以"V"开头查询到 7770 条西文期刊记录。
刊名 ISSN 出版社 出版年
1. Vigtory / Collins, 1982.
2. Vogel's elementary practical organic chemistry : preparations / 0582470099 Longman, c1980.
3. Viscoelastic properties of polymers 0471257745 Wiley [1970]
4. Vogel's Textbook of practical organic chemistry / 0470214147 (U.S.) Longman Scientific & Technical, 1989.
5. XXe siecle : les grands auteurs francais : anthologie et histoire litteraire / 2040000607 Bordas, c1989.
6. Vapor phase soldering techniques / Bendix, 1983]
7. Verification of fault tolerant software / Cornell university, 1980.
8. Vehicle noise and vibration / 0852985371 Mechanical Engineering Pub., c1984.
9. Verification of concurrent programs:a temporal proof system / Stanford university, 1983.
10. Validation summary report. General services administration, 19uu.
11. Vibration testing of railroad tank car specimens / Federal Railroad Administration, 1982]
12. Cobol compiler validation summary report / General Service Administration, 19??
13. Valence theory / Wiley, 1965.
14. Valency / 0387902686 Springer-Verlag, c1978.
15. Vibrational intensities in infrared and Raman spectroscopy / 0444421157 (U.S.) Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co., 1982.
16. Vogel's Textbook of Macro and semimicro qualitative inorganic analysis / 0582443679 Longman, 1979.
17. 11th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, Stockholm, August 21-23, 1985 / s.n., 1985?].
18. Vapor-liquid equilibrium data bibliography : supplement / 0444425187 (sup. 4) : Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co. ; 1976-<1982 >
19. Vibration analysis to improve reliability and reduce failure / American Society of Mechanical Engineers, c1985.
20. Visualizing abstract objects and relations : a constraint-based approach / 9810200099 World Scientific, 1989.
21. Verifying concurrent processes using temporal logic / Computer Systems Laboratory, 1983]
22. Validation of chemical and biological techniques for evaluation of vapors in ambient air/mutagenicity testing of twelve (12) vapor-phase compounds / U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Health Effects Research Laboratory ; 1984.
23. Verminderung der emission von schadgasen und feinstauben durch trockensorption und filternde entstauber hinter verbrennungsanlagen / Deutsche babcock anlagen AG Produktbereich gasreinigungsanlagen, 1985.
24. Kolloidchemie makromolekularer Naturstoffe : Vortrage und Diskussionen gehalten auf der 18. Hauptversammlung in Bad Oeynhausen am 26. un 27. September 1957 / D. Steinkopff , 1958.
25. Vertical partitioning for physical and distribution design of databases / Stanford University, 1983.
26. Chemical process dynamics / 044499730X : Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co. ; 1982.
27. Vibrations and waves in physics / 0521261244 Cambridge University Press, 1984.
28. Variational methods in engineering : proceedings on an international conference held at the University of Southampton, 25-29th September, 1972, Session 5-8 / 0854321055 Southampton University Press, 1972.
29. Lectures on theoretical physics /: by Arnold Sommerfeld. 012654682 (V.5) Academic Press, 1950-
30. Lawrence livermore laboratory : vector programming tools and techniques / Dept. of Energy, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory ; 1978.
31. Nonlinear functional analysis and its applications : II/A :linear monotone operators/ 0387968024 Springer-Verlag ; c1990.
32. Nonlinear functional analysis and its applications. IV,. applications to mathematical physics / 7506213397 (pt.4) : Springer-Verlag, c1988, reprinted 1992.
33. Verification of a three-dimensional turbulent boundary-layer calculation / Air Force Flight Dynamics Laboratory, 1978.
34. Vector analysis : an introduction to vector-methods and their various applications to physics and mathematics / the college of the city of NewYork and Development engineer with the general baking company, 19??
35. Vector and tensor analysis, McGraw-Hill Book Company, inc., 1943.
36. Vector and tensor analysis / McGraw-Hill ; 1950.
37. Introduction to optimization of structures / 0387972129 (alk. paper) : Springer-Verlag, c1990.
38. Vibroacoustic response of structures and pertubation reynolds stress near structure-turbulence interface / National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1977.
39. Vector algebra / 5030002154 Mir Publishers, 1985.
40. Vector fields;: a vector foundation of electric and magnetic fields / Harper & Row, 1964.
41. Variational principles of contimuum mechanics (an analytical point of view) / US Army weapons command, 1973.
42. Differentiable manifolds : forms, currents, harmonic forms / 0387134638 (U.S.) Springer-Verlag, 1984.
43. Viscoelasticity : basic theory and applications to concrete structures / 0387161511 (New York) Springer-Verlag, c1986.
44. Various miracles / 0140118373 Penguin Books, 1989, c1985.
45. The remains of the day / 0679731725 Vintage Books, 1990.
46. Variable-area subsonic diffuser study / Arnold Engineering Development Center, 1976.
47. Downriver, or, The vessels of wrath : a narrative in twelve tales / 0586090746 (Paladin) Random House ; c1993,c1991.
48. Vibration analysis / McGraw-Hill, 1944.
49. Howards end / 0679722556 Vintage Books, 1989.
50. Shock wave penetration and lateral pressure gradient effects on transonic normal shock-turbulent boundary layer interactions / Department of Aerospace and Ocean Engineering, 1976.
51. The fifth child / 0679721827 Vintage Books, 1989, c1988.
52. Mechanics of continua and wave dynamics / 0387137653 (U.S.) : Springer-Verlag, c1985.
53. William Thackeray : Vanity fair / 7506209489 World Pub. Corp., 1991.
54. Vanity fair / 0003701603 Collins, 1985.
55. Vanity fair : a novel without a hero / 019281642X (pbk.) : Oxford University Press, 1983.
56. Journey to the centre of the earth / 0140350497 Puffin Books, 1985.
57. Resurrection / 0140441840 : Penguin Books, 1966.
58. The remains of the day / 0571154913 Vintage Books, 1990.
59. Friend of my youth : stories / 0679729577 Vintage Comtemporaries, 1991.
60. Visual measurements / 0123049059 Academic Press, 1984.
61. Vingt mille lieues sous les mers / Sociedad General Espanola, 1971.
62. Environmental impact analysis : a new dimension in decision making / 0442288077 Van Nostrand Reinhold, c1977.
63. Vibrations of thin elastic shells-a new approach / University of Massachusetts, 1975.
64. Velocity meter corrections / U.S.Naval research laboratory, 1963.
65. Validation of scramjet exhaust simulation technique / National Aeronautics and Space Administration 1976.
66. Vocabulary control for information retrieval / 0878150536 Information Resources Press, 1986.
67. Vuilleumier refrigerator analysis : low temperature refrigerator design optimization / Cryomech, Inc., 1971]
68. Variations on a theme : resource materials for listening comprehension and fluency practice / 0521220599 (resource book) Cambridge University Press, 1978.
