以"G"开头查询到 14072 条西文期刊记录。
刊名 ISSN 出版社 出版年
1. Gears / International Organization for Standardization, n.d.
2. Physical methods in heterocyclic chemistry / 0471098558 Wiley, c1984.
3. GrammarWork : English exercises in context / 0883454459(v.1) Regents Pubilshing Company, c1982.
4. Getting on with phrasal verbs / 0631900144 : Basil Blackwell, 1985.
5. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry. System number 54,. W, Tungsten. 3540935940 Springer-Verlag, 1989.
6. Practicing to take the GRE biology test. 0446391999 (USA) published by Educational Testing Service for the Graduate Record Examinations Board, c1990.
7. Gas-liquid-solid chromatography / 0824784251 M. Dekker, 1991.
8. Gaschromatographie / Springer, 1959.
9. GRE graduate record examination general test / 0133636313 : ARCO., 1990.
10. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry, 8th edition. [System no. 56],. Mn : manganese. 3540935657 Springer-Verlag, 1988.
11. GRE graduate record examination general test / 0133636313 : ARCO., 1989.
12. Practicing to take the GRE education test. 0446390739 (USA) published by Educational Testing Service for the Graduate Record Examinations Board, c1989.
13. Practicing to take the GRE chemistry test. 0446392014 (USA) published by Educational Testing Service for the Graduate Record Examinations Board, c1990.
14. Practicing to take the GRE mathematics test. 0446385980 (USA) published by Educational Testing Service for the Graduate Record Examinations Board, c1987.
15. Graduate record examination (GRE) biology test / 0878916024 RES., c1988, revised Printing 1990.
16. Gift from the sea / 0394412559 : Pantheon Books, c1975.
17. Geldwirtschaft in stichworten. 3554803502 s.n.], 1974.
18. Gas chromatography of polymers / 0444415149 Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co. ; 1977.
19. Einstein and the philosophical problems of 20th-century physics / Progress Publishers, c1983.
20. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry. System no. 64,. Rh, rhodium. 3540934642 (v. B1) : Springer, 1982-
21. Rings and categories of modules / 0387900691 Springer-Verlag, [1974]
22. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry. system-number 55,. U, Uranium. 3540935037 Springer-Verlag, 1979.
23. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry. system-number 11,. Te, Tellurium. 3540934707 Springer-Verlag, 1983.
24. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry. system-number 55,. U, Uranium. 3540934804 Springer-Verlag, 1983.
25. Gmelin handbook of inorganic and organometallic chemistry, system number 9 : S Sulfur-nitrogen compounds: Compounds with Sulfur of Oxidation number IV, II (part 2 ...) / 3540935126 (Berlin : pt. 2 : 1985) Springer-Verlag, 1985-
26. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry. system-number 15,. Si, Silicon. 3540935045 Springer-Verlag, 1984.
27. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry. system-number 53,. Mo, Molybdenum. 3540935649 : Springer-Verlag, 1988.
28. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry. System no. 56,. Mn, manganese. 3540934014 (v. A1) Springer, 1973-
29. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry: System No.54 "W Tungsten supplement volume A 5a" / 354093605X : Springer-Verlag, 1990.
30. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry. System no. 41,. Ti, organotitanium compounds. 354093412X (pt. 2) Springer, 1977-
31. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry. System no. 39,. Sc, Y, La-Lu, rare earth elements. 3540932003 (v. A2) Springer, 1970-
32. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry.: Sn, organotin compounds. 3540934243 (pt. 7) Springer, 1975-
33. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry. system-number 10,. Se, Selen. 3540934995 Spinger-Verlag, 1984.
34. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry / 3540935088 Springer-Verlag, 19 -
35. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry, 8th edition. [System no. 65],. Pd : palladium. 354093586X Springer-Verlag, 1990.
36. Gmelin handbook of inorganic and organometallic chemistry, system number 70 : Re Organorhenium compounds, part 1 to ... / 3540935800 (Berlin : pt. 1 : 1988) Springer-Verlag, 1988-
37. Gmelins handbook of inorganic chemistry. system no. 13,. B Boron compounds : formula index for 3rd suppl. v. 1 to 4. 3540935762 : Spinger-Verlag, 1988.
38. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry: System No.39 "Sc,Y.La-Lu rare earth elements" / 3540935711 : Springer-Verlag, 1988.
39. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry.: Fe organoiron compounds. 3540934731 (pt. B11) : Springer, 1974-
40. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry. System no. 7,. Br, bromine. 3540935118 (v. A) : Springer, 1984-
41. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry. system-number 44,. Th, Thorium. 3540935150 Springer-Verlag, 1985.
42. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry.: formula index. First supplement. Index : 3540934812 (v. 1) : Springer, 1983-
43. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry: system no. 44 "Th Thorium" Supplement vol. A2 / 3540935320 : Springer-Verlag, 1986.
44. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry, system number 5 : F-Fluorine, supplement volume 4 : compounds with Oxygen and Nitrogen / 0387935363 (suppl. v. 4 : New York) Springer-Verlag, 1986.
45. Finite groups II 0387106324 (U.S. : v. 2) Springer-Verlag 1967-1982.
46. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry : Index : Formula index. 2nd suppl. v. 7,. C -C . 3540935975 : Springer-Verlag, 1989.
47. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry. system-number 55,. U, Uranium. 3540935096 Springer-Verlag, 1984.
48. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry. system-number 47,. Pb, Lead, Organolead compounds. 3540936068 : Springer-Verlag, 1989.
49. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry: System No.56 "U Uranium supplement volum B2 / 3540935916 : Springer-Verlag, 1989.
50. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry. system-number 44,. Th, Thorium. 3540935983 : Springer-Verlag, 1990.
51. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry. system-number 55,. U, Uranium. 3540934936 Springer-Verlag, 1984.
52. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry. system-number 54,. W, Tungsten. 3540934928 Springer-Verlag, 1984.
53. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry. System no. 9,. S, sulfur. 3540933697 (v. 1) : Springer, 1978-
54. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry. System no. 5,. F, perfluorohalogenoorgano compounds of main group elements. 3540934987 (v. 1) Springer, 1984-
55. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry, 8th edition. [System no. 45],. Ge : organogermanium compounds. 3540935681 : Springer-Verlag, 1988.
56. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry: "Formula Index" 1st Supplement Vol. 6 "C18-Cx" / 3540934863 : Springer-Verlag, 1986.
57. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry. system-number 15,. Si, Silicon. 3540935266 : Springer-Verlag, 1986.
58. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry, 8th edition. System no. 44,. Th : thorium. 3540935541 Springer-Verlag, c1987.
59. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry, 8th edition. System no. 9,. S : sulfur-nitrogen compounds. 3540936092 : Springer-Verlag, c1990.
60. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry. System no. 8a,. At, astatine. 3540935169 : Springer, 1985.
61. Gmelin handbook of inorganic and organometallic chemistry. system-number 59,. Fe, Iron. 3540936211 Springer-Verlag, 1991.
62. Gmelin handbook of inorganic and organometallic chemistry. 4th supplement volume 3a,. B, boron compounds. 3540936351 Springer-Verlag, 1991.
63. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry. System no. 13,. B, Boron compounds. 3540934669 (v. 1) Springer, 1982-
64. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry. system-number 53,. Mo, Molybdenum. 3540936033 : Springer-Verlag, 1990.
65. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry. system-number 44,. Th, Thorium. 3540935894 : Springer-Verlag, 1989.
66. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry. System no. 25a,. Fr, francium. 3540934774 : Springer, 1983.
67. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry. system-number 60,. Cu, Copper, Organocopper compounds. 3540934901 Springer-Verlag, 1983.
68. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry. system-number 54,. W, Tungsten. 3540935061 Springer-Verlag, 1984.
69. Gmelin : complete catalog 1984 /: Springer, [1984?].
70. Gmelin handbook of inorganic and organometallic chemistry. Supplement volume A2,. Be, beryllium. 3540936262 Springer-Verlag, 1991.
71. Gmelin-Durrer metallurgy of iron. 3540935142 (v. 8a-b : Berlin) Springer-Verlag, 1992.
72. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry, 8th edition. System no. 55,. U : uranium. 354093524X Springer-Verlag, c1986.
73. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry, 8th edition. System no. 54,. W : tungsten, 354093541X (v .7) Springer-Verlag, c1986.
74. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry. system-number 44,. Th, Thorium, 3540935703 (v. C7) Springer-Verlag, 1988.
75. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry.: Ge, organogermanium compounds. 3540935800 (pt. 1) Springer, 1989.
76. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry, 8th edition. 2nd Supplement v. 10,. Index : formula index. 3540936106 : Springer-Verlag, 1990.
77. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry, 8th edition. System No. 36,. Ga : organogallium compounds. 3540935452 : Springer-Verlag, 1987.
78. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry. system-number 15,. Si, Silicon. 3540935827 : Springer-Verlag, 1989.
79. Gmelin handbook of inorganic and organometallic chemistry. Pt.7 /. Mo, organomolybdenum compounds. 3540936254 Springer-Verlag, 1991.
80. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry: system no. 53 "Mo Molybdenum" Supplement Vol. A 2a / 3540935193 : Springer-Verlag, 1985.
81. Gmelin handbook of inorganic and organometallic chemistry. Supplement volume A6a,. W, tungsten. 3540936343 Springer-Verlag, 1991.
82. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry. System no. 5,. F, fluorine. 3540935363 (v. 4) : Springer, 1980-
83. Gmelin handbook of inorganic and organometallic chemistry. Supplement volume B5c,. Si, silicon. 3540936300 Springer-Verlag, 1991.
84. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry. 3540935568 (pt. 1) Springer, 1987-
85. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry. System no. 12,. Po, polonium. 3540936165 (v. 1) : Springer, 1990-
86. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry. System no. 13,. B, Boron compounds. 3540935576 (v. 3) Springer, 1989-
87. Gmelin handbook of inorganic and organometallic chemistry. system-number 44,. Th, Thorium. 354093636X : Springer-Verlag, 1991.
88. Gmelin handbook of inorganic and organometallic chemistry, system number 37 : In Organoindium compounds 1 / 0387936416 (New York : pt. 1) Springer-Verlag, 1991.
89. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry. System no. 65,. Pt, platinum. 3540935282 (v. A1) : Springer, 1986-
90. Gmelin handbook of inorganic and organometallic chemistry. Supplement volume A1b,. Th, thorium. 3540936270 Springer-Verlag, 1991.
91. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry. System no. 55,. U, uranium. 3540934030 (v. A1) Springer, 1975-
92. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry. System number 44,. Th, Thorium. 3540936122 : Springer-Verlag, 1990.
93. Gmelin handbook of inorganic and organometallic chemistry, 8th edition. [System no. 53],. Mo : organomolybdenum compounds. 3540936157 Springer-Verlag, 1990.
94. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry.: Sb, organoantimony compounds. 3540935355 (pt. 4) : Springer, 1981-
95. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry. System no. 44,. Th, thorium. 3540933670 (pt. C1) Springer, 1976-
96. Guide for safety in the chemical laboratory. 0442056672 Van Nostrand Reinhold Co. [1972]
97. Grinding of cast iron with wheels made of superhard materials / South African Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, 1982]
98. Gmelin handbuch der anorganischen chemie. system-nummer 59,. Fe, Eisen, Eisen-organische verbindungen. 3540934502 Springer-Verlag, 1981.
99. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry. System no. 69,. Tc, technetium. 354093460X (v. 1) : Springer, 1982-
100. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry. system-number 53,. Mo, Molybdenum. 3540934758 Springer-Verlag, 1983.
101. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry. system-number 18,. Sb, Antimony, Organoantimony compounds. 3540934626 Springer-Verlag, 1982.
102. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry. System no. 15,. Si, silicon. 3540934618 (v. B1) Springer, 1982-
103. Globally-asynchronous locally-synchronous systems / Stanford university, 19uu.
104. Generating sorted lists of random numbers / s.n.] 19uu.
105. Gas-phase chemiluminescence and chemi-ionization / 0444869506 (U.S.) North Holland ; 1985.
106. Guide for steel hull welding / 0871712520 American Welding Society, c1985.
107. Grid-connected wind turbines / 1851661859 Elsevier Applied Science ; c1988.
108. The optimum shape : automated structural design / 0306424193 Plenum Press, 1986.
109. Proceedings 18th International Congress on Combustion Engines, 5-8 June 1989, Tianjin, China. 7111017218 CIMAC , [1989]
110. General chemistry / s.n.],1947
111. Advances in guidance and control systems using digital techniques : papers presented at the Guidance and Control Panel Symposium held in Ottawa, Canada, 8-11 May 1979. 9283502477 AGARD, 1979.
