以"O"开头查询到 11795 条西文期刊记录。
刊名 ISSN 出版社 出版年
1. Olefin metathesis and polymerization catalysts : synthesis, mechanism, and utilization / 0792310403 (alk. paper) Kluwer, c1990.
2. Thermal electrocyclic reactions / 0124762506 Academic Press, 1980.
3. Organic free radicals : a symposium / 0841204217 ACS, 1978.
4. Organic chemistry of sulfur / 0306307405 Plenum Press, c1977.
5. Organic sulphur chemistry : structure, mechanism, and synthesis / 0408707119 Butterworths, 1975.
6. Orthographe et lexicographie : les mots compos鈋s / 2091905127 Nathan, 1981.
7. Organic chemistry / 0127423605 Academic Press, c1984.
8. Organic chemistry / 0201144387 Addison-Wesley, c1984.
9. Organic chemistry : concepts and applications / 0669018856 Heath, c1979.
10. Introduction to organic and biological chemistry / 0805396519 Benjamin/Cummings Pub. Co., c1984.
11. Total synthesis of natural products, the "Chiron" approach / 008029247X : Pergamon Press, 1983.
12. Organic chemistry / s.n.], 19??
13. Organic chemistry / 0205058388 Allyn and Bacon, c1983.
14. Organic chemistry / 0471630918 Wiley, c1977.
15. Organic reactions. / John Wiley & Sons, 1942-
16. Organic Syntheses : An Annual Publication of Satisfactory Methods for the Preparation of Organic Chemicals. 0471067857 (v. 51) John Wiley & Sons, c19uu-
17. Organic chemistry, the name game : modern coined terms and their origins / 008034481X Pergamon Press, c1987.
18. On heat-treatable copper-chromium alloy, I National Aeronautics and Space Administration, [1984]
19. Organic syntheses : reaction guide incorporating collective volumes 1-7 and annual volumes 65-68 / 047154261X Wiley, c1991.
20. Organing chemistry / 0070501181 McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1987.
21. Organic preparations Interscience Publishers, inc., 1945.
22. Offshore services. Lloyd's Register of Shipping, [1971]
23. OTC electric welding machines / OTC,
24. Organic chemistry / Oliver and Boyd, c1955.
25. Organic chemistry / 0471870323 Wiley, c1984.
26. Organic chemistry for higher education / 0582412307 Longman, 1982.
27. Organic chemistry / D. van Nostrand Co., Inc., c1960.
28. Organic chemistry / 0669019445 Heath, c1984.
29. Organic chemistry Longman, 1959-
30. Organic chemistry. 038709301X Springer-Verlag, 1979.
31. Organic chemistry / 0879011238 Worth Publishers, c1980.
32. Organic chemistry / McGraw-Hill, c1979.
33. Principles and applications of metal chelation / 0198554850 Clarendon Press, 1977.
34. Discourse and literature : the interplay of form and mind = 话语与文学/ 7810465899 上海外语教学出版社, 1999.
35. Transition metal complexes of cyclic polyolefins / 0122079507 Academic Press, 1979.
36. Teaching language as communication =: 语言教学交际法 / 7810465848 上海外语教育出版社, 1999.
37. Organometallic polymers / 0121608506 Academic Press, 1978.
38. Optical fiber sensors : proceedings of the 6th International Conference, OFS'89, Paris, France, September 18-20, 1989 / 3540517197 (Berlin) Springer-Verlag, c1989.
39. Molecular motion in high polymers / 019851333X Clarendon Press, 1981.
40. On-line freeway entry control : preliminary analysis and evaluation of sites, simulation models, and control strategies / University of California, 1980.
41. Optical and electrical properties of polymers : symposium held November 26-28, 1990, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. / 1558991069 Materials Research Society, c1991.
42. Optical spectra of transparent rare earth compounds / 0123604508 Academic Press, 1978.
43. On understanding environment enhances fatigue crack growth : a fundamental approach / s.n., 1978.]
44. Polymer syntheses / 0126185013 (v. 1) Academic Press, 1974-1980.
45. Organotransition metal chemistry : applications to organic synthesis / 0080262023 Pergamon Press, 1982.
46. Nontransition-metal compounds / 0122349504 Academic Press, 1981.
47. Organometallics : a concise introduction / 0895738694 (U.S.) VCH, 1989.
48. Organometallic chemistry. 0851865410 (v.5) Chemical Society, 1971-
49. Organometallic chemistry reviews : annual surveys : silicon, tin, lead / 0444419853 (v.11) Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co. ; 1981.
50. Organometallic chemistry reviews / 0444417885 Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co. ; 1979.
51. Organosilicon chemistry / 311010329X W. de Gruyter, 1986.
52. Organophosphorus reagents in organic synthesis / 0121543501 Academic Press, 1979.
53. Organic sulfur chemistry : invited lectures presented at the 9th International Symposium on Organic Sulfur Chemistry, Riga, USSR, 9-14 June 1980 / 0080261809 Pergamon Press, 1981.
54. Proceedings of the 10th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles : 1-4 Dec., 1985, Washington, U.S.A. / 0897911741 Association for Computing Machinery, c1985.
55. Organic solvents : physical properties and methods of purification / 0471084670 Wiley, c1986.
56. Heterogeneous catalysis : principles and applications / 0198555253 (pbk.) Clarendon Press, 1987.
57. On maintaining dynamic information in a concurrent environment / ill.], 1984.
58. Seventh NSF grantees conference : optimal planning of computerized manufacturing systems (CMS), September, 1979, Cornell University / s.n., 1979]
59. Optimum selection of machining and cutting tool variables / Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 1983.
60. Ferrite morphology and variations in ferrite content in austenitic stainless steel welds / Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1981]
61. Solid state chemistry : compounds / 0198551665 Clarendon Press, 1992.
62. An introduction to chemisorption and catalysis by metals / 0198551630 Clarendon Press ; c1985.
63. ONR-NRL Superconducting materials symposium a forecast / Naval Research Laboratory, 1979.
64. Annual report MHD generator investigations / s. n] , [1977]
65. Optimal structures in heterogeneous reaction systems =多相反应体系中的最佳结构 (英) / 7506209209 (China) World Publishing Corp., 1991.
66. Open workshop on solar technologies : October 23 and 24, 1979; Washington / Solar Energy Research Institute, 1980.
67. Optical materials and process technology for energy efficiency and solar applications : August 23-25, 1983, San Diego, California / 0892524634 SPIE--The International Society for Optical Engineering, c1983.