69. Variation of viscous drag with froude number / s.n.], 1963.
70. Viewpoints : interviews for listening comprehension / 0582552109 Longman, 1974
71. Very high resolution spectroscopy / 0126516502 Academic Press, 1976.
72. Vocabulary and language teaching 0582553822 (pbk.) Longman 1988.
73. Vibration, flutter, and transient analysis using holographic methods. GCO, Inc., 1970.
74. Variety in contemporary English / 0044457375 HarperCollinsAcademic, 1991.
75. Vibration of cavitating hydrofoils / ST. Anthony Falls Hydraulic Laboratory, 1969.
76. Solutions for the multilayer timoshenko beam / Virginia Polytechnic institute, 1971.
77. Varieties of English : an introduction to the study of language / 750620701X World Pub. Corp., 1990.
78. Validation of the nonlinear six degree of freedom mathematical model of the XR-3 captured air bubble surface effect ship in calm water / Naval postgraduate school, 1974.
79. Vibrations of concrete structures. American Concrete Institute, c1979.
80. Verwendung von leichtmetall im schiffbau / Volk und Wissen Volkseigener Verlag, 1955.
81. Viskohydraulischer Vorschubantrieb : Entwicklung und Erprobung / Springer, 1974.
82. Lager und Schmierung. Springer-Verlag, 1962.
83. Variation in interlanguage / 0713165987 Edward Arnold, 1988.
84. Vortrage der9.sitzung des arbeltskreises bruchvorgange : DVM deutscher verband fur materialprufung E.V / BAM, 1977
85. The burned bramble / 0841910510 (alk. paper) Holmes & Meier, c1988.
86. Vorlesungen 鑥ber Funktionalgleichungen und ihre Anwendungen / Birkh鑑user, 1961 [c1960]
87. Ortsfeste Dieselmotoren und Schiffsdieselmotoren / Springer-Verlag, 1960.
88. Verbindungselemente / Fachbuchverlag, c1964.
89. Beispiele und Aufgaben zur Laplace-Transformation / Friedr, Vieweg & Sohn, 1979.
90. Visual editing on unix / 9971507706 World Scientific, c1989.
91. The collected works of John W. Tukey / 0534033032 (v. 1) Wadsworth Advanced Books & Software, c1984.
92. Volum-und Durchflubmessung von Flussigkeiten und Gasen / Veb verlag technik, 19??
93. Applied multidimensional systems theory / 0442272146 Van Nostrand Reinhold, c1982.
94. A collection of problems / Mir publishers, 1984.
95. Vorlesung uber Thermodynamik und kinetische Gastheorie / Boringhieri, 1962
96. VDI-Wasserdampftafeln mit einem Mollier : (h,s)-Diagramm bis 800C und einem T,s-Diagramm. VDI-steam tables including a Mollier (h,s)-diagram for temperatures up to 800C and a T,s-diagram / Springer, 1963.
97. Veracruz / 0070720770 (pbk.) McGraw-Hill, 1987.
98. Videos on art : a resource guide to films and videos available worldwide from the Roland Collection / 0952588102 Roland Collection, c1996.
99. Introduction to the mechanics of a continuous medium / Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., [1965]
100. Proceedings : 1990 IEEE International Conference on Computer Design : VLSI in computers & processors : ICCD '90, Hyatt Regency Cambridge, Cambridge, Massachusetts, September 17-19, 1990 / 0818690798 (case) IEEE Computer Society Press ; c1990.
101. Very large data bases / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1978-c1980.
102. Vector mechanics for engineers : statics and dynamics / 0070799237 McGraw-Hill, c1988.
103. Third International Conference on Vibrations in Rotating Machinery, 11-13 September 1984, University of York, Heslington, Yorkshire / 0852985428 (pbk.) Published for the Institution of Mechanical Engineers by Mechanical Engineering Publications, 1984.
104. Einfuhrung in die lineare algebra und geometrie / 3214000209 (v. 1) Manz, 19??-1977.
105. Vehicle tribology : proceedings of the 17th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology held at the Institute of Tribology, Leeds University, Leeds, UK, 4th-7th September 1990 / 0444887962 Elsevier for the Institute of Tribology, Leeds University and the Institut national des sciences appliqu?es de Lyon ;
106. UNIX system V commands : programmers' rapid reference / 0442009984 Van Nostrand Reinhold, c1992.
107. Adaptive filters : structures, algorithms, and applications / 0898381630 Kluwer, c1984.
108. Van Nostrand's scientific encyclopedia / 0442216297 Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., c1976.
109. VLSI and microcomputers : today and tomorrow : proceedings of the Trends in Electronics Conference, 6-8 December, 1982 / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1982.
110. VLSI electronics : microstructure science / 0122341015 (v. 1) Academic Press, 1981-1993.
111. IEEE transactions on electron devices : Aril 1979. Volume ED-26, number 4,. Special issue on very large-scale integration / [s.n.], 1979.
112. VLSI in the laboratory, the office, the factory, the home : COMPCON'81. IEEE, 1981.
113. Vibrations of cam mechanisms : consequences of their design / 0333177320 : Macmillan, 1974.
114. Transistors: principles, design, and applications / Van Nostrand, 1960.
115. CASE : computer-aided software engineering / 0442003617 Van Nostrand Reinhold, c1991.
116. Vacuum tubes / McGraw-Hill, 1948.
117. International Standard. TC112,. Vacuum technology / International Organization for Standardization, n.d.
118. Volumetric analysis / G. Bell and Sons, LTD, 1957.
119. Visual servoing : real-time control of robot manipulators based on visual sensory feedback / World Scientific, c1993.
120. Vacuum technology : an introduction / 0852744811 A. Hilger, c1983.
121. Vectors and vector diagrams,: applied to the alternating current circuit, with examples of their use in the theory of transformers, and of single and polyphase motors, etc. Longmans, Green, 1909.
122. Vehicle-based control computer systems / UCB , 1995.
123. Variational methods in electron-atom scattering theory / 0306404133 Plenum Press, c1980.
124. Lectures on the theory of algebraic numbers / 0387905952 Springer-Verlag, c1981.
125. Voltage stabilization / Macdonald, 1965.
126. Proceedings of the Eighth International Vacuum Congress, September 22-26, 1980, Cannes, France / Soci鈋t鈋 fran餭aise du vide, 1980.
