以"W"开头查询到 14262 条西文期刊记录。
刊名 ISSN 出版社 出版年
1. Worterbuch der werkstoffprufung : Dictory of material testing, dictorire du controle des materiaux / 3184004341 VDI-Verlag Gmbh, 1979-
2. Webster's compact dictionary of synonyms. 0877791864 Merriam-Webster, c1987.
3. How to succeed in organic chemistry / 0471030104 Wiley, c1979.
4. Webster's new world misspeller's dictionary / 0671468642 Prentice-Hall, 1983.
5. Weathering of polymers / 0853342261 Applied Science Pub., c1983.
6. The confessions / 7560013643 外语教学与研究出版社, 1997.
7. International Congress on Welding Research : July 13 and 14, 1984, Sheraton-Boston Hotel, Boston, MA. American Welding Society, 1984?]
8. Water transport '87 proceeding. Technology exchange centre of road and water transport of the ministry of communication, 1987
9. Welding 1 : standards dealing with filler metals, manufacture, quality and testing. 3410115846 Beuth, 1983.
10. Weld metal solidification cracking in a carbon-manganese steel / s.n., 19??]
11. Weld residual stresses and plastic deformation : presented at the 1989 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, JSME co-sponsorship, Honolulu, Hawaii, July 23-27, 1989 / American Society of Mechanical Engineers, c1989.
12. Welding for challenging environments : proceedings of the International Conference on Welding for Challenging Environments, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 15-17 October 1985 / 0080318665 : Pergamon Press, c1986.
13. Weld penetration variations / Bendix, 1984]
14. 2nd ASME Wind Energy Symposium / ASME, c1983.
15. AIAA/SERI Wind Energy Conference : a collection of technical papers / AIAA, [1980?]
16. Papers presented and published at the Fourth International Symposium on Wind Energy Systems held at Stockholm, Sweden, September 21-24, 1982 / 0906085772 (pbk. : set) BHRA Fluid Engineering, [1982]
17. Wind-diesel and wind autonomous energy systems / 185166338X : Elsevier Applied Science ; c1989.
18. Pipeline welding and inspection : proceedings of a conference, February 25-26, 1980, Houston, Texas / 0871711990 American Welding Society, c1980.
19. Welding of tubular structures : proceedings of the second international conference held in Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 16-17 July 1984 under the auspices of the International Institute of Welding = Soudage des structures tubulaires : communications pr鈋sent鈋es 醓 la deuxi醗me conf鈋rence internationale tenue 醓 Boston, Massachusetts, les Etats-Unis, les 16 et 17 juillet 1984 sous les auspices de l'Institut international de la soudure. 0080311563 Published on behalf of the International Institute of Welding by Pergamon Press, 1984.
20. Elementary principles of chemical processes / 0471873241 Wiley, c1986.
21. Direct contact liquid-liquid heat exchanger for solar heated and cooled buildings :pilot plant results : Annual progress report,for period February 1, 1976 July 31, 1977 / Solar Energy applications laboratory Colorado state univeristy, 1977.
22. A decision-making framework for the evaluation of climbing lanes on two-lane two-way rural roads : final model selection, simulation methodology and proposed data collection / University of California, [1979]
23. Multiphoton processes : proceedings of an international conference at the University of Rochester, Rochester, N.Y., June 6-9, 1977 / 0471037907 Wiley, c1978.
24. Workshop on difficult-to-handle bulk materials : problems and solutions; Brisbane, 8-9 July 1985 : preprints of papers / 0858252767 Institution of Engineers, Australia, 1985.
25. Word Hy-phen-a-tion by com-put-er / Stanford, 1983.
26. Gas and liquid analyzers / 0444996915 Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co. ; 1982.
27. Antinucleon-nucleon interactions: proceedings of the third European Symposium held at the Wenner-Gren Center, Stockholm, 9-13 July 1976 0080215157 Pergamon Press 1977.
28. Planning, design, and analysis of tailings dams / 0471898295 : Wiley, c1983.
29. Wake vortex minimization : a symposium held at Washington, D.C., on February 25-26, 1976. Scientific and Technical Information Office, National Aeronautics and Space Administration; 1977.
30. Analysis of metallurgical failures / 047116450X Wiley, [1974]
31. Optics of thin films;: an optical multilayer theory 047149531X Wiley [c1976]
32. Organic micropollutants in the aquatic environment : proceedings of the sixth European symposium held in Lisbon, Portugal, May 22-24, 1990 / 0792311043 Kluwer Academic Publishers, c1991.
33. Water pollution research and control, Kyoto, 1990 : proceedings of the fifteenth biennial Conference of the ..., held in Kyoto, Japan, 29 July-3 August 1990 / 0080407749 (set) Pergamon Press, 1990.
34. The production and uses of natural graphite / Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1964.
35. Disposal of sludge to sea : proceedings of a specialised conference held in London, England, 29 September-1 October 1981 / 0080290930 (pbk.) Pergamon Press, c1982.
36. Advanced treatment technologies for removal and disposal of micropollutants : proceedings of a seminar held in Antwerp, Belgium, 24-25 September 1984 / 0080341489 Pegramon Press, c1986.
37. Wisconsin modula part III of the first report on the crystal project / University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1983.]
38. Ion exchangers in analytical chemistry : their properties and use in inorganic chemistry / 0444997172 Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co., 1982.
39. Whither hundreds of processors in a database machine? / University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1984.]
40. Whither turbulence? : turbulence at the crossroads : proceedings of a workshop held at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, March 22-24, 1989 / 3540525351 Springer-Verlag, c1990.
41. Wind tunnel tests of the dynamic characteristics of the fluidic rudder / The franklin institute research laboratories, 1976.
42. Water wave kinematics / 0792306384 (alk. paper) Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990.
43. Wind tunnels of NASA / Scientific and Technical Information Branch, National Aeronautics and Space Administration :
44. Probability and random processes : a first course with applications / 0471085359 Wiley, c1985.
45. Special relativity / 9810200684 World Scientific, 1990.
46. Elements of applied stochastic processes / 047187826X Wiley, c1984.
47. Stochastic processes / Wiley, 1953.
48. Wave mechanics and its applications, 0080169791 Pergamon [1973]
49. Wave reflection and quasiresonance / U.S.Army Research office, 1982
50. Theory of games and statistical decisions. Wiley [1954]
51. Fundamentals of queueing theory / 0471890677 Wiley, 1985.
52. Comparison methods for queues and other stochastic models / 0471101222 Wiley, c1983.
53. Contributions to mathematical statistics / Wiley, 1950.
54. Introduction to quantum field theory / 9971506270 World Scientific, c1990.
55. Introduction to mathematical statistics / Wiley, 1962.
56. Experiments with mixtures : designs, models, and the analysis of mixture data / 047152221X Wiley, c1990.
57. The almighty chance / 9971509164 World Scientific, 1990.
58. Quantum theory of many-variable systems and fields / 9971978555 World Scientific, c1985.
59. Experimental designs / 0471545678 (pbk) Wiley, 1992, c1957.
60. Practical nonparametric statistics / 0471028673 Wiley, c1980.
61. Introduction to the theory of nonparametric statistics / 0471042455 : Wiley, c1979.
62. Water vapor continuum absorption in the 3.5um to 4.0um region / Atmospheric Sciences laboratory, 1978.
63. Waves and stability in continuous media: proceedings of the ... 9810205546 World Scientific c1991.
64. Welding processes and workshop automation procedes de soudage et automatisation dans les ateliers. s.n.], 1979.
65. Wing analysis using a transonic potential flow computational method / National Aeronautics and Space Administraction, 1978.