112. Guidon / Stanford university, 1983.
113. Gauge interactions : theory and experiment / 0306417383 Plenum Press, c1984.
114. Glove boxes and shielded cells for handling radioactive materials : A record of the proceedings of the symposium on glove box design and operation held in the Cockcroft Hall, A. E. R. E., Harwell, on February 19th to 21st, 1957 / Butterworth, 1958.
115. Gas turbines / s. n], 1978.
116. Geotechnical practice for stability in open pit mining;: proceedings. Society of Mining Engineers of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, 1972.
117. General handbook of on-line process analysers / 0853123292 E. Horwood Ltd. ; 1981-
118. Gas and liquid analyzers / 0444996915 Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co. ; 1982.
119. Giant computers : international computer state of the art report / 0855390107 Infotech Ltd., 1971.
120. Great ideas in computer science : a gentle introduction / 0262023024 MIT Press, c1990.
121. Calorimetry : fundamentals and practice / 0895730561 (U.S.) Verlag Chemie, 1984.
122. Gas-solid flows : presented at Energy Sources Technology Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, February 12-16, 1984 / American Society of Mechanical Engineers, c1983.
123. Gases in metals / American Society for Metals, 1953.
124. Gases in metals / The University of Chicago Press, 1948.
125. Ground-water management techniques for the control of salt-water encroachemnt in gulf coast aquifers,a summary report / Geological survey Alabama, 1979.
126. Glassy metals / 3540104402 (Berlin :v. 1) Springer-Verlag, 1981-
127. Geometry and thermodynamics : common problems of quasi-crystals, liquid crystals, and incommensurate systems / 0306436604 Plenum Press, c1990.
128. Growth and properties of metal clusters : applications to catalysis and the photographic process : proceedings of the 32nd international meeting of the Societe de chimie physique, Villeurbanne, 24-28 September 1979 / 0444418776 Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co. ; 1980.
129. Green's functions and condensed matter / 0125879504 Academic Press, 1980.
130. Engineering developments in the gaseous diffusion process / McGraw-Hill, 1949.
131. Geologisches Worterbuch / F. Enke, 1972..
132. GAS turbine materials conference proceedings / National Technical Information Service, 1972.
133. Globular protein molecules : their structure and dynamic properties, Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften; [label: Oxford, New York, Pergamon Press] 1960.
134. General aviation airworthiness / Institute of transporation studies, 1980
135. Gas phase ion chemistry / 012120801X (v. 1) Academic Press, 1979-<1984 >
136. Formulas and theorems for the special functions of mathematical physics / Springer-Verlag, 1966.
137. Gaseous ion chemistry and mass spectrometry / 0471828033 Wiley, c1986.
138. Group structure of gauge theories / 0521252938 Cambridge University Press, 1986.
139. Group theory in physics.: Problems and solutions / 9810204868 (pbk) World Scientific, c1991.
140. Group theoretical methods in physics : seventh international colloquium and integrative conference on group theory and mathematical physics, held in Austin, Texas, September 11-16, 1978 / 0387092382 : Springer-Verlag, 1979.
141. The physics of structurally disordered matter : an introduction / 0852745915 A. Hilger in association with the University of Sussex Press, c1987.
142. Generalized classical mechanics and field theory : a geometrical approach of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalisms involving higher order derivatives / 0444877533 : North-Holland ; c1985
143. Gases, liquids, and solids : and other states of matter / 0521406676 (paperback) Cambridge University Press, 1991.
144. General relativity and gravitation : invited papers and discussion reports of the 10th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, Padua, July 3-8, 1983 / 9027718199 D. Reidel Pub. Co. ; c1984.
145. Gasifier temperature measurement : final report / Dept. of Energy ; 1978.
146. Random perturbations of dynamical systems / 0387908587 Springer-Verlag, c1984.
147. Brownian motion and stochastic calculus / 0387965351 World Piblishing Co. ; c1988.
148. Geometry of quantum theory / 0387961240 Springer-Verlag, c1985.
149. Guidance subsystems with position measurement for gliding airdrop systems / Aero-mechanical engineering laboratory, 1978.
150. General theory of Markov processes / 0126390606 Academic Press, c1988.
151. Guide to the applications of Laplace transforms / Van Nostrand, [1963, c1961]
152. Applications of characteristic functions / Hafner Pub. Co., 1964.
153. Hnadbuch des larmschutzes und der luftreinhaltung(Immissionsschutz) / 3503000216 Erich Schmidt Verlag, 1969.
154. Gauge theories and modern field theory : proceedings of a conference held at Northeastern University, Boston, September 26 and 27, 1975 / 0262010461 MIT Press, c1976.
155. The analysis of linear partial differential operators I :bdistribution theory and fourier analysis / 0387523456 Springer-Verlag ; c1990.
156. Geometric quantization in action : applications of harmonic analysis in quantum statistical mechanics and quantum field theory / 9027714266 D. Reidel Pub. Co. ; c1983.
157. Geometrical methods of nonlinear analysis / 0387129456 (U.S.) Springer-Verlag, 1984.
158. Signalling systems . General Electrical Company, 19xx
159. Signal processors based on combined charge coupled devices and surface acoustic wave devices / s. n], 1978.
160. JSEP achievements 1961- 1979. s. n], 1979.
161. General physics for the laboratory / Ginn and company, [c1926]
162. Research studies on radiative collision lasers / s. n], 1979.
163. Investigation of laser dynamics, modulatioon and control by means of intra-cavity time varying perturbation. s. n], 1979.
164. Ultrashort pulses at Co2 wavelengths. s. n], 1978.
165. Research studies on radiative collision lasers / Rome Air Development center, 1979.
166. Glossary of terms used in vacuum technology / Pergamon Press, 1958.
167. Observation of atomic-pair absorption with an incoherent source / Optical Society of America, 1979.
168. General stochastic processes in the theory of queues / Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., 1963.
169. Measurement of large cross sections for laser-induced collisions / Optical Society of America, 1979.
170. Acoustic microcospy with mechanical scanning- a review / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, [1963-
171. Global shape analysis / s. n], 1979.
172. Elliptic partial differential equations of second order / 038713025X Springer-Verlag, 1983.
173. Doppler-free two-photon opto-galvanic spectroscopy / s. n], 1979.
174. Prooposal for a 207 a laser in lithium / s. n], 1979.
175. Development of transducers for nde / s. n], 1979.
176. Laser induced energy transfer / s. n], 1979.
177. Infrared image upconversion using two-photon resonant optical four-wave mixing in alkali metal vapors / s. n], 1979.
178. Quantitative modeling of flaw responses in eddy current testing for electric power research institute / s. n], 1979.