127. Vibrations of bladed disk assemblies : presented at the Ninth Biennial Conference on Mechanical Vibration and Noise of the Design and Production Engineering Technical Conferences, Dearborn, Michigan, September 11-14, 1983 / American Society of Mechanical Engineers, c1983.
128. Villette / New American Liberary, 1987.
129. Resurrection / Distributed by Heron Books, 1966.
130. Duden: vergleichendes Synonymworzrterbuch : Sinnverwandte Worrter und Wendungen / Bibliographisches Institut, c1964.
131. Vibration of mechanical and structural systems : with microcomputer applications / 0060432616 Harper & Row, c1989.
132. Vibration and oscillation of hydraulic machinery / 185628185X : Avebury Technical, c1991.
133. Vinyl resins / Reinhold Pub. Corp., 1958.
134. Vlsi implementation of digital fourier transforms final report / s.n.], 1982.
135. Very high-frequency techniques; McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1947.
136. Light transmission optics / 0442263090 Van Nostrand Reinhold, c1982.
137. Digest of technical papers : 1982 Symposium on VLSI Technology. Japan Society of Applied Physics, c1982.
138. Vibration analysis and nondestructive testing using holographic techniques / Naval PostgraduateSchool, [1978]
139. Variable metric method for minimization / The University of Chicago, 1966.
140. Visualization of surface-breaking flaws byshadow imaging / s.n., 1984]
141. Viral pollution of the environment / 0849362458 CRC Press, c1983.
142. Vector optimization techniques / Springer, c19??
143. Cobol compiler validation summary report / General Service Administration, 19??
144. Workshop report : VLSI and Software Engineering Workshop, Rye Town Hilton, Port Chester, New York / 081860493X IEEE Computer Society Press, c1983.
145. CRC handbook of chromtography / 0849330734 (v. 1) CRC Press, c1982-c1994.
146. Vessel navigation system simulation. U.S. Department of Transportation, 1982.
147. Vapor deposited titaniu dioxide thin films:some properties as a function for crystalline phase / Texas Uviversity, 1970.
148. Verstehen sie das ?: èUbungen zum Hèorverstèundnis / 3190013586 Max Hueber, c1982.
149. Pneumatische gerate und steuerungen. VDI-Verlag, c1964.
150. Digitale messtechnik. VDI-Verlag, c1964.
151. Schmierungsaufgaben im betrieb und ihre auswirkung auf die konstruktion. VDI-Verlag, c1964.
152. Variable pulse width modulator (exploratory development model / United states army electronics command, 1974.
153. Volumetric shrinkage test methods ASTE Research Fund, 1958.
154. Verbal and analytical review for the graduate record examination / 0156000253 (pbk.) Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, c1982.
155. Vocabulary / 0070183198 McGraw-Hill Pub. Co., c1990.
156. Vocabulary / 0070182787 McGraw-Hill, 1984.
157. Vocabulary for first certificate with key : successful/ 0194532828 : Oxford University Press, c1991.
158. Vocabulary. 0844258431 (vol. 1 : pbk.) NTC Pub. Group, c1995-
159. Visions : an academic writing text / 0139460705 Prentice Hall Regents, c1990.
160. Viscosity and diffusivity : a predictive treatment / 0471030724 Wiley, c1977.
161. Courtaulds vocabulary of textile terms / Courtaulds, [1972, c1964]
162. Vapor-liquid equilibrium data collection / 3921567335 (pt. 1a) Dechema ; c1977-
163. New concepts in water purification / 0442217811 Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1974.
164. Vinyl and acrylic adhesives, including pressure sensitives / 0815503954 Noyes Data Corp., 1971.
165. Water clarification processes : practical design and evaluation / 0442244908 : Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., c1981.
166. State of the art volume...: reports. Volume sur l'etat actuel des connaissances... [Sociedad Mexicana de Mecanica de Suelos], 1969.
167. Handbook of advanced wastewater treatment / 0442217846 : Van Nostrand Reinhold, c1978.
168. Zement : taschenbuch 1972/73. 3762509034 Bauverlag gmbh ,1979-1980.
169. Handbook of water quality management planning / 0442232829 Van Nostrand Reinhold, c1977.
170. Videotex/teletext : principles and practices / 0070009570 McGraw-Hill, c1985.
171. Annual Air Force Office of Scientific Research astronautics symposium. Symposium Publications Division, Pergamon Press, 1958-
172. Vibrations in environmental engineering. s.n], 19??
173. Ventilation for control of the work environment / 047189219X : Wiley, c1989.
174. Control systems for heating, ventilating and air conditioning Van Nostrand Reinhold [1971]
175. Shell structures and climatic influences =: Voiles minces et effets climatiques : proceedings of symposium held at the University of Calgary, July 3-6, 1972 / International Association for Shell Structures, [1972?]
176. Process equipment design : vessel design / 0471113190 Wiley, 1959.
177. Handbook of industrial waste disposal / 0442270534 : Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., c1980.
178. The Seismic design handbook / 0442269226 : Van Nostrand Reinhold, c1989.
179. Videorecoder-Service-Handbuch : Grundlagen, Arbeitsweise und Reparatur von VCR-, VHS- und Betamax-Bildaufzeichnungsgeraten. 3772359531 Franzis, c1983.
180. Vyroba lisovaneho skla. Statni nakladatelstvi technicke literatury, 1957
181. Informatik fur die industrielle Automation / 3180907231 VDI-Verlag, c1989.
182. Vierzehnspraschiges worterbuch fur gebirgsmechanik / Berlin Akademie-Verlag, 1972.
183. Geschichte der deutschen Literatur : von den Anfèangen bis zur Gegenwart / 3123474003 Ernst Klett Schulbuchverlag, c1986.
184. Vorlesungen uber theoretische physik. Akademische verlagsgesellschaft geest & portig, [1949]
185. Verunderliches / BSB B.G.Teubner Verlagsgesellschaft, 1984.
186. Vorlesungen uber Integralgeometrie / Veb Deutscher verlag Der Wissenschaften., 1955.
187. Vorlesungen uber Differential- und Integralrechnung / s.n.], 1954.
188. Vorlesungen uber Differential- und Integralrechnung : unter besonderer beruchsichtigung neuerer ergennisse / s.n.], 19??
189. Vektoren, Tensoren, Spinoren : eine Einfuhrung in den Tensorkalkul unter Berucksichtigung der physikalischen Anwendung / Akademie-Verlag, 1960.