66. Windpower / The Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1979
67. Weldability and brazeability of formable sheet titanium alloys / Air Force Materials Laboratory, 1976.
68. Finite algorithms in optimization and data analysis / 0471905399 Wiley, c1985.
69. Technical paper : What has made the bridgeport milling machine so successful? / Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 1978.
70. Generalized inverse of matrices and its applications / 0471708216 Wiley, 1971.
71. Endless night / 7119018574 : Foreign Languages Press, 1996, c1967.
72. Evil under the sun / 7119018582 : Foreign Languages Press, 1996, c1941.
73. The Mystery of the blue train / 7119018493 : Foreign Languages Press, 1996.
74. The Man in the brouwn suit / 7119018507 : Foreign Languages Press, 1996.
75. Group representations and special functions / 9027712697 D. Reidel ; c1984.
76. Combinatorial theory / 0471091383 Wiley, c1986.
77. Women in love / 7119015907 : Penguin Books, 1960.
78. Practical fracture mechanics applications to design of high pressure vessels / Bent Weapons Laboratory, 1976.
79. William Thackeray : Vanity fair / 7506209489 World Pub. Corp., 1991.
80. Wave theory corrections to ray theory predictions of average long-range propagation / Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc., 1977.
81. War and peace / Penguin, 1986.
82. Wave motion in elastic solids / 0198561180 : Clarendon Press, 1975.
83. Wild honey : the untitled play / 0451521099 : New American Library, 1987.
84. Washington Square / Penguin, 1984.
85. Where the lilies bloom / 0064470059 Harper Keypoint, 1989, c1969.
86. Winesburg, Ohio / 0330302876 Picador Classics, c1988.
87. Where I'm calling from : new and selected stories / 0679722319(pbk.) : Vintage Books, 1989.
88. Wives and daughters / 0140430466 : Penguin, 1969.
89. Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass / 0140421998 Penguin books, 1976
90. Writing for business / 0175556865 Nelson, 1987.
91. The call of the wild ; and, White Fang / 055321005X Bantam Books, 1984.
92. Wear mechanics in high speed sliding contact / NTIS, 1975.
93. We are the stories we tell : the best short stories by North American women since 1945 / 0394581792 : Pantheon Books, 1990.
94. Wind-tunnel testing of aeroelastically sacled hellcopter rotor models / United states army air moility R and D laboratory, 1976.
95. Statistical optics / 0471015024 : Wiley, c1985.
96. Linear systems, Fourier transforms, and optics / 0471292885 Wiley, c1978.
97. The dynamics of spectroscopic transitions : illustrated by magnetic resonance and laser effects / 0471563005 Wiley, c1976.
98. Windows : readings on American culture / 0838413021 : Heinle & Heinle, c1984.
99. Elements of modern optical design / 0471077968 : Wiley, c1985.
100. We, the people / 0853451346 Monthly Review Press, c1960.
101. Waves and photons : an introduction to quantum optics / 0471085928 Wiley, 1982.
102. Who invited the undertaker? / 0690048343 (lib. bdg.) T.Y. Crowell, c1989.
103. Wind tunnel test data report of a powered 1/5 scale arl/bell v/stol aircraft model / NTIS, 1969.
104. Wind tunnel tests of a new diffuser concept / Aerospace research laboratories, 1975.
105. Why China has no inflation / Foreign Languages Press, 1976.
106. Forecasting, methods and applications / 047108610X (est.) Wiley, c1983.
107. Radiometry and the detection of optical radiation / 047186188X : Wiley, c1983.
108. Optical shop testing / 0471019739 Wiley, c1978.
109. Nonlinear optics and quantum electronics / 0471088072 Wiley, c1986.
110. Walden and other writings / 0553210122 : Bantam Books, 1981.
111. The wisdom of Florence Scovel Shinn. 0671682288 Simon & Schuster, 1989.
112. Ways of seeing / 9780563122449 British Broadcasting Corporation and Penguin Books, 1972.
113. How life learned to live : adaptation in nature / 0262200457 MIT Press, c1982.
114. Weep not, child / 0435271164 Heinemann, c1964.
115. Ways to reading / 7506210932 World Pub. Corp., 1991.
116. Solutions to initial value problems using finite elements-unconstrained variational formulations / U.S. Army armament command, 1976.
117. Working / 0345325699 Ballantine Books, 1990.
118. Waste reduction--conservation : proceedings of 1986 National Waste Processing Conference, Twelfth Biennial Conference : supplement--discussions / American Society of Mechanical Engineers, c1987.
119. Ion exchange for pollution control / 0849351537 (v. 1) : CRC Press, c1979.
120. Writing foundamentals / 0139695850 Prentice-Hall Canada, c1986.
121. Where to find what : a handbook to reference service / 0810816458 : Scarecrow Press, 1984.
122. Ponds as a wastewater treatment alternative / Center for Research in Water Resources, College of Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, c1976.
123. Water science and technology : special issue celebrating the 80th birthday of Dr. S.H. Jenkins / 0080290957 : Pergamon Press, c1982.
124. Water pollution research and control : proceedings of a conference held in Cape Town, South Africa, 29 March--2nd April, 1982 / 0080296890 (set) Pergamon Press, c1983.
125. Webster's standard American style manual. 0877790337 Merriam-Webster, c1985.
126. Workers, peasants and soldiers criticize Lin Piao and Confucius : a collection of articles. Foreign Languages Press, 1976.
127. Group theory in spectroscopy : with applications to magnetic circular dichroism / 0471033022 Wiley, c1983.
128. Welding technology : a compilation. Technology Utilization Office, National Aeronautics and Space Administration; [for sale by the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, Va.], 1970 [i.e. 1971]
129. What's what in sports : the visual glossary of the sports world / 0843735287 Hammond, c1984.
130. Writing engineering specifications / 0419137505 E. & F.N. Spon, c1988.
131. Wave mechanics in cutting / Foreign Science and Technology Center, 1971.
132. What to say when you are in England : a short conversation guide for visitors / 84205044 0 British Broadcasting Corporation, c1971.
