以"U"开头查询到 7798 条西文期刊记录。
刊名 ISSN 出版社 出版年
1. Unit processes in organic synthesis; McGraw-Hill book company, inc., 1947.
2. Unusual properties of new polymers / 3540120483 Springer-Verlag, 1983.
3. Unitized experiments in organic chemistry / 0442210515 Van Nostrand, c1977.
4. Ultra-high modulus polymers / 0853348006 Applied Science Publishers, c1979.
5. Up with grammar =: 实践英语语法练习 / 世界图书出版公司北京分公司, 1998.
6. UK robotics research 1984 / 0852985479 : Mechanical Engineering Pub., 1984.
7. Understanding second language acquisition =: 第二语言习得概论 / 7810465783 上海外语教育出版社, 1999.
8. US/Australia collaborative research project on corrosion fatigue in D6AC steel joints. Air Force Materials Laboratory, 1978]
9. Litterature negre: Afrique, Antilles, Madagascar / ill. : [1974]
10. Stability of nonautonomous systems / s.n., 1976]
11. Ultraviolet light induced reactions in polymers : an international symposium sponsored by the Division of Organic Coatings and Plastics Chemistry at the 169th meeting of the American Chemical Society, Philadelphia, Penn., April 8-11, 1975 / 084120313X American Chemical Society, 1976.
12. An invitation to von Neumann algebras / 0387963561 (pbk.) Springer-Verlag, c1987.
13. Purification of boron compounds by pyrohydrolysis / s.n.], 24 cm.
14. The Behavior of rectangular composite material plates under lateral and hygrothermal loads / Air Force Office of Scientific Research, 1978]
15. Understanding the cutting tool at work / Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 1983.
16. Understanding chemical patents : a guide for the inventor / 0841203474 : American Chemical Society, 1978.
17. Using the musa model to quantify the reliability of embedded computer software / Harvard university, 1982.
18. User's guide for pattern: a picture- and model-generating interactive cimputer graphics program / National technical information service, 1982.
19. A microcomputer-based stepping motor controller / Los Alamos National Laboraory, 1983.
20. Use of chemical literature / Butterworths, 1979.
21. Problems in chemistry / 082477826X : M. Dekker, c1988.
22. Combustor design criteria validation / The Laboratory, [1979-
23. Ceramic mainshaft roller bearing performance in a gas turbine engine / Teledyne CAE, 1979.
24. Inverstigation of silicon-nitrogen ceramics for gas turbines / United technologies research center, 1979.
25. Using the chemical literature : a practical guide / 0824762606 M. Dekker, [1974]
26. Determining arsenic and selenium in sewer effluent with atomic absorption spectrophotometry and a hydride generator / Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, 1978.
27. Unified valence bond theory of electronic structure / 0387114912 (U.S. : pbk.) Springer-Verlag, 1982.
28. Ultrasonic detection of surface flaws in gas gurbine ceramics / s. n], 1979.
29. University chemistry / 0201058332 : Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., 1987.
30. Unified valence bond theory of electronic structure applications / 0387120009 (U.S. : pbk.) Springer-Verlag, 1983.
31. Unsteady transonic diffuser flows in a two-dimensional diffuser / ill. ; 26 cm.]
32. Untersuchungen zur widerstandsverminderung durch polymerlosungen an idealisierten schiffskorpern / Eigenverlag Der Versuchsanstalt Fur Wasserbau Und Schiffbau, 1975.
33. Unsteady turbulent boundary layers and friction : presented at Energy Sources Technology Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, February 12-15, 1984 / American Society of Mechanical Engineers, c1983.
34. Underground coal mining : an assessment of technology / [s.n.], 1976.
35. Unsteady free-convection heat transfer inside and annular cavity / Computational fluid dynamics unit, 1984.
36. Unsteady turbulent boundary layers : final technical report / Jowa institute of hydraulic besearch, 1983.
37. Uniform hashing is optimal / Stanford University, 1985.
38. User-computer interactions : some problems for human factors research / U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences, 1981.
39. Analysis of a statewide integrated transportation system. U.S. Department of Transportation, 1977.
40. Principles of colloid and surface chemistry / 0824774760 M. Dekker, c1986.
41. Ultrasonic three-dimensional organ modelling / Stanford University, 1984.
42. Minicomputer system study / U.S. Army Aviation Systems Command, 1977.
43. Unsteady Laminar natural convection inside an annular cavity / Computational fluid dynamics unit, 1983.
44. User's manual for codes chlg and chts: steady incompressible viscous flow in two-dimensional channels / s.n.], 1979.
45. Universal single level implicit algortihm for gasdynamics / NASA, 19uu.
46. Understanding chemical reactions / 0205086071 (pbk.) Allyn & Bacon, c1986.
47. Advanced overrunning clutch technology / The Laboratory, 1977.
48. Impact behavior of fibrous composites and metal substructures Applied Technology Laboratory, U.S. Army Research and Technology Laboratories (AVRADCOM), [1982]
49. Mini-RPV engine demonstrator program / The Laboratory, [1979]
50. Ultrafast phenomena VII : proceedings of the 7th international conference, Monterey, CA, May 14-17, 1990 / 3540530495 (alk. paper) Springer-Verlag, c1990.
51. Ultrashort light pulses : picosecond techniques and applications / 0387081038 : Springer-Verlag, 1977.
52. Understanding relativity : origin and impact of a scientific revolution / 081763150X Birkhèauser Boston, c1984.
53. Proceedings of the 4th Symposium on Ultrasonic Electronics : Tokyo, Japan, December 6-8, 1983. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Publication Board, c1984.
54. Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium on Ultrasonic Electronics, Tokyo, December 7-9, 1982 / Publication Office, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, c1983.
55. Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium on Ultrasonic Electronics, Tokyo, December 7-9, 1981 / Publication Office, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, c1982.
56. An introduction to the theory of large deviations / 038796021X Spring-Verlag, c1984.
57. Understanding quantum physics : a user's manual / 0137479085 (v. 1) : Prentice Hall, 1990-
58. Analytical and experimental investigation of turbine blade damping / s. n], [1982]
59. Aircraft technology and network structure in short haul air transportation / s. n], 1980.
60. Turbine tip-clearance measurement / [Dept. of Defense, Dept. of the Army, Army Materiel Development and Readiness Command, Army Aviation Research and Development Command], Army Research and Technology Laboratories, Applied Technology Laboratory, 1977.