190. Vorlesungen 鑥ber Funktionalgleichungen und ihre Anwendungen / Birkh鑑user, 1961 [c1960]
191. Vorlesungen uber allgemeine Funktionentheorie und elliptische Funktionen / Springer, 1964.
192. Vorgespannter beton : grundlagen, Theorie, Berechnung / Springer-Verlag, 1963.
193. Vom Wasser : Ein Jahrbuch Fur Wasserchemie und Wasserreinigungstechnik. Verlag Chemie, 1956.
194. Dictionary of computer graphics / 0867291346 (New York) Knowledge Industry Publications ; 1984.
195. Vocabulaire des psychotherapies / librairie artheme, 1977.
196. Valgustehnika sonastik : eesti, inglise, saksa, vene / Valgus, 1982.
197. Handbook vitrification technologies for treatment of hazardous and radioactive waste. U.S.Environmental Protection Agency, 1992.
198. A Konyvtaros hatnyelv鋟 Szotara : angol, francia nemet, spanyol, orosz, magyar / Akademiai Kiado, 1972, c1954.
199. Verzahnungsterminologie : normen. 3410120270 Beuth verlag Gmbh, 1987.
200. Elektrische maschinen und steuerungstechnik / 3802307259 Vogel Buchverlag, 1990.
201. Windows, Word & Excel office companion / 1566040833 (pbk.) : Ventana Press, c1994.
202. 16. verkehrswissenschaftliche tage : 12. bis 15. september 1989. s.n., 1989]
203. Vibration of pavement concrete / New York State department of transportation, 1977.
204. Vacuum technology. International Organization for Standardization, 1976-.
205. Verfahrenstechnische berichte : Chemical and process engineering abstracts / Verlag chemie.GMBH, 1981.
206. Vertical shear strength of composite beams. Cement and concrete association, 1983.
207. Verres et r鈋fractaires. Institut du verre, 1976-1986]
208. Van Nostrand Reinhold encyclopedia of chemistry / 0442225725 Van Nostrand Reinhold, c1984.
209. Rororo lexikon: Duden-Lexikon taschenbuchausgabe. 3499161729 (Bd. 2) Rowoht, c1973.
210. Ventilation studies and escape plans for underground hardrock mines. 3764356456 (Basel : hardcover acid-free paper) Birkh鑑user Verlag, c1973.
211. Finite element analysis of bonded joints / Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics, 1984.
212. VDI Zeitschrift / Verein Deutscher Ingenieure, 1955-1968.
213. Vocabulaire du beton : Conseil internaional de la langue francaise / Boulevard Saint-Germain-75005 paris, 1976.
214. OS/2 and NetWare Programming : using the netware client API for C / 0442018150 Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1995.
215. Vocabulaire technique : allemand-fran?ais, fran?ais-allemand / 2701301025 Berger-Levrault, 1976.
216. Vehicle propulsion systems : introduction to modeling and optimization / 3540251952 (hd.bd.) Springer, 2005.
217. Vorticity and turbulence =: 旋度与湍流 / 730210204x 清华大学出版社, 2005.
218. Vehicle dynamics and control / 0387263969 Springer Science, c2006.
219. Versailles / 0618221360 (cloth) Houghton Mifflin, 2002.
220. Vehicle compatibility in automotive crashes / 0768016452 Society of Automotive Engineers, c2005.
221. Vehicle accident analysis and reconstruction methods / 0768007763 SAE International, c2005.
222. Vector mechanics for engineers / 007230491X (alk. paper) McGraw-Hill Higher Education, c2004.
223. Vistazos : un curso breve / 0072487119 (hc) McGraw-Hill, c2002.
224. Visual merchandising & display / 1563670437 Fairchild Publications, c1995.
225. 振动与波 人民教育出版社 1981
226. 工程中的振动问题 人民铁道出版社 1978
227. 原子价与分子结构 人民教育出版社 1981
228. 实变数函数论 科学出版社 1957
229. 容量分析.卷二,滴定方法:酸一硷、沉淀和络合物形成反应 科学出版社 1958
230. 磁带录象:理论与实践 国防工业出版社 1980
231. 真空管原理 三联书店 1951
232. 走向新建筑 中国建筑工业出版社 1981
233. Video in education and training / 0240510712 Focal Press, 1980.
234. Vibration problems in engineering / 0471873152 Wiley, 1974.
235. Vacuum-tube circuits and transistors / Wiley, 1956.
236. Video and digital electronic displays : a user's guide / 0471090379 Wiley, c1982.
237. Valve Data Book / English Electric Valve Company Limited, 1961.
238. Valency and molecular structure / Academic Press, 1956.
239. VHSIC, very high speed integrated circuits : technologies and tradeoffs / 0471094633 Wiley, c1981.
240. Varactor applications / M.I.T. Press, 1962.
241. VLSI 87 : VLSI design of digital systems : proceedings of the IFIP TC 10/WG 10.5 International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration, Vancouver, Canada, 10-12 August 1987 / 0444703705 (U.S.) North Holland ; 1988.
242. VLSI system design : when and how to design very-large-scale integrated circuits / 0471860905 : Wiley, c1982.
243. 1986 Symposium on VLSI Technology : digest of technical papers / Business Center for Academic Societies Japan, c1986.
244. Digest of technical papers : 1981 Symposium on VLSI Technology / IEEE Electron Devices Society, 1981.
245. VLSI data book. TRW Inc., c1984.
246. Basic automatic control theory / Van Nostrand, 1957.
247. Verwunderliches aus der physik / BSB B.G.Teubner Verlagsgesellschaft, 1984.
248. Viscoelastic properties of polymers / 0471048941 Wiley, c1980.
249. Vibration spectra and symmtry of crystals / 0677301804 Gordon and breach, c1976.
250. Vibrational spectra and structure. 0824711491 (v.1) Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co. [etc.] 1972-
251. Productivity prospects for growth / 0442293267 Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., c1981.
252. Viscosity of polymer solutions / 0444420665 (U.S.) Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co., 1982.
253. Volumetric analysis / Interscience Publishers, 1942-57.
254. The programmer's guide to PC & PS/2 video systems : maximum performance from the EGA, VGA, HGC, and MCGA / 1556151039 (pbk.) : Microsoft Press ; c1987.
255. Vacuum technology / 0444108017 (Elsevier) North-Holland Pub. Co. ; 1976.
256. Vacuum ultraviolet spectroscopy 0250399733 Ann Arbor-Humphrey Science Publishers, 1970.
257. Vanity Fair / Penguin, 1968.
258. Laboratory methods in vibrational spectroscopy / 0471903434 Wiley, c1987.
259. The VNR concise guide to management decision making / 0442234007 Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., c1980.
