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The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America.

中图分类法 :
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America.
[New York, etc.] : American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America, 1929-
v. : ill., ports. ; 25-29 cm.
Acoustics periodicals.
限定所在馆: 限定所在馆藏地点: 限定馆藏状态:
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210|0 |▼aJ. Acoust. Soc. Am.
222| 4|▼aThe Journal of the Acoustica-
   |  |l Society of America
245|04|▼aThe Journal of the Acoustica-
   |  |l Society of America.
260|  |▼a[New York, etc.] :▼bAmerican-
   |  | Institute of Physics for the -
   |  |Acoustical Society of America,▼c1929-
300|  |▼av. :▼bill., ports. ;▼c25-29 cm.
310|  |▼aMonthly,▼b1957-
321|  |▼aBimonthly,▼b<19  -1956
362|0 |▼aVol. 1, no. 1 (Oct. 1929)-    .
510|2 |▼aShip abstracts▼x0346-1025
510|2 |▼aReference sources▼x0163-3546
510|2 |▼aPsychological abstracts▼x003-
   |  |3-2887▼b1930-
510|2 |▼aMLA international bibliograp-
   |  |hy of books and articles on th-
   |  |e modern languages and literat-
   |  |ures (Complete edition)▼x0024-8215
510|2 |▼aInternational aerospace abst-
   |  |racts▼x0020-5842
510|2 |▼aIndex medicus▼x0019-3879
510|2 |▼aGeoRef▼x0197-7482
510|2 |▼aEnvironment abstracts▼x0093-3287
510|2 |▼aEngineering index annual (19-
   |  |68)▼x0360-8557
510|2 |▼aEnergy research abstracts▼x0160-3604
510|2 |▼aEnergy information abstracts-
   |  |▼x0147-6521
510|2 |▼aCurrent physics index▼x0098-9819
510|2 |▼aCIS abstracts▼x0302-7651
510|2 |▼aChemical abstracts▼x0009-2258
510|2 |▼aBiological abstracts▼x0006-3169
510|2 |▼aAnnual bibliography of Engli-
   |  |sh language and literature▼x0066-3786
510|2 |▼aAbstract bulletin of the Ins-
   |  |titute of Paper Chemistry▼x0020-3033
510|1 |▼aSPIN▼b1970-
510|1 |▼aPhysics abstracts. Science a-
   |  |bstracts. Series A▼x0036-8091▼b1968-
510|1 |▼aElectrical & electronics abs-
   |  |tracts▼x0036-8105▼b1968-
510|1 |▼aComputer & control abstracts-
   |  |▼x0036-8113▼b1968-
510|1 |▼aApplied science & technology-
   |  | index▼x0003-6986
530|  |▼aAvailable on microfilm.
555|  |▼aVols. 1-10, 1929-39.  1 v.; -
   |  |Vols. 11-20, 1939-48.  1 v.; V-
   |  |ols. 21-30, 1949-58.  1 v.; Vo-
   |  |ls. 31-35, 1959-63.  1 v.; Vol-
   |  |s. 36-44, 1964-69.  1 v.; Vols-
   |  |. 45-54, 1969-73.  1 v.; Vols.-
   |  | 75-84, 1984-1988.  1 v.
580|  |▼aHas supplements:  Program of-
   |  | the meeting - Acoustical Soci-
   |  |ety of America, ISSN 0163-0962-
   |  |, and: References to contempor-
   |  |ary papers on acoustics, ISSN -
   |  |0163-0970 (published bimonthly-
   |  | prior to 1975 in regular issues).
650| 2|▼aAcoustics▼xperiodicals.
710|2 |▼aAcoustical Society of America.
770|1 |▼tReferences to contemporary p-
   |  |apers on acoustics▼x0163-0970
770|1 |▼tProgram of the meeting - Aco-
   |  |ustical Society of America▼x0163-0962
776|1 |▼tJournal of the Accoustical S-
   |  |ociety of America▼x0001-4966▼w-
   |  |(OCoLC)7363103
950|  |▼aWHUTL▼fO4/50
999|  |▼Mqkwzqus▼m20051220 15:04:28
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