68. Optical materials technology for energy efficiency and solar energy conversion IV, August 20-22, 1985, San Diego, California / 0892525975 SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, c1985.
69. Optimization of computer operating systems / NUSC, 1979.
70. Orbital interactions in chemistry / 0471873934 Wiley, c1985.
71. Orbitals, terms and states / 0471909351 : Wiley, c1986.
72. On the theory of three-dimensional flow about a ship moving with constant speed in a regular sea / s.n., 1983]
73. Quantum chemistry : the development of ab initio methods in molecular electronic structure theory / 0198551835 : Clarendon Press, 1984.
74. National Online Meeting : proceedings-1982, New York, March 31-April 1, 1982 / 0938734040 Learned Information, 1982.
75. Official methods of analysis of the association of official agricultural chemists / 龙门联合书局, 1951.
76. The properties of nuclei / 0198518285 Clarendon Press, 1977.
77. Oldtimer der flusse und meere / Urania-Verlag, 1981.
78. The Forces between molecules / 0198552068 (pbk.) Clarendon Press ; 1986.
79. A shell model description of light nuclei / 0198515081 Clarendon Press, 1977.
80. Optimization of computer automated uyltrasonic inspection system / Air force materials laboratory, 1976.
81. Overview report:experiment in computer applications for reguiatory agencies / Center for field methods, 1979.
82. Operational amplifiers in chemical instrumentation / 0470455667 (Halsted) E. Horwood ; [1975]
83. An ALGOL-Program for the calculation of incompressible three-dimensional turbulent boundary-layers / s.n.], 1975.
84. Optimum frequency of inspection / The Administration ; 1978]
85. Oxygen and ozone / 0080239153 : Pergamon, 1981.
86. Oxides of nitrogen / 0080239242 : Pergamon Press, 1981.
87. Opencast mining unit operations / Mir Publishers, c1985.
88. Optimized brake inspection summary volume / U.S. Department of transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 1977.
89. Dictionary of computing. 0198538251 Oxford University Press, 1990.
90. The shape and structure of molecules 0198554214 Clarendon Press, 1973.
91. E&MJ second operating handbook of mineral processing / 0076066843 : E/MJ Mining Information Services ; McGraw Hill, c1980.
92. On the logarithmic-singularity correction in the kernel function method of subsonic lifting-surface theory / National Aeronautics and Space Administration ; 1977.
93. Basic chemical thermodynamics / 0198555652 Clarendon Press, 1990.
94. Optimal revolution B-series propellers / The University of Michigan, [1982].
95. Optimal diameter B-series propellers / The University of Michigan, [1982].
96. The spectrum of atomic hydrogen / Oxford University Press, 1957.
97. Organisation du traitement de l'atlantique nord group consultatif pour la recherche et le developpement aerospatial (North atlantic treaty organization) 9283512553 AGARD, 1977.
98. Conference on Office Information Systems : March 23-25, 1988, Palo Alto, California / 081860848X (perfectbound) Association for Computing Machinery, 1988.
99. Optical properties of solids / 044410058X (American Elsevier) North-Holland Pub. Co. ; 1972.
100. A Specialty Conference on Operation & Maintenance Procedures for Gas Cleaning Equipment / Western Pennsylvania Section, Air Pollution Control Asskociation, c1980.
101. Oxides and oxide films. 0824711432 (v. 1) M. Dekker, 1972-
102. On steady vortex flow in two dimensions / National science foundation, 1982.
103. On the optimum checkpoint selection problem / Cornell University, [1983]
104. Surface physics / 0198518552 Clarendon Press ; 1983.
105. Ordering in two dimensions : proceedings of an international conference held at Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, U.S.A., May 28-30, 1980 / 0444005811 North Holland, c1980.
106. Optics of thin films;: an optical multilayer theory 047149531X Wiley [c1976]
107. Organic micropollutants in the aquatic environment : proceedings of the sixth European symposium held in Lisbon, Portugal, May 22-24, 1990 / 0792311043 Kluwer Academic Publishers, c1991.
108. Electrode kinetics / 0198554338 Clarendon Press, 1975.
109. Coal age operating handbook of coal preparation / 0070999228 : Coal Age Mining Informational Services, c1978.
110. Oil-well cementing practices in the United States : American Petroleum Institute, 1959.
111. One meter KrF laser system / Office of Naval Research, c1977.
112. Maximum entropy in action : a collection of expository essays / 0198539630 (pbk.) Clarendon Press, 1991.
113. On acyclic database decompositions / Stanford University, 1983.
114. Principles of plasma electrodynamics / 0387126139 (U.S.) Springer-Verlag, 1984.
115. Measurements of digital systems in Gaussian additive noise and interference / Dept. of Commerce, Office of Telecommunications, Institute for Telecommunication Sciences, 1976.
116. Optical computing : April 8-12, 1990, Kobe, Japan / Steering Committee of 1990 International Topical Meeting on Optical Computing, Japan Society of Physics ; c1990.
117. On reflection of a planar solitary wave at a vertical wall / The unibersity of Iowa, 1982.
118. On line computer recalibration of instruments / Clemson University, 1979]
119. One-to-many interprocess communication in the V-System / Stanford University, 1984.
120. On non-intersecting eulerian circuits / University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1984]
121. Optical fiber technology / 0879420618. IEEE Press, c1976.
122. Optical information processing II : 3-4 April 1986, Orlando, Florida / 0892526742 (pbk.) SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering, c1986.
123. Optical alignment : [proceedings] : July 29-31, 1980, San Diego, California / 0892522801 (pbk.) Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers, c1980.
124. Optics to the year 2000 : September 30, 1980, Huntsville, Alabama / 0892522879 (pbk.) Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers, c1980.
125. 5th International Online Information Meeting, London, Dec. 8-10, 1981 / 0904933334 : Learned Information, [1981?]
126. Optics communications. 21-30: master index / North-Holland Pub. Co., 1969-
127. Soviet journal of optical technology,. v. 47, Nos. 1-12, 1980. Published for the Optical Society of America by the American Institute of Physics, c1980.
128. Oceans '84,: conference record : industry, government, education -- designs for the future, Washington, D.C., September 10-12, 1984 /. v. 1 : Marine Technology Society ; c1984.
129. Offshore Goteborg 83 : International Conference on Offshore and Marine Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, March 1-4, 1983 : proceedings. Svenska Massan Stiftelse, [1983?]