260. Rheology of polymers : viscoelasticity and flow of polymers / 9387097783 Mir ; 1980.
261. Thermische Verfahrenstechnik 1 / Deutscher Verlag fur Grundstoffindustrie, 1977.
262. Viscosity of dense fluids / 030640320X Plenum Press, c1979.
263. VM performance management / 0070189668 Intertext Publications , c1989.
264. Visualized flow : fluid motion in basic and engineering situations revealed by flow visualization / 0080340652 Pergamon, c1988.
265. Variational methods in engineering : proceedings of the 2nd International Conference, University of Southampton, England, July 1985 / 3540154965 (Germany) Springer-Verlag, c1985.
266. National Symposium on Vacuum Technology transactions / Pergamon Press, 1956- .
267. Vibrations due to a buried explosive source / [s.n.] 1993.
268. Vibration of solids and structures under moving loads / 9001324202 Academia, 1972.
269. Vector space measures and applications : proceedings, Dublin, 1977 / 3540086684 (v. 1 : Berlin) Springer-Verlag, 1978.
270. Symposia mathematica / Academic Press, 1969-
271. Vibrations at surfaces, 1987 : proceedings of the fifth international conference, Grainau, Elbsee, F.R.G., 6-10 September 1987 / 0444429441 Elsevier, 1987.
272. Vacuum manual / 0419107401 Spon, 1974.
273. Proceedings of the 7th International Vacuum Congress and 3rd International Conference on Solid Surfaces, Sept. 12-16, 1977, Vlenna, Austria : congress centre hofburg / Asociacion Espanola del Vacio y Sus Aplicaciones, 1977.
274. Higher geometry / Mir, 1980.
275. Probability distributions on Banach spaces / 9027724962 D. Reidel Pub. Co. ; c1987.
276. Vorlesungen uber darstellende Geometrie / Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1958.
277. Introduction to the theory of differential equations with deviating arguments / Holden-Day, 1966.
278. Vibrations of engineering structures / 0905451007 Computational Mechanics Ltd., 1976.
279. Vector and tensor analysis / 0824766717 M. Dekker, c1978.
280. The mechanics of the atom / F. Ungar Pub. Co., 1960.
281. Vacuum technique / Chapman & Hall, 1952.
282. Vectors in three-dimensional space / 0521218322 Cambridge University Press, 1978.
283. National Symposium on Vacuum Technology transactions / Pergamon Press, -1960.
284. Transactions / Committee on Vacuum Techniques, 1954-1955.
285. Vessel operating economies / 0905045718 Fairplay Pub., c1984.
286. Vessel traffic systems / 0870333607 Cornell Maritime Press, c1986.
287. Vacuum equipment and techniques / McGraw-Hill, 1949.
288. Vistas in free-radical chemistry / Pergamon Press, 1959.
289. Neue Technologien und materialien zum schallschutz. 3180904372 Verein Deutscher Ingenieure, 1982.
290. Verschleiss metallischer Werkstoffe und seine Verminderung durch Oberflachenschichten / 3885088053 Expert Verlag, c1982.
291. Vapour-liquid equilibrium / Pergamon Press, c1958.
292. Vector-valued optimization problems in control theory / 0126167508 Academic Press, 1979.
293. Messen an verbrennungsmotoren / 3802300874 Vogel Buchverlag, 1986
294. Verbrennungsmotoren / Springer-Verlag, 1987-
295. Verbindungselemente, Achsen, Wellen, Lager, Kupplungen / Fachbuchverlag, c1984.
296. Vectors, tensors, and the basic equations of fluid mechanics / 0486661105 Dover Publications, 1989.
297. Vibrations ;/ Blacke Son Linited Glasgow, c1965.
298. Vorlesungen uber Mechanik / 3764309113 Birkhauser verlag, 1977.
299. Variational methods in elasticity and plasticity / Pergamon Press, [1968]
300. Variational methods in elasticity and plasticity / 0080176534 Pergamon Press, 1975.
301. VEM-Handbuch Schutzmabnahmen gegen zu hohe beruhrungsspannung in Niederspannungsanlagen. Verlag Technik, VEB, 1980?
302. VEM-Handbuch Relaisschutztechik. Verlag Technik, VEB, 1980?
303. Vibrations and waves / Butterworths, 1963.
304. VII. Internationale Konferenz uber Nichtlineare Schwingungen 8.-13. Sept. 1975 in Berlin / Akademie-Verlag, 1978-
305. Werkstoffkunde für ingenieure / 3528041730 Friedr. Vieweg & Sohn, 1981.
306. 8th International Astronautical Congress : Barcelona, 1957 : proceedings. Springer-Berlag, c1958.
307. Vogel's Textbook of practical organic chemistry, including qualitative organic analysis. 0582442508 Longman, 1978.
308. Value distribution of holomorphic maps into compact complex manifolds / Springer-Verlag, 1970.
309. Variational methods in theoretical mechanics / Springer-Verlag, 1976.
310. Vapor pressure of organic compounds / Interscience Publishers, 1954.
311. Vocabulaire du transport des marchandises dangereuses / 066054198X Secrétariat d'Etat du Canada : c1988.
312. Value distribution on parabolic spaces / 3540083413 (Berlin) Springer-Verlag, 1977.
313. Auswuchttechnik / 3184032299 VDI-Verlag, c1977.
314. Vorrichtungsbau : beispielsammlung / Carl hanser verlag, 1970.
315. Arithmetic operations in digital computers / Van Nostrand, 1956.
316. Die Mechanik der Planetengetriebe / 3528041579 Vieweg, 1980.
317. Versicherungs Mathematik / Springer Verlag , c1955.
318. Visual thinking : methods for making images memorable / 0931144477 : American Showcase : c1988.
319. Variational analysis; critical extremals and Sturmian extensions / 0471617008 J. Wiley [1973]
320. Lectures on gas theory / University of California Press, 1964.
321. Vorlesungen uber nichtlineare funktionalanalysis 3 : variationsmethoden und optimierung / Teubner verlagsgesellschaft, 1977.
322. Vergasung fester brennstoffe und oxydativeumwandlung von kohlenwasserstoffen : theoretische grundlagen und industrielle anwendungder oxydativen brennstoffumwandlung / Verlag Chemie, 1962.
323. Variationsrechnung und ihre Anwendung in Physik und Technik / Springer-Verlag, 1962
324. Vibration / University Press, 1965.
325. Vibration and impact / Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., 1958.
326. Vibration and shock isolation / Wiley , 1951.
327. New periodical title abbreviations / 0810303396 Gale Research Co., c1982-
328. Vibrations of elastic structural members / 9028602070 Sijthoff & Noordhoff, 1979.
329. Vibration theory and applications / Prentice-Hall, [1965]
330. An introduction to the principles of vibrations of linear systems / 0470272309 Stanley Thornes Ltd., c1981.
331. Vibrations and waves in physics / 0521216621 Cambridge University Press, 1978.
332. Vanishing lives : style and self in Tennyson, D.G. Rossetti, Swinburne, and Yeats / 0813911656 University Press of Virginia, 1988.