179. Caracterisation generale du titane et de ses alliages / s.n.], 30 cm.
180. Digital synthetic-aperture acoustic imaging systems / s. n], 1979.
181. Interpolation spaces : an introduction / 0387078754 (U.S.) Springer-Verlag, 1976.
182. Geometrical methods in the theory of ordinary differential equations / 7506213079 (pbk.) : World Publishing Corp., 1992.
183. MAPS: a matrix arithmetic programming systems : Mathematics and computation laboratory applied economics division. s. n.], 1978.
184. Geometric transforms for fast geometric algorithms / Carnegie-Mellon University, 1976.
185. Guide to numerical analysis / 7506209160 World Publishing Corp., 1991.
186. Group analysis of differential equations / 0125316801 Academic Press, 1982.
187. General college physics / Harper & Brothers, 1929.
188. GL reports / Stanford university, 1979.
189. Coherent analytic sheaves / 0387131787 (U.S.) Spinger-Verlag, 1984.
190. Gas dynamics / 0205080146 : Allyn and Bacon, c1984.
191. GaAsP infrared light sources : final report / U.S.Army electronics command, 1969.
192. Gas turbine engine application in transit coaches : final report / Urban Mass Transportation Administration ; 1977.
193. Problems and theorems in analysis 0387056726 (v. 1) (New York) Springer, 1972-76.
194. Generalized research analysis statistical system / Letterman Army Institute of Research, 1976.
195. a general computer network simulation model / Air Force Institute of Technology, 1977.
196. Generalized multi-channel analysis programs for the dart(digital analysis in real time) computer system / Naval Surface Weapons Center, 1977.
197. Geometric algebra / Interscience Publishers, 1957.
198. Geometry of nonlinear field theories / 9971500795 : World Scientific, c1986.
199. General topology I : basic concepts and constructions : dimension theory / 7506213060 World Publishing Co., c1992.
200. General topology and homotopy theory / 0387909702 Springer-Verlag ; c1984.
201. An introduction to algebraic topology / 0387966781 : Springer-Verlag, c1988.
202. General purpose computer acquisition : study project report / Defense Systems Management College, 1976]
203. Manifolds, tensor analysis, and applications / 0201101688 Addison-Wesley, 1983.
204. Differentiable manifolds : forms, currents, harmonic forms / 0387134638 (U.S.) Springer-Verlag, 1984.
205. Problems in geometry / 0387909710 Springer-Verlag, c1984.
206. Guide to mechanics / 0333510720 Macmillan, c1992.
207. Kontinuierliche Geometrien / Springer, 1958.
208. A collection of technical papers / AIAA, [1977]
209. General mechanics, being volume I of "Introduction to theoretical physics"/ Macmillan, 1949.
210. Great stories of courage & endurance / Reader's Digest Association, c1983.
211. Geometrical approaches to differential equations : proceedings of the Fourth Scheveningen Conference on Differential Equations, the Netherlands, August 26-31, 1979 / 0387100180 (U.S. : pbk.) Springer-Verlag, 1980.
212. Matrix and tensor calculus : With applications to mechanics, elasticity, and aeronautics / John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ; c1947.
213. Generalized inverse of matrices and its applications / 0471708216 Wiley, 1971.
214. Growth characteristics of a through crack in a plate specimen / Lehigh University, 1976.
215. Transformation groups applied to mathematical physics / 9027718474 D. Reidel ; c1985.
216. Group theoretic methods in bifurcation theory / 0387097155 : Springer-Verlag, 1979.
217. Group theory and quantum mechanics 038706740X Springer-Verlag, 1974.
218. Theory of group representations / 0387906029 (U.S.) Heidelberg : c1982.
219. Group representations and special functions / 9027712697 D. Reidel ; c1984.
220. Riemann-Roch algebra / 0387960864 Springer-Verlag, c1985.
221. Algebraic number theory / 7506207338 World Publishing Corp., 1990.
222. Goethe : the sorrows of young Werther / 0521328187 Cambridge University Press, 1987.
223. Goodbye to Berlin / 0749390549 (pbk.) Michelin House, c1939.
224. Graphs / 0444876030 (U.S.) North Holland ; 1985.
225. General mixed finite element methods of nonlinear continua. s.n.], 1972
226. Graph theory, Singapore 1983 : proceedings of the First Southeast Asian Graph Theory Colloquium, held in Singapore, May 10-28, 1983 / 3540133682 (Berlin) Springer-Verlag, 1984.
227. Gulliver's travels and other writings / 0553211072 Bantam Books, 1981.
228. Grimsehl lehrbuch der physik. BSB B.G. Teubner, 1977-
229. Gender, genre and narrative pleasure / 0044450087 Unwin Hyman, 1989.
230. Gates of Eden : American culture in the sixties / 0140116176 Penguin Books, 1989.
231. Getting along better with people / 9971404397 Federal Publications, 1985.
232. Graduate record examination.: Psychology / 0133635570 (pbk.) Arco : c1987.
233. Gear tooth scoring investigation. U.S.Army air mobility reaearch and development laboratory, 1975.
234. Go down, Moses, and other stories / Southern Living Gallery, l987, c1942.
235. Go down, Moses, and other stories / Southern Living Gallery, [l983], c1942.
236. Gorbachev : a biography / 0812830350 Stein and Day, 1985.
237. George Bush : an intimate portrait / 0870527835 : Hippocrene Books, c1989.
238. Good as Gold / 0671229230 Simon and Schuster, c1979.
239. Good-bye to all that : an autobiography / Blue Ribbon Books, 1930.
240. Gone with the wind = 飘 / 7506230372 世界图书出版公司, 1998.
241. Gone with the wind / 0330240048 Pen Books, 1974.
242. The Official guide for GMAT review / 0446353027 : ETS, c1988.
243. Graphical design of optical systems / Pitman, 1955.
244. Graph theory and gaussian elimination / Stanford University, 1975.
245. Macmillan guide to modern world literature / 0333334647 The Macmillan Press, 1985.
246. Gabriel Garcia Marquez : One hundred years of solitude / 0521328233 (hard covers) Cambridge University Press ; 1990
247. Cliffs GED science test preparation guide : the high school equivalency examination / 0822020106 Cliffs Notes, c1980.
248. The water encyclopedia : a compendium of useful information on water resources / Water Information Century, c1970.
249. General considerations in the use of instruments and apparatus for power test codes / The american society of mechanical enginees, 1964.
250. Nucleus : English for science and technology. New edition with reading texts / 0582748666 Longman, 1981.
251. Galvanic protection by metal spray method / Office of technical services U.S.department of commerce.
252. Guide to power boat design / s. n], 1971.
253. Ion microprobe analysis of hrdyogen in titanium in relation to the massive void problem in electron beam welds / s. n], 1972.