61. Calculation of three-dimensional boundary layers on bodies of revolution at incidence / s.n., 1978]
62. Under water nondestructive testing equipment and techniques / NCSC, 1979.
63. Underwater welding in the deep dea / s.n.], 1978.
64. Use of short-term genotoxic bioassays in the evaluation of unregulated automobile emissions / U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Health Effects Research Laboratory, 1984.
65. Lawrence livermore laboratory : vector programming tools and techniques / Dept. of Energy, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory ; 1978.
66. Fuel systems for heat balanced internal combustion engines : a trident scholar project report / U.S.Naval Academy, 1978.
67. Lawrence livermore laboratory : blend: cubic spline blending routine / Dept. of Energy, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory ; 1979.
68. Ultrasonic and acoustic emission detection of fatigue damage : Annual technical report (March 1, 1977 - May 31, 1978) / Air force office of scientific research, 1977.
69. Effect of the constant-stress term on mode 1 caustics / Departmeht of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 1979.
70. The theory of ordinary differential equations / Oliver and Boyd; 1956.
71. Improved marine boiler reliability. v.2. Economizer corrosion rates. Maritime Administration, 1978.
72. Ultrashort pulses at Co2 wavelengths. s. n], 1978.
73. Classical fourier transforms / 7506213052 World Publishing Co., c1992.
74. Integration / Interscience ; 1955.
75. User's guide to GPDAP : a general purpose data analysis and plotting program / Dept. of Energy, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory ; 1979.
76. Use of computers in mold design / Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, 1978]
77. Using tow shared variablse in two processes to provide starvation-free mutual exclusion / Department of Computer Science Cornell University, 1979.
78. Infinite series / Oliver and Boyd ; 1954.
79. University physics / 0120598604 Academic Press, 1984.
80. Aerodynamic design and analysis of propellers for mini-remotely piloted air vehicles / [Dept. of Defense, Dept. of the Army], Army Materiel Development and Readiness Command, Army Aviation Research and Development Command, Army Research and Technology Laboratories, Applied Technology Laboratory, 1978-
81. Algebra for computer science / 038796780X (pbk.) : Springer-Verlag, c1988.
82. Laser program annual report, 1975 / Dept. of Energy, 1976.
83. Mini-RPV communivation jammer demonstration program / U.S.Army Air Mobility Research and Development Labortory, 1977.
84. Calculus with applications and computing / 0387901795 Springer-Verlag, 1976-
85. The mathematics of nonlinear programming / 750621282X (China) World Publishing Corp., 1992.
86. Liquid jet impingement normal to a disk in Zero gravity / National Aeronautics and Space Administration. 1977.
87. Iterative three-dimensional image reconstruction from projections:applications in electron microscopy / Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, 1976.
88. Elementary analysis : the theory of calculus / 038790459X (acid-free paper) Springer, 2000.
89. User's guide for SFTRAN/360 / National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Scientific and Technical Information Office ; 1977.
90. Slag : an assembler for the star-100 computer / s. n], 1977.
91. User's guide to the terminal imp. s. n], 1977.
92. Use of general fatigue data in the interpretation of full-scale fatigue tests / 9283512502 North Atlantic Treaty Organization,Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development, 1977.
93. Beginner's course in topology : geometric chapters / 7506202522 : World Publishing Corporation, 1988.
94. Topology / 0387908927 (New York) Springer-Verlag, c1984.
95. Lecture notes on elementary topology and geometry / 0387902023 Springer-Verlag, [1976] c1967.
96. User's manual for a fortran IV computer program for calculating propeller/stern boundary-layer interaction on axisymmetric bodies / Naval material command&naval sea systems, 1976.
97. Notes on geometry / 038712053X (U.S. : pbk.) Springer-Verlag, 1983.
98. Underwater ejector propulsion theory and applications / Flight Dynamics Research Corportation, 1976.
99. Projective geometry / Oliver and Boyd ; 1952.
100. Users manual supersonic unsteady cascade program / Air Force Flight Dynamics Laboratory, 1975.
101. Numerical methods in hydrodynamic calculations / Lawrence Livermore Laboretory, 1976.
102. Hydrofluidic servoactuator development / Eustis Directorate, U.S. Army Air Mobility Research and Development Laboratory, 1976]
103. (No title - cellection of papers) / Naval Research Labotatory, 1977.
104. Fortran automatic typesetting system (FATS) / Naval Observatory, 1974.
105. Ulysses : the corrected text / 0370307372 : Penguin Books, 1986.
106. Under the net / Penguin Group, 1988.
107. On optimal control problems with state-variable inequality constraints / University of Illinois at Urbana-Chamapign, 1976.
108. Le barbier de S鈋ville : com鈋die / 204016006X Bordas, 1984.
109. United and equal : the progress of China's minority nationalities / Foreign Languages Press, 1977.
110. Underwater maintenance of steel platforms : summary of the proceedings of a one-day seminar held on 17th February 1977 at 1 Birdcage Walk, London SW1 / Society for Underwater Technology, [1977]
111. Cladding and structural mkaterials semi-annual progress report : January, 1975 to July, 1975 / Hanford Engineering Development Laboratory, 1975.
112. Introduction to optics : geometrical and physical / Van Nostrand, 1954.
113. Unsteady supersonic cascade theory insluding nonlinear thickness effects / Naval postgraduate school, 1975.
114. Using the system : eginning Australian English / 0701625589 The Jacaranda Pr., 1989.
115. Urban economics : an introduction / 0631141944 B. Blackwell, 1985.
116. X-ray and r-ray lasers : Gorge chapline and lowell wood. Lawrence livermore laboratory, 1975.
117. Understanding productivity / 9971104540 (pbk.) Federal Publications, c1986.
118. Urban economics : theory and policy / 0333185943 Macmillan, 1976.
119. Urban France / 0312834497 (St. Martin's Press) C. Helm ; 1983.
120. DEC/SOL: Solution of dense systems of linear algebraic equations / s. n], 1976.
121. Use your head : how to develop the other 80% of your brain / 0139399755 Prentice-Hall, 1982.
122. Understanding ideas : advanced reading skills.: Teacher's book / 0521221331 (Teacher's Book) Cambridge Univ. Pr., 1978.
123. Programs naes and ss: user-otiented programs for solving nonlinear algebraic equations and ordinary differential equations / Lawerence livermore laboratory, 1976.