333. Vectors, tensors, and the badica equations of fluid mechanics / Prentice-Hall, 1962
334. Vector analysis/ Wiley ; 1957.
335. Viscosity and flow measurement : a laboratory handbook of rheology / Interscience Publishers, 1963.
336. Vorlesungen 鑥ber h鑟here Geometrie / J. Springer, 1926.
337. Vorlesungen uber nicht-euklidische geometrie / Verlag von Julius Springer., 1928.
338. Viscous flow theory / Van Nostrand, 1956-57.
339. Viscosity and its measurement / Published on behalf of the Institute of Physics and the Physical Society by Chapman and Hall ; c1962.
340. Local networks in practice : US and German experience / 086353113X Online, 1987.
341. Vortex flow in nature and technology / 0471869252 Wiley, c1983.
342. Technische Stromungsmechanik I / 3342002905(Bd.1) Dt. Verl. fur Grundstoffind., 1988.
343. Visual FoxPro程序员学习Visual Basic.NET 7-115-12912-6 人民邮电出版社 2005
344. 高级语言程序设计教程:Visual Basic 6.0 (中文版) 7-115-13442-1 人民邮电出版社 2005
345. Visual FoxPro程序设计 7-115-10911-7 人民邮电出版社 2003
346. Visual FoxPro案例精粹150例:Visual FoxPro 8.0版 7-5024-3707-X 冶金工业出版社 2005
347. Visual C++案例开发 7-5084-2498-0 中国水利水电出版社 2005
348. 漫长的婚约 7-5382-7289-5 辽宁教育出版社 2005
349. Visual Basic程序设计 7-03-010083-2 科学出版社 2002
350. Visual FoxPro程序设计教程 7-04-008655-7 高等教育出版社 2001
351. VTS操作人员标准用语 7-5632-1845-9 大连海事大学出版社 2005
352. 风险投资国际化 7-309-04394-4 复旦大学出版社 2005
353. 可视化编程技术及应用 7-5629-2292-6 武汉理工大学出版社 2005
354. 旋涡流动的稳定性 7-118-02897-5 国防工业出版社 2003
355. 虚拟建筑:未实现的建筑作品 7-5083-3798-0 中国电力出版社 2005
356. Visual Basic.NET企业级开发案例精解 7-115-13709-9 人民邮电出版社 2005
357. 全国计算机等级考试考点与题解二级教程.Visual FoxPro程序设计 7-80015-940-X 长征出版社 2004
358. 维京人的世界 7-5600-4894-3 外语教学与研究出版社 2005
359. 威尼斯的冬天 7-5016-0002-3 外国文学出版社 1987.12
360. 阀门手册 7-80164-896-X 中国石化出版社 2005
361. Video:20世纪后期的新媒介艺术 7-300-06894-4 中国人民大学出版社 2005
362. 思维的再现:工业设计视觉表现 7-112-07217-4 中国建筑工业出版社 2005
363. VC++和BC++数值分析类库 7-302-11943-0 清华大学出版社 2005
364. Verilog-HDL工程实践入门 7-81077-655-X 北京航空航天大学出版社 2005
365. Visual Basic数据库编程宝典 7-5053-6675-0 电子工业出版社 2001
366. Visual FoxPro 6.0程序设计技能百练 7-113-05906-6 中国铁道出版社 2004
367. VB.NET应用教程:Web与桌面应用程序开发:Programming Web and desktop applications in ADO.NET and ASP.NET 7-302-09622-8 清华大学出版社 2005
368. Visual Basic + Access数据库应用系统开发与实例 7-115-12709-3 人民邮电出版社 2004
369. Visual Basic .NET编程宝典 7-121-01675-3 电子工业出版社 2005
370. 数据库技术及应用:Visual foxpro 7-04-017524-X 高等教育出版社 2005
371. Vacuum physics and technology / 0124759149 Academic Press, 1979.
372. The old man who read love stories / 0151685509 Harcourt Brace, c1993.
373. Vacuum deposition of thin films / Chapman & Hall, 1956.
374. Vacuum technology / Wiley, c1963.
375. Vacuum technology / Chapman & Hall Ltd., 1963.
376. Vorlesungen 鑥ber differential- und integralrechnung / Birkh鑑user, [1952]-
377. Van Nostrand's scientific encyclopedia : aeronautics, astronomy, botany, chemical engineering, chemistry, civil engineering, electrical engineering, electronics, geology, guided missles, mathematics, mechanical engineering, medicine, metallurgy, meteorology, mineralogy, navigation, nuclear science & engineering, photography, physics, radio & television, statistics, zoology. Van Nostrand, [1958]
378. Van Nostrand's scientific encyclopedia / 0442217501 (set) Van Nostrand Reinhold, c1989.
379. Vertikalstarfflugzeuge und luftkissenfahrzeuge.eine ubersichf uber die verschiedenen arten ihre start-und landebahnen sowie probleme der steuerung and stabilitat. Verlag Flugtechnik Stuttgart, 1961.
380. Stromungstechnische Probleme bei der Entwicklung von Stromungsmaschinen : Vortroge der VDI-Tagung Braunschweig 1973. 3180901934 VDI-Verlag, 1973.
381. Vorschriften fur klassifikation und bau von stahlernen seeschiffen. Germanischer Lloyd, 1956.
382. Vibration diagnosis. Genera Motors Corporation, 1986.
383. Vehicle handling dynamics / 0852988850 Mechanical Engineering Publications, 1994.
384. VXIbus system specification revision 1.3. VXIbus Consortium, inc., 1989.
385. Running Windows applications in OS/2 : a power user's guide / 0442019246 (pbk.) Van Nostrand Reinhold, c1995.
386. Verbs of motion in Russian / Russky Yazyk Pub., 1986.
387. Vehicle electronics in the 90's : proceedings of the International Congress on Transportation Electronics. 156091047X Society of Automotive Engineers, 1990.
388. Vector mechanics for engineers / 0070044325 McGraw-Hill, c1984-
389. Fahrwerktechnik : Bremsdynamik und pkw-bremsanlagen / 3802301846 Vogel Buchverlag, c1991.
390. Viscous hypersonic flow : theory of reacting and hypersonic boundary layers / McGraw-Hill, 1962.
391. Fahrwerktechnik : Lenkanlagen und hilfskraftlenkungen / 3802304314 Vogel Buchverlag, c1992.
392. Vehicle aerodynamics : wake flows, computational fluid dynamics, and aerodynamic testing. 1560912251 Society of Automotive Engineers, c1992.