254. Graduate research : a guide for students in the sciences / 0894950371 ISI Press, c1984.
255. Graduate programs and admissions manual. 0446390852 (v. D) Graduate Record Examinations Board. : 1989.
256. Peterson's guide to graduate and professional programs : an overview 1992. 156079111X Peterson's Guides, c1991.
257. Group theory in spectroscopy : with applications to magnetic circular dichroism / 0471033022 Wiley, c1983.
258. Grain boundary segregation of impurities in metals and intergranular brittle fracture / Carnegie-mellon university, 1972.
259. General linguistics: an introductory survey 0582291445 Longman 1989.
260. Vibration, flutter, and transient analysis using holographic methods. GCO, Inc., 1970.
261. Genuine articles : authentic reading texts for intermediate students of American English : Student 's book / 0521278007 (pbk.) Cambridge University Press, 1986.
262. Russian as we speak it =: Govorite po-russki / Russky Yazyk, 1987.
263. Gasanalysen-messtechnik / VEB Verlag Technik, c1964.
264. George Washington Carver : a Great American Negro teacher / Dell, 1943.
265. Barron's how to prepare for the graduate record examination : GRE general test / 0812029275 (pbk.) Barron's Educational Series, Inc., c1985.
266. How to prepare for the graduate management admission test, GMAT / 0812046846 Barron's, c1991.
267. Grinding process optimization / Cincinnati university, 1971.
268. Gregg shorthand for colleges : series 90 / 0070377499 (v. 1) Gregg Division/McGraw-Hill, c1980-
269. Good English and the grammarian / 0582291488 (pbk.) : 1989.
270. Grobes worterbuch der deutschen aussprache. Bibliographiches Institut, 1982
271. Guide for structureborne machinery noise measurements / Defense documentation center, 1964.
272. Glossary for high-speed surface craft. The society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, c1974.
273. Optical properties of glass / 0444996524 (v.5) Elsevier, 1983.
274. Properties and applications of glass / 0-44441-922-5 Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co. , 1980.
275. Grundlagen der Einphasen- und Mehrphasenstr鑟mungen / Verlag Sauerl鑑nder, 1971.
276. Graduate programs in physics, astronomy and related fields. 0883182378 American Institute of Physics, 1977-
277. Collins concise German-English, English-German dictionary. 0671638157 : Simon and Schuster, c1987.
278. Grundlagenforschung auf verschiedenen gebieiten der korrosion und der werkstoffe / Verlag chemie, 1963.
279. Gregg shorthand for the electronic office, short course / 0070379149 (v. 1) Gregg Division, McGraw-Hill, c1984.
280. Generative grammar / 0582014735 Longman, 1987.
281. Grundlagen der Mathematik, Abbildungen, Funktionen, Folgen / Teubner, 1978, c1973.
282. Measure and integral,. v. 1 / 0387966331 (v. 1) Springer-Verlag, c1988.
283. Classical topics in complex function theory / 0387982213 Springer, c1998.
284. Deutsch 2000 : grammatik der modernen deutschen umgangssprache / 3190111804 M. Hueber, 1975.
285. Grundlagen der abwasserbehandlung / VEB Verlag fur Bauwesen, 1989.
286. Geometry and nonlinear analysis in Banach spaces / 0387152377 (New York) Springer-Verlag, c1985.
287. Grundz鑥ge der Zerspanungslehre : Theorie und Praxis der Zerspanung f鑥r Bau und Betrieb von Werkzeugmaschinen / Springer-Verlag, 1954-
288. Gewohnliche Differentialgleichungen / VEB Fachbuchverlag, 1964.
289. Gewohnliche Differentialgleichungen ersterOrdnung : ubungsprogramm / Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, 1976.
290. Genstat 5 reference manual / 0198522126 : c1987.
291. Guide to mathematical modelling / 0333459350 : Macmillan Education Ltd, 1989.
292. Latent variable models and factor analysis / 0195206150 (U.S.) C. Griffin ; 1987.
293. Grundfragen zur transporttechnologie im seeverkehr / VEB Verlag fur Verkehrswesen, 1975.
294. Foundations of potential theory / Springer-Verlag, 1967
295. Controlled markov processes / 3540903879 Springer-Verlag, 1979.
296. Limit theorems for stochastic processes / 3540178821 (Germany (West)) Springer-Verlag, c1987.
297. Properties of estimators for the gamma distribution / 0824775562 Marcel Dekker, c1988.
298. General rules and regulations for vessel inspection : ocean and coastwise (Title 46, C.F.R.,Parts 59 to 65,Inclusive) U.S. G.P.O., 1949.
299. Guidebook of electronic circuits : over 3,600 modern electronic circuits, each complete with values of all parts and performance details, organized in 131 logical chapters for quick reference and convenient browsing / 0070404453 McGraw-Hill, [1974]
300. Geometry of algebraic curves / 3540909974 Springer-Verlag, 1985.
301. Grundlagen der analytischen Chemie : unter besonderer berucksichtigung der chemie in wassrigen systemen / Verlag Chemie, 1963.
302. General theory of functions and integration / 0486649881 Dover Pub. Co., 1985.
303. Gmelins handbudh der anorganischen chemie : achte vollig neu bearbeitete auflage / 3527855025 (55) Verlag chemie, 1939-
304. Quadratic and hermitian forms / 7506213893 World Publishing Corp., 1992.
305. Foundations of differentiable manifolds and Lie groups / 3540781005 Springer, c1983.
306. La grand encyclopedique. 2030009008 (edition complete) Librairie Larousse, c1971.
307. Gardner's Art through the ages / 0155037587 Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, c1980.
308. Greek sculpture : the archaic period : a handbook / 0500181667 Thames and Hudson, c1978.
309. A Hilbert space problem book / 038790090X Springer-Verlag, c1970.
310. Glencoe science interactions. 0028280547 (Course 1) Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, c1998, c1999.
311. Graph-theoretic concepts in computer science : proceedings / 3540538321 : Springer-Verlag, c1991.
312. The State and revolution : the Marxist teaching on the state and the tasks of the proletariat in the revolution / Foreign Languages Press, 1973.
313. Grundlagen der Schweisstechnik : schweibverfahren / Verlag Tecknik, 1963.
314. Metal finishing guidebook-directory. [s.n], 1960
315. Gates's Jigs, fixtures, tools & gauges / 291394329 Technical Press, c1973.
316. Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry, system number 47 : Pb Organolead compounds, part 1 : Tetramethyllead / 0387935606 (New York : pt. 1) Springer-Verlag, 1987.