124. Urban transportation planning : a decision-oriented approach / 0070417520 : McGraw-Hill, c1984.
125. Ugly features of Soviet social-imperialism. Foreign Languages Press, 1976.
126. Using science and technology information sources / 0897745930 (alk. paper) Oryx Press, 1991.
127. Unconventional methods for influencing fluid flow. Carnegie institute of technology, 1963.
128. User education in academic libraries / 8170000351 : Ess Ess Publications, 1988.
129. France today : introductory studies / 0416924204 (pbk.) Methuen, 1987.
130. Unconventional spectroscopy : [seminar] August 24-25, 1976, San Diego, California / 0892521090 SPIE, c1976.
131. Machine tool control via a minicomputer / OAK Ridge Y-12 plant, 1973.
132. Understanding Britain : A History of the British people and their culture / 0631124713 Basil Blackwell, 1981.
133. UK USA / 0333388232 Macmillan, 1985.
134. U.S. army test and evaluation command materiel test procedure 9-3-301, commodity service test procedure, "Pol filter/separator" US army test and evaluation command, 1970.
135. Non-linear electrical generator study final report on phase "B," / Department of electrical engineering, 1972.
136. Use of English : grammar practice activities. Teacher's book / 0521269776 Cambridge University Press, 1985.
137. Use of English : grammar practice activities for intermediate and upper-intermediate students. Student's book / 0521269768 Cambridge University Press, 1985.
138. USA customs and institutions: a survey of American culture and traditions; 0139398287 : Prentice Hall Regents, c1990.
139. West Germany today / 0415016851 : Routledge, 1989.
140. Error-correcting-codes in computer arithmetic / University of Illinois, 1972]
141. The U.S.A. : customs and institutions : a survey of American culture and traditions : an advanced reader for ESL and EFL students / 7506215179 World Pub. Corp., 1993.
142. Convergence, accuracy, and stability of finite-element approximations of a class of nonlinear hyperbolic equations / University of Alabama in Huntsville, 1972.
143. A preliminary study of the feasibility of an air cushion vehicle simulator / s.n., 1974]
144. Saghelyi-szilasi : uvegezes / Muszaki konyviado, 1960.
145. Ubungen fur das Sprachlabor / M. Hueber, 1964.
146. Mathematische Behandlung naturwissenschaftlicher Probleme : eine Einf鑥hrung f鑥r Chemiker und andere Naturwissenschaftler / Steinkopff, c1980.
147. Ubungen zur Physik Fachbuchverlag 1979
148. Understanding basic mathematics / Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1961.
149. Unimodality, convexity, and applications / 0122146905 Academic Press, c1988.
150. High temperature structures and materials : proceedings of the third symposium on naval structural mechanics / Macmillan, 1964.
151. Controlled markov processes / 3540903879 Springer-Verlag, 1979.
152. UNIX utilities / 0070628793 McGraw-Hill, c1987.
153. Matrix theory : a second course / 0306424339 Plenum Press, c1987.
154. Multilinear algebra / 0387902848 Springer-Verlag, c1978.
155. Understanding Microprocessors with the Science of Cambridge MK 14 / 0333310756 Arrowsmith., 1980.
156. Understanding art / 0139362533 Prentice-Hall, c1989.
157. Unstetigiorderer / Verlag Technik, 1983.
158. Unix, the minimal manual : mail, files and directories, word processing : editing, formatting and printing, and automatic bibliographies / 0716781956 Computer Science Press, c1989.
159. Understanding statistics / Herzags, c1975.
160. Unsere umwelt-ihre entwicklung und erhaltung / BSB B.G. Teubner, 1981.
161. Understanding science / 0155016253 Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, c1997.
162. Using Microsoft works 3.0 on the macintosh / 0079115098 (disk) McGraw-Hill , 1993.
163. UNIX system V commands : programmers' rapid reference / 0442009984 Van Nostrand Reinhold, c1992.
164. Utilization of infrared detectors, January 16-18, 1978, Los Angeles, California / 0892521597 The Society, c1978.
165. Universal machinists handbook : a practical handbook for today's machinists, engineers, draftsmen, aviation mechanics, students, tool makers, pattern makers, auto mechanics, and all others in mechanical, technical and allied fields. Wilcox & Follett co. [1943]
166. Fourth-generation systems : their scope, applications, and methods of evaluation / 7506212129 World Publishing Co., 1991.
167. A Text-book of magnetism and electricity. W. B. Clive [1873]
168. Modern control systems theory / McGraw-Hill, [1965]
169. UNIX & XENIX demystified / 0830608745 Tab Books, c1985.
170. An investigation of the fatigue of metals : a report of the investigation / University of Illinois, [1921-25]
171. Reactor handbook: Metarials / McGraw-Hill, 1955.
172. Eight-year isotope summary / McGraw-Hill, 1955.
173. Information sources / McGraw-Hill, 1955.
174. Chemical processing and equipment / McGraw-Hill, 1955.
175. Ultrasonic fatigue / 0895203979 The metallurgical society of aime, New York :
176. Using Novell NetWare / 0880227567 Que Corp., c1992.
177. Up-to date world's transistor comparison table. TTP, n.d.
178. Underground transmission of electric power / 0471277002 : J. Wiley, c1980.
179. University physics : complete ed. / Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., 1955.
180. Ultrasonics / 0124759610 Academic Press, 1981.
181. Basic concepts of algebraic topology / 0387902880 Springer-Verlag, c1978.
182. Uitra-pure and semiconductor materials. s.n., 1963]
183. UNITECR '89 proceedings / 0944904211 American Ceramic Society, Inc., c1989.
184. Bureau of Mines test procedures for rocks, U.S. Bureau of Mines, [1974]
185. Underground excavations in rock / 0900488549 Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, 1980.
186. Understanding industry / 0408108606 Butterworths in association with the Industrial Society, 1983.
187. Economic report of the President transmitted to the Congress : together with the Annual Report of the Council of Economic Advisers / 0160415926 (1993) U.S. GPO., 1979-
188. Buckling of slender columns under distributed load. University of Michigan, [1981?]
189. Understanding and using English grammar / 0139436634 (v. A) Prentice Hall Regents, c1989.
190. Ullmanns Encyklop鑑die der technischen Chemie. Band 11,. Kunststoffe bis Lithium / Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1957.
191. Ullmanns Encyklop鑑die der technischen Chemie. Band 13,. Nitro-und Nitrosofarbstoffe bis Pikrins鑑ure / Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1962.
192. Understanding and using MS-DOS/PC-DOS 4.0 / 0314503285 West Pub. Co., c1989.
193. Ulrich's international periodicals directory. Bowker, [1965-2000]
194. Ultrasonic testing of materials / 0387117334 (U.S.) Springer-Verlag, 1983.
195. Development of a science and technology information system : Poepare for National Science Foundation,Washington,DC Engineering and Applied Science. Oklahoma State Legislative Council, 1979.
