au cisaillement transversal / s.n.], 1979.
229. Microstructural features and mechanical properties of quenched and tempered martensite of 35 ncd 16 high strength steel / s.n.], 1979.
230. Electricity and magnetism / 0070049084 McGraw-Hill, c1985.
231. Electricity and magnetism / Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing, c1988.
232. Electricity and magnetism / Clarendon Press, 1965.
233. Elementary differential equations / Mcgraw-Hill Book Company, 1947.
234. Computer program specification for security kernel for PDP-11/45 :. v.1 / Electronic Systems Division, 1978.
235. Engineering design handbook : computer aided design of mechanical systems :. part two / U.S. Army Materiel Command, 1977.
236. Efficient implementation of ada tasks / Carnegie-Mellon University, 1976.
237. Elementary differential equations with boundary value problems / 0070406898 McGraw-Hill, c1984.
238. Research on aeroelastic phenomena in airfoil cascades : an experimental investingation of the unsteady aerodynamics of a classical airfoil cascade in translation / Deteroit Diesel Allison Division, 1978.
239. The effect of rotor-stator axial spacing on the time-variant aerodynamic response of a compressor stator / Detroit Diesel Allison, 1977.
240. Equadiff 6 : proceedings of the International Conference on Differential Equations and Their Applications, held in Brno, Czechoslovakia, Aug. 26-30, 1985 / 0387164693 (U.S.) : Springer-Verlag, c1986.
241. Equadiff IV : proceedings, Prague, August 22-26, 1977 / 0387091165 : Springer-Verlag, 1979.
242. Electrical transport and optical properties of inhomogeneous media, Ohio State University, 1977 / 0883181398 American Institute of Physics, 1978.
243. Electrooptical devices / Lincoln laboratory, 1977.
244. Effect of purity on reliability characteristics of high-strength steel. U.S. Steel Corporation, 1978]
245. A theoretical method for calculating the aerodynamic characteristics of arbitrary jet flapped wings / Douglas Aircraft Company , 197?-]
246. Design study of wind turbines 50kW to 3000kW for electric utility applications. Energy Research and Development Administration, Division of Solar Energy ; 1976-
247. Elliptic functions. 0201041626 Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., Advanced Book Program, 1973.
248. Evaluation of various rotary mechanisms for potential an high-pressure shipboard compresscrs / david w. taylor naval ship research and development center, 1977.
249. Explosions, course, prevention, protection / 0387102167 (U.S.) Springer-Verlag, 1981.
250. Several complex variables III : geometric function theory / 7506207745 World Publishing Corp., c1990.
251. Exercises in integration / 0387960600 Springer-Verlag, c1984.
252. Elementary mathematical analysis, The Macmillan company, 1917.
253. Engineering Sciences Data Unit : Index 1977-78. Engineering Sciences Data Unit, 1978]
254. Elements of numerical analysis / Academic Press, 1964.
255. Elementary calculus and allied geometry / Hutchinson's Scientific and Technical Publications, [1949]
256. Energy recovery system for ships / Maritime Administration, 1976.
257. Elementary calculus / 0871502135 Prindle, Weber & Schmidt, c1976.
258. Electro-optical techniques for diesel engine research. Arnold engineering development center, 1977.
259. Elements of the differential and integral calculus / Ginn and company, c1934.
260. Examples in the calculus / The Longmans Book inc, 1942.
261. Elementary fluid dynamics / 019859660X Clarendon Press, 1990.
262. Stochastic and adaptive systems / National Technical Information Service, 1977.
263. Elementary analysis : the theory of calculus / 038790459X (acid-free paper) Springer, 2000.
264. Elastohydrodynamic lubrication of elliptical contacts for materials of low elastic modulus / NASA, 1977.
265. Evaluation of alternative computer architectures / Carnegie-Mellon University, 1977.
266. Efficiency study of implicit and explicit time integration operators for finite element applications / Civil engineering laboratory, 1977.
267. Enhancement of fatigue crack growth and fracture resistance in Ti-6Al-4V and Ti-6Al-6V-2Sn through microstructural / Naval research laboratory, 1976.
268. Elements of the differential and integral calculus / Ginn and Company, c1911.
269. Selecting hydraulic reaction turbines / Office of Design and Construction, Engineering and Research Center : for sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1976.
270. Elementary fluid mechanics / s.n.], 19??
271. Elements of fluid mechanics / Harcourt, c1965.
272. Estimation of the parameters of a general class of failure processes with particular reference to the weibull process / Battelle Memorial Institute, 1960.