130. Ocean engineering and the environment : conference record, November 12-14, 1985, San Diego, California / Available from IEEE Service Center, c1984.
131. Offshore Goteborg 83 : International Conference on Offshore and Marine Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, March 1-4, 1983 : proceedings. Svenska Massan Stiftelse, [1983?]
132. Offshore engineering : proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Offshore Engineering held at COPPE, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1981 / Pentech Press, c1982.
133. Ocean remote sensing using lasers / U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Environmental Research Laboratories, 1980.
134. Elements of Green's functions and propagation : potentials, diffusion, and waves / 0198519885 : Clarendon Press, 1989.
135. Oceanology International Exhibition and Conference : 2-5 March, 1982, Brighton. / s.n., 1982?].
136. Oceans 82 : conference record : industry, government, education--partners in progress : conference, Washington, D.C., September 20-22, 1982 / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1982.
137. Offshore structures : abstracts-in-depth / 0858251590 Institution of Engineers, Australia, 1981.
138. Ocean space utilization '85 : proceedings of the international symposium, Nihon University, Tokyo, Japan, June 1985 / 0387700080 (U.S. : set) Springer-Verlag, c1985.
139. Ordinary differential equations with modern applications / 0534092160 : Wadsworth Pub. Co., c1989.
140. Observation of atomic-pair absorption with an incoherent source / Optical Society of America, 1979.
141. Optimal control of large scale systems. IEE], 1979.
142. On approximation theory : proceedings of the conference held in the Mathematical Research Institute at Oberwolfach, Black Forest, August 4-10, 1963 = 鑅ber Approximations-theorie : Abhandlungen zur Tagung im Mathematischen Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Schwarzwald, vom 4.-10. August 1963 / Birkh鑑user, 1964.
143. Operational methods in applied mathematics / Clarendon Press, 1953.
144. Singularities of differentiable maps / 0817631879 (v. 1) Birkhèauser, 1985-1988.
145. Free and moving boundary problems / 0198533578 Clarendon Press ; 1987, c1984.
146. Ordinary and partial differential equations : proceedings of the seventh conference, held at Dundee, Scotland, March 29-April 2, 1982 / 038711968X (U.S. : pbk.) Springer-Verlag, 1982.
147. One, two, and three-dimensional impact computations / US Army armament research and development command, 1978.
148. Schaum's outline of theory and problems of college physics / 0070088748 McGraw-Hill, c1989.
149. Fundamentals of magnetohydrodynamics / 030611027X Consultants Bureau, c1990.
150. Operational research / 071313528X (pbk.) E. Arnold, 1985.
151. Operational research 75 : proceedings of the seventh IFORS International Conference on Operational Research, Tokyo, Kyoto, Japan, July 17-23, 1975 = Actes de la septiaeme IFORS Confberence internationale de recherche opberationnelle, Tokyo, Kyoto, 0444110259 (American Elsevier) North-Holland Pub. Co., 1976.
152. O wielkich liczbach / Pa鈔stwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1960.
153. On-line process analyzers / 0471866083 : John Wiley & Sons, c1988.
154. Operational research '78 : procededings of the Eighth IFORS International Conference on Operationa : actes de la huiti醗me IFORS Conf鈋rence internationale de recherche op鈋rationelle, Toronto, Canada, juin 19-23, 1978 / 0444852301 North Holland Pub. Co., 1979.
155. Operations research and its applications : Third International Symposium, ISORA '98, Kunming, P.R. China, August 20-22, 1998 Proceedings / 7506238748 (hbk.) World Publishing Corp, 1998.
156. Proceedings of the national science foundation optical communications grantee-user meeting / National technical information service, 1976.
157. Optical communication systems : report of a grantee-user semi-annual meeting(5th) held at illinois university on novermber 14-15,1974 / National science foundation, 1974.
158. The algebraic eigenvalue problem / 0198534183 Clarendon Press ; 1988, c1965.
159. Elementary fluid dynamics / 019859660X Clarendon Press, 1990.
160. Optical zero-differential pressure switch and its evaluation in a multiple-pressure measuring system / NASA, 1977.
161. Optimal radius of convergence of interpolatory iterations for operator equations / Carnegie-Mellon University, 1976.
162. Optimal order and minimal complexity of one-step methods for initial value problems / Carnegie-Mellon University, 1976.
163. Optimization : proceedings of the 5th French-German Conference, held in Castel-Novel(Varetz), France, Oct. 3-8, 1988 / 354051970X : Springer-Verlag, 1989.
164. Optimization : methods and applications, possibilities, and limitations : proceedings of an international seminar organized by Deutsche Forschungsanstalt f鑥r Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) [sic], Bonn, June 1989 / 3540512578 : Springer-Verlag, c1989.
165. On dual extremum priciples in applied mathematics. the university of wisconsin, 1970.
166. Optimization of coatings for flat plate solar collectors / Dept. of Energy ; 1977-
167. Fundamentals of general topology : problems and exercises / 9027713553 D. Reidel Pub. Co. ; c1984.
168. Open problems in topology / 0444887687 North-Holland, 1990.
169. Optical communication systems : report of a grantee-user semi-annual meeting (8th),held at the massachusetts institute of technology on june 8-9,1976. s.n.], 1976.
170. Optical functional tester: An improved design / Naval Weapons Center, 1976.
171. Optimal linear control (characterization of multi-input systems) / Department of the Navy, 1977.
172. Instrumentation and controls divi sion : Orela data acquisition system hardware / Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1977.
173. Ernest Hemingway : The old man and the sea / 7506209454 World Pub. Corp., 1991.
174. On the third day : a novel / 0436409658 Secker & Warburg, 1990.
175. Out of Africa / Penguin Books, 1954.
176. The adventures of Oliver Twist / Oxford University Press, 1949
177. Optical tools computerized design and manufacture / U.S. Army Armament Command, Frankford Arsenal, 1976.
178. Don Quixote / O.U.P., 1974.
179. Nonlinear waves in one-dimensional dispersive systems / 0198535317 : Clarendon Press ; 1979.
180. Of human bondage/ Penguin Books, 1987.
181. Around the world in 80 days / 0195811380 Oxford University, 1959.
182. Optical communication systems : report of a grantee-user semi-annual meeting(7th) held at the Naval Electronics Laboratory Center, San Diego, Calif. on Novermber 12-14,1975. National science foundation, 1975.