196. Ionospheric radio propagation. U.S. Govt. print. off., 1948.
197. Hyper and ultrahigh frequency engineering, J. Wiley & sons, inc.; 1943.
198. Use of computers in managing material property data : presented at the winter annual meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Chicago, Illinois, November 16-21, 1980 / ASME, c1980.
199. Prediction of partial cavitation on marine propellers / s.n., 1982]
200. Analysis and design of advanced stern-tube lip seals : prepared for Office of Commercial Development U.S. Maritime Administration Department of Commerce Washington, D.C. Mechanical Technology Incorporated, 1979.
201. Marine gas turbine hot corrosion dependence on ingested salt levels / United Technologies Corporation, 1978.
202. Understanding data communications / 0745807003 (Ellis Horwood Limited) Ellis Horwood, 1989.
203. United States mineral resources / U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1973.
204. Amendments and additions to the USSR register rules of 1977 edition.: Notice / Leningrad Branch of Publ. House, 1978-
205. Coal as an alternate fuel for naval vessels / s.n., 1978]
206. Urban and regional models in geography and planning / 0471951978 Wiley, 1974.
207. Use of artificial intelligence and simple mathematics to analyze a physiological model / Department of computer science, 1984.
208. Underground rock engineering : 13th Canadian rock mechanics symposium / The Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 1978.
209. Underground mining methods handbook / 089520049X 1982-
210. Ultrasonic inspection of alloyed tungsten bars / DTIC, 1985]
211. Ultrasonic-nondestructive evaluation, microstructure, and mechanical property interrelations Lewis Research Center, [1984]
212. Ultrasonic non-destructive testing of composite materials / Cornell University, 1983]
213. User requirements for computer security / ill. ; 28 cm.
214. Deflections of hull propulsion shafting of Great Lakes ore carriers. University of Michigan, [1982?]
215. Using prepositions and particles / Longman, 1972-
216. Using prepositions and particles / 058252122X c1965.
217. A Survey of computer-aided electronic circuit analysis programs / Production graduate engr. program, 1975.
218. Using English, your second language: instructor's manual / 0139473750 Prentice Hall Regents, 1990.
219. Upgrade your English / 0194251519 : Oxford University Pr., 1984.
220. A nucleonic sensor for detecting metal in recirculating lubricating oil systems / Nucleonic data systems,Inc. , 1972.
221. A review of fracture toughness methods / Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, 1973.
222. A review of the status of air cushion technology including suggestions for a canadian research & development programme / University of Toronto, 1971]
223. Ubungen zu prapositionen und synonymen verben / 3190010943 Max Hueber Verlag, c1967.
224. Logic and structure / 354012831X Springer-Verlag, c1983.
225. Understanding TOEFL : workbook Educational Testing Service, 1989.
226. Undergraduate algebra / 0387964045 Springer-Verlag, c1987.
227. Research on coaxial jet mixing / Armed Services Technical Information Agency, 1962.
228. Toward a simple mathematical model for microwave backscatter from the sea surface at near-vertical incidence / Armed Services Technical Information Agency, 1963.
229. Two new hydromechanics research facilities at the david taylor model basin / Armed Services Technical Information Agency, 1962.
230. Test time in low pressure shock tubes Aerodynamics and Propulsion Research Laboratory / 1962.
231. Calculation of a transverse cross section by a method of characteristics / Armed Services Technical Information Agency, 1961.
232. Reflection of sudden changes in density from the axis of symmetry / Armed Services Technical Information Agency, 1962.
233. Investigating finned diffusors / Armed Services Technical Information Agency, 1962.
234. Direct observation and nanlysis of crack propagation in iron-3% silicon single crystals / Armed Services Technical Information Agency, 1962.
235. On the calculation of unsteady incompressible laminar bolindary layers over arbitrary cylinders / Armed Services Technical Information Agency, 1962.
236. An experimental investigation of a fully cavitating two-dimensional flat plate hydrofoil near a free surface / Armed Services Technical Information Agency, 1962.
237. Solution for the transient one-dimensional heat conduction in an infinite slab : John T.Miller. Armed Services Technical Information Agency, 1963.
238. High-speed flow through porous media / Armed Services Technical Information Agency, 1963.
239. Navier-stokes calculations of argon shock wave structure / Armed Services Technical Information Agency, 1963.
240. Convective diffusion as an intruder in kinetic studies of surface catalyzed reactions / Armed Services Technical Information Agency, 1963.
241. Flow-induced vibration of flat plates: the mechanism of self-excitation / Defense Documentation Center, 1963.
242. Two phase flow in capiliary tube / Defense Documentation Center, 1963.
243. Cavity shape and drag in ventilated flow:theory and experiment / Defense Documentation Center, 1963.
244. The hydrodynamic equations for Di-Atomic,Excited und dissociated gases as approximations of the BOLTZMANN equations describin such gases / Defense Documentation Center, 1962.
245. Hypersonic strong visous interaction on a flat plate with surface mass transfer / Defense Documentation Center, 1963.
246. An investigation of a three-dimensional turbulent boundary layer in hypersonic flo / Defense Documentation Center, 1963.
247. Slender, two-dimensional bodies having minimum total drag at hypersonic speeds / Defense Documentation Center, 1963.
248. Further development of a more accurate method for calculating body-water impact pressures / Defense Documentation Center, 1963.
249. Small-time behavior of unsteady cavity flows / Defense Documentation Center, 1963.
250. Quasi-static aero-thermo-elastic analysis: analytical development and computational procedure / Defense Documentation Center, 1963.
251. A solution of the two-dimensional turbulent viscous curved jet using the IBM 7090 computer. Defense Documentation Center, 1963.
252. Ford motor company aeronutronic division. Defense Documentation Center, 19uu.
253. Experiments on cylinder drag,sphere drag and stabiligy in rectilinear couette flow, Defense Documentation Center, 1963.
254. Two phase flow in thrust bearings : pt II analysis of the region near the axis of rotation / Defense Documentation Center, 1962.
255. Use of numerical analysis and digital computational techniques to determine one-dimensional heat flow that is subject to a moving boundary / Aeronautical Systems Division, 1961.
256. Corrosion of metals in sea water / Office of saline water, 1960.
257. The shock shape and shock detachment distance for spheres and flat-faced bodies in low-density,hypervelocity,argon flow / Defense Documentation Center, 1963.