393. Valve and actuator technology / 0070194777 McGraw-Hill, c1991.
394. Vehicle dynamics and rollover propensity research. 156091226X Society of Automotive Engineers, c1992.
395. Vehicle dynamics and electronic controlled suspensions. 1560911255 Society of Automotive Engineers, c1991.
396. VW Beetle : car care guide / 0878519491 Hearst Books, c1981.
397. Vertical axis winding machine / Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 1983.
398. Vibration and noise levels in ships : A one day conference held on thursday,21 october 1976. 0900976691 Marine media management LTD, 1977.
399. Vehicle lighting and driver visibility for the 1990's. 1560910024 Society of automotive Engineers, Inc., 1990.
400. Vorschriften fur klassifikation und bau von stahlernen seeschiffen. Germanischer Lloyd, 1953.
401. Vehicle information systems and electronic display technology. 1560911220 Society of automotive Engineers, Inc., 1991.
402. Vehicle electronics in the 90's : proceedings of the International Congress on Transportation Electronics. 156091047X Society of Automotive Engineers, c1990.
403. Verformungen und spannungen beim schweissen : Untersuchungsergebnisse aus Forschung und Literautr / Verlag Technik, 1978.
404. Visual Basic for Windows inside & out / 0078817641 Osborne McGraw-Hill, c1992.
405. Van Nostrand's scientific encyclopedia / 0442216297 Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., c1976.
406. Objects for OS/2 / 0442017383 Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1994.
407. MCSD.: Visual Basic 6 distributed applications study guide / 7505353659 Publishing House of Electronics Industry, 1999.
408. MCSD.: Visual Basic 6 desktop Applications study guide / 7505353667 Publishing House of Electronics Industry, 1999.
409. Vibration analysis--techniques and applications : presented at the 1989 ASME design technical conferences / 0791803651 American Society of Mechanical Engineers, c1989.
410. Vector mechanics for engineers : Statics / 0070799466 (set) McGraw-Hill, c1988.
411. Vector mechanics for engineers : statics / 0079129668 McGraw-Hill, c1996.
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413. Problems of Leninism / Foreign Languages Press, 1976.
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415. Process control : structures and applications / 0442211554 Van Nostrand Reinhold, c1988.
416. VEM-Handbuch Elecktroenergieanlagen : grundlagenund Anlagentechnik. Verlag Technik, 1974.
417. Very high strength cement-based materials : symposium held November 27-28, 1984, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. / 0931837073 Materials Research Society, c1985.
418. VEM-Handbuch energieversorgung elektrischer bahnen. Verlag Technik, 1974.
419. VEM-Handbuch maschinelles berechnen elektrischer maschinen : herausgegeben im auftrag des VEb kombinat elektromaschinenbau / Verlag Technik, 1973.
420. Videotape recording : theory and practice / 0240507916 Focal Press, 1975.
421. 1989 IEEE International Conference on Computer Design: VLSI in Computers & Processors : proceedings / 0818619716 (pbk.) IEEE Computer Society Press, c1989.
422. Vorrichtungen;: Gestalten, Bemessen, Bewerten. Verlag Technik, 1982.
423. Verbindungselemente, Achsen, Wellen, Lager, Kupplungen / Fachbuchverlag, c1984.
424. Vibration and control of mechanical systems : presented at the 1993 ASME design technical conferences, 14th Biennial Conference on Mechanical Vibration and Noise, Albuquerque, New Mexico, September 19-22, 1993 / 0791811778 American Society of Mechanical Engineers, c1993.
425. Vibration, shock, damage, and identification of mechanical systems : presented at the 1993 ASME design technical conferences, 14th Biennial Conference on Mechanical Vibration and Noise, Albuquerque, New Mexico, September 19-22, 1993 / 0791811808 American Society of Mechanical Engineers, c1993.
426. Vibration isolation, acoustics, and damping in mechanical systems. 0791811786 The american Society of mechanical engineers, 1993.
427. Expert systems in manufacturing / 0442008279 Van Nostrand Reinhold, c1992.
428. Structure in building / Architectural Press, [1958]
429. Zement : taschenbuch 1979/80. 3762509034 Bauverlag gmbh ,1979-1980.
430. Vacationscape : designing tourist regions / 0442226799 Van Nostrand Reinhold, c1988.
431. Values and policies in controversy : an introduction to argumentation and debate / 0897873262 Gorsuch Scarisbrick, c1986.
432. IEEE transactions on electron devices : october 1979. Volume ED-26, number 10,. Special issue on very large-scale integration / [s.n.], 1979.
433. Vernacular building conservation / 0851397018 Architectural Press, 1980.
434. Very large data bases : Seventh International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, Cannes france, September 9-11, 1981 / The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1981.
435. 40th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, May 6-9, 1990, Orlando, Florida / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1990.
436. 42nd Annual IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference : frontiers of technology, from pioneers to the 21st centure, Hyatt Regency Hotel, May 10-13, 1992, Denver, Colorado . Vol. 1. 0780306732 (softbound) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1992.
437. Ventilatoren;: Entwurf und Berechung / VEB Wilhelm Knapp Verlag , 1955.
438. VIIth International Congress on Electroheat, 18-22 September 1972, Warszawa / Polish National Committee for Electroheat / [1973]
439. Victims of progress / 0874845939 (pbk.) Mayfield Pub. Co., c1982.
440. 41st IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference : gateway to the future technology in motion, May 19-22, 1991, St. Louis, MO / 0879425822 (softbound) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1991.
441. IEEE transactions on electron devices : June 1979. Volume ED-26, number 6,. Special issue on very large-scale integration / [s.n.], 1979.
442. Visualization '90 : 0818620838 IEEE Computer Society Press, c1990.
443. Van Nostrand's scientific encyclopedia / 0442251610 Van Nostrand Reinhold, c1983.
444. Variational principles in dynamics and quantum theory / Sir Isaac Pitman, 1955.
445. Vehicle noise : presented at the Winter Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Dallas, Texas, November 25-30, 1990 / 0791805875 American Society of Mechanical Engineers, c1990.
446. Vehicle multiplexing systems, P-241. 1560911107 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., 1991.
447. Zement : taschenbuch. 3762514917 Bauverlag gmbh , 1984.
448. Verfahrenstechnik der Zementherstellung : VDZ-Kongress '77 = Process technology of cement manufacturing = Technologie des processus de la production du ciment / 3762509468 : Bauverlag ; 1979.
449. Verfahrenstechnik der Zementherstellung : VDZ-Kongress '71 = Process technology of cement manufacturing = Technologie des processus de la production du ciment / 3762509468 : Bauverlag ; 1979.
