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260|  |▼a[Washington] :▼bAmerican Che-
   |  |mical Society,▼c1975-
265|  |▼aOffice of the Controller, Am-
   |  |erican Chemical Society, 1155 -
   |  |16th St. N.W., Washington, DC 20036
300|  |▼av. :▼bill. ;▼c29 cm.
310|  |▼aBimonthly,▼b1992-
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362|0 |▼aVol. 15, no. 1 (Feb. 1975)-    .
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510|2 |▼aPhysics abstracts. Science a-
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   |  |bFeb. 1975-
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510|2 |▼aEnvironment abstracts▼x0093-3287
510|2 |▼aEngineering index monthly (1-
   |  |984)▼x0742-1974
510|2 |▼aEngineering index annual (19-
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510|2 |▼aEnergy research abstracts▼x0-
   |  |160-3604▼bFeb. 1980-
510|2 |▼aEnergy information abstracts-
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510|2 |▼aElectrical & electronics abs-
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510|2 |▼aComputer & control abstracts-
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510|2 |▼aChemical abstracts▼x0009-2258
510|2 |▼aBiological abstracts▼x0006-3169
510|2 |▼aAbstract bulletin of the Ins-
   |  |titute of Paper Chemistry▼x0020-3033
530|  |▼aAvailable on microfiche from-
   |  | the American Chemical Society.
650| 2|▼aInformation Systems▼xperiodicals.
650| 2|▼aDocumentation▼xperiodicals.
650| 2|▼aComputers▼xperiodicals.
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