258. Urethane foams : technology and applications / 0815503822 Noyes Data Corp., 1971.
259. Unsaturated polyester technology / 0677211600 Gordon and Breach, c1976.
260. Uses of epoxy resins / 0408001550 Newnes-Butterworths, 1975.
261. Fluid amplification no.6 interim report on aerodynamic studies of pure-pneumatic systems / Armed Services Technical Information Agency, 1962.
262. Hydrofoil flutter phenomenon and airfoil flutter theroy : Volume II Center of gravity location / Armed Services Technical Information Agency, 1962.
263. Comeustion and carburetion in diesel engines (selected articles). Air Force Systems Command, 1960.
264. Notes of 4th Bi-annual seminar ship behavior at sea. Davidson Laboratory, 1963.
265. Analytical study of forced ship motions / Defense Documentation Center, 1963.
266. Tunnel wall interference effects on the drag and pitching moment of an axisymmetric body / Defense Documentation Center, 1964.
267. Mathematical ship lofting : summary report. Defense Documentation Center, 1963.
268. The dynamics of the elastic buckling of cylindrical shells / Defense Documentation Center, 1962.
269. Longitudinal strength and minimum weight / Defense Documentation Center, 1962.
270. Study of detonation behavior of solid propellants / Defense Documentation Center, 1963.
271. Temperature measuring techniques / Armed Serviecs Technical Information Agency, 1960.
272. Ship material readiness / Armed Services Technical Information Agency, 1962.
273. Hydroelastic study of a ship equipped with an antipitching fin / Armed Services Technical Information Agency, 1962.
274. Analysis of the bulbous bow on simple ships / Armed Services Technical Information Agency, 1962.
275. Supplementary Report on the Development of analysis techniques for submarine hachinery installations by mechanical impedance methods / Defense Documentation Center, 1963.
276. Weight,cost and design characteristics of tankers and dry cargo ships / Defense Documentation Center, 1963.
277. Linearized theory for propelers in steady flow / Defense Documentation Center, 1963.
278. Understanding and using English grammar / 0139364927 World Publishing Corporation, 1988.
279. Ullmann's encyclopedia of industrial chemistry. v. A,. alphabetically arranged articles. 3527201106 (Weinheim, Basel) VEH verlagsgesellschaft, 1987.
280. Ullmann's encyclopedia of industrial chemistry, index to volumes A1 to A19, B1 to B3 : abrasives to photoelectricity, fundamentals of chemical engineering, unit operations I and II / 089573186X (New York) VCH, c1992.
281. Ullmann's encyclopedia of industrial chemistry, index to volumes A1 to A11, B2, B3 / 3527201432 VCH, c1989.
282. Ullmann's encyclopedia of industrial chemistry / VCH, c1990-
283. Ullmann's encyclopedia of industrial chemistry / 0895731517 (U.S. : v. 1) c1985-
284. Ullmann's encyclopedia of industrial chemistry, Vol. B: Basic knowledge / 3527201009 (v. B8) VCH, c1988-1995-
285. Proceedings : 3rd annual internationalbridge conference. U.S. Geological Survey, [1995]
286. Underground construction in fluid trenches : new systems in foundation engineering / University of Illinois at Chicago Circle, 1974]
287. Unit process guide to organic chemical industries / 0250403285 Ann Arbor Science Publishers, c1979.
288. Computer methods for civil engineers / 0070841292 : McGraw-Hall Book Co. (U.K.), c1982.
289. Urban systems models / 0123394503 : Academic Press, 1975.
290. Urban surveying and mapping 0387903445 Springer-Verlag c1979.
291. 43rd International Congress of UITP, Helsinki, 1979 : proceedings. International Union of Public Transport, [1979].
292. Urban forestry / 0471015156 : Wiley, c1978.
293. Linear programming and its applications / 7506212811 (China) World Publishing Co., 1992.
294. Urban hydrology / 0853342687 Elsevier Applied Science Publishers ; [1984?]
295. A theoretical investigation of hydrodynamic impact loads on scalloped-bottom seaplanes and comparisons with experiment / Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory, 1947.
296. Understanding ideas : advanced reading skills / 0521211468 Cambridge Univ. Pr., 1976.
297. Unit operations / Wiley, 1951.
298. Unit operations of chemical engineering / 0070448280 : McGraw-Hill, c1985.
299. Unified analysis and solutions of heat and mass diffusion / 0471898309 : Wiley, 1984.
300. Urban discharges and receiving water quality impacts : proceedings of a seminar organized by the IAWPRC/IAHR Sub-Committee for Urban Runoff quality Data, as part of the IAWPRC 14th Biennial Conference, Brighton, U.K., 18-21 July 1988 / 0080373763 Pergamon Press, c1989.
301. Chemistry of cement;: proceedings of the fourth international symposium, Washington, 1960. For sale by the Superintendent of documents, U. S. Govt. print. off., 1962.
302. Unit operations of sanitary engineering. Wiley [1961]
303. Urban environmental management: planning for pollution control;: an original text with integrated readings 013939611X Prentice-Hall [1974]
304. 1983 International Symposium on Urban Hydrology, Hydraulics, and Sediment Control : proceedings, July 25-28, 1983 / 0897790561 (pbk.) [Office of Engineering Services, College of Engineering, University of Kentucky] : c1983.
305. Uplift in gravity dams: calculation methods, experiments, and design theories. F. Ungar Pub. Co. [1958]
306. Use of shotcrete for underground structural support : proceedings of the Engineering Foundation Conference, Berwick Academy, South Berwick, Maine, July 16-20, 1973, with the cooperation of ASCE and ACI. American Society of Civil Engineers, c1974.
307. Guided missile engineering. McGraw-Hill, 1959.
308. Separation of particles from air and gases / 084935787X (v. 1) CRC Press, c1984.
309. Use of polymers in chemical plant construction / 0853349142 Applied Science, c1980.
310. Need for national policy for the use of underground space : Engineering Foundation conference proceedings, Berwick Academy, South Berwick, Maine, June 25-29, 1973 / American Society of Civil Engineers, [1975]
311. Unified theories of elementary particles : critical assessment and prospects : proceedings of the Heisenberg Symposium, held in Mèunchen, July 16-21, 1981 / 0387115609 (U.S. : pbk.) Springer-Verlag, 1982.
312. Using dBASE III / 0881341622 (pbk.) Osborne/McGraw-Hill, c1985.
313. Ullmanns Encyklopadie der technischen Chemie. Bd. 7,. Acaricide-Antihisatminica / 3527200002 (Gesamtwerk) Verlag Chemie, 1974.