133. American patterns : acquiring cultural awareness and reading skills / 0201122448 Addison-Wesley Publishers Japan Ltd., c1985.
134. West Germany today / 0415016851 : Routledge, 1989.
135. What to say : the new language guide for visitors to Britain / 094667521X : BBC English by Radio and TV, 1987.
136. Whole-language : practice and theory / 0205126928 Allyn and Bacon, c1991.
137. Word memory power in 30 days / 0440204224 Dell, 1989.
138. Wind tunnel model deformation measuring system / Calspan corporation, 1975.
139. Ball and roller bearings : theory, design, and application / R. Oldenbourg ; 1964.
140. Spin glass theory and beyond / 9971501155 World Scientific, c1987.
141. Werksoffkunde glas / VEB Deutscher Verlag Grundstoffindustrie, [1974]
142. Internalizing disorders in children and adolescents / 0471506486 (cloth : alk. paper) J. Wiley, c1992.
143. Collins concise German-English, English-German dictionary. 0671638157 : Simon and Schuster, c1987.
144. Why do we say-- ? : words and sayings and where they come from / 0713719443 Blandford Press ; 1987
145. Fundamental accounting principles / 0256114692 Irwin, c1993.
146. Werkstoffe : Eigenschaften,prufung und Normen / B.G.Tevbner verlagsgesellschaft mbH stuttgarl, 1964.
147. Europort 73 conference proceedings Wear, lubrication and repair. 0900976365 Marine Media Management LTD., 1974.
148. W鑟rterbuch : Deutsch-Russisch / 3324001692 VEB Verlag Enzyklop鑑die, 1962.
149. Werkstoffprufung von metallen / VEB Deutscher verlag fur grumdstoffindustrie, 1963.
150. Weltkraftkonferenz =: Conference mondiale de l'energie, World power conference. Swiss National Committee, c1964.
151. Wertstoffgewinnung aus abwassern : herausgeber, kommission umweltschutz, beim prasidium, der kammer der technik. 3342002964 VEB Deutscher Verlag, 1988.
152. Technische Thermodynamik / Verlag Theodor Steinkopff, 1965.
153. Werkstoffkunde und Werkstoffprüfung / W. Girardet, 1964.
154. The Traveling salesman problem : a guided tour of combinatorial optimization / 0471904139 : Wiley, c1985.
155. Werkstoffkunde kurz und einprasam / Fachbuchverlag, 1965.
156. W?rterbuch der Reprographie : begriffe und definitionen deutsch-english-franz?sisch : english-franz?sisch-deutsch : franz?sisch-deutsch-english = Dictionary of reprography : terms and definition : German-English-French : English-french-German : French-German-English = Dictionnaire de la reprographie :termes et définitions : allermand-anglais-fran?ais : anglais-fran?ais-allemand : fran?ais-allemand-anglais. 3794032594 Ausschuss für Wirtschaftliche Verwaltung in Wirtschaft und ?ffentlicher Hand e. V. ; 1976.
157. Wrestling with the angel : a memoir of my triumph over illness / 0393028461 Norton, 1990.
158. Wordsworth, the sense of history / 0804713731 (alk. paper) : Stanford University Press, c1989.
159. Wasser-versorgungsanlagen : gewinnung, speicherung, aufbereitung und forderung des wassers, / VEB Verlag Technik, 1953
160. The Riverside Shakespeare / 0395172268 (v.1) Houghton Mifflin, c1974.
161. Wind, sand and stars / 0156970902 (pbk.) : Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, c1967.
162. Multiple comparison procedures / 0471822221 Wiley, c1987.
163. Mathematical statistics and data analysis / 0534082475 : Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole Advanced Books & Software, c1988.
164. Order restricted statistical inference / 047191787 Wiley, c1988.
165. Wissensspeicher Verbrennungsmotoren. Verlag fur Verkehrswesen, 1981.
166. The collected works of John W. Tukey / 0534033032 (v. 1) Wadsworth Advanced Books & Software, c1984.
167. Sensitivity analysis in linear regression / 0471822167 : Wiley, c1988.
168. Worterbuch der Seeschiffahrt / VEBVerlag enzyklopadie, 1974.
169. The teaching of practical statistics / 0471915726 : Wiley, c1987.
170. Analysis of experiments with missing data / 0471887366 Wiley, c1985.
171. Wyt's digest : of dutch shipping and shipbuilding 1964. Dagblad scheepvaart, 1964.
172. Counterexamples in probability / 0471916498 : Wiley, c1987.
173. Was ist das fur ein schiff? / Urania-verlag, 1956.
174. Diffusions, Markov processes, and martingales / 0471950610 (v. 1) Wiley, c1994-
175. Nonnegative matrices / 0471839663 Wiley, c1988.
176. Kaltetechnik / G. Braun, 1957.
177. Britannica book of the year. 0852294867 (1988) Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc.
178. Welding metallurgy of steels : progress report / s.n.], 1961.
179. Robust regression and outlier detection / 0471852333 Wiley, c1987.
180. Welding of high pressure transmission pipeline in Japan : Meeting of International Institute of Welding, April 1963, Japan / s.n.; 1963]
181. Webster's new collegiate dictionary : A Merriam-Webster. 0877793387 (plain) G. & C. Merriam Co., [1976]
182. Webster's third new international dictionary of the English language, unabridged / 0877791015 (blue Sturdite.) G. & C. Merriam Co., c1976.
183. Discrete discriminant analysis / 047104167X Wiley, c1978.
184. Welding / International Organization for Standardization, 1975.
185. Modern sculpture : a concise history / 0500200149 Thames and Hudson, c1964.
186. Greek sculpture : the archaic period : a handbook / 0500181667 Thames and Hudson, c1978.
187. Watson's apology ; Mum and Mr. Armitage and other stories / 0070032645 (pbk.) McGraw-Hill, 1988.
188. Fabrication and reliability of welded process plant : an international conference, London, 16-18 November, 1976. Welding Institute, c1977-c1978.
189. Management for productivity / 0471797103 Wiley, 1988.
190. Wuthering heights / 0582523184 Longman, 1978, 5th impression 1983.
191. Werkstoff- und Bauvorschriften f鑥r Dampfkessel und druckgefasse. VEB Verlag Technik, c1953.
192. Specification and verification of concurrent systems / 3540195815 (Springer-Verlag Berlin) Springer-Verlag, 1990.
193. Optical information processing and holography / 0471140783 Wiley, [1974]
194. Computational complexity of sequential and parallel algorithms / 0471908142 Wiley, c1985.
195. Proceedings microcomputer based instrumentation. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
196. Warships of the world, Cornell Maritime Press, 1944.
197. W鑟rterbuch : Der deutschen gegenwartssprache / 3324001692 Akademie-verlag, 1977.
198. Noncoherent optical processing / 0471730556 : Wiley, c1977.
199. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Industrial Applications : May 25-27, 1988, Hitachi Research Laboratory, Hitachi, Ltd., Hitachi City, Japan / IEEE, c1988.