183. Optical communication systems : report of a grantee-user semi-annual meeting(6th) held at Cornell University on June 4-5, 1975. National science foundation, 1975.
184. On shock waves and acoustoelectric domains in peizoelectric semiconductors / Rensselaer polytechnic institute, 1976.
185. Optically pumped laser / United Technologies Research Center, 1976.
186. Optimal incomplete block designs / s.n.], 1976.
187. On optimal control problems with state-variable inequality constraints / University of Illinois at Urbana-Chamapign, 1976.
188. Optical electronics / 0030702895 Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, c1985.
189. Wave motion in elastic solids / 0198561180 : Clarendon Press, 1975.
190. Out of Dallas : 14 stories / 0929398033 University of North Texas Press and Dallas County Community College District, c1989.
191. An introduction to the theory of elasticity for engineers and physicists / Oxford university press, 1941.
192. The merchant of venice / 9971615096 World Pub. Co. ; 1993, c1991.
193. Ordeal : a trilogy / Progress Publishers, [1953]
194. Fathers and sons / 019282256X Oxford University Press, 1991.
195. O pioneers! / 0395083656 : Houghton Mifflin, [1988]
196. Automated assembling : orientating mechanisms and escapements for vibratory bowl hopper feeders / Institution of Production Engineers, 1969.
197. Optical data processing : applications / 0387084533 : Springer-Verlag, 1978.
198. Optical timing receiver for the nasa laser ranging system / s.n.], 1975.
199. Omega navigation set an/arn-99(XB-2) NTIS, 1976.
200. On-board hydraulic system monitor study / U.S.Army mobility equipment command, 1974.
201. Optics / 5030011331 :cY21.47 Mir, 1988.
202. Overload / 0553206427 Bantam Books, 1980, c1979.
203. Optics letters. Optical Society of America, 1977-
204. Optical interferometry / 0123252202 Academic Press, c1985.
205. One hundred years of solitude / Harper & Row [1970]
206. Optics, illumination, and image sensing for machine vision IV : 8-10 November 1989, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania / 0819402338 SPIE, c1990.
207. Optics, illumination, and image sensing for machine vision V : 8-9 November 1990, Boston, Massachusetts / 0819404527 SPIE, c1991.
208. Optical waveguide theory / 0412099500 Chapman and Hall, 1983.
209. Optical properties of thin solid films / Butterworths Scientific Publications, 1955.
210. Optically pumped laser / United Technologies Research Center, 1975.
211. Advances in laser science-III : proceedings of the third International Laser Science Conference, Atlantic City, NJ, 1987 / 0883183722 American Institute of Physics, 1988.
212. Advances in laser science-I : proceedings of the First International Laser Science Conference, Dallas, TX 1985 / 0883183455 American Institute of Physics, 1986.
213. Optical aberration coefficients / Oxford Universty Press, 1954.
214. Optical system design / 0124086608 : Academic Press, 1983.
215. Ordinary love ; & Good will : two novellas / 0394577728 Knopf : 1990.
216. Optical sensing and measurement : proceedings of the 7th International Congress on Applications of Lasers and Electrooptics ICALEO '88, 30 Oct.-4 Nov., 1988, Santa Clara, CA, USA / 0387515933 (U.S.) Springer-Verlag, c1989.
217. Visual measurements / 0123049059 Academic Press, 1984.
218. Optical shop testing / 0471019739 Wiley, c1978.
219. Optical testing and metrology III : recent advances in industrial optical inspection : 8-13 July 1990, San Diego, California / 0819403938 (pt. 1) SPIE, c1990-
220. Optical phase conjugation / 012257740X Academic Press, 1983.
221. Optical resonance and two-level atoms 0471023272 Wiley [1975]
222. The Canterbury tales / 0198111916 Clarendon Press ; 1989.
223. Optical transforms 0124518508 Academic Press, 1972.
224. On writing well : an informal guide to writing nonfiction / 0060154098 Harper & Row, c1985.
225. Optimal design of mechanical systems with intermittent motion : A final technical report / U.S. Army armament command, 1976.
226. Listening.: Advanced / 0194534227 Oxford University Press, 1988.
227. Organizations, multiple agents with multiple criteria : proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making, University of Delaware, Newark, August 10-15, 1980 / 0387108211 (U.S.) Springer-Verlag, 1981.
228. Person to person : communicative speaking and listening skills : teacher's guide for books1 and 2 / 019434150X (pbk. : v. 1) Oxford University Press, c1985.
229. Listening.: Upper-intermediate / 0194534200 Oxford University Press, 1987.
230. Optimal linear information for the solution of non-linear oferator equations / Carnegie-Mellon University, 1976.
231. On numerical errorsin the finite element method / s. n], 1977.
232. On your own--reading / 0136340644 Cambridge Adult Education, c1990.
233. Of mice and men / 0330241443 Pan Books, 1974.
234. Treasure Island 0195811599 Oxford Univ. Pr. 1977.
235. On liapunov stability of stiff non-linear multistep difference equations / Air force office of sicentific research, 1976.
236. Overseas observations on belt-conveyor design / The american society of mechanical enginees, 1964.
237. Operation & maintenance for air particulate control equipment / 0250403676 : Ann Arbor Science Publishers, c1980.
238. Open tubular column gas chromatography in environmental sciences / 0306415895 : Plenum Press, c1984.
239. Oracy matters : the development of talking and listening in education / 0335158552 : Open University Press, 1988.
240. On wings of verse : poems for English as a foreign language practice, selected and prepared for the EFL classroom/ English Language Programs Division, 1985, 1986.
241. Optical microscopy of materials / 0700202870 : International Textbook Co., 1984.
242. Online information retrieval systems : an introductory manual to principles and practice / 0851573630 C. Bingley, 1984.
243. Open-water test results of weedless ("Rule") propellers / s.n.], 28 cm.
244. Online search services in the academic library : planning, management, and operation / 0838904904 (pbk. : alk. paper) American Library Association, 1988.
245. Optical thin films II : new developments : 19-20 August 1986, San Diego, California / 0892527137 (pbk.) : The Society, c1986.
246. Outsiders : American short stories for students of ESL / 013645366X (pbk.) Prentice-Hall, c1984.
247. On the social basis of the Lin Piao anti-party clique / Foreign Languages Press, 1975.
248. Organic spectroscopy / 047191911X J. Wiley, c1988.
249. On the application of the bounding theorems of plasticity to impulsively loaded structures / Division of engineering, 1971.