314. Ullmanns Encyklopadie der technischen Chemie. Bd. 1,. Chemischer apparatebau une verfahrenstechnik / Verlag Chemie, 1951.
315. Ullmanns Encyklop鑑die der technischen Chemie. Band 6,. Dimethylather bis extraktion / Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1955.
316. Ullmanns Encyklopadie der technischen Chemie. Bd. 3,. Abietinsaure bis arsenverbindungen / Verlag Chemie, 1953.
317. Ullmanns Encyklopadie der technischen Chemie. Bd. 22,. Stahle bis textilfarberei / 3527200002 (Gesamtwerk) Verlag Chemie, 1982.
318. Ullmanns Encyklopadie der technischen Chemie. Bd. 7-18 / Verlag Chemie, 1980.
319. Ullmanns Encyklopadie der technischen Chemie : Zwischenregister zu den banden 7-21 / Verlag Chemie, 1982.
320. Ullmanns Encyklopadie der technischen Chemie. Bd. 19,. Polyacryl-Verbindungen bis Quecksillber / 3527200002 (Gesamtwerk) Verlag Chemie, 1980.
321. Ullmanns Encyklopadie der technischen Chemie. Bd. 7,. Farberei bis gastrennung / Verlag Chemie, 1956.
322. Ullmanns Encyklopadie der technischen Chemie. Bd. 5,. Analysen-und mebverfahren / 3527200002 (Gesamtwerk) Verlag Chemie, 1980.
323. Ullmanns Encyklopadie der technischen Chemie : Sachregister fur die bande 3-8 / Verlag Chemie, 1951.
324. Ullmanns Encyklopadie der technischen Chemie. Bd. 24,. Wachse bis Z鑥ndh鑟lzer / 3527200002 (Gesamtwerk) Verlag Chemie, 1983.
325. Ullmanns Encyklopadie der technischen Chemie. Bd. 23,. Texilhilfsmittel bis Vulkanfiber / 3527200002 (Gesamtwerk) Verlag Chemie, 1983.
326. Ullmanns Encyklopadie der technischen Chemie. Bd. 20,. Radionuklide bis Schutzgase / 3527200002 (Gesamtwerk) Verlag Chemie, 1981.
327. Ullmanns Encyklopadie der technischen Chemie. Bd. 21,. Schwefel bis Sprengstoffe / 3527200002 (Gesamtwerk) Verlag Chemie, 1982.
328. Ullmanns Encyklopadie der technischen Chemie. Bd. 6,. Umweltschutz und arbeitssicherheit / 3527200002 (Gesamtwerk) Verlag Chemie, 1981.
329. Ullmanns Encyklopadie der technischen Chemie. Bd. 12,. Lagerwerkstoffe bis Milch / 3527200002 (Gesamtwerk) Verlag Chemie, 1978.
330. Ultrarovidhullamu es televiziqs zsebkonyv / Muszaki Konyvkiado, 1960.
331. Ubungen zu synonymen verben / Max Hueber Verlag, c1967.
332. Unherimliche begegnungen / 3125592909 Ernst Klett, 1983.
333. Uberlegungen zu den Grundlagen der Wahrescheinlichkeitsrechnung / Akademie-Verlag, 1960.
334. Ubungsaufgaben Aus Der Baustatik : Mit Losungswegen Und ergebnissen / Fachbuchverlag Gmbh Leipzig, 1953.
335. Ullmanns Encyklopadie der technischen Chemie : Sachregister fur die bande 3-8 / Verlag Chemie, 1951.
336. Ullmanns Encyklopadie der technischen Chemie : Sachregister fur die bande 3-8 / Verlag Chemie, 1958.
337. Candidate languages evaluation report / U.S. Army computer systems command, 1977.
338. pocket handbook on reliability / Compco company, 1975.
339. Ulrich's periodicals directory : A classified guide to a selected list of current periodicals,foreign and domestic / R.R. Bowker, c1963
340. Urheberrecht / VEB Bibliographisches Institut, 1980.
341. Uniform numerical methods for problems with initial and boundary layers / Boole, 1980.
342. Use of recycled concrete as aggregate / U.S. Army engineer waterways experimpont station, 1972.
343. Ullmanns Encyklopadie der technischen Chemie. Bd. 25,. Autoren- und Sachregister / 3527200002 (Gesamtwerk) Verlag Chemie, 1984.
344. Thermal buckling of uniform rectangular plates, Directorate of propulsion and power engineering, 1975.
345. Ubungsaufgaben zum grundkurs der regelungstechnik / 3486310453 Oldenbourg Verlag, 1977.
346. Ulrich's international periodicals directory : a classified guide to current periodicals, foreign and domestic. 0835215482 (v. 1) Bowker Co., 1982.
347. The effects of geological features on soil strength, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, 1970.
348. Using macwrite / 0880225475 Que Corporation, 1990.
349. Using MacroMind Director / 0880225785 (pbk.) : Que Corp., c1990.
350. Upgrade & repair your PC on a shoestring budget / 1566045290 Ventana, 1996.
351. Ultra violet spectra / The Laboratories, 1975-
352. Ulrich's international periodicals directory 1989-90 / 0835227332 (v. 1) : R.R. Bowker, c1989.
353. Ultra violet spectra. Sadtler Research Laboratories, c1981.
354. Ulrich's international periodicals directory, 1990-91 : now including Irregular serials & annuals. 0835229858 (set) R.R. Bowker, c1990.
355. Ultraviolet collection : 1980 cumulative numerical index :. No. 1-29908. 0845600540 Sadtler, 1980.
356. Standard ultraviolet collection : 1996 supplementary numerical, locator index. Sadtler Research Laboratories, c1981-
357. Annual energy review / The Office, 1983-
358. U.S.Nuclear regulatory commission functional organization charts. U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1993.]
359. Ullmanns Encyklopadie der technischen Chemie. Bd. 25,. Autoren- und Sachregister / 3527200002 (Gesamtwerk) Verlag Chemie, 1984.
360. Inorganic analyses in water quality control programs / U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1977.
361. A study of the feasibility of utilizing solio wastes for building materials phoxe I summary report. U.S. environmental protection agency, 1978.
362. Quality control of bonding in building construction / U.S. Department of Agericulture, 1977.
363. Methodology for hazard risk evaluation of buildings : v.1 Technical report / National buteau standards office of building technology, 1973.
364. Studies on the seismic design of low-rise steel buildigs : Illinois univ at urbana-champaign dept of civil engineering / National science foundation, 1977.