200. Optical waves in crystals : propagation and control of laser radiation / 0471091421 Wiley, c1984.
201. DOS 5 : self-teaching guide / 0471551910 (paper : acid-free paper) Wiley, c1991.
202. Mining engineers' handbook / J. Wiley & sons, inc.; 1941.
203. World mining glossary of mining, processing, and geological terms : English, Svenska, Deutsch, Fran餭ais, Espa鋘ol / 0879300310 M. Freeman Publications, 1975.
204. Case : current practice, future prospects / 047193304X J. Wiley, c1992.
205. Weighing and proportioning of bulk solids / 0878490116 Trans Tech Publications, 1975.
206. Fairplay world shipping year book. Fairplay Information Systems Ltd., 1978-
207. World guide to abbreviations of organizations / 081032024X Grand River Books, 1981.
208. Mechanical engineers' handbook; Wiley [1936]
209. Workshop on Expert Systems and Applications : presented at the Fourteenth Annual Energy-Sources Technology Conference and Exhibition, Houston, Texas, January 20-23, 1991 / 0791806049 : American Society of Mechanical Engineers, c1991.
210. Water / 0582536847 Longman, 1979.
211. Handbook of comparative world steel standards : U.S.A., United Kingdom, West Germany, France, U.S.S.R., Japan. International Technical Information Institute, 1980.
212. Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung und mathematische Statistik. BSB B.G, 1980.
213. WordStar on the IBM PC / 007014978X (pbk.) : McGraw-Hill, [1984], c1985.
214. Writing OS/2 resident utilities : for presentation manager / 0201517884 Addison-Wesley, c1989.
215. Die Werkzeugstable, unlegierte und legierte Werkzeugstable, ihre Zusammen setzung, Eigenshcaften, Herstellung und Behandlung und Behandlung, miteinem Anhang uber"Schneidmetalle". ;: Des vorher von H. Herbersd verfassten Heftes / Springer-Verlag, 1964
216. Fertigungstechnik Metall / Verlag Technik, 1979.
217. Eigenschaften und Einsatz von NE-Werkstoffen. Urania-Verlag, 1977.
218. Schweissen : G-, E-, SG(CO2)-Schwei?en Thermisches Trennen Schwei?barkeit der Werkstoffe. VEB Verlag Technik, 1974.
219. Research methods for managers : a skill-building approach / 0471870994 (pbk.) Wiley, c1984.
220. 1978 WESCON technical papers : papers presented at the Western Electronic Show and Convention in Los Angeles, California, September 12-14, 1978 / Electronic Conventions, c1978.
221. 1976 WESCON technical papers : papers presented at the Western Electronic Show and Convention in Los Angeles, California, September 14-17, 1976 / Electronic Conventions, c1976.
222. Waste management : planning, evaluation, technologies / 0198590016 Clarendon Press ; 1981.
223. 1975 Wescon professional program : Western Electronic Show and Convention : technical papers presented to the Western Electronic Show and Convention, San Francisco, Sept. 16-19, 1975. Western Electronic Show and Convention, c1975.
224. 1974 WESCON technical papers : Western Electronic Show and Convention : papers presented at the Western Electronic Show and Convention in Los Angeles, California, September 10-13, 1974. Western Electronic Show and Convention, c1974.
225. 1972 WESCON technical papers : Western Electronic Show and Convention : papers presented at the Western Electronic Show and Convention in Los Angeles, California, September 19-22, 1972. Western Electronic Show and Convention, c1972.
226. Principles and applications of room acoustics,. v. 2 / 0853341141 (v. 2) : Applied Science ; c1982.
227. Management today / 0471085790 Wiley, c1981.
228. Western Mining Industry Electrotechnology Conference : proceedings / Division of Continuing Education, University of Nevada-Reno ; c1981.
229. Comprehensive analytical chemistry / Elsevier Pub. Co., 1980.
230. World statistics in brief. United Nations, 1995-
231. Women, households and change / United Nations University Press, c1991.
232. Water and steam : their properties and current industrial applications : proceedings of the 9th International Conference on the Properties of Steam held at the Technische Universitèat Mèunchen, F.R.G., 10-14 September 1979 / 0080254314 Pergamon Press, c1980.
233. Wastes-solids, liquids and gases : a symposium presented at the last two ACHEMA meetings: 1967, 1970, Frankfurt Main, Germany / Chemical Pub. Co., 1974.
234. Visual servoing : real-time control of robot manipulators based on visual sensory feedback / World Scientific, c1993.
235. Worterbuch der Mikroelektronik und Mikrorechnertechnik : Deutsch/Englisch, Englisch/Deutsch = Dictionary of microelectronics and microcomputer technology / 3184006522 VDI Verlag, c1984.
236. SPSE handbook of photographic science and engineering / 0471818801 Wiley, 1973.
237. Whittaker's electrical engineer's pocket-book / Sir Isaac Pitman , 1947.
238. Datenverarbeitung, datenverarbeitungs projektierung. Verlag Die Wirtschaft, c1982.
239. The management of quality assurance / 0471803103 Wiley, c1985.
240. Wir wiederholen : Differential- und Integralrechnung. VEB Fachbuchverlag Leiprig, 1982.
241. Worked examples in essential organic chemistry / 0471279722 Wiley, c1982.
242. Mikrobiologie / VEB Gustav Fischer Verlag, 1980.
243. World list of scientific periodicals published in the years 1900-1960. Butterworths, 1963-65.
244. World electronics : proceedings of the conference held in London , May 11-12, 1981. s.n.], 19??.
245. Worterbuch technischer begriffe mit 4300 definitionen nachdin : Deutsch und Englisch / 3410115943 Beuth Verlag GmbH, 1983.
246. MANSYM III : A dynamic management simlator with Decision Support System / 0471085812iuo (cloth : alk. paper) J. Wiley & Sons, c1982.
247. Commodity price stabilization : the theory and its application / 0821304151 (pbk.) World Bank, 1984.
248. Wear and corrosion of components under stress and subjected to motion / Crew Systems Technqiogy Dwectoiare, 1984.
249. Wild grass / Foreign Languages Press, 1974.
250. Wuthering Heights / 0553210211 Bantam Books, 1981.
251. Webster's dictionary of the English language, unabridged / Publishers International Press, c1979.
252. Welding of plastics / Reinhold Pub. Corp., 1959.
253. Yves B鈋har : fuseproject = Weisi Beiha de cai pin she ji / [Editors: Laetitia Wolff, Wang Xu] 7500640889 China Youth Press, c2001.