273. Error bounds for the liouville-green approximation to initial-value problems / Naval postgraduate school, 1977.
274. An introduction to numerical mathematics / Academic Press, [1963]
275. Effective CAM,DNC,CNC and N/C system maintenance / The computer and automated systems, 1978.]
276. Engineering sciences data : Dynamics sub-series / Royal Aeronautical Society, 1967.
277. Experimental stress analysis and motion measurement : theory, instruments and circuits, techniques / C. E. Merrill Books, 1964.
278. Engineering sciences data : aerodynamics sub-series / ESDU, 1978.
279. Experimental stress analysis : proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Experimental Stress Analysis, hiafa, Israel,23-27, 1982 / s.n.], 1982.
280. Experimental stress analysis : proceedings of the VIIIth International Conference on Experimental Stress Analysis, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, May 12-16, 1986 / 9024733472 : Martinus Nijhoff, 1986.
281. Proceedings of the 1985 SEM Spring Conference on Experimental Mechanics / 0912053046 : s.n.], [1985?].
282. Proceedings of the 1988 SEM Fall Conference on Experimental Mechanics / 0912053224 Sociey for experimental, 1988.
283. Engineering sciences data. v.2. Noise. 085679208X Engineering Sciences Data Unit, 1977 -
284. Compact complex surfaces / 0387121722 (U.S.) Springer-Verlag, 1984.
285. Engineering sciences data : fluid mechanics, external flow sub-series. Engineering Science Data Unit, 1977-
286. General topology I : basic concepts and constructions : dimension theory / 7506213060 World Publishing Co., c1992.
287. Proceedings of the 1990 SEM Spring Conference on Experimental Mechanics, June 4-6, 1990, Albuquerque, New Mexico. 0912053291 : Society for Experimental Mechanics, 1990.
288. Mitre preprocessor / Deputy for surveillance and navigation systems, 1977.
289. Dynamical system IV : symplectic geometry and its applications / 0387170030 Springer-Verlag, c1990.
290. EPIC-3,A computer program for elastic-plastic impact calculations in 3 dimensions / USA Armament research and development command, 1977.
291. Introduction to piecewise-linear topology 3540058001 (New York) Springer-Verlag, 1972.
292. Excimer laser research / s. n], [1977]
293. Engineering sciences data : transonic aerodynamics sub-series (Transonic data memoranda) The Royal Aeronautical Society, 1964-
294. Experimental mechanics 2 : proceedings of the ... International Congress on Experimental Mechanics. Pergamon, 1966.
295. Experimental evaluation of the seaworthiness characteristics of flexibly connected barge trains / Maritime Administration, 1975.
296. Electromagnetic fields and waves : including electric circuits / 0716718235 Freeman, c1988.
297. Effect of corrosion resistant coatings of the fatigue strength of cast magnesium alloys / Air Vehicle Technology Department, 1977.
298. Engineering sciences data : Mechanical engineering series: Aeronautical series / Engineering Sciences Data Unit, 1971.
299. Electromagnetic waves / 0710205066 (pbk.) Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1985.
300. Electromagnetic fields / 0891164200 Hemisphere Pub. Corp., c1985.
301. Proceedings of the 1986 SEM Spring Conference on Experimental Mechanics, June 8-13. 0912053097 Society for Experimental Mechanics, c1986.
302. ECAPD-1, ISAF'88 : proceedings of 1st European Conference on Applications of Polar Dielectrics, International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics, Zurich, Switzerland, August 29-September 1, 1988 / 2881243843 Gordon and Breach Science Pub., c1989.
303. Experimentally determined effects of eductor geomtry on the performance of exhaust gas eductors for gas turbine powered ships / Naval postgraduate school, 1977.
304. Excimer laser research / s. n], [1977]
305. Field arithmetic / 0387166408 (U.S.) Springer-Verlag, c1986.
306. Electricity, and magnetism / 1963.
307. Electricity and magnetism : For degree students / s. l.], 1937.
308. Electron-hole droplets in semiconductors / 0444865306 North-Holland Pub. Co. : 1983.
309. Effects of high power lasers / Defense Advanced Research Project Agency, 1976.
310. Electron transport in compound semiconductors / 0387098453 Springer-Verlag, 1980.
311. Laser development in support of the UUMPer program for laser isotope separation / Linciln Laboratory, 1977.
312. Technical paper : Forged p/m alloy steels / Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 1978.
313. Electric transients / s. n.], 19??
314. Ernest Hemingway : The old man and the sea / 7506209454 World Pub. Corp., 1991.
315. Technical paper : New alloys to conserve critical elements / Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 1978.