365. Summer seismic institute for architectural faculty held at stanford university,california on August 7-72,1977 / National science foundation, 1977.
366. Strength and ductility evaluation of existing low-rise reinforced concrete buildings-screening method / Earthquake Engineering Research Center, 1976.
367. Solar heating of buildings & domestic hot water / Civil Engineering Laboratory, 1976.
368. Seismic energy absorption in simple structures / Department of civil engineering, 1982.
369. Manual of classification. Dept. of Commerce, Patent and Trademark Office, Office of Documentation Planning and Support : [For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O.], 1981.
370. Effect of weld procedures on weld quality / University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1982.
371. A user's manual for optical waveguide communications / U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Office of Telecommunications, 1976.
372. Structural walls in earthquake-resistant buildings dynamic analysis of isolated structural walls representative loading history / Portland Cement Association, 1978.
373. Extraction or destruction of chemical pollutants from aqueous waste streams / Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development, Robert S. Kerr Environmental Research Laboratory ; 1977.
374. Equations of state for the ceramics Be0 and B4C / Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, 1975.
375. Bond characteristics of model reinforcement / Illinois university at urbana-Champaign, 1976.
376. Nonlinear analysis of reinforced concrete panels,slabs and shells for time dependent effects. National Science Foundation, 1976.
377. A literature survey : Compressive,tensile,bond and shear strength of masonry / California university, 1975.
378. Proceedings of workshop on materials handling for tunnel construction held at keystone,colorado on august 3-5,1977. Transportation systems conter, 1977.
379. Time-dependent behavior of reinforced concrete columns including effects of shrinkage,creep and cracking / California university, 1975.
380. Background papers for a drilling technology workshop park city,Ut,June 19775 / National sicence foundation, 1975.
381. Identification of research neeeds for improving aseiamic design of building structures / California University, 1975.
382. Studies on the inelastic dynamic analysis and design of multi-story frames. National science foundation, 1976.
383. Developing methodologies for evaluating the earthquake safety of existing buildings. National science Foundation, 1977.
384. Coupled lateral torsional response of buildigns to ground shaking / California University, 1976.
385. Proceedings of workshop on materials handling for tunnel construction held at keystone,colorado on august 3-5, 1977. U.S.Department of Transportation, 1977.
386. Ultrasonic inspection of ceramics containing small flaws / TRW Incorporated, 1977.
387. Pavement design,performance and rehabilatation : Transportation research board. National Research council, 1976.
388. Rigid pavement joints and sealants study / Georgia Department of Transportation, 1975.
389. Survey of existing underground water pipelines with emphasis on their seismic resistance. National Science Foundation, 1977.
390. Infilled frames in earthquake-resistant construction / University of California, 1976.
391. Development of interference response specira for lifelines seismic analysis. National Science Foundation, 1977.
392. Behaviour of underground lifelines in seismic environment. National Science Foundation, 1977.
393. Underground excavation-an annotated bibliography / Purdue University, 1976.
394. Strength characteristics of jointed water pipelines.
395. The outlook for digital computing and its applications, 1976-1995 / Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, 1976.
396. Warthquake resistant masonry construction national workshop / National sureau of standards department of commerce, 1977.
397. Ultrasonic spectrum analysis for ndt of layered composite materials / Naval Air Development Center, 1975.
398. Static and dynamic analysis of thermoviscoelastoplastic fiber-reinforced composite shells in missile structures /by T.J. Chung and R.L. Eidson. Department of Mechanical Engineering, c1976.
399. Mining subsidence / Minnesota University, 1975.
400. Lighting design handbook / Civil engineering laboratory, 1979.
401. Use of compound parabolic concentrator for solar energy collection / Argonne National Laboratory, 1974.
402. Quality control during hot and cold weather concreting / Office,Chief of Engineers,U.S.Army, 1979.
403. A thermomechanical (TMA) test method for evaluation of cured polymer encapsulating materials. Redstone Arsenal, 1978.
404. Response of prestressed concrete plate-edge column connections / University of Illinois, 1982.
405. Upstate travels : British views of nineteenth-century New York / 0815622708 Syracuse University Press, 1982.
406. Transparent glass honeycomb structures for energy loss control : Progress report: period April 1976- July 1977 / School of Engineering and Applied Science, 1977.
407. Structural walls in earthquake resistant structures analytical invesigation-dynamic analysis of isolated structural walls-parts A and B / Portland Cement Association, 1976.
408. Expansive soil study. Federal Highway Administration, 1976.
409. Methods for surface treating metals, ceramics, and plastics before adhesive bonding / s. n], 1976.
410. The integral hologram as a scientific tool / s. n], 1976.
411. A study of the feasibility of utilizing solio wastes for building materials phase II summary report. U.S. environmental protection agency, 1978.
412. Calorimetric measurements of laser energy and power - 1975 supplement / Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, 1975.
413. The comparison of methods of solving the erathquake response of structures with foundation fiexibility / Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, 1976.
414. Laser program annual report, 1974 / Dept. of Energy, 1975.
415. Utilization of waste boiler ash in highway construction in arizona part 1. portland cement concrete. Phoenix, 1976.
416. Safety manual for wastewater treatment with oxygen aeration / Rockwell International, 1978.
417. Unique concepts and systems for "zero-maintenance" pavements : state-of-the-art report / Dept. of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Office of Research ; 1977.
418. Preliminary design of an autonated drill and blast machine. ill. ; 1976.
419. Development of highwall mining equipment / R. A. Hanson Co, 1977.
420. Structural walls in earthquake-resistant buildings. dynamic analysis of isolated structural walls. inpuy motions / Portland Cement Association, 1977.
421. Ceramic materials in rolling contact bearings. Norton Cokmpany, 1976.
422. Understanding the literature of World War I : a student casebook to issues, sources, and historical documents / 0313312001 (alk. paper) Greenwood Press, 2004.
423. Using Russian synonyms / 0521790840 Cambridge University Press, 2004.
424. Understanding politics : ideas, institutions, and issues / 0312184492 Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, c1998.