254. Women of the Street : making it on Wall Street--the world's toughest business / 0471153311 (cloth : alk. paper) John Wiley & Sons, c1997.
255. Working / 0380002590 : Avon, 1975, c1974.
256. Wiring for light and power : a detailed and fully illustrated commentary on the more important portions of the national electrical code, McGraw-Hill book company, inc.; [etc.] [etc.] 1924.
257. Wiring for light and power : a detailed and fully illustrated commentary on the more important portions of the national electrical code, McGraw-Hill book company, inc.; [etc.] [etc.] 1929.
258. Approaches to Modeling of Friction and Wear. Springer-Verlag, [1986]
259. Ultrasonic testing of materials / 0387117334 (U.S.) Springer-Verlag, 1983.
260. Wideband monolithic microwave amplifier study. Engineering experiment station, 1982.
261. Wear debris analysis of gheabe lubricated ball bearings. s.n.]
262. Groundwater resources : investigation and development / 0124680402 Academic Press, 1981.
263. Work capsule for lightwalght hydrostatic machines. s.n.], 1983.
264. Water pollution microbiology / 047161100X Wiley-Interscience, c1972.
265. Scientific tables / J. R. Geigy, 1970.
266. Wind and seismic effects : proceedings of the tenth joint panel conference of the U.S.-Japan Cooperative Program in Natural Resources, May 23-26, 1978, National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Maryland / U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards : c1980.
267. Water for the human environment: proceedings of the first World Congress on Water Resources, held September 24-28, 1973, in Chicago, Illinois , U.S.A. The Association, [1973?]
268. Water for human needs ;: proceedings of the Second World Congress on Water Resources, New Delhi, India, 12-16 December 1975 / Indian Committee for IWRA, Central Board of Irrigation and Power, [1975-1978?]
269. Water at the surface of the earth : an introduction to ecosystem hydrodynamics / 0124967507 Academic Press, 1977.
270. Water resources : distribution, use, and management / 047189401X : Wiley ; c1984.
271. Dispersion and forecasting of air pollution / Secretariat of the World Meteorological Organization, 1972.
272. Weather modification by carbon dust absorption of solar energy / Dept. of Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University, 1974.
273. Western Synfuels Symposium proceedings, April 25-26, 1985, Grand Junction, Colorado / Colorado School of Mines Press, c1985.
274. Introduction to seismology / 3764309563 Birkhauser, 1979.
275. Statistics and experimental design in engineering and the physical sciences / 0471017566 (v. 1) Wiley, c1977.
276. Wave propagation and stability for finite difference schemes / Stanford University, 1982.
277. Workshop report : VLSI and Software Engineering Workshop, Rye Town Hilton, Port Chester, New York / 081860493X IEEE Computer Society Press, c1983.
278. The art and science of growing crystals / Wiley, 1963.
279. Well-formed system compositions / Carnegie-mellon university, 1980.
280. Wear of materials 1987 : presented at the International Conference on Wear of Materials, Houston, Texas, Apr. 5-9, 1987 / The Society, c1987.
281. Functional programming : proceedings of the 1989 Glasgow workshop, 21-23 August 1989, Fraserburgh, Scotland / 3540196099 (Springer-Verlag Berlin) Springer-Verlag, c1990.
282. Handbook of comparative world steel standards : U.S.A., United Kingdom, West Germany, France, U.S.S.R., Japan, Canada, Australia, international. International Technical Information Institute, 1982.
283. Writing skills : a problem-solving approach for upper-intermediate and more advanced student. 0521281423 : Cambridge University Pr., 1983.
284. Wit & humour from ancient China : 100 cartoons / 0835116565 (pbk.) New World Press : 1986.
285. Webster's third new international dictionary of the English language, unabridged / 0877792062 (imperial buckram) G. & C. Merriam Co., c1981.
286. World directory and handbook of hardmetals / 0950493120 International Carbide Data, c1982.
287. Work hardening mechanisms in body-centered-cubic metals. deffnse documentation center, 1963.
288. Waves due to a submerged body / Defense documentation center, 1963.
289. Writing games : a collection of writing games and creative activities for low intermediate to advanced students of English / 0175558981 Nelson, 1990.
290. Write and write again : a worktext with readings / 0023932201 (pbk.) : Macmillan, c1987.
291. With pleasure! : English for hotel service staff / 0713181354 Edward Arnold, 1984.
292. A nitrosyl chloride solar regenerative fuelcell system / Wright air development division, 1960.
293. We're in business : English for commercial practice and international trade / 0582748712 (workbook) : Longman, 1989, c1983.
294. Water-base coatings / Lehigh university, 1974.
295. What's happening in medicine? / Longman, 1975.
296. Writing for the mass media / 0139708987 Prentice Hall, c1990.
297. World directory of mathematicians 1982 / International Mathematical Union, 1982.
298. Worked examples in mathematics for scientists and engineers / 0582446848 (pbk.) Longman, 1985.
299. Working with English : a course in general and technical English. 0304304735 (bk. 1) : Cassell, c1980-1981.
300. Working with English : a course in general and technical English.: Teacher's book. 0304304743 (bk. 1) : Cassell, c1980-1981.
301. Management process, structure, and behavior / 0471059102 Wiley, c1984.
302. Wie sag ich's auf deutsch : Ubungen zu ausgewahlten Kapiteln aus Grammatik und Wortschatz fur Fortgeschrittene / 3190010978 (pbk.) : Max Hueber, 1983.
303. Cylindrical sandwich construction design / Wright Air Development Division, 1960.
304. Who know? : general knowledge quizzes for developing listening / 0175558949 : Nelson, 1990.
305. Analog essays on science / 047150839X Wiley, c1990.
306. Wordforms : context, strategies, and practice : the five-at-a-time method and other vocabulary exercises for college students. Book 1 / 0534130569 Wadsworth Pub. Co., 1991.
307. Which word when? : the indispensable dictionary of 1500 commonly confused words / 0440203880 Dell Pub., c1989.
308. Words to the wise / 0452010748 Meridian, c1983
309. Words, words, words : vocabularies and dictionaries / 0810450542 (pbk.) Hayden Book Co., 1973.
310. Steady state damped vibrations and stability of a class of nonlinear discrete systems / Wright Air Development Division, 1960.
311. Working with words : a guide to teaching and learning vocabulary / 0521268893 Cambridge University Press, 1986.
312. The influence of vertical vibrations on the rate of heat transfer from a horizontal cylinder in air / Aeronautical Research Laboratory, 1960.