316. Estimation of the spectrum of nonlinear ship rolling : the functional series approach / Stevens Institute of Technology, 1976.
317. Proceedings of the Third SESA International Congress on Experimental Mechanics : held in Los Angeles, CA, on May 13-18, 1973 / Society for Experimental Stress Analysis, 1974.
318. Energy principles in applied statics / Blackie, 1959.
319. Endless night / 7119018574 : Foreign Languages Press, 1996, c1967.
320. Evil under the sun / 7119018582 : Foreign Languages Press, 1996, c1941.
321. Eye of the needle / 0451095502 : New American Library ; 1979, c1978.
322. Elementary number theory and its applications / 0201065614 Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., c1984.
323. Early use of solar energy in buildings : a study of barriers and incentives to the widespread use of solar heating and cooling systems, technical report to the National Science Foundation / AIA Research Corp., 1976.
324. Elements of discrete mathematics / 7506206803 World Publishing Corp., c1990.
325. Metal matrix composites for high temperature turbine blades / Naval air development center, 1976.
326. Examples and counterexamples in graph theory / 0444002553 North-Holland--New York, c1978.
327. Electronic, radio, and microwave physics / Heywood & Co., Ltd., 1961.
328. Elementary theory of equations / J. Wiley & sons, Inc., 1914.
329. Fundamentals of algebraic specification 2 : module specifications and constraints / 0387517995 (U.S. : v. 2) Springer-Verlag, c1990.
330. Development of a laser velocimeter system for flame studies / Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development ; Springfield, Va. : 1977.
331. Elastostatics and kinetics of anisotropic and heterogeneous shell-type structures / 9028600353 : Noordhoff International, [1976]
332. Excerpts from three classical Chinese novels / 0835113302 Chinese Literature, c1981
333. Electrical discharges in gases / Macmillian, 1957.
334. Electric fans for domestic and similar use. [International Electrotechnical Commission], 1969.
335. Electricity in gases / At The Clarendon Press, 1915.
336. Explosive forming of turbular forms with complex ID's. Naval ordnance station, 1976.
337. A technique to measure the pressure distribution acting on the surface of a spinning body in a wind tunnel / Department of the army, 1976.
338. Elasticity / 0792316096 (alk. paper) Kluwer Academic Publishers, c1992.
339. Electronique et radioelectricite. Spes Lausanne, 1954-
340. Electromagnetic theory / 0132490951 Prentice-Hall, c1986.
341. Applied elasticity / 704004076X : Higher Education Press ; 1992.
342. English romantic verse / Penguin Books, 1986,c1968.
343. Electromagnetism for engineers : an introductory course / 008032584X Pergamon Press, 1986.
344. Effects of forward velocity on turbulent jet mixing noise / National Aeronautics and Space Administration 1976.
345. Electromagnetism / 0486622630 (1947) Dover Publications ; [1969], c1947.
346. Introduction to heat transfer / 0198591535 Oxford University Press for the Design Council, the British Standards Institution and the Council of Engineering Institutions, 1977.
347. Electronic warfare : a survey / International Electrotechnical Commission, ISO, 1970-9999
348. Electromagnetic waves / D. Van Nostrand Company, inc., 1943.
349. Electric oscillations and Electric waves : with application to radiotelegraphy and incidental application to telephony and optics / McGraw-Hill Book Company; [etc., etc.], 1920.
350. The human factor / 0679409920 Pocket Books, 1988.
351. East of Eden / 0749303263 Mandarin, 1990.
352. Eros and civilization: a philosophical inquiry into Freud / 0807015547 Beacon Press, 1974.
353. Edgar Allan Poe / Washington Square Press, c1969.
354. May I help you? / 0304330035 Cassesll, 1991.
355. Check in / 0304330043 Cassesll, 1991.
356. English social history : a survey of six centuries chaucer to Queen Victoria / Penguin Books, 1986.
357. Everyman's modern phrase and fable / 0460029118 : J.M.Dent & Sons Ltd, 1990.
358. Evaluation of basic laser welding capabilities / United Technologies Research Center, 1975.
359. Electron spin resonance : a comprehensive treatise on experimental techniques / 0471046787 Wiley, c1983.
360. Extrapolated fast direct algorithms for elliptic boundary value problems / Applied Machematics, Aiken Computation laboratory, 1976.