425. Negotiable instruments, payments, and credits / 1566628229 (alk. paper) Foundation Press, 2000.
426. Information technology : applications software 1 / 7801695968 中国时代经济出版社, 2004.
427. Ugly ways : a novel / 0156000776 (pbk) : Harcourt Brace Co., 1995.
428. Urban problems in sociological perspective / 0881339598 Waveland Press, c1997.
429. Understanding public policy / 7300052703 中国人民大学出版社, 2004.
430. Constitutive equations for concrete and soil =: 混凝土和土的本构方程 / 7112070880 China Architecture & Building Press, 2005.
431. Riemannian geometry and geometric analysis / 750626627X 世界图书出版公司, 2005.
432. 飞碟 商务印书馆 1981
433. 大气的污染 科学出版社 1976
434. 定量分析 上海科学技术出版社 1980
435. 使用录象磁带 中国电影出版社 1980
436. 提取冶金单元过程 冶金工业出版社 1982
437. Using WordPerfect / 0395477980 Houghton Mifflin, c1988.
438. Monograph on ionospheric radio : [papers presented at the] XIIIth General Assembly of URSI, London, September 1960 / Elsevier Pub. Co., 1962.
439. Space radio communication,: a symposium held under the auspices of the International Scientific Radio Union in Paris in September, 1961. Elsevier Pub. Co., 1962.
440. Ultrasonic testing of materials / 0387077162 Springer-Verlag, 1977.
441. Ultrasonic technology / Reinhold , 1962.
442. Reactor handbook: physics / McGraw-Hill, 1955.
443. Underwater electroacoustic measurements / Naval Research Laboratory; [for sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off.], 1970.
444. American ultraminiature component parts data. Pergamon Press, 1965-
445. Ultrashort laser pulses : generation and applications / 3540558772 (Berlin) Springer, c1993.
446. uA linear : 1982 linear division products. Fairchild Camera and Instrument Corp., 1982.
447. Using digital and analog integrated circuits / 0139394885 : Prentice-Hall, c1978.
448. Utilisation des transistors / Gauthier-Villars & Cie, c1963.
449. Unitary representations of the poincare group and relativistic wave equations / 997150250X world Scientific, 1976
450. University physics / 0030469791 Saunders College Publishing, c1990.
451. Introduction to the utilization of solar energy / McGraw-Hill, 1963.
452. Ultra-fine particles : exploratory science and technology / 0815514042 Noyes Publications, c1997.
453. Up-to date world's transistor comparison table. TTP, n.d.
454. Reader's digest use the right word : modern guide to synonyms and related words, lists of antonyms, copious cross-references, a complete and legible index / Reader's Digest Association, [1969]
455. UNIX communications / 0672225115 (pbk.) H.W. Sams, c1987.
456. Understanding Science : A technical reader / Esseltestudium, 1972.
457. Use of engineering literature / 0408707143 Butterworths, 1976.
458. Using applications software : an introduction featuring Framework / 0070796513 (pbk.) Ashton-Tate Pub. Group, c1986.
459. Ultrasonic technology / Reinhold , 1962.
460. UCSD Pascal : featuring the Apple IIe and II Plus / 087150457X (pbk.) PWS Publishers, c1984.
461. Understanding management : the key to better results in your organization / 9971404486 Federal Pub., 1985.
462. Using macwrite and macpanint / 0881341371 Osborne Mcgraw-Hill, 1987.
463. Advances in engineering science : 13th annual meeting, Society of Engineering Science, Hampton, VA, November 1-3, 1976 / National Aeronautics and Space Administration ; [1976]
464. University physics / 047160528X (cloth) J. Wiley, c1991.
465. University physics / 0155929747 (v. 1) Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, c1989.
466. FORTRAN programming : a supplement for calculus courses / 038790283X Springer-Verlag, c1977.
467. Using Modula-2 : an introduction to computer science I / 0878352368 Boyd & Fraser Pub. Co., c1987.
468. Understanding and writing compilers : a do-it-yourself guide / 0333217322 (pbk.) Macmillan ; 1979.
469. Unix System V, network programmer's guide / 0139404619 (pbk) Prentice-Hall ; c1987.
470. Ultrasonic spectral analysis for nondestructive evaluation / 0306404842 Plenum Press, c1981.
471. Unified theory of the mechanical behavior of matter / 0471054348 Wiley, c1979.
472. Understanding spoken language / 0444002723. North-Holland, c1978.
473. Understanding nonlinear dynamics / 7506233088 World Pub. Corp., 1997.
474. An unusual algebra / Mir Publishers, 1978.
475. Using dBASE II / 0881341088 Osborne/McGraw-Hill, c1984.
476. University training programs for minerals and energy in the Asia/Pacific region / PECC Minerals and Energy Forum, [1993].
477. Fluid dynamics. Oliver and Boyd ; [1959]
478. A concrete introduction to higher algebra / 038790333X Springer, c1979.
479. The University of Edinburgh Undergraduate prostectus. s.n.] [1993]
480. Using microcomputer applications : a computer lab manual with DOS, WordPerfect 5.1, Lotus 1-2-3, and dBASE IV / 0155945092 Dryden Press : c1992.
481. Using the IBM eXTended personal computer / 0442258313 Van Nostrand Reinhold, c1985.
482. Thermostatics and thermodynamics : an introduction to energy, information and states of matter, with engineering applications / Van Nostrand, 1961.
483. Matrix groups / 038790462X Springer-Verlag, c1979.
484. Using the IBM personal computer : the DOS book / 0030716187 Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1985.
485. Ultraviolet and visible absorption spectra /: Index for ... Academic Press Inc., 1956-
486. Moment distribution / Van Nostrand, [1963]
487. Unsteady flow in open channels / Water Resources Publications, 1975.
488. Ultra-violet and infra-red engineering / Sir Isaac Pitman, 1962.
489. Unification of fundamental interactions : proceedings of Nobel Symposium 67, Marstrand, Sweden, June 2-7, 1986 / 9187308029 (pbk.) Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, 1987.
490. Use of the chemical literature / Butterworths, 1962.
491. Modern chemistry for the engineer and scientist / McGraw-Hill, 1957.
492. Elementary probability theory with stochastic processes / 0387901590 : Springer-Verlag, c1975.
493. A shock-tube investigation of detonative combustion / Engineering Research Institute, University of Michigan , 1955.
494. Unstable chemical species : free radicals, ions, and excited molecules / New York Academy of Sciences, 1957.
495. Principles of colloid and surface chemistry / 0824765737 M. Dekker, c1977.
496. Introduction to college mathematics with A Programming Language / 0387902805 Springer-Verlag, c1978.
497. ubungen fur junge mathematiker, Teubner, 1970-
498. U-Boottyp XXI / Bernard & Graefe Verlag, 1986.
499. Ubungen zur deutschen Sprache / 3411013362 Bibliographisches Institut, c1975-
500. Applications of solid mechanics : proceedings of the Symposium held at the University of Waterloo, June 26 and 27, 1972/ 0888980035 Solid Mechanics Division, University of Waterloo, c1972.