313. Words for students of English : a vocabulary series for ESL / 0822982188 (pbk. : v. 1) University of Pittsburgh Press for the English Language Institute of the University of Pittsburgh, c1988-
314. Word studies / 0538058137 : South-Western Pub. Co., 1989.
315. Words people use : passive/active vocabulary skills for students of English as a second language / 0060443219 (pbk.) : Harper & Row, c1982.
316. Word mysteries & histories : from quiche to humble pie. 0395402654 Houghton Mifflin, c1986.
317. Thermal protection of structural,propulsion,and temperature-sensative materials for hypersonic and space flight : part III. analytical studies of phenomena for thermal protection, Aeronautical systems division, 1961.
318. Transient and nonlinear effects on high speed,vibratory,thermoelastic instrility phenomena : pt II aerothermoelastic applications / Aeronautical Systems Division, 1960.
319. The optical design of reflectors / 0471053104 : Wiley, c1980.
320. Writing day by day : 101 complete short essays / 0060403624 (pbk.) : Harper & Row, c1987.
321. A compendium of the properties of materials at low temperature (phase 1) / Wright air development division, 1960.
322. An investigation of cone-cylinder bodies in the steady state spin mode and magnus force effects on a cone-cylinder body / Wright Air Development Dinision, 1960.
323. Interaction effects of side jets issuing from flat plat plates and cylinders alined with a supersonic stream / Wright Air Development Division, 1960.
324. Damping of flexural vibrations by alternate visco-elastic and elastic layers / Wright Air Development Center, 1959.
325. Write english!: functional writing skills for ESL students / National textbook company., c1986.
326. Writing matters : writing skills and strategies for students of English / 0521348951 Cambridge University Press, 1989.
327. Write for First Certificate / 017556244X Nelson, 1991.
328. Workshop on Optical Fabrication and Testing : summaries of papers presented at the Optical Fabrication and Testing Workshop, October 20-23, 1987, Rochester, New York / 0936659726 : The Society, 1987.
329. Writing for results: a resume workbook 0-534-13086-0 Wadsworth 1990.
330. Write to the top : writing for corporate success / 0679723463 Random House, c1989.
331. Writing fundamentals / 0139694609 Prentice-Hall, 1990.
332. World guide to libraries. K.G. Saur, 1983
333. Writing tasks : an authentic-task approach to individual writing needs / 0521289726 Cambridge University Press, 1984.
334. Writing, a content approach to ESL composition / 0139695443 (pbk.) Prentice-Hall, c1986.
335. Writing / Cassell, 1990.
336. World list of universities =: Liste mondiale des universites. 9290020385 International Association of Universities, 1982.
337. What's what in sports : the visual glossary of the sports world / 8843735287 Hammond, c1984.
338. Write about-- : intermediate writing activities / 0838404138 (pbk.) : Heinle and Heinle, c1983.
339. Writing : a guide for students / 052137930X Cambridge Univ., 1989.
340. Writing as thinking : a guided process approach / 0139696199 Prentice Hall, c1990.
341. Writing academic English : a writing and sentence structure workbook for international students / 0201054795 Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., c1978.
342. An experimental study of vortex chamber flow / Wright Air Development Center, 1959.
343. Writing up research : experimental research report writing for students of English / 0139708316 Prentice Hall Regents, c1990.
344. Writing.: Advanced / 0194534073 Oxford University Press, 1987.
345. Writing paragraphs and essays : integrating reading, writing, and grammar skills / 0534159923 (student ed.) Wadsworth Pub. Co., c1992.
346. Writing / 0304312959 (v.1) Cassell, [198-]
347. Writing for the job / 0920059600 Garamond Press, c1987.
348. Writing workshop : paragraph and sentence practice / 750621721X World Publishing Corp., 1994.
349. Development of agent flow measurement menthods / Wright Air Development Division, 1960.
350. Temperature measuring techniques / Armed Serviecs Technical Information Agency, 1960.
351. Weight,cost and design characteristics of tankers and dry cargo ships / Defense Documentation Center, 1963.
352. Modern architecture : a critical history / 0195201787 : Thames and Hudson, 1980.
353. Webster's New world dictionary of the American language / 0529053268 W. Collins, c1980.
354. Housing in the u.s.s.r. 0674010930 (cl.) Harvard University Press, 2003.
355. Writing.: Upper-intermediate / 0194534065 Oxford University Press, 1987.
356. What`s new in polyolefins : Regional Technical Conf., Mar. 11-12, 1975. Society of Plastics Engineers, 1975.
357. Worldwide challenges and opportunities : papers presented at the International Conference on Adhesives & Sealants, March 13-16, 1983, Wasington, D.C. Adhesive & Sealant Council, 1983.
358. Water supply and pollution control / 0060468211 : Harper & Row, c1985.
359. Gas transfer at water surfaces / 9027716978 : D. Reidel Pub. Co. ;
360. Construction and design of prestressed concrete segmental bridges / 0471056588 Wiley, c1982.
361. Welded interstate highway bridges; [1960]
362. Glossary : water and wastewater control engineering / American Public Health Association, 1969.
363. Water and sewage works s.n.], 1977-78
364. Developments in design and operation of large wastewater treatment plants : proceedings of an IAWPRC Workshop held in Budapest, Hungary, 14-18 Sept., 1987 / 0080368824 : Pergamon, c1988.
365. Writing for study purposes : a teacher's guide to developing individual writing skills / 0521353254 Cambridge University Press, 1990
366. Finite elements in geomechanics / 0471994464 : Wiley, c1977.
367. Water in landscape architecture / 0442214596 : Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1978.
368. Water quality and treatment: a handbook of public water supplies. 0070015392 McGraw-Hill [1971]
369. Water & sewage works : reference number1978 Scranton Gillette Communications, Inc. [etc.], 1946-1980.
370. Water and sewage works s.n.], 1973
371. Wear and corrosion resistant coatings by CVD and PVD / 0745807240 : E. Horwood, 1989.
372. Water supply and waste-water disposal / Wiley, 1954.
373. Water forum '81 : proceedings of the specialty conference : Sheraton Palace Hotel, San Francisco, California, August 10-14, 1981 / 0872622754 American Society of Civil Engineers, c1981.
374. Construction of and on compacted fills / 0471874639 : Wiley, c1986.
375. Large deviation techniques in decision, simulation, and estimation / 047161856X Wiley, c1990.
376. Water quality parameters : a symposium / American Society for Testing and Materials, 1975.
377. Water quality : characteristics, modeling, modification / 0201054337 : Addison-Wesley, c1985.
378. Water quality and treatment: a handbook of public water supplies. 0070015392 McGraw-Hill [1971]
379. The compatibility of materials with chlorine trifluoride,perchloryl fluoride and mixtures of these / Aeronutical Systems Division, 1961.