317. Gmelins handbuch der anorganischen chemie. system-nummer 39,. Sc,Y,La-Lu, Rare Earth Elements. 3540933867 Springer-Verlag, 1974.
318. Gmelins handbuch der anorganischen chemie. system-nummer 39,. Sc,Y,La-Lu, Rare Earth Elements. 3540933867 Springer-Verlag, 1977.
319. Graphics in engineering and science / Wiley, 1954.
320. Graph theory : application to the calculation of electrical networks / 0444995897 Elsevier ; 1985.
321. Grinding practice;: typical machines and methods used in a wide variety of work McGraw-Hill book company inc., 1950.
322. Graph theory, with engineering applications / Ronald Press, c1972.
323. Grinding, lapping and polishing : a practical treatise on grinding,honing,lapping and polishing machines,processes and equipment,in modern engineering production / the Caxton Publishing , 1950.
324. Functional analysis / 0387086277 Springer-Verlag, 1978.
325. Guide to the prevention and suppression of dust in mining, tunnelling and quarrying. 1965.
326. Novelists and prose writers / 0312346247 : St. Martin's Press, 1979.
327. Papers presented at the Symposium Northampton, Massachusetts. Japan Welding Society , 1970.
328. Economic control of interconnected systems. Wiley, 1959.
329. Great writing : a reader for writers / 0070701679 (pbk.) McGraw-Hill, c1987.
330. Geometrical properties of ship girders and sections : thesectional area,centre of Graity of area,moment of Inertea an-d modulus of resistance of the Various sections and girders,with and without planing,which are commonly used shipbuilding and engineering. Lloyd's, 1920.
331. Gmelins handbuch der anorganischen chemie. system-nummer 13,. B, Bor. 3540933727 Spinger-Verlag, 1978.
332. Gmelins handbuch der anorganischen chemie. system-nummer 39,. Sc,Y,La-Lu, Rare Earth Elements. 3540933808 Springer-Verlag, 1978.
333. Gmelin handbuch der anorganischen chemie. system-nummer 55,. U, Uran. 3540933654 Springer-Verlag, 1978.
334. Gmelin handbuch der anorganischen chemie. system-nummer 54,. W, Wolfram. 3540933859 Springer-Verlag, 1979.
335. Gmelin handbuch der anorganischen chemie. Erg鑑nzungswerk,. Index (Formula index). 3540933840 Springer-Verlag, 1979.
336. Gmelin handbuch der anorganischen chemie. system-nummer 55,. U, Uran. 3540932909 Springer-Verlag, 1975.
337. Gmelin handbuch der anorganischen chemie. system-nummer 71,. Np, Pu..., Transuranium elements. 3540932860 Springer-Verlag, 1975.
338. Gmelin handbuch der anorganischen chemie. system-nummer 61,. Ag, Silber. 3540933069 Springer-Verlag, 1975.
339. Gmelins handbuch der anorganischen chemie. system-nummer 51,. Pa, Protactinium. 3540933409 Springer-Verlag, 1977.
340. Gmelins Handbuch der anorganischen Chemie. Zinn, Teil B,. Elenment. Verlag Chemie, 1971.
341. Gmelins handbuch der anorganischen chemie. system-nummer 51,. Pa, Protactinium. 3540933557 Springer-Verlag, 1977.
342. Gmelins handbuch der anorganischen chemie. system-nummer 47,. Pb, Blei. 3540930248 Springer-Verlag, 1977.
343. Gmelins handbuch der anorganischen chemie. system-nummer 19,. Bi, Wismut. 3540933492 Springer-Verlag, 1977.
344. Gmelin handbuch der anorganischen chemie. system-nummer 59,. Fe, Eisen, Eisen-organische verbindungen. 354093359X Springer-Verlag, 1978.
345. Gmelin handbuch der anorganischen chemie. system-nummer 34,. Quecksilber. Verlag Chemie, 1965-
346. Gmelins handbuch der anorganischen chemie. system-number 31,. Ra, Radium. 3540933352 Springer-Verlag, 1977.
347. Superconductor electronics : fundamentals and microwave application / 0387511148 (alk. paper : U.S.) Springer-Verlag, c1988.
348. Grundlagen der elektrischen antriebsregelung / VEB Verlag Technik, c1964.
349. Glass lasers / 0592027783 Iliffe, 1970.
350. Giesserei Kalender 1980 : Taschenbuch der Gieβerei-Industrie / 3872600524 Gieβerei-Verlag, c1979.
351. Guide to organic stereochemistry : from methane to macromolecules = 7506233991 世界图书出版公司, 1997.
352. Grundlagen der Schweisstechnik : Gestaltung / Veb Verlag Technik, 1965.
353. Grundlagen der schweibtechnik : gestaltung / VEB Verlag technik, 1979.
354. Guide to reference books, ninth edition : supplement / 0838902944 American Library Association, 1980.
355. Glossary of mining geology.: In English, Spanish, French and German. 3432016670 Enke Verlag, 1971.
356. Gallium arsenide and related compounds (Edinburgh), 1976 : proceedings of the sixth International Symposium on Gallium Arsenide and Related Compounds, Edinburgh Conference, 20-22 September 1976 / 0854981233 Institute of Physics, 1977.
357. Guide to the use of item no. 76005 : kinematic and dynamic data for crank-rocker and slider-crank linkages / s.n.], 1976.
358. Giessereitechnik : taschenbuch 1961 / VEB Deutscher Verlag fur Grundstoffindustrie , 1960.
359. Geophysical case study of the Woodlawn orebody, New South Wales, Australia : the first publication of methods and techniques tested over a base metal orebody of the type which yields the highest rate of return on mining investment with modest capital requirements / 008023996X Pergamon Press, 1981.
360. Geochemistry in mineral exploration / 0125962525 (pbk.) Academic Press, 1979.
361. Geostatistical ore reserve estimation / 0444415327 Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co. ; 1977.
362. Graphic arts encyclopedia / 0070612889 : McGraw-Hill, c1979.
363. INTERGALVA 79 : 12th International Galvanizing Conference, Paris, May 20-23, 1979 : edited proceedings / Portcullis, 1981.