250. On the origin of language / 0226730123 (pbk.) University of Chicago Press, 1986, c1966.
251. Optogalvanic spectroscopy and its applications = Spectroscopie optogalvanique et ses applications / Editions de Physique, [1983?].
252. On the origin of language / 0226730123 (pbk.) University of Chicago Press, 1986, c1966.
253. Laser spectroscopy and its applications / 0824775252 M. Dekker, c1987.
254. Oil-delivery systems / Foreign Technology Division, 1971.
255. Optimality criteria in structural design / North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development, 1971.
256. Opto-acoustic correlation devices / Naval undersea research and develoopment center, 1970.
257. Opportunity for skillful reading / 0534146643 Wadsworth Pub. Co., c1991.
258. 100 essays from Time / 0205135943 Allyn and Bacon, c1992.
259. On the investigation of cascade and turbomachinery rotor wake characteristics / Department of aerospace engineering, 1975.
260. Optimization and evaluation of aluminimum sealing / Air force materials laboratory, 1967.
261. Optical constants of inorgaic glasses / 0849337836 CRC, c1995.
262. Optical properties of glass / 0444996524 (v.5) Elsevier, 1983.
263. Operating systems 0070394555 McGraw-Hill [1974]
264. 1000 most obscure words / 0816020140 Facts on File, c1990.
265. Maigret rents a room / Published for the Detective Book Club by Walter J. Black, 1961.
266. Object-oriented graphics : from GKS and PHIGS to object-oriented systems / 7506212951 World Publishing Corp., c1992.
267. Ortsfeste Dieselmotoren und Schiffsdieselmotoren / Springer-Verlag, 1960.
268. Marine gas turbines / 0471959626 Wiley, [1975]
269. Olhydraulik : Entwurf und gestaltung hydrostatischer bauteile und anlagen / Carl Hanser verlag, 1970.
270. Operator theory, analytic functions, matrices, and electrical engineering / 0821807188 (pbk. : alk. paper) Published for the Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences by the American Mathematical Society, c1987.
271. Order restricted statistical inference / 047191787 Wiley, c1988.
272. Off-highway vehicles, tractors and equipment : conference sponsored by the Automobile Division of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers in association with the Institution of Civil Engineers and the Institution of Agricultural Engineers, London, 28-29 October 1975. 0852983417 Mechanical Engineering Publications for the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1976.
273. Coordinate-free multivariable statistics : an illustrated geometric progression from Halmos to Gauss and Bayes / 019852210X : Clarendon Press ; 1987.
274. Operational calculus : a theory of hyperfunctions / 0387960473 (pbk.) Springer-Verlag, c1984.
275. Ordinary differential equations. 0816268444 Holden-Day [1971]
276. One fairy story too many : the Brothers Grimm and their tales / 0226205460 University of Chicago Press, c1983.
277. Prize stories 1987 : the O. Henry awards / 0385235941 : Doubleday, 1987.
278. The theory of laminar boundary layers in compressible fluids / Clarendon Press ; 1964.
279. On-line text management : HyperText and other techniques / 0070462631 Intertext Publications, c1989.
280. Open systems interconnection handbook / 0070449694 Intertext Publications : c1991.
281. Talking with computers in natural language / 0387163204 : Spring-Verlag, c1986.
282. Operations management : strategy and analysis / 0201566303 Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., c1993.
283. Operations management : concepts, methods, and strategies / 0314629726 West , c1988.
284. Organizational culture and leadership / 1555423310 (pbk.) Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1991, c1985.
285. Optimal design of flexible manufacturing systems / 7506212994 (pbk.) World Publishing Corp., 1992.
286. Of mice and men / 0553122576 (pbk.) Bantam Books, c1965.
287. One-Day Seminar on Workholding and Toolholding for Machine Tools : Non-Rotating Workpieces : at the Machine Tool Industry Research Association, Macclesfield, Wednesday, 8th November, 1978. s.n., 1978?]
288. Optical information processing and holography / 0471140783 Wiley, [1974]
289. Optics in adverse environments, August 25-26, 1977, San Diego, California / 0892521481 Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers, c1978.
290. Optical information processing : [proceedings] / 0306308991 Plenum Press, c1976.
291. OIS 90 : proceedings of the 10th Annual Optical Information Systems Conference and Exhibition / 0887365973 Meckler, c1990.
292. Origins : a short etymological dictionary of modern English / Routledge & K. Paul, [1966]
293. Object-oriented programming with SIMULA / 0201175746 Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., c1989.
294. Object-oriented design for C++ / 0136302602 PTR Prentice Hall, c1993.
295. Optical fiber transmission : a digest of technical papers. Optical Society of America, 1975- .
296. Optical interconnections and networks : 14-15 March 1990, the Hague, the Netherlands / 0819403288 SPIE, c1990.
297. Planar optical waveguides and fibres / 0198561334 : Clarendon Press, 1977.
298. Optical methods for ultrasensitive detection and analysis : techniques and applications : 21-23 January 1991, Los Angeles, California / 0819405256 SPIE, c1991.
299. Optical waves in crystals : propagation and control of laser radiation / 0471091421 Wiley, c1984.
300. CRC handbook of laser science and technology / 0849335035 (v. 3) CRC Press, c1986-1987.
301. Patterns and waves : the theory and applications of reaction-diffusion equations / 0198596928 (pbk.) Clarendon Press , 1991.
302. Optical electronics / 0521306434 Cambridge University Press, 1989.
303. Optoelectronics D.A.T.A. book. D.A.T.A., Inc., -1983.
304. Optical performance evaluation of infrared transmitting materials : (LQ-10 high power laser window program) / s.n.], 1972.
305. Optoelectronics / 083595255X Reston Pub. Co., c1981.
306. Optoelectronics, an introduction / 0136383955 : Prentice-Hall, c1983.
307. Optoelectronik in der Technik : Vortrge des 5. Internationalen Kongresses = Optoelectronics in engineering : proceedings of the 5th International Congress, Laser 81 / 3540109692 (Berlin) Springer-Verlag, 1982.
308. Conference on Operational Aspects of Propulsion Shafting: Systems : transactions (C), May 21-22, 1979 / Marine Management, 1979.