380. Results of ablation tests on several plastic models in a hypersonic wind tunnel / Aeronautical Systems Division, 1961.
381. Water resource systems planning and analysis / 0139459235 : Prentice-Hall, c1981.
382. Water quality measurement : the modern analytical techniques / 0824713346 : M. Dekker, c1981.
383. Creep collapse of long cylindrical shells under high temperature and external pressure / Aeronautical research laboratories, 1960.
384. AWWA Water Quality Technology Conference : preceedings / 0898672872 : AWWA, c1983.
385. Principles of water quality / 0127308601 (alk. paper) : Academic Press, 1984.
386. Proceedings / 0898673119 (pbk.) AWWA, 1984.
387. Water quality technology conference, Baltimore, Maryland, Nov. 15-20,1987 : proceedings / 089867431X (alk.) : American Water Works Association, 1988.
388. Measuring accuracy in creep tests : Part II. Influence of thermal stresses / Wright Air Development Center, 1959.
389. Water resources assessment : methodology & technology sourcebook / 025040320X : Ann Arbor Science Publishers, c1979.
390. Advanced wastewater treatment. 008040779X Pergamon Press, 1991.
391. Water clarification processes : practical design and evaluation / 0442244908 : Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., c1981.
392. Water treatment / G. Newnes, 1958.
393. Weak rock : soft, fractured and weathered rock : proceedings of the International Symposium on Weak Rock, Tokyo, 21-24 September 1981 / 9061912091 (set) Balkema ; 1981-
394. Water treatment plant design. American Water Works Association [1969]
395. Water supply and pollution control / 0700224955 : IEP--Dun-Donnelley, Harper & Row, c1977.
396. The International Water Conference : 45th annual meeting : Engineers' Society of Western Pennsylvania, c1984.
397. The International Water Conference : 44th annual meeting : Engineers' Society of Western Pennsylvania, c1983.
398. Water chlorination : environmental impact and health effects : proceedings of the Conference on the Environmental Impact of Water Chlorination, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, October 22-24, 1975 / 0250402017 Ann Arbor Science Publishers, c1978-
399. Water chlorination : environmental impact and health effects : proceedings of the Third Conference on Water Chlorination: environmental impact and health effects Colorado Springs, Colorado October 28-November 2, 1979 / 0250403420 (v. 3) Ann Arbor Science Publishers, c1978-
400. World water '86 : water technology for the developing world : proceedings of an international conference / 0727703609 : T. Telford, 1987.
401. The International Water Conference : 50th annual meeting : Engineers' Society of Western Pennsylvania, c1984.
402. Water : Longman Grorp Ltd, 1979.
403. Construction materials evaluation and selection : a systematic approach / 0471735655 Wiley, c1979.
404. Water management, purification & conservation in arid climates / 1566767598 (v. 1 : 1999) Technomic Pub. Co., c1999-c2000.
405. Water--1975 / American Institute of Chemical Engineers, c1975.
406. Water-1974 / AIChE, 1974.
407. Public health engineering--design in metric: wastewater treatment / 085334504X Applied Science Publishers, 1971.
408. Water-1972 / AICE., 1973.
409. Water pollution microbiology. 0877621802 Wiley-Interscience [1971-78, v. 1, c1975]
410. Water treatment for HVAC and potable water systems / 0070058407 : McGraw-Hill, c1980.
411. Wood handbook : basic information on wood as a material of construction with data for its use in design and specification / [s.n.], 1955.
412. Wood engineering / Southern Forest Products, c1973.
413. Water and wastewater treatment : calculations for chemical and physical processes / 0824764854 : M. Dekker, c1977.
414. Wastewater engineering design for unsewered areas / 0250403730 : Ann Arbor Science Publishers, c1980.
415. Water pollution research and control : proceedings of the 14th biennial conference of the International Association on Water Pollution Research and Control, held in Brighton, U.K., 18-21 July, 1988 / 008040152X (5 vols.) : Pergamon, c1988.
416. Water re-use & the cities / 0874511259 : University Press of New England, 1977.
417. Wastewater treatment technology / 0250400863 Ann Arbor Science, c1975.
418. Small wastewater treatment plants : proceedings of the IAWPRC Conference held in Trondheim, Norway, 26-28, June 1989 / 0080407641 : Pergamon Press, 1990.
419. Water pollution microbiology / Wiley-Interscience, [1971-78, v. 1, c1972].
420. Water and wastewater treatment / 0070556431 : McGraw-Hill, c1977.
421. Water renovation and reuse / 0126412502 Academic Press, 1977.
422. Water pollution : articles from volumes 4-7 of environmental science & technology / 841201927 Academic Press, 1981.
423. Wastewater resource manual / The Association, [1975]
424. Water pollution research 1971 : report of the director of water pollution research / 011470547X Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1972.
425. Wastewater cleanup equipment / 081550487X Noyes Data Corp. , 1973.
426. Water and water pollution handbook. 0824711041 M. Dekker, 1971-
427. Water pollution; disposal and reuse, 0824718151 (v. 1) M. Dekker, 1971.
428. Advances in water pollution research : proceedings of the Fifth International Conference held in San Francisco and Hawaii 1970 / 0080163750 Pergamon Press, 1971.
429. Construction and geotechnical engineering using synthetic fabrics / 0471047767 Wiley, c1980.
430. Water reuse in the future : proceedings. AWWA Research Foundation, 1981.
431. Water and wastewater microbiology : proceedings of the IAWPRC Conference held in Newport Beach, Calif., U.S.A., 8-11 Feb. 1988 / 0080373674 Pergamon Press, c1989.
432. Handbook of biological wastewater treatment : evaluation, performance, and cost / 0824070895 : Garland STPM Press, c1980.
433. Sludge management : proceedings of the IAWPRC Conference on Sludge Management, held at Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, Calif., USA, 8-12 Jan., 1990 / 008041138X : Pergamon Pr., 1990.
434. Wave transmission / 0713132787 Edward Arnold, 1972.
435. Wind effects on civil engineering structures / 0444996362 (U.S.) : Elsevier, 1984.
437. Multi objective water resource planning / 0875903053 American Geophysical Union, 1977.
438. Construction of prestressed concrete structures 0471297100 Wiley-Interscience [1971]
439. Wind forces on buildings and structures : an introduction / 0713133619 Edward Arnold, 1976.
440. W. Morgan's the elements of structure : an introduction to the principles of building and structural engineering / 0273010794 (pbk.) Pitman ; 1977.
441. Walford's concise guide to reference material / 085365882X Library Association, 1981.
442. Second World Filtration Congress : London, 1979 / Uplands Press Ltd., 1979.
443. Second World Filtration Congress III : Harnessing theory for practical applications / s.n., 1982]
444. Linear statistical analysis of discrete data / 0471097748 Wiley, c1983.
445. Wavelets and applications : proceedings of the international conference, Marseille, France, May 1989 / 2225825505 (Masson) Masson ; 1992.