364. Gas chromatography abstracts / Butterworths Scientific Publications, 1960.
365. Graphite and its crystal compounds / Clarendon Press, 1960.
366. Gabler Wirtschafts Lexikon. 3409303324 Gabler, 1988.
367. Sedimentary petrology : an introduction / 0632000740 Blackwell Scientific Publications ; 1981.
368. The field description of sedimentary rocks / 0470272392 (Halsted : pbk.) Open University Press ; 1982.
369. Fachwortsammlung, Strangpressen von Metallen : Deutsch-Englisch, Englisch-Deutsch = Glossary of technical terms, extrusion of metals : German-English, English-German / 3883550582 (pbk.) Deutsche Gesellschaft f鑥r Metallkunde, c1982.
370. Geochemistry of sediments;: a brief survey, Prentice Hall [1965]
371. Petrogenesis of metamorphic rocks / 0387074732 Springer-Verlag, c1976.
372. Grundlagen der analytischen chemie und der chemie in wassrigen systemen / Verlag Chemie, 1955.
373. 1975 glossary of mineral species / Mineralogical Record, c1975.
374. Point defects in minerals / 0875900569 American Geophysical Union, 1985.
375. Hydrides of boron and silicon / Cornell University Press, [1957, c1933]
376. Complex manifolds and deformation of complex structures / 0387961887 : Springer-Verlag, c1986.
377. Classical topology and combinatorial group theory / 0387905162 Springer-Verlag, c1980.
378. General theory of electrical machines. s. n] , 1935.
379. Modular functions and Dirichlet series in number theory / 038790185X Springer-Verlag; 1976.
380. Lectures on the theory of algebraic numbers / 0387905952 Springer-Verlag, c1981.
381. Linear topological spaces / 750620066X (pbk.) World Publishing Corp., [1992?]
382. George Washington : father of freedom / 0440428580 Dell, 1980, c1960.
383. Great American stories II : an ESL/EFL reader / 0133637069 : Prentice-Hall, c1986.
384. Grassroots : the writer's workbook / 0395357659 Houghton Mifflin, c1987.
385. Glasfaserverstarkte Kunststoffe / Springer, 1956.
386. Glass fibre reinforced plastics / G. Newnes, [1960]
387. Glass reinforced plastics. Iliffe ; [1957]
388. Glastechnik glasinstrumententechnik : fachbuch uber den rohstoff glas und seine technische verarbeitung zu instrumenten / Vulkan-verlag Dr.W.Classen.Essen, 1956.
389. Duden Bildworterbuch der deutschen Sprache, / Bibliographisches Institut, [1958]
390. Grounding and shielding techniques in instrumentation / Wiley, c1967.
391. Guide to audio reproduction / J. F. Rider, 1953.
392. Announcements and index. s.n.], 1993.
393. Glossary of ASTM definitions / American Society for Testing and Materials, 1973.
394. Geology of tin deposits / 0444418059 Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co. ; 1979.
395. Gems : their sources, descriptions, and identification / 0408011483 Butterworths, 1983.
396. United States mineral resources / U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1973.
397. Ground water / 0470269405 (Halsted) Applied Science Publishers Press, 1980.
398. Groundwater monitoring : guidelines and methodology for developing and implementing a groundwater quality monitoring program / 0931690145 Genium Pub. Corp., [1987], c1984.
399. Ground water quality / 0471815977 Wiley, c1985.
400. Groundwater resources : investigation and development / 0124680402 Academic Press, 1981.
401. Groundwater hydraulics / 0444998209 Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co. ; 1979.
402. GLOBECOM '86 : conference record, IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, Houston, December 1-4, 1986,. v. 1 / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ; c1986.
403. G surgery II / 0821822608 (pbk.) American Mathematical Society, c1982.
404. Geochemistry of hydrothermal ore deposits / 0471050563 Wiley, c1979.
405. Geochemistry / 0133510646 Prentice-Hall, c1979.
406. Geology, seismicity and environmental impact / University Publishers, 1973.
407. Geochemical tables / 0444408940 Elsevier, 1972.
408. Geochemistry of sedimentary ore deposits / 0387907831 Springer-Verlag, c1983.
409. Geological studies of the mineral deposits in Japan and East Asia / 0860082083 University of Tokyo Press ; c1978.
410. Geomorphology and engineering : [proceedings] / 0879332441 Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross ; c1976.
411. Geomorphology in environmental management : an introduction / 0198740204 Clarendon Press, 1974.
412. Geomorphology laboratory manual : with report forms / 0471018473 : Wiley, c1976.
413. Geomorphology : earth surface processes and forms / 0074519182 Tata McGraw-Hill Pub. Co. Ltd., c1986.
414. Mass wasting : proceedings of the 4th Guelph Symposium on Geomorphology, 1975 / 0902246585 Geo Abstracts Ltd, 1975.
415. Geological nomenclature / J. Noorduijn, 1959.
416. Geological factor analysis / 0444413677 Elsevier, 1976.
417. Geological structures / 0471904112 Wiley, c1984.
418. Geotectonics : with 134 figures / 3540091734 Mir Publishers ; 1980.
419. Tectonics and landforms / 0582300320 Longman, 1981.
420. General microbiology / 0521252776 Cambridge University Press, 1986.
421. Geometry and differential geometry : proceedings of a conference held at the University of Haifa, Israel, March 18-23, 1979 / 354009976X (Berlin) Springer-Verlag, 1980.
422. Mechanical behavior of crustal rocks : the Handin volume / 0875900240 American Geophysical Union, 1981.
423. Geodynamics applications of continuum physics to geological problems / 0471060186 Wiley, c1982.
424. Geometric analysis and computer graphics : proceedings of a workshop held May 23-25, 1988 / 0387974024 (alk. paper) Springer-Verlag, c1991.
425. Continental and oceanic rifts : [final report of Working Group 4, Continental and Oceanic Rifts, coordinated by G. Palmason on behalf of the bureau of Inter-Union Commission on Geodynamics] / 0875905048 American Geophysical Union ; c1982.
426. Geosynclines, concept and place within plate tectonics / 087933410X Hutchinson Ross, c1982.
427. An investigation of the transient thermal analysis of spur gears. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, c1984.
428. An introduction to ore geology / 0632005742 Elsevier, c1980.
429. The Guatemalan earthquake of February 4, 1976 : a preliminary report / U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1976.
430. Seismic reflection interpretation / 3443130097 Gebrèuder Borntraeger, 1976.
431. General industry and technology : student guide : keyed to the 1986 edition of General industry and technology by Lindbeck and Lathrop / 0026677709 Bennett & McKnight Pub. Co., c1986.
432. Practicing to take the GRE engineering test. 0446390755 (USA) published by Educational Testing Service for the Graduate Record Examinations Board, c1989.
433. Guidance on the use of oilseals for rotationg shafts. The George Angus Fluid Seal Division, 1980.
434. An introduction to geophysical exploration / 0632010495 (pbk.) Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1984.