309. Ore mining and materials handling. Iron and Steel Institute, 1963]
310. Introduction to organic & biochemistry / 0030296773 Saunders College Pub., c1990.
311. Organic chemistry / 0534050883 Brooks/Cole Pub. Co., c1986.
312. Organic chemistry / 0534079687 Brooks/Cole, c1988.
313. Organic chemistry / 0534012043 Brooks/Cole Pub. Co., c1984.
314. Organic semiconductors : dark- and photoconductivity of organic solids / 3527254382 Verlag Chemie, c1974.
315. Oxford dictionary of economics =: 牛津经济学词典 / 7810800108 Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2000.
316. Ore reserves : classification, calculation and reporting. Society of Mining Engineers of AIME, 1983.
317. Optical components : manufacture & evaluation, January 22-23, 1979, Los Angeles, California / 0892521996 (pbk.) Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers, c1979.
318. Object-oriented database programming / 7506212757 (pbk.) World Pbulishing Corp, 1992.
319. Operator methods in quantum mechanics / 0198539614 (hbk.) Clarendon Press, 1991.
320. Organosilicon compounds / Academic Press ; 1960.
321. Optical rotatory dispersion : applications to organic chemistry. / McGraw-Hill, 1960.
322. Operational amplifiers / 0835952428 : Reston Pub. Co., c1983.
323. Origin of sedimentary rocks 0136427022 Prentice-Hall [1972]
324. Orogenic andesites and plate tectonics / 0387106669 (U.S.) Springer-Verlag, 1981.
325. Models of sand and sandstone deposits: a methodology for determining sand genesis and trend University of Oklahoma, 1973.
326. Electron microscopy of soils and sediments : techniques / 0198575742 Clarendon Press ; 1982.
327. Lasers, theory and applications / 0306405989 Plenum Press, c1981.
328. Oxford dictionary of physics =: 牛津物理学词典/ 7810800337 Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001.
329. Optical holography : principles, techniques, and applications / 0521243483 Cambridge University Press, 1984.
330. Origin of sedimentary rocks / 0136427103 Prentice-Hall, c1980.
331. Optical and acoustical holography;: proceedings. / 0306305844 Plenum Press , 1972.
332. Optical mineralogy : the nonopaque minerals / 071671129X W. H. Freeman, c1981.
333. Optical mineralogy / 0070342180 McGraw-Hill, c1977.
334. Schaum's outline of theory and problems of feedback and control systems / 0070170479 McGraw-Hill, c1990.
335. National Online Meeting : proceedings--1989 : New York, May 9-11, 1989 / 0938734342 Learned Information, Inc. 1989.
336. Operating systems : theory and practice : proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Operating Systems Theory and Prac tice, organized by IRIA and Carnegie-Mellon University, Rocquencourt, France, October 2-4 / 0444853006 North-Holland Pub. Co. ; 1979.
337. Organic syntheses : Collective volume. Wiley, 1956-
338. Organic luminescent materials / 352726728X VCH, c1988.
339. Organic chemistry / 0070501157 McGraw-Hill, c1980.
340. Ocean yearbook 6 / University of Chicago Press, 1986.
341. Optoelectronics device data / Motorola Semiconductor Products, [c1983]
342. Optoelectronics data book : infrared, imaging, and visible products. Texas Instruments, Inc.,
343. Optoelectronics data book. Toshiba Corporation, 1986?
344. Optical characterization techniques for semiconductor technology : April 1-2, 1981, San Jose, California / 0892523093 (pbk.) Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers, 1981.
345. Optical-microwave interactions in semiconductor devices / s.n.], 1979.
346. Optical storage technology 1988 : a state of the art review / 088736344X Meckler, 1988.
347. Optoacoustic spectroscopy and detection / 0125441509 Academic Press, 1977.
348. On the Long March with Chairman Mao / Foreign Languages Press, 1972.
349. Old tales retold / Foreign Languages Press, 1972.
350. Prize stories, 1986 : the O. Henry Awards / 0385231555 : Doubleday, 1986.
351. Oxford progressive English course / Oxford University Pr., c1966.
352. Philip Yang on shipping practice / 7563207082 Dalian Maritime University Press, 1995.
353. The homeless : distinguishing between fact and opinion / 0899086055 Greenhaven Press, c1990.
354. Pollution : examining cause and effect relationships / 0899085741 (alk. paper) Greenhaven Press, c1992.
355. On properties of welded joints of quenched and tempered si-mn steel for low temperature application / Technical Research Institute of Yawata Iron and Steel Works Kitakyushu, 1963.
356. Tribological processes in solid body contact areas / 0444996656 (set) Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co., 1982.
357. Acousto-optic signal processing : theory and implementation / 0824716671 M. Dekker, c1983.
358. OEM systems handbook / 1555120032 The Corp., 1986, c1985.
359. Strength of materials / 503000047X Mir Publishers ; 1988.
360. Research and information science : what where we've been says about where we are / 0770301754 Dalhousie University School of Library Service, 1983.
361. Optical fiber communication / 0070334676 McGraw-Hill, 1983.
362. Optical Fiber Communication Conference : summaries of papers presented at the Optical Fiber Communication Conference, 22-26 January, 1990,San Francisco, California / 1557521123 (softcover) Optical Society of America, c1990.
363. OFC'91 : Feb. 12-18, 1991, San Giego, California / 078030571X Optical Society of America, 1991.
364. Optical Fiber Communication Conference : summaries of papers presented at the Optical Fiber Communication Conference, 6-9 February 1989, Houston, Texas / 1557520720 Optical Society of America, c1989.
365. Inhomogeneous optical waveguides / 0306309165 Plenum Press, 1977.
366. Single-mode fiber optics : principles and applications / 082477020X M. Dekker, c1983.
367. Optical fiber communications / 0124473024(v.2) Academic Press, 1985-
368. 7th International Online Information Meeting, London, Dec. 6-8, 1983 / 0904933334 : Learned Information, [1981?]
369. Optical fiber communication conference,: February 2-7, 1992, San Jose, California / 1557522210 Optical Society of American, c1992.
370. Occurrence, properties, and utilization of natural zeolites / 9630548623 Akad鈋miai Kiad鈕, 1988.
371. On the number of degrees of freedom used by an adaptive antenna array in a non-narrowband noise environment / Navla research laboratory, 1982.