446. Introduction to ceramics / Wiley, 1960.
447. Wind loading on buildings / 0853346267 Applied Science Publishers, 1975.
448. Wind forces in engineering / 0080212999 : Pergamon Press, 1978.
449. Wind effects on structures : an introduction to wind engineering / 047102175X : Wiley, c1978.
450. Waste treatment with polyelectrolytes / 0815504179 Noyes Data Corp., 1972.
451. Modern photographic processing / 0471042862 Wiley, c1979.
452. Windows : performance, design and installation / 0258969067 Crosby Lockwood Staples in association with RIBA Publications, 1974.
453. Creep and shrinkage in concrete structures / 0471104094 : Wiley, c1982.
454. Water management in the Yellow River Basin of China / 0292790112 University of Texas Press, c1979.
455. World climatic systems / 0713164042 (pbk.) E. Arnold, 1985.
456. Wzory i rownania chemiczne / Panstwowe Zaklady Wadawnictw Szkolych, 1959.
457. Werkstoffnormen stahl und eisen : technische lieferbedingungen eigenschaften, abmessungen, chergausgegeben vom Deutschen Normenausschuf, Berlin W15-19 Geanderte und erweiterte auflage Novermber 1959. Beuth-Vertrieb, 1959.
458. Werkstoffe der metallbearbeitenden industrie : werkstoffkunde fur metallberufe. Volk Und Wissen Volkseigener Verlag, 1960.
459. Die physikalisch-chemischen eigenschaften der legierungen / F. Vieweg und sohn, 1910.
460. Die Grundgesetze der Warmeubertragung / Springer, 1957.
461. Moderne Probleme der physikalischen Chemie. Humboldt-Universitat, 1985.
462. Hochtemperaturreaktionen : eine Einfèuhrung / Akademie-Verlag, 1983.
463. Warum China keine Inflation kennt / Verlag f鑥r fremdsprachige Literatur, 1976.
464. Abhandlungen zur wellenmechanik / J. A. Barth, 1928.
465. Werkstoffkunde kurz und einprasam / Fachbuchverlag, 1980.
466. Werkstoffkunde bauwesen / Veb Verlag Technik, 1962.
467. Wirtschaftliche stadtentwasserung nach dem verbesserten mischverfahren / Veb Verlag Technik Berlin, 1954.
468. Wissenschaftlich-technische Fortschrittsberichte auf dem Gebiete der nichthartbaren Kunststoffe, 1942-1945 / Akademie-Verlag, 1950.
469. Wechselstrommaschinen transformatoren und stromrichter. 3468499949 Fachbuchverlag gmbh, c1950.
470. Recycle of papermill waste waters and application of reverse osmosis / Documents,U.S.Goverment Printing Office, 1972.
471. W鑟rterbuch f鑥r Architektur Hochbau und Baustoffe : Deutsch-Englisch = Dictionary of architecture building construction and materials : German-English / 3762503575 Bauverlag, 1974.
472. Der grosse duden. VEB bibliographisches institut, 1980.
473. Dictionary of civil engineering and construction machinery and equipment =: W?rterbuch für Bautechnik und Baumaschinen / 3762520321 (v. 1) Bauverlag, 1982-
474. Webster's third new international dictionary of the English language, unabridged : A Merriam-Webster / G. & C. Merriam Co., 1961.
475. Webster's atlas and zip code directory. 0877792887 G. & C. Merriam Co., c1978.
476. Wèorterbuch der Architektur / Seemann, c1980.
477. Waterproofing materials for prevention of windblown rain penetration through masonry walls / Army construction engineering research laboratory, 1975.
478. Investigation of frost resistance of mortar and concrete / U.S. Waterways Experiment Station, 1976.
479. Dictionary of data processing : including applications in industry, administration, and business = W鑟rterbuch der Datenverarbeitung : mit Anwendungsgebieten in Industrie, Verwaltung, und Wirtschaft / 0444996281 Elsevier ; 1984.
480. Worterbuch der modernen Technik =: Dictionary of modern engineering / 3598104723 (pt. 1) Saur, 1982.
481. Webster's collegiate dictionary with Chinese translation / Commercial Press, Limited, 1923.
482. Dictionary of fracture mechanics : English/German, German/English = W鑟rterbuch Bruchmechanik : Deutsch/Englisch / 3527278915 VCH, 1989.
483. Chambers word file : an essential wordfinding system for crosswords / 7506215934 World Pub. Co., 1992.
484. Worterbuch chinesisch-deutsch / 3190062293 Verlag Enzyklopadie, 1986.
485. Who's who in European institutions and organizations. Who's Who, 1982.
486. W?rterbuch des Patentwesens in fünf Sprachen : Deutsch, Englisch, Franz?sisch, Spanisch, Russisch / 3184005917 VDI-Verlag, c1985.
487. Webster's new world dictionary of computer terms / 0671468669 Simon and Schuster, c1983.
488. Data systems dictionary : German-English, English-German / 3870970952 Brandstetter, 1979.
489. W鑟rterbuch Geowissenschaften / 387144636X H. Deutsch, 1982-
490. Sch鑥lerlexikon : Hrsg. von einer Arbeitsgemeinschaft unter Leitung von Wilhelm Berger. H. Witte [1953]
491. Worterbuch der Datenverarbeitung =: Dictionary of data processing = Dictionnaire du traitement de information; Hardware-Software, Textverarbeitung, Datenfernubertragung, Elektronik. 3921899257 Datakontext Verlag, 1981.
492. Words and phrases legally defined / Butterworths, 1969-1970.
493. Worterbuch der Datenverarbeitung =: Dictionary of data processing = 3486390643 Oldenbourg, 1984.
494. Lexikon der Stochastik. Akademie-Verlag, 1980.
495. Study of vibration in concrete : report 3, mechanics of motion of fresh concrete / Dept. of Defense, Dept. of the Army, Corps of Engineers, Waterways Experiment Station, Concrete Laboratory, 1977.
496. W鑟rterbuch der Chemie und der chemischen Verfahrenstechnik / Verlag Chemie, 1978-c1984.
497. Woher? : Ableitendes W鑟rterbuch der deutschen Sprache. D鑥mmler, [1966]
498. Worterbuch der Dampferzeugungstechnik : Deutch-Englisch-Spanisch-Franzosisch untor besonderer Berucksichtigung der Kernenergie / 3802725042 Vulkan-Verlag, c1983.
499. Webster's School dictionary. 0877792801 (trade edition Merriam-Webster) G. & C. Merriam Co. ; c1980.
500. Webster`s new secondary school dictionary : a merriam-webster. Merriam, 1961.