450. Thermische Verfahrenstechnik. Deutscher Verlag fur Grundstoffindustrie, 1977-
451. Vater und Sohn : Bildgeschichten f鑥r den Konversations- und Aufsatzunterricht / 3190011435 (Bd.1) Max Hueber, 1971.
452. Vermessungskunde fur bauingenieure / BSB B.G.Teubner Verlagsgesellschaft , 1978.
453. Vergaser-handbuch : vergaser-kraitstofie-benzineinspritzungen-kraitstoffpumpen und einstelltabellen / VEB verlag, 1963.
454. Combustion engines : Moteurs a combustion. Verlag des verins deutscher ingenieure, 1980.
455. Venturi, Rauch & Scott Brown buildings and projects / 0847807436 : Rizzoli, 1987.
456. Vorgespannter beton : grundlagen der theorie, berechnung und konstruktion / 3540058478 Springer-Verlag, 1973.
457. Vortex dynamics / 0521477395 (paperback) Cambridge University Press, 1995.
458. Verification, model checking, and abstract interpretation : 6th international conference, VMCAI 2005, Paris, France, January 17-19, 2005 : proceedings / 354024297X (pbk.) Springer, c2005.
459. High performance computing for computational science - VECPAR 2004 : 6th international conference, Valencia, Spain, June 28-30, 2004 : revised selected and invited papers / 9783540254249 Springer, c2005.
460. Desktop applications with Visual C++ 6.0 / 790062905X Peking University Press, c2000
461. Distributed application with Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 / 7900629068 Peking University Press, c2000
462. Advanced vibration analysis / 0849334195 CRC/Taylor & Francis, c2007.
463. An introduction to programming using Visual Basic .Net =: Visual Bacic .Net 程序设计导论 / 7040140608 高等教育出版社, 2004.
464. Simulating combustion : simulation of combustion and pollutant formation for engine-development / 3540251618 (soft cover : alk. paper) Springer, 2006.
465. Vibrational spectroscopy of biological and polymeric materials / 1574445391 Taylor & Francis, 2006.
466. Viral genome packaging machines : genetics, structure, and mechanism / 0306482274 Landes Bioscience/Eurekah.com ; c2005.
467. Five plays / 0195637364 Oxford India Paperbacks, 1992.
468. Virtual storytelling : using virtual reality technologies for storytelling : third International Conference, ICVS 2005, Strasbourg, France, November 30-December 2, 2005 : proceedings / 9783540305118 (pbk.) Springer, c2005.
469. Variational problems in materials science / 9783764375645 Birkhauser Verlag, c2006.
470. Variational geometric and level set methods in computer vision : third international workshop, VLSM 2005, Beijing, China, October 16, 2005 : proceedings / 9783540293484 (softcover : alk. paper) Springer, c2005.
471. Daily life in the time of Jesus. Hawthorn Books, c1962.
472. Vehicle dynamics and simulation 2001. 0768007496 SOciety of Automotive Engineers, c2001.
473. Villages / 0385183755 Anchor Books, 1983.
474. Vector mechanics for engineers : statics and dynamics / 0070042772 McGraw-Hill, c1977.
475. Vorticity and turbulence effects in fluid structure interaction : an application to hydraulic structure design / 1845640527 (hbk.) WIT, c2006.
476. The Visual Basic .Net programming language =: Visual Basic .Net编程语言 / 7121020955 Publishing House of Electronics Industry, 2006.
477. Vertical warfare / Doubleday, Doran and Co., 1943.
478. Voices of the English Reformation : a sourcebook / 0812218779 (pbk. : alk. paper) University of Pennsylvania Press, c2004.
479. Vibration Of continuous systems 0471771716 John Wiley & Sons, c2007.
480. Vibration with Control / 0470010517 (cloth : alk. paper) John Wiley & Sons, c2006.
481. Virtual modeling and rapid manufacturing: advanced research in virtual and rapid prototyping / 0415390621 (hb) Taylor & Francis, c2005.
482. Viscoelastic fracture mechanics =: 黏弹性断裂力学 / 7030154185 Science Press, 2006.
483. Vehicle dynamics and simulation 2006. 076801753X Society of AutomotiveEngineers, c2006.
484. VANET : proceedings of the second ACM international workshop on vehicular Ad Hoc networks, held in conjunction with MobiCom 2005, September 2, 2005, Cologne, Germany / 1595931414 ACM, c2005.
485. Virtual machines : versatile platforms for systems and processes = 虚拟机 : 系统与进程的通用平台 / 7121026724 Publishing House of Electronics Industry : 2006.
486. Data management in grids : first VLDB Workshop, DMG 2005, Trondheim, Norway, September 2-3, 2005 : revised selected papers / 3540312129 Springer-Verlag, c2005.
487. Verilog : frequently asked questions : language, applications and extensions / 0387228349 Springer Science + Business Media, c2004.
488. Visual information and information systems : 8th international conference, VISUAL 2005, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, June 5, 2005 : revised selected papers / 3540304886 Springer-Verlag, c2006.
489. Video field production and editing / 0205295568 Allyn and Bacon, c2000.
490. Virtual fabrication of aluminum products : microstructrual modeling in industrial aluminum production / 352731363X Wiley-VCH, 2006.
491. VOCUS : a visual attention system for object detection and goal-directed search / 3540327592 Springer-Verlag, c2006.
492. Visual content processing and representation : 9th international workshop, VLBV 2005, Sardinia, Italy, September 15-16, 2005 : revised selected papers / 3540335781 Springer, c2006.
493. Visual perception and robotic manipulation : 3d object recognition, tracking and hand-eye coordination / 3540334548 Springer, 2006.
494. Vision, modeling, and visualization 2005 : proceedings, November 16-18, 2005, Erlangen, Germany / 3898380688 (Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft : pbk.) AKA, Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft ; 2005.
495. Vortices in the Magnetic Ginzburg-Landau model / 0817643168 Birkh?user, 2007.
496. Interactive technologies and sociotechnical systems : 12th international conference, VSMM 2006, Xi'an, China, October 18-20, 2006, proceedings / 9783540463047 (softcover : alk. paper) Springer, c2006.
497. Variations on constants : flow analysis of sequential and parallel programs / 3540453857 Springer, c2006.
498. Violence and terrorism. 0072816929 (03/04) Dushkin Pub. Group, c1990-
499. Vehicle dynamics for commercial vehicles : the commercial vehicle engineering congress and exhibition, October 31-November 2 2006, Chicago, IL. 0768018188 SAE International, 2006.
500. Vacuum. Pergamon Press, 1951-