361. Effect of test pressure on fuel thermal stability test methods / Air force aero propulsion laboratory, 1975.
362. Excimer lasers / s.n., 1976]
363. Exploratory development of weld quality definition / Air force materials laboratory, 1975.
364. Experimental study of transient dynamics of a flexible rotor / National Aeronautics and Space Administration 1976.
365. Edward Randolph and the American Colonies, 1676-1703. Published for the Institute of Early American History and Culture by the University of North Carolina Press [1960]
366. English translation of german standards. s.n.], 19uu.
367. Fourier optics : an introduction / 0470274549 (Halsted : lib. bdg.) E. Horwood ; 1983.
368. Earth-moving machinery : minimum access dimensions / International Organization for Standardization, n.d.
369. Elements of modern optical design / 0471077968 : Wiley, c1985.
370. Ernest Hemingway / World Pub. Corp., 1972.
371. Economics for managers : a professionals' guide / 0333390040 (pbk.) Macmillan, 1985.
372. Economics / 0070546851 McGraw-Hill, c1985.
373. Economics / 0070545952 McGraw-Hill, c1980.
374. Economics of environment / 8185176892 RBSA publishers, 1991.
375. Economics for management and the professions / 0582296447 (pbk.) Longman, 1985.
376. Error propagation in the ship's inertial navigator : linear vs non-linear theory, and the effects of ship's velocity and earth's oblateness / U.S. Naval Weapons Laboratory, 1975.
377. Elements of quantum optics / 750621122X World Publishing Corp., 1992.
378. Eugenie Grandet : adaptation de Pierre de Beaumont / Hatier, 1968.
379. Electron optics University Press, 1953.
380. Electron diffraction / Butterworths Scientific Publications, 1953.
381. Economic theory and operations analysis / 013227132X Prentice-Hall, c1977.
382. Economic decisions under uncertainty / 0444863877 (U.S.) North-Holland Pub. Co. ; 1983.
383. Engineering design handbook : Metric conversion guide. Headquarters, US Army Materiel Command, 1976.
384. Elastic design charts for thin plates with spanwise and chordwise varlations in temperature / National aeronautics and space administration, 1962.
385. English for international co-operation / British Broadcasting Co., 1976.
386. Engineering office systems and methods,: together with schedules and instructions for the collection of preliminary data for engineering projects; sampling, inspecting and testing engineering materials; conducting domestic and export shipping operations; etc., McGraw-Hill book company, inc., 1915.
387. Effective methods for solution of nonlinear reactor dynamics problems using finite elements / Naval Postgraduate School, 1975.
388. Elementary Basic, as chronicled by John H. Watson / 0394524233 : Random House, c1982.
389. Elementary PASCAL, as chronicled by John H. Watson / 0394708008 : Vintage Books, c1982.
390. Electricity and man (medical application and hazards) / Mir, 1978.
391. Exploring careers as a computer technician / 0823906264 Rosen Pub. Group, 1985.
392. Earthly pleasures : tales from a biologist's garden / 0684166577 : Scribner, c1981.
393. 1988 IEEE Engineering Management Conference : engineering leadership in the 90's (from AI to JZ) : October 24-26, 1988, Holiday Inn I-675, Dayton, Ohio. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1988.
394. Express yourself! : intermediate English conversation / 0394353900 Random House, c1989.
395. Ethics in quality / 0824785134 Dekker, c1991.
396. English for students of geology VYSSAJA ; 1978.
397. Elementary task listening : student's book / 0521275784 The Univ. Pr., 1984.
398. Elementary task listening / 0521275784 studen's book The Univ. Pr., 1984.
399. Effective speaking / 0893973475 Nichols Pub. Co., c1988.
400. Environmental glossary / 0865870969 Government Institutes, 1982.
401. Environmental science methods / 0412232804 Chapman and Hall, 1982.
402. Encyclopedia of environmental control technology / 0872012387 (set : acid-free) : Gulf Pub. Co., c1989
403. Environmental protection survey. Morgan-Grampian, 1977
404. Environmental systems planning, design, and control : proceedings of the IFAC symposium, Kyoto, Japan, 1-5 August 1977 / 0080220169 (v. 1) Published for the International Federation of Automatic Control by Pergamon Press, 1978.