372. Operator algebras and applications / American Mathematical Society, 1982.
373. Case-studies in groundwater resources evaluation / 0198545304 Clarendon Press ; 1981.
374. Ore microscopy and ore petrography / 0471085960 Wiley, c1981.
375. Sylabus workshop on remote sensing and ERTS image interpretation. s.n.], 1974.
376. Oxide minerals / s.n.], 1976.
377. Ophiolites : ancient oceanic lithosphere? / 038708276X Springer-Verlag, 1977.
378. On mon-isomorphic NP complete sete / Department of Computer Science,Cornell University, 1984.
379. One day symposium: "non-destructive testing of materials" : Wednesday June, 1980. / The South African Institute of Mechanical Engineers, [1980]
380. Ordinary and partial differential equations : proceedings of the eighth conference held at Dundee, Scotland, June 25-29, 1984 / 3540156941 (Berlin) Springer-Verlag, c1985.
381. Human body dynamics : impact, occupational, and athletic aspects / 0198575483 Clarendon Press ; 1982.
382. Ore deposits / 071670272X W. H. Freeman, [1975]
383. Organic micropollutants in drinking water and health : proceedings of an international symposium, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 11-14 June 1985 / 0444425837 Elsevier, 1985.
384. Mineral resources appraisal : mineral endowment, resources, and potential supply : concepts, methods and cases / 0198544561 Oxford University Press, 1984.
385. Concise science dictionary. 0192860682 Oxford University Press, 1987.
386. On the calculation of the satisfaction function for the trinomial probit model / University of California, 1980.
387. Optics in engineering measurement : 3-6 December 1985, Cannes, France / 0892526343 (pbk.) The Society, c1986.
388. Heaviside's operational calculus as applied to engineering and physics / McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. , 1929.
389. Optimal parallel algorithms for graph connectivity / Aiken Compuration Laboratory, 1984
390. Ordinary non-linear differential equations in engineering and physical sciences / Clarendon Press ; 1950.
391. Equations for four-bar linkage function generators. Engineering Experiment Station, Ohio State University [1963]
392. The elementary theory of operational mathematics, McGraw-Hill, 1937.
393. Organic solid state chemistry / 0444428445 Elsevier, 1987.
394. Electronic processes in organic crystals / 0198513348 Clarendon Press ; 1982.
395. On the state of technology regarding the use of mechanical fasteners in composite material structures / University of Delware, 1978]
396. Optical techniques for industrial inspection, 4-6 June 1986, Qu鈋bec City, Canada / 0892527005 (pbk.) SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, c1986.
397. Optical crystallography / 0471047910 Wiley, c1979.
398. Operating offshore supply & support vessels. The Nautical Institute, 1984.
399. On the dissipation associated with equilibrium shocks in finite elasticity / California Institute of Technology, 1977.
400. Interpretation of mass spectra / 0198557051 University Science Books, c1980.
401. Organics analysis using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry : a techniques & procedures manual / 0250403188 Ann Arbor Science Publishers, 1979.
402. Organic analysis using ion-selective electrodes / 0124629016 (v. 1) Academic Press, 1982.
403. Organic trace analysis / 0853126380 E. Horwood ; 1984.
404. Organic elemental analysis : ultramicro, micro, and trace methods / 0124102808 Academic Press, 1983.
405. Organic analytical reagents / Van Chong, 1947.
406. Organic analytical reagents / WIlly, 1941.
407. Optimization in HPLC / 3778506579 Dr. Alfred Hèuthig Verlag, 1981.
408. On similarity and duality of computation / Carnegie-mellon university, 1980.
409. Organic functional group analysis by gas chromatography / 0124628508 Academic Press, 1976.
410. Optimization of chromatographic selectivity : a guide to method development / 0444426817 Elsevier ; 1986.
411. Double noding techique for mixed mode crack propagation studies / University of Washington,Deparment of mechanical engineering, 19??.
412. Ozonation in organic chemistry / 0120731010 (v. 1) Academic Press, 1978-1982.
413. Office information systems: the design process : proceedings... / 0444872795 (U.S.) North-Holland, 1989.
414. Organic reaction mechanisms / Tata McGraw-Hill, 1978.
415. Organic reaction mechanisms / Tata McGraw-Hill, 1986.
416. On edge coloring bipartite graphs / Cornell university, 1980.
417. Pyrolytic methods in organic chemistry : application of flow and flash vacuum pyrolytic techniques / 0121380505 Academic Press, 1980.
418. Organic reaction mechanisms 1974 : an annual survey covering the literature dated Dec. 1973 through Nov. 1974 / 0471126934 John Wiley & Sons, 1976.
419. Organic reaction mechanisms 1976 : an annual survey covering the literature dated Dec. 1975 through Nov. 1976 / 0471995231 John Wiley & Sons, 1977.
420. Organic reactions and orbital symmetry / 0521220149 Cambridge University Press, 1979.
421. Oxidations in organic chemistry / 0841217815 (pbk) American Chemical Society, 1990.
422. Organic reaction mechanisms : an annual survey covering the literature dated Dec. 1976 through Nov. 1977 / 0471996661 John Wiley & Sons, 1978.
423. Organic reaction mechanisms : an annual survey covering the literature dated Dec. 1977 through Nov. 1978 / 0471276138 John Wiley & Sons, 1980.
424. Organic reaction mechanisms : an annual survey covering the literature dated Dec. 1978 through Nov. 1979 / 0471278181 John Wiley & Sons, 1981.
425. Organic reaction mechanisms 1982 / 0471902020 Wiley, c1984.
426. Organic reaction mechanisms 1981: an annual survey covering the literature dated December 1980 through November 1981 / 0471104590 Wiley, c1982.
427. Organic reaction mechanisms, 1984 : an annual survey covering the literature dated Dec. 1983 through Nov. 1984 / 0471907979 Wiley, c1986.
428. Organic reaction mechanisms 1983 / 0471905038 Wiley, c1985.
429. Organic reaction mechanisms 1988 / 0471920290 Wiley, c1990.
430. Organic reaction mechanisms, 1987 : an annual survey covering the literature dated December 1986 to November 1987 / 0471920789 John Wiley, c1989.
431. Pericyclic reactions / 0124705014 (v. 1) Academic Press, 1977.
432. Rearrangements in ground and excited states / 0124813011 (v. 1) Academic Press, 1980.
433. Organic reactions / 0471096571 John Wiley & Sons, c1982.
434. Organic reactions. 0471017418 (v. 25) John Wiley & Sons, 1942-
435. Radicals in organic synthesis : formation of carbon-carbon bonds / 0080324932 Pergamon Press, 1986.
436. Idioms in practice / 0194327698 Oxford University Press, c1982.
437. Organic synthesis highlights / 3527279555 (Weinheim : alk. paper) c1991.
438. Organic chemistry / 038710805X Springer-Verlag, 1981.
439. Organic syntheses : an annual publication of satisfactory methods for the preparation of organic chemicals. Vol. 70 / 047157743X Wiley, c1992.