435. Global theory of dynamical systems : proceedings of an international conference held at Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, June 18-22, 1979 / 3540102361 (Berlin) Springer-Verlag, 1980.
436. Glossary of geology / 0913312002 American Geological Institute, [1973, c1972].
437. Geological abstracts / National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council, 1953-1958.
438. Geochemical transport and kinetics;: papers. 0872796442 Carnegie Institution of Washington [c1974]
439. Geology : principles & methods / 0872013197 Gulf Pub. Co., Book Pub. Division, 1985.
440. General, organic, and biological chemistry / 0805396306 : Benjamin/Cummings Pub. Co., c1986.
441. Geology / Oxford University Press, 1964.
442. Electro-optical and magneto-optical properties of liquid crystals / 0471102318 Wiley, c1983.
443. Gas interaction and liquid phase reactions associated wity swirl combustion and combustion instability / University of Surthen California, 1982.
444. The universe / 9027706859 (pbk.) D. Reidel Pub. Co., c1976.
445. General engineering handbook / McGraw-Hill Book Company, inc. , 1932.
446. Geodesy, the concepts / 0444861491 North-Holland Pub. Co. ; 1982.
447. IMS 11 : an information management systemfor the PDP 11 computer / Mathematics and Computation Laboratory, 1979]
448. Geodesy / Clarendon Press, 1971.
449. General engineering / 0304315206 Cassell, 1988.
450. General engineering.: Teacher's book / 0304315214 Cassell, 1988.
451. Geodesy and the earth's gravity field / F. Dèummler, c1979 [i.e. 1978]-
452. Basic geological mapping / 0470272503 (Halsted) Open University Press ; 1981.
453. Gravity, deformation, and the earth's crust : in theory, experiments, and geological application / 0125768605 Academic Press, 1981.
454. Practicing to take the GRE engineering test : 0886850045 published by Educational Testing Service for the Graduate Record Examinations Board, c1983.
455. Geothermics with special reference to application / 3443130062 Gebr鑥der Borntraeger, 1974.
456. Group invariance in engineering boundary value problems / 0387961283 (U.S.) Springer-Verlag, c1985.
457. Geometric modeling for product engineering : selected and expanded papers from the IFIP WG 5.2/NSF Working Conference on Geometric Modeling, Rensselaerville, U.S.A., 18-22 September, 1988 / 0444884483 North-Holland : 1990.
458. Gas pulsations in compressor and engine manifolds / School of Mechanical Engineering, 1978.
459. Generation of viable far-term archffectures for las. s.n.], 1979.
460. Gas Processors Association 65th Annual Convention : proceedings, San Antonio Convention Center, March 10-12, 1986, San Antonio, Tex. Gas Processors Association, [1981?].
461. Geometrical and structural crystallography / 0471861685 Wiley, c1982.
462. Generalized adams methods / Naval University Systems Center, 1979.
463. Guide for building and classing fire fighting vessels / American Bureau of Shipping, c1981.
464. Failure characteristics of graphite-epoxy structural components loaded in compression / NASA Langley Research Center, c1982]
465. Generation rate of turbulent patches in the laminar boundary layer of a submersible / Dynamics Technology, INC., 1979.
466. Geology for civil engineers / 0046240012 Allen & Unwin, 1979.
467. Mass spectrometry of heterocyclic compounds / 0471099015 Wiley, c1985.
468. Gas chromatographic headspace analysis / 0855012056 Heyden, 1977.
469. Gradient elution in column liquid chromatography : theory and practice / 0444421246 Elsevier, 1985.
470. Growth and properties of singlecrystal materials for opto-electronics / Air Force systems connand united States Air Force, 1970
471. Gel chromatography : theory, methodology, applications / 0471995487 Wiley, c1979.
472. Garin boundary silding in alumina bicrystals : contrat No. At-(40-1)-3328, Unintd states Atanic energy conmission resarch and development division. / s. n] : 1970.
473. Gas chromatography in adsorption and catalysis / 0853122199 : Ellis Horwood, 1986.
474. Grain boundaries and interfaces : proceedings of the International Conference on the Structure and Properties of Grain Boundaries and Interfaces, 23-25 August, 1971 / 0720402506 North-Holland Pub. Co., 1972.
475. Gas and liquid chromatography in analytical chemistry / 0471909807 Wiley, c1988.
476. Glossary of Software Engineering Laboratory terms National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Goddard Space Flight Center, [1983]
477. Guide to modern methods of instrumental analysis / 0471319252 Wiley-Interscience, [1972]
478. Graphical symbols / International Electrotechnical Commission, ISO, n.d.]
479. Fundamentals of preparative organic chemistry / 0470275227 E. Horwood ; 1982.
480. Guidebook to organic synthesis / 7506215837 World Publishing Corp., 1993.
481. General and synthetic methods. Vol. 8. 0851868940 : Chemical Society, 1986.
482. Gas chromatography with glass capillary columns / 012384360X Academic Press, 1980.
483. General and synthetic methods. 0851869106 (v.2) Chemical Society, 1976-1992.
484. Gamma, X-ary data reduction system / Atlantic richfield hanford company, 1974.
485. The empty sky : 1000 word level / 0574160191 Science Research Associates, 1981.
486. Gast bronze hydrostatic bearing design manual / CASt Bronze Bearing Institute, 1975.
487. Great American detective stories / 0582533392 : Longman, 1985.
488. Gears spur, helical, bevel and worm : a treatise for draughtsmen, shop superintendents, foremen, mechanics and students / The Technical Press LTd, 1952.
489. Great expectations / 0582530032 Longman, 1983.
490. Great expectations / Oxford university press, 1963-1974.
491. 10 English test papers for the new syllabus paper I, II, III : with answers / Po Wen Book Company, 1979.
492. Getting together : an esl conversation book. 0155295985 Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1986.
493. Cliffs GED mathematics test preparation guide : the new high school equivalency examination / 0822020165 Cliffs Notes, c1983.
494. Riemann surfaces / 0387904654 Springer-Verlag, c1980.
495. Categories for the working mathematician / 0387900357 (hard cover) Springer-Verlag, c1971
496. Mathematical logic / 7506200678 (pbk.) World Publishing Corp., 1992.
497. Principles of random walk / 7506200643 World Publishing Co., [19--?]
498. General science.: Teacher's manual / 0582748593 Longman, 1981.
499. Nucleus : English for science and technology / 0582748615
500. Studies in global geometry and analysis / 0883851008 Mathematical Association of America, 1967.