405. Exploring English.: Teacher's book / 0304307866 : Cassell, c1981.
406. Exploring English.: Teacher's book / 0304306266 : Cassell, c1981.
407. Environmental systems analysis and management : proceedings of the IFIP WG 7.1 Working Conference on Environmental Systems Analysis and Management, Rome, Italy, 28-30 September 1981 / 0444864067 North-Holland Pub. Co. ; 1982
408. Environmental health chemistry : the chemistry of environmental agents as potential human hazards / 0250403528 : Ann Arbor Science Publishers, c1981.
409. Environmental chemical analysis / 070020282X : International Textbook Co., c1983.
410. Encyclopedia of statistical sciences ;. v. 4 :. Icing the tails to limit theorms. 0471055514 : John Wiley & sons, 1983.
411. Environmental chemistry / 012505050X Academic Press, 1976.
412. Instrumental English : English for the travel industry / 0070355592 : McGraw-Hill, c1982.
413. English for science / 0521255112 Englewood Cliffs, 1989.
414. Chemical concepts in pollutant behavior / 0471038253 Wiley, c1979.
415. A technical summary of air cushion craft development / D. W. Taylor Naval Ship Research and Development Center, 1975, 1976 printing.
416. Environmental assessment & impact statement handbook / 0250401584 Ann Arbor Science, c1977.
417. Environmental impact analysis : a new dimension in decision making / 0442288077 Van Nostrand Reinhold, c1977.
418. Environmental planning and decision making / 0471870714 : Wiley, c1984.
419. Environmental pollution analysis / 0855012285 : Heyden, 1978.
420. Expanding reading skills, advanced / 0066326354 Newbury House, c1990.
421. Engineering. Naval Ship Research and Development Center, 1991.
422. Communicative language testing / 0131552848 Prentice Hall, 1990.
423. Engineering analysis of the piping process for naval ship design, planning and construction. v.5 / Naval Ship Research and Development Center, 1975.
424. Experimental aerodynamic characteristics of vehicles traveling in tubes / Jet propulsion laboratory, 1975.
425. Environmental pollution and control / 0250406195 (pbk.) : Ann Arbor Science Publishers, c1983.
426. Engineering analysis of the piping process for naval ship design, planning and construction. v.4 / Naval Ship Research and Development Center, 1975.
427. Engineering analysis of the piping process for naval ship design, planning and construction. v.6,. Appendixes / Naval Ship Research and Development Center, 1975.
428. Oracy matters : the development of talking and listening in education / 0335158552 : Open University Press, 1988.
429. Electron beam-semiconductor power accumulator / US Army electronics command fort monmouth, 1976.
430. Evaluation of pesticides in ground water : developed from a symposium sponsored by the Division of Pesticide Chemistry at the 189th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Miami Beach, Florida, April 28-May 3, 1985 / 0841209790 : American Chemical Society, 1986.
431. EUREM 88 : proceedings of the 9th European Congress on Electron Microscopy held in York, England, 4-9 September 1988 / 0854981845 (v.1) Institute of Physics, c1988.
432. Exploration of unconventional solar cells / Research applied to national needs, 1975.
433. Electron microscopy in material science / Academic, c1971.
434. Essentials of writing / 0132879395 Prentice-Hall Canada, c1989.
435. Effect of surface finishes on fatigue life / Defense documentation center, 1959.
436. External pressurization systems for cryogenic storage systems / Airesearch Manufacturing Company, 1971.
437. Etude du brasage du cobalt lamine. s.n.], 19uu.
438. Emission and scattering techniques : studies of inorganic molecules, solids, and surfaces : proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute held at Alghero, Sardinia, Italy, September 14-25, 1980 / 9027713170 D. Reidel ; c1981.