440. Organic functional group preparations / 0126185506 (v. 1) Academic Press, 1968-1972.
441. Carbon-13 NMR spectral problems / 0896030105 Humana Press, c1981.
442. Organic synthesis, today and tomorrow : proceedings of the ... / 0080252680 Pergamon Press, 1981.
443. Stereoelectronic effects in organic chemistry / 0080261841 Pergamon Press, 1983.
444. Organic stereochemistry / 0470267259 Wiley, [1979]
445. Optical communication : 8th European Conference on Optical Communication :ECOC 82, Cannes, Sept. 21-24, 1982. s.n.], 1982.
446. The picture of Dorian Gray 0192553682 Oxford University Press 1974.
447. The proton, applications to organic chemistry / 0126703701 (alk. paper) Academic Press, 1985.
448. Organic reaction mechanisms 1990 : an annual survey covering the literature dated December 1986 to November 1990 / 0471931039 Wiley, c1992.
449. Operational organic chemistry : a laboratory course / 0205071465 Allyn and Bacon, c1981.
450. Organic chemistry / 006163400X Harper & Row, c1981.
451. The physical basis of organic chemistry / 0198551991 (pbk.) : Oxford University Press, 1985.
452. On wings of verse : poems for English as a foreign langage practice : teacher's guide / English Teaching Dision, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, United States Information Agency, 1986.
453. Open water test series with modern peopeller forms / The North East Coast Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders, 1951.
454. Open water performance of a controllable-pitch (C-P) propeller series / Naval ship research and development center, 1974.
455. Office guide to business English / 0668057130 : Arco Pub., c1984.
456. On speaking terms : conversation practice for intermediate students / 7506207621 World Pub. Corp., 1990.
457. Optimal synthesis program for automatic control (OSPAC) / Naval postgraduate school, 1975.
458. On the evaluation of generalized aerodynamic forces for triangular wings with subsonic leading edges / Aeronautical research laboratories, 1960.
459. Optical switch study / Sperry research center, 1975.
460. On the use of quaternions in simulation of rigid-body motion / Wright air development center, 1958.
461. Reading.: Advanced / 0194534030 Oxford Univeristy Press, 1988.
462. Organization theory : structure, design, and applications / 0136419453 Prentice-Hall, c1987.
463. One-Day Seminar on Evaluation and Selection of Machine Tools, Macclesfield, Apr. 11, 1979. s.n., 1979.
464. On the equation of state for water and water vapor in the critical region / Argonne National Laboratory, 1961.
465. Speaking.: Advanced / 0194534146 Oxford University Press, 1992.
466. Lorna Doone / Oxford University Press, 1972, c1957.
467. On deconstruction : theory and criticism after structuralism / 0710095023 (c) Cornell University Press, 1982.
468. Over to you : oral/aural skills for advanced students of English / 0521218888 (student's book) Cambridge Univ. Pr., 1979.
469. On the calculation of unsteady incompressible laminar bolindary layers over arbitrary cylinders / Armed Services Technical Information Agency, 1962.
470. Organisation and management. 0712104895 Pitman Publishing Ltd., c1985.
471. 1,000 most challenging words / 0816011966 Facts on File, 1987.
472. Optical instrumentation engineering in science, technology and society : October 16-18, 1972, San Mateo, California / Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers, c1973.
473. Opto-mechanical systems design / 0824773470 : M. Dekker, c1986.
474. Organization and management of public transport projects : proceedings of the specialty conference / 0872624587 (pbk.) The Society, c1985.
475. Optical workshop principles : being a translation of Le travail des verres d'optique de precision / Hilger & Watts, 1954.
476. Optical instrumentation : theory and design / 5030000089 Mir Publishers, 1988.
477. Workshop on Optical Fabrication and Testing : summaries of papers presented at the Optical Fabrication and Testing Workshop, October 20-23, 1987, Rochester, New York / 0936659726 : The Society, 1987.
478. The Philosophy of linguistics / 019875065X (pbk.) Oxford University Press, 1985.
479. One hundred years of chemical engineering : from Lewis M. Norton (M.I.T. 1888) to present / 0792301455 : Kluwer Academic Publishers, c1989.
480. Oxford pocket English grammar 0-19-431301-8 Oxford Univ. Press 1990.
481. Writing.: Advanced / 0194534073 Oxford University Press, 1987.
482. Oxford pocket English grammar / 0194313018 Oxford Univ. Press, 1990.
483. Origins : an etymological dictionary of modern English / 0415050774 Routledge, 1966
484. Operator algebras and applications / 0821814419 American Mathematical Society, 1982.
485. Optical materials technology for energy efficiency and solar energy conversion VI : 18-19 August 1987, San Diego, California / 0892528583 (pbk.) The Society, c1987.
486. Writing.: Upper-intermediate / 0194534065 Oxford University Press, 1987.
487. Reading.: Elementary / 0194534006 Oxford University Press, 1987.
488. Little Dorrit / 019281592X (pbk.) Oxford University Press, 1982.
489. Listening.: Intermediate / 0194534189 Oxford University Press, 1987.
490. Optical solitons in fibers / 7506212692 (China) World Publishing Co., 1992.
491. Proceedings : 3rd annual internationalbridge conference. U.S. Geological Survey, [1995]
492. Offshore structures : the use of physical models in their design / 0860958744 : Construction Press, 1981.
493. Urban systems models / 0123394503 : Academic Press, 1975.
494. The chemistry and physics of organic pigments. J. Wiley [1947]
495. Organic coatings : properties and evaluation / 0820603066 : Chemical Publishing Co., c1985.
496. Models for public systems analysis / 0120855658 Academic Press, 1977.
497. Organic coatings : science and technology. Volume 7 / 0824772423 Marcel Dekker, c1984.
498. Oxford advanced learner's dictionary of current English / Oxford University.Press, 1980.
499. Oxford advanced learner's dictionary of current English with Chinese translation =: 牛津现代高级英汉双解辞典 / 0195839048 ( A - L ) Oxford University Pr., 1985.
500. Organic coatings : science and technology. Volume 6 / 0824770447 Marcel Dekker, c1984.