439. Express yourself in written English / National Textbook Co., c1990.
440. Fourier transform Raman spectroscopy : instrumentation and chemical applications / 0133270327 Ellis Horwood, 1991.
441. Electromagnetism / 0471927112 Wiley, 1990.
442. Essais pour la determination de la resistance conventionnell des joints brases. s.n.], 19uu.
443. Telex English / 0139028269 : Prentice Hall, 1988.
444. Encounters : a basic reader / 015522588X : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, c1980.
445. Eleventh International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy / 0471920940 J. Wiley, c1988.
446. English-Russian phrase-book =: [Anglo-russki鎖 razgovornik] / Vyshcha shkola, [1979]
447. Edgar Allan Poe / Washington Square Press, c1969.
448. Exploratory analysis of elastohydrodynamic properties of lubricants / SKF Industries, Inc, 1972.
449. Extensive air showers / Academic Press, 1958.
450. Elcetroluminescence / 3540081275 Heidelberg, 1977.
451. Reading English for academic study / 088377108X (pbk.) : Newbury House Publishers, 1980.
452. Evaluation of erosion qualities of steel / Bent R and E laboratories,Watervliet arsenal, 1971.
453. Elektrische Messverfahren fur nichtelektrische grossen / VEB Verlag Technik, c1964.
454. Extracts : English fiction for advanced students. 0175557284 Nelson, 1989.
455. Elektrische wagetechnik / VEB Verlag Technik, c1964.
456. English alive. 0713101156 (pt. 1) : E. Arnold, 1977-
457. English alive.: Teacher's book. 0713101164 (pt. 1) : E. Arnold, 1977-
458. English for Cambridge proficiency 0175553386 Nelson 1984.
459. Elementary steps to understanding / 0195818539 [s.n.], 1981.
460. Engineering design handbook : automotive series automotive suspensions. s. n], 1967.
461. Eight-inch flood and transfer pump unit, high-capacity, low-pressure type / U.S. army mobility equipment research and development center, 1971.
462. The language of chemical engineering in English / 0883453487 Regents Publishing, 1979.
463. Eight simulations : for upper-intermediate and more advanced students.: Controller's book / 0521288398 Cambridge University Press, [1983]
464. English for commercial students / Times Educational, 1980.
465. Essential skills for reading college texts / 0534098886 Wadsworth Pub. Co., c1989.
466. English language examining.: Report of an inquiry into the examining of English language at the examinations for the School Certificate and General Certificate of education of the West African Examinations Council. African Universities Press for West African Examinations Council [1964]
467. Developing English / 0335095844 Open University Press, 1991.
468. English any time / 0862709288 Lingual House, 1987.
469. English and Englishness / 0415009812 Routledge, 1989.
470. Effects of bottom maintenance on frictional resistance of ships. The society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, c1975.
471. English the basics : a practical handbook / 9971638010 Pan Pacific Book Distributors, 1987.
472. English for secretaries.: Teacher's book. 0194571963 (teacher's book) Oxford University Press, c1978.
473. Good English and the grammarian / 0582291488 (pbk.) : 1989.
474. English in computing / 0175557985 Nelson, 1989.
475. English in a week / 0340501634 Hodder & Stoughton, c1990.
476. English well used / Blond Educational, 1969.
477. Estimationg and planning for engineering production / Blackie & son limited, 1950
478. Engineering economics / 0070528624 : McGraw-Hill, c1982.
479. Error-correcting-codes in computer arithmetic / University of Illinois, 1972]
480. Everyday life in America. s.n.]
481. Applications in computer-aided design and numerical control manufacturing using automated drafting and digitizing / Department of the army, 1973.
482. English firsthand : a communicative approach to developing language skills / 0934457050 Lingual House, c1986.
483. Economics of winter navigation in the great lakes and st. lawrence seaway / The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, c1975.
484. The ETC program : a competency-based reading/writing book / 0394353420 (v.2) : Random House, 1988.
485. Energy principles in architectural design / Energy Commission , 1981.
486. Engineering properties and applications of plastics / Wiley, [1957]
487. Electrical installations of buildings / International Electrotechnical Commission, ISO, n.d.]
488. etude de la lubrification et calcul des patiers. 1962.
489. Fracture mechanics of concrete : structural application and numerical calculation / 9024729602 Martinus Nijhoff, 1985.
490. Fracture mechanics of concrete : material characterization and testing / 9024729599 : M. Nijhoff, 1984.
491. Effiziente Algorithmen / 3519023431 Teubner, 1977.
492. Entwerfen berechnen, und konstruieren im schiffbau / Verlag Technik, 1952.
493. Elements of soil mechanics for civil and mining engineers / 0246117656 Granada, 1982.
494. Exceptional children in focus / 0675207207 (pbk.) Merrill Pub. Co., c1987.
495. Eager to learn : helping children become motivated and love learning / 1555422063 (alk. paper) Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1990.
496. Engineering materials machine tools and processes / Longmans, 1964.
497. Electronic media programming : strategies and decision making / 0070102988 McGraw-Hill, c1993.
498. Emergency services guide for selected hazardous materials : spills fire evacuation area / the Seretary of Transportation,
499. Energy conservation (5) the efficient generation and utilization of compressed air : report of the pottery divisional energy committee : compressed air sub-committee / Pottery Division, c1979.
500. Earthquake ground motion and founda tion design : 1992 Fall Seminar October 15, 22, and 